Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 72: Yue Wumu Tribulation Field

Nantai is the front line of the security war. The only area within the city wall that the Japanese can control is the guerrilla site outside the city. Therefore, the defense facilities here are very different from Omi. Sandbags are piled on both sides of the city gate. A Type 92 heavy machine gun was mounted, a horse was placed at the door, the sun flag was flying on the wall, and the bayonet of the Japanese soldier was shining in the sun.

When passing through the gates of the city, the common people must be searched and inspected and bowed to the Japanese Imperial Army on duty. Since 1943, the Japanese have been trapped in the swamp of war for six years, and they can still linger on the battlefield in China. The elite Kwantung Army transferred from Manchuria was sunk by a U.S. submarine before it even went to the battlefield. The materials in the occupied area could not be transported to the mainland, and the locally produced weapons and ammunition could not be transported to the theater. The imperial army in front of him has also run out of food now, and the uniform patch on his body is similar to that of the beggar.

The sergeant who led the team looked at the dirt road outside the city with a saber in his hand. Today is an important day for the execution of the anti-Japanese leader Zhao Ziming. The guerrillas must be guarded against the guerrillas. The garrison in the city is ready to wait. The city gate defenders bear the brunt. The soldiers under them were very nervous, but the imperial consortium did not take it seriously. They were still arrogant, carrying their big guns slantingly, and rushing into the city from time to time to attack the people, licking and blackmailing them, and enjoyed it.

Suddenly, the smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and the sergeant raised his binoculars hurriedly and saw a car without military escorts. The sun flag was stuck on the front of the car. It should be a friendly army, but he did not rule out the possibility of guerrillas impersonating. He waved. The heavy machine guns behind the defensive bunker entered the firing state, and a row of rifles protruded from the city wall, and the sound of the bolts of the guns rang out.

The car approached the gate of the city, slowed down, and finally stopped at the gate of the city. The sergeant stepped forward to check and saw that there were two men and a woman in the car. They were all decent and decent people, with an imperial army in the back seat. The second lieutenant, sitting in jeopardy, his military uniform and white gloves meticulous.

The sergeant snapped at attention. He knew that a small captain would be transferred in these two days. It must be this one. It is said that he is a Chinese from Tokyo and he is still a baron. It seems that he can't get along with soldiers from peasant miners. On the battlefield of blood and fire, it is a headache to stand such an inexperienced officer.

   "I'm Lieutenant Fujiwara, how do I get to the headquarters?" the officer in the car asked.

   "Hayi!" The sergeant bowed and briefly introduced the position of the headquarters to the ensign, and then ordered the soldiers to move away and let them go. At the same time, an old man dressed as a peasant was being searched by the puppet army with open arms.

   The car entered the city and found a secluded place to stop. The county town is not big. There are two horizontal and vertical roads. The center is the Bell and Drum Tower and the big stage. Now it is surrounded by people, and it is waiting for the big show to kick off.

It is an old Chinese rule to open the knife at three o'clock in the afternoon. The gendarmerie respects the Chinese tradition and publicly beheaded on the stage for two purposes. One is to deter anti-Japanese elements, and the other is to attract guerrillas to robbery. Let’s make a big round. Today, there is at least one squadron of the Imperial Army and two battalions of the Imperial Army in Nantai City. They are strong enough to deal with any emergencies.

Old Chengtou found next to the car. Liu Yanzhi was undressing. He didn't want to rob the court in the clothes of a Japanese officer. He just unbuttoned it and suddenly saw a tent next to the stage with swords, guns, swords and halberds beside it, men and women coming in and out. Busy, he asked the old head of Cheng: "What is that for?"

"The troupe that Chen Dashao from Chen Guanzhuang was looking for." Old Cheng said, "Commander Zhao and him have a vengeance for killing his father. It was his idea to trap Commander Zhao. When he was beheaded, the troupe went on stage to sing to comfort him. Father is in the Spirit of Heaven, hum, I took his first level that night."

   Liu Yan stopped taking off his uniform and got out of the driveway: "Mr. Ji, Dr. Guan, you will be out of the city in a while, and the provincial ones can't run away in a fight, sir, you are mixed in the crowd, waiting for me to do it, do you understand it?"

   "I see, let's go now, without involving your energy." Ji Yugan said, he was a little nervous and his hands were shaking.

   "Don't be busy, you can be an interpreter for me first." Liu Yan said straight.

Liu Yanzhi handed the speed machine to Lao Chengtou, got out of the car and took Ji Yuqian to the troupe’s tent. There were sentries around the stage. Japanese soldiers, the Imperial Army, and the detective team. The common people avoided them like poisonous insects and beasts, but they were all alone. Liu Yanzhi, who was in a yellow woolen military uniform, didn't care. With a saber slung, he lifted up the curtain and entered the tent.

   Everyone in the troupe calmed down in an instant. The female actor reacted the fastest and quietly retreated. The leader was a middle-aged person, and stepped forward to fight a thousand words: "Taijun, Kong Ni Chiwa."

   Liu Yan didn't speak, and walked to the suitcase with a tiger face, and the class leader carefully accompanied him. Ji Yuqian cleverly said: "Don't be afraid, Taijun is very interested in Chinese drama."

This is a Peking Opera group with complete outfits and props, and a group dominated by martial arts, such as "Changbanpo", "Guchenghui", "Jiepaiguan", "Sanchakou", they are their masters. . Wusheng is divided into two types: long and short. The outfits are different. The long back is full-body armor, the back is surrounded by flags, the two inches and five cents high boots under the feet, the long weapon or the riding whip, the generals on the battlefield are all this pair. Dress up, bunting is the kind of arrow sleeves with buckles all over the body, carrying a lancet, etc., suitable for roles such as green forest heroes and thieves.

   Liu Yan stopped by the long white and blue dress, this is Zhao Yun's outfit.

   "This one, dress me up." said the ensign of the Imperial Army.

Ji Yugan hurriedly translated: "Hurry up and put Taijun in this outfit, Taijun is going to act in a big drama." But he kept cursing in his heart, Liu Yanzhi, you kid, don't you think it is troublesome enough? Got it.

   The class master breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the imperial army would **** people. He wanted to play tickets, so he quickly waited and coaxed him away.

   "You guys, hurry up and dress up for Taijun." The class leader said, "Forget it, I will come in person."

Liu Yan took off his saber straight, took off his military uniform and riding boots, and put on a costume under the wait of a group of people. This suit is Zhao Zilong's outfit. You have to change it from the inside out. The yellow woolen breeches are replaced by big red trousers. A pair of black boots with a white bottom, a white shirt on the upper body, a large backrest on the outside, a flag on the back, and a helmet full of blue pompoms on the head.

   "I'll put on makeup for you." The class leader took the oil paint to draw Liu Yan straight out of the corner of his eyes. He painted according to Zhao Yun's appearance, mainly emphasizing the heroic style of the white-robed young general, his face like powder, sword eyebrows and stars.

   The tweeter outside is already talking: "Attention, attention, it's about to start, all be quiet."

Ji Yu stepped out and saw that there were more soldiers around the stage. Machine guns were erected on the nearby rooftops. The big wolf dogs of the gendarmerie spit out blood-red tongues and looked at the stage. A seven-foot man **** with five flowers was taken to the stage, and there was a sudden noise below. .

   Presumably this man is Commander Zhao. He is about to drive to Wen Zhan, still walking sternly and imposingly, standing on the stage in a Peking Opera style appearance, full of colors below.

   Ji Yugan ran in and whispered to Liu Yan: "It's going to start soon."

   "You go first, I haven't finished the drawing yet." Liu Yan said straight, turning around and asking the class leader, "Bring me a few beards."

   "You are Zhao Yun, you don't need to wear a beard." The class leader explained.

   "This is obviously Yue Fei and Yue Wumu's work." Liu Yan was furious.

   "Okay, Taijun, then three knots, the emperor and general are the most suitable, I will take it for you."


   "Commander Zhao, sing one." I don't know who is clamoring under the stage.

   Zhao Ziming coughed and began to sing: "Changbanpo, Zhao Zilong, all the killed Cao soldiers escape..." The audience applauded.

   "With a big scar on his head, I will be a hero again eighteen years later!" Zhao Ziming screamed from his sky, full of pride.

The young Chuan Zhu in the crowd had already burst into tears. After Zhao Ziming was arrested, the brothers were all scattered, and went to the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army and the Eighth Route Army. They all said good things, but those who were really serious would stop. He is the only one in the practice field.

   He didn't know that another Cheng Shuanzhu was behind him, with the speed and slow motion in his arms, looking at Commander Zhao on the stage with tears in his eyes.

  Zhao Ziming continued to shout: "Father, I am worthy of the ancestors of our Zhao family. I didn't shame your old man. After a while, we will get together, and we will be father and son in the next life!"

   There was another round of applause from the audience. Zhao Ziming's reputation is far-reaching. Today I saw a real person and he was a tough guy.

  Zhao Ziming then shouted: "Sister Xiaowei, I can't help you. You have followed me, and you will have a birthday within a few days. After I die, you can find a good family to marry."

   "Son, dad can't help you, dad left before you were born. No way, dad can't be a nanny."

   The applause from the audience thinned out, and some people were already in tears.

Tears welled up in Zhao Ziming's blinded eyes by Lime: "Shan Zhu, don't do stupid things, my uncle is useless, don't fold you in." Although he could not see things clearly, he could feel that, Shuan Zhu The column is under the stage.

   The young man Cheng Shuanzhu in the crowd held back his tears and said nothing. The old man Chuanzhu stretched his hand into his arms and rubbed the handle of the gun, his murderous aura began to rise.

The gendarmerie captain Takayoshi Hashimoto's iron-like face showed a trace of admiration. He took off his woolen uniform and dressed only in a white shirt. He walked up to the stage with a saber and read out Zhao Ziming’s crimes. It is nothing more than a crime of undermining the co-prosperity of Greater East Asia.

In the troupe tent, Liu Yan put on his beard and was choosing weapons. The troupe used silver pewter heads, but there were always some self-defense guys when walking around the rivers and lakes. So among those swords, guns, swords and halberds, there were also a few of them. Really, the tip of the spear was seen in blood during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period. The barrel of the spear was slightly shorter, but the wood was solid, and it was squeezed into the air.

   "That's it." Liu Yan played a spear and told the class leader, "I will start the gong after I go out."

   "Which one should I sing?" The class leader was confused, and Taijun didn't pretend to play with Taijun, but wanted to sing on stage.

Liu Yanzhi thought for a while, and in his mind there appeared the piece of opera music that Zhizunbao appeared after he turned into Monkey King in "Western Journey". It was the famous Xiaodaohui overture, but it was only composed in the 1960s. No one from the 1940s. will not.

   "I'll make one for you." Liu Yan said straight, "Call all the masters over."

   The master of the class will play the suona, and the musicians who beat the gongs and drums to pull the erhu all called over. With helpless smiles on their faces, they listened to a Japanese Taijun telling them stage music.

"First use the suona to set off the momentum, you will know the general meaning after listening to me hum." Liu Yan hummed straight to the beat. The musicians are all old rivers and lakes. Besides, the overture of Xiaodaohui is also written by summing up previous experience. ~www.readwn.com~ Everyone understands the meaning after just listening to it.

On the stage, Captain Hashimoto was talking: "Commander Zhao, I admire your bravery, so let you die with dignity. Most people are shot to death. They take special care of you. I will behead you according to the specifications of a samurai, and I will execute it myself. My knife is fast, don't worry."

   Hashimoto Takayoshi's Chinese is very good, Zhao Ziming nodded: "Okay, then thank you."

   Hashimoto slowly pulled out his saber, and the translator brought a bowl of wine. He fell down the blade and cleaned the blade. Zhao Ziming cried, "Good wine, good knife!"

   "Commander Zhao, please kneel down." Hashimoto Takayoshi said.

   "That won't work, I can't kneel to death." Zhao Ziming shook his head.

   "If you don't kneel down, I can't get the knife."

   "Oh, then I'll sit down." Zhao Ziming sat down cross-legged, and Dantian yelled, "Old and young men, see you clearly! Let's meet again in 18 years!"

   Captain Hashimoto raised his sharp saber, and the young and old Cheng Shuanzhu under the stage held the handle of the gun.

Suddenly an agitated suona sounded, a big hole was torn in the top of the tent on the side of the stage, and a general in armor stepped on the colorful clouds rising, with sword brows and stars, three long hairs, and a silver gun in his hand. this.

   "Hey! Yung Chung, how can you let you wait for Japanese pirates to go wild!"

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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