Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 76: Just around

Although the important contact person Liu Xiaoyong was absent, the crossing team successfully completed the set goal. Gai Longquan is a rough man and trusts the people introduced by Zhao Ziming, thinking that they are intellectuals in the enemy-occupied area who yearn for the light, and Lao Gai is a bandit. He was born, but he respected the scholars very much. The next day they arranged for them to fly to Chongqing on the return C47 transport plane.

The guerrilla zone behind enemy lines in the north of the river is a tactical test zone for the Allied Forces. The Anti-Japanese Salvation Army has achieved 50% beautification. The equipment of the miscellaneous troops is comparable to that of the Indian Army, which is far different from other national troops.

Even Tang Enbo’s direct army is only a medium-term rifle, Czech-style light machine guns, with some Maxim heavy machine guns, mortars, two-foot-and-a-half coarse cloth uniforms and leggings shoes, and those who can wear German helmets are considered super Elite, but the Jiangbei Army’s American M1 helmet, twill military uniform, high-barreled leather shoe carbine, eat spam canned luncheon meat, American standard military rations, usually chewing gum and camel smoke in the mouth, not long ago, A motorized unit of the Jiangbei Army drove straight into the near river, using iron-absorbing stone tactics to wipe out a large number of Japanese troops, and shocked and frustrated Ye Xuefeng, political commissar of the Eighth Route Army, as an observer for half a month.

  The impressive record comes from a steady stream of U.S. aid. On average, a C47 transport plane lands at the Jiangbei Field Airport every three days, delivering guns, ammunition, gasoline, rations and Playboy Pictorial, and then returning empty.

U.S. military transport planes occasionally bring back some guests and goods, such as secret messengers from the Japanese and puppet areas, or guests who run solo. Any time the solo gang will not be idle, even during the most intense period of the war, the geographical materials occupied by the Japanese There is no shortage of antiques, jade, treasures, calligraphy and painting. I dumped these gadgets to Chongqing in exchange for penicillin and glass stockings, condensed milk and American cigarettes. They made the price difference back and forth and made a lot of money in the country. Even Chen Zikun cannot avoid it.

On today’s plane, in addition to the four members of the team, there was also a female American reporter, Catherine Stanley, a war correspondent for the New York Times. She was here to cover the combat situation behind enemy lines in the Chinese theater. Everyone talked a lot along the way. Catherine was very Concerned about the Eighth Route Army’s resistance, she believes that the Communist Party is where China’s future lies.

   "This reporter is very leftist, McCarthy will trouble her in the future." Ji Yuqian whispered to Guan Lu.

   Catherine widened her eyes and asked in Chinese: "Who is McCarthy?"

"Is a politician, an extreme senator." Ji Yuqian was embarrassed. He should have guessed that Catherine knew Chinese. Of course, he gave the correct answer, although in 1943, Joseph was notorious for McCarthyism. McCarthy also served in the Marine Corps.

   Catherine shrugged, disapproving, she is indeed a leftist and proud of her radical position.

   After further chatting, everyone learned that Catherine and Chen Zikun were old friends. Guan Lu's eyes suddenly brightened. This is a great opportunity and must not be let go.

   A few hours later, the plane arrived at Chongqing Baishiyi Airport. The four people who passed through the group walked out of the airport with their luggage. Chongqing was cold and gloomy in the late autumn, and the fog was shrouded in fog, which made them feel hopeless and helpless.

A black Chevrolet sleeper car came to pick up Catherine. The driver was a young soldier wearing a boat cap and an A2 leather jacket. The toad mirror was stuck on the bridge of his nose. He was so handsome that Guan Lu's eyes were dull and peaceful. I have never seen such a super handsome man who is masculine, wild, chic and heroic.

Ji Yuqian has always regarded himself as a domineering president, and he is also a handsome man, but compared with others, he can't help but feel ashamed. It is no wonder that his military uniform and badge prove that he is a flying tiger member, a **** hero in the sky. The idol of the 40,000 people in China, Song Meiling's darling, can't even think about it.

   Catherine introduced: "Mike, this is a friend I met on the plane. Can you give them a ride if it is convenient?"

The young flying tiger team suddenly took off the toad mirror, revealing two dark sword eyebrows, and a pair of eyes scanned the four people in the crossing group. Guan Lu's heart began to pound. The handsome guy don't fall in love with me at first sight. Time and space love is quite romantic, but this is my grandfather's generation.

   In the end, the pilot's eyes fell on the boy Cheng Shuanzhu, and tentatively asked: "Tie Zhu?"

   Shuanzhu wondered: "Xiao Bei?"

"Oh, it's really you." The extremely foreign pilot stepped forward and embraced the tie-zhu dressed up by the peasants in the countryside. The two seemed to be old friends who had reunited after a long time, and the relationship between them was the kind of ironclad relationship, which greatly relieved Liu Yanzhi. Tone, I was worried about how to get on the line with the Air Force, but I didn't expect Shuan Zhu to come in handy.

   The pilot loosened the tie-up and asked with a smile, "Who are these?"

   "It's my boss." Shuan Zhu explained, "They are all good people."

  The pilot saluted everyone with a chic American military salute and introduced himself: "Chen Bei, from the 14th Air Force."

  Chen Bei! Isn’t that Chen Zikun’s eldest son, the ace pilot of the Flying Tigers, a tragic figure who was driven by a PLA anti-aircraft gun to break his leg after liberation, and was assigned to a factory as a security officer. He died at the hands of his wife during the fighting.

Chen Bei didn’t care about the shocked eyes of the passengers. He was a man of the world. He was used to this expression. He opened the door and invited everyone to get on the bus. The Chevrolet sleeper was very spacious. There was no problem with six people and luggage. Chen Bei put on his sunglasses, started the car, and when he stepped on the accelerator, Chevrolet shot out like an arrow, and a strong sense of pushing his back came, as if an airplane was accelerating on the runway during takeoff.

Chen Bei's character is bold and unrestrained. He doesn't ask where these guests come from or what they are doing. He only asks if you have found a good hotel to stay in, and if Chongqing has any relatives and friends to receive. After getting a negative answer, he will do everything: "I I have arranged for you to live in the China Hotel. There are several restaurants nearby that taste good. I will treat you."

At the dinner table, Chen Bei talked about his acquaintance with Shuan Zhu. In the 25th year of the Republic of China, when Chen Bei was fifteen years old, he followed his father into the mountains to hunt. The father and son met a female bear guarding the cub on a narrow road. The father and son showed up in time, and Xiaobei, who had emptied the shotgun bullet, was likely torn to pieces by the furious female bear.

"Later, the dead bear was let Tianzhu's father carry away. I took the bear cub." Chen Bei was still fascinated when he talked about the events of the year. "A bear weighing a few hundred catties, carry it and leave. Uncle Cheng is nothing short of it. The mountain **** descends to earth."

   Shuanzhu was very embarrassed: "My family is like this, and I am naturally strong."

   Guan Lu couldn't help but interject: "What happened to the bear cub?"

  Chen Beidao: "I kept at home until the war broke out. I heard that Da Zhuang is now serving on the front line and contributing to the resistance against Japan."

However, Liu Yanzhi was thinking about Shuan Zhu's words. The people of their old Cheng family are naturally strong. The Asian black bears should be living in the Daqingshan Mountains. The weight of an adult female bear should be about 300 kilograms. An adult man bears three weights. A hundred catties of prey are walking like flying in the mountains. This is definitely a genetically modified person.

   Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Shuan Zhu more, fearing that the iron shoe would not find any place to find, wouldn't the genetically modified human who was struggling to find him be right in front of him?

Chen Bei is still reminiscing about the past: "Later, my father invited Uncle Cheng to participate in the Berlin Olympics, and defeated the American Owen in the warm-up match. Originally, a sprint gold medal should have been in the bag, but it is a pity that Little Japan did not know where it came from. After getting the information, he was poisoned by Uncle Cheng and poisoned the food in the name of a banquet. If it wasn't for Uncle Cheng's good physique, he would have survived, and he would have been poisoned by ordinary people."

"I know that Chinese player Liu Changchun participated in the sprint competition and didn't get the place." Ji Yuqian sighed, "The Japanese are really deliberate and try their best to beat our national self-confidence. According to the temper of Chen Dashuai, this can't be done. Are you good?"

  Chen Beidao: "Of course, those fake overseas Chinese who were serving dinner were all cooked. As for who did it, I don't know."

   Everyone smiled, Liu Yan asked directly: "Suan Zhu, everyone in your ancestors is so powerful?"

   Shuanzhu disapproved and said: "My father, my grandfather is like this, I don't remember when I go higher."

   Liu Yan said straightly: "Have you ever seen a big iron bump, round and round like a giant goose egg."

   Shuanzhu was puzzled: "I haven't seen it."

   Liu Yanzhi didn't continue to ask, anyway, Shuan Zhu was by his side, and he could understand the situation at any time, and he could even extract his DNA fragments for testing.

   Chen Bei patted the table: "Speaking of business, when you come to Chongqing, what can I help you with? Shuan Zhu and I are family friends. His business is mine. Just talk."

   Liu Yan winked at Ji Yugan and motioned for him to speak.

   Ji Yuqian knows, and said: "In fact, we only settled in Chongqing temporarily, and ultimately we want to go to the United States."

   As for the reason for going to the United States, Ji Yugan thought a lot, but Chen Bei didn't ask at all, he was only responsible for solving the problem~www.readwn.com~ without asking the bottom line.

"It's not difficult to go to the United States, but the cost is very high. China Airlines has irregular flights to Calcutta, and it is easy to go to the United States when you arrive in India." Chen Bei introduced, "The previous section is very difficult. To Kunming, then Tingjiang, and then to Kolkata, there is a hump route in the middle. The mountains are steep and the route is like a labyrinth. In addition to the harsh weather, Japanese fighter jets are intercepted from time to time, and planes crash every day. The death rate is quite high. "

Who doesn’t know the famous hump route, starting from Assam in India in the west, crossing the Himalayas, Gaoligong Mountains, Hengduan Mountains to the east, high mountains and snow peaks, canyons and glaciers, tropical jungles, and boreal forests. The peaks are undulating like a hump. It is 500 miles in length and 5,000 meters above sea level. Strong air currents, low air pressure, hail and frost threaten flight safety at all times. The valley below the route is full of aluminum skins from crashed and crashed planes, and the sun is shining. The air routes used to maintain the lives of Chinese and American pilots transported a large number of strategic materials every day, which was like a blood transfusion, supporting China's anti-Japanese cause.

   "We have money." Ji Yugan said that he was not guilty when he said this. As a latecomer with over 80 years of historical experience, he was confident that he would make a lot of money on the Chongqing black market in 1943.

   "With me here, you don't have to spend money." Chen Beidao, "The 10th Air Force transports troops to India every day. You can go with the strong men stationed in India. I will arrange it, one sentence."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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