Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Flying to Tianzhu

The reason why she thinks it is a ghost and not a person is reasonable. Kong Er is the official residence of the Minister of Finance, and there is also the villa of the Chairman and Chairman Lin Sen nearby. The entire area is strictly forbidden and the people are strictly guarded. With triple defense, there is a guard regiment on the periphery, the power grid is pulled on the high wall of the villa, there are guards with guns and big wolf dogs, and outsiders are fundamentally improved, unless it is a ghost, either an inner ghost or a real ghost.

The ghost leaped in and stood steadily on the floor. Miss Kong Er glanced intently, there was a shadow, and she was relieved that she was a man or a ghost. This brave thief even stole into Kong's house. ability.

   Kong Lingjun did not leave the gun, her gun was placed in the holster on the stool, and was placed with the clothes she took off. Now it is too late to jump out of the bathtub to get the gun, because the snitch has already arrived.

Before Liu Yanzhi was so arrogant that he ransacked the Minister of Finance’s house without covering his face, he found a cloth to cover his face with only two eyes exposed, and took the first step to drew Miss Kong Er’s gun. Miss Er was small. , But likes the mighty powerful pistol. She is not interested in this type of gun, which is a small revolver. She uses a Browning pistol imported from Canada. It has a caliber of 9 mm and 13 rounds. The box cannon is also powerful.

   "Second Miss, put on your clothes and take me to get the money." Liu Yan said calmly.

Since the other party called out his own name, it means that he is rushing to the Kong family. Kong Lingjun is not stupid and did not resist calling for help. He obediently crawled out of the bathtub and put on a bathrobe. Liu Yanzhi turned his face consciously throughout the process. I didn't look at it in the past, and I didn't look at it. The second lady's figure is like a boy who has not developed well.

   The Snitch is still a gentleman. The second lady felt a little calm, and restored part of her arrogance and restraint, and asked: "How much do you want, I'll write you a check."

   "Cash, U.S. dollar bills, gold bars are also okay." Liu Yan said straight, "I'm in a hurry. Give you three minutes."

   Kong Lingjun gritted his teeth with hatred, but had to do it. There is a secret safe at home, which is embedded in the wall and can only be opened by a mechanism. This is why Liu Yanzhi asked Miss Kong Er for help.

The second lady pressed the mechanism under the desk, and a picture on the wall rose automatically, and the wall behind separated, revealing the code dial of the safe. Kong Lingjun stepped forward and screwed the dial, one circle, two circle, three circle, and opened it. The inner shell made of stainless steel contains top-secret documents, U.S. dollars, gold bars, and a loaded horse paddle.

   Kong Lingjun grabbed the pistol, turned and fired. Liu Yan was too short to escape from a short distance. He was shot abruptly and hit his chest. He was furious and careless. He was actually injured by this dead monster! With a slap, Miss Kong Er flew up and lay on the floor with a scream.

Liu Yanzhi hurriedly put the gold bars and dollars in the safe into the bag. He was not interested in the top-secret documents. He didn't read them. Gunshots were heard in the mansion late at night. The guards outside were alarmed, shouting, sirens, and footsteps sounded together. When I rushed in, I saw only the second lady who was unconscious.

   The second lady was rushed to the hospital with concussion and fright. Kong Xiangxi and Song Ailing were furious. This is not bad. The Minister of Finance can enter the house of thieves. Wouldn't it be the next step to steal into Chairman Chiang’s house? The police department sent the most capable detectives to handle the case. They collected footprints and fingerprints on the spot, as well as the bullet shell played by Ms. Kong Er. She took it back to study the test, and finally the police department came up with an answer that she didn’t believe she believed. , Snitch came down from the sky.

   Kong Xiangxi was furious and severely reprimanded the police department for its incompetence. The military government intervened in the investigation and returned to no avail. In the end, the matter was not settled. For the sake of stability, it has been kept strictly confidential, and there are few insiders.

In fact, Kong Lingjun knows who the murderer is. He can get a shot and retreat unscathed. Only the friend of Chen Bei is the only one of Chen Bei’s friend, but she dare not retaliate. The other party is too strong. This time I borrowed money. Next time. It may have been borrowed.

Kong Xiangxi’s family wealth is huge, but he is the Minister of Finance, and he is not an old landlord in Shanxi. His property is replaced by silver ingots and hidden in his cellar. The Kong family’s property is stored in the Bank of America and the Central Bank. The safe in the official residence is just some change. , The loss of more than ten thousand dollars, one hundred taels of gold bars, not even a dime, just can't swallow it.


   Liu Yanzhi returned with a full load, Ji Yuqian also returned with a large amount of cash, proudly showing off the legal currency and silver dollars he had earned.

   "This is the power of wisdom." Ji Yugan said, "I went to ransack the casino, not by guns, but by mathematics."

It turned out that the three of them went to the underground casino in Chongqing. During the war, people were depressed. Only alcoholism and gambling could vent their boredom. Gambling was repeatedly banned. The more and more they played, Ji Yugan chose a well-established casino and won a lot of money by playing cards. His money, he has a super memory and knows probability. The gamblers are his opponents. Finally, the casino owner came forward and sent a sum of money to send the plague **** away. It's not that they don't want to eat black, but they can’t figure out the opponent. Background, dare not start casually.

The next step is to fly directly to India. Ruan Mingchuan took care of everything. The passport of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also issued. Miss Kong Er was beaten to the hospital and she didn’t care about it anymore. The team went to the White Market smoothly. At the station airport, boarded an army green transport plane, and there were 25 strong soldiers stationed in India on the same plane.

The Indian Army is composed of the original Chinese Expeditionary Force's New 22nd Division and New 38th Division. It was actually a group of defeated soldiers who had retreated to India. The British came out of the territory, and the Americans paid for the supplies and provided supplies. There are not enough soldiers. The Chinese government uses the air planes to transport supplies back to India at a speed of one battalion a day to transport strong men like Lambga. These strong men are carefully selected high-quality soldiers in China. Most of them are literate and hyphenated. More than ten kilograms, there are no smokers, no tuberculosis, and no veteran oil.

Priority boarding of the crossing group, the captain Jenkins received them impatiently. For Jenkins, these people are cargo, but some of the cargo is government, and some are private cargo that the pilot ran alone. These four people It is the private cargo of the Jenkins crew.

Twenty-five young men boarded the plane one by one. They were all young people in their twenties. They looked slightly better than beggars. This is also the current situation of most Chinese people. It doesn’t count if they can eat. The whole nation is malnourished. There was food on the face. The young men were wearing yellow-green Central Army uniforms, with straw sandals under their feet, shivering coldly, they were not equipped with weapons, not even belts, anyway, when they arrived at Ramgarh, everything would be distributed.

These people are all volunteers in the army, unlike the young men drawn by the national army. A considerable proportion of them have a culture above elementary school or above, and there are even college students from Southwest Associated University. They can speak fluent English. Home Guardian, so these strong men should actually be called supplementary soldiers. They all have a blue stamp on their arms, which looks a bit like a quarantine mark on raw pork. This is a sign of passing the medical examination. Americans require strict , A large number of personnel were eliminated, and those who could board the plane were all winners who passed the test.

Under the scolding of the co-pilot, the strong men sat on the benches on both sides of the cabin. They were all flying for the first time. They were nervous, like a group of trembling sheep. It is hard to imagine such a group of people in the near future. Become a qualified fighter and fight the Japanese devil head-on.

   The transport plane took off. The first stop was Kunming. This section of the voyage was very comfortable. There was no accident except for the airsickness of some young people. It arrived at Kunming Wujiaba Airport.

Wujiaba Airport is the headquarters of the Flying Tigers. You can see fighters and bombers on the runway through the portholes in mid-air. There are big shark tusks painted under the fighters’ heads. The mainlanders don’t know sharks, so it’s an error. It is a flying tiger. This is the origin of the name of the Flying Tigers.

During the war, efficiency was the first priority. After the transport plane landed, a group of ground crews came to refuel, overhaul, and the crew members disembarked to dine and replenish energy. The strong men were taken by the ground crew to the hut to urinate and squat on the edge of the runway. Enamel bowl, eat rice from a large insulated bucket, hot thick rice porridge, it won't be cold when blowing.

   Liu Yanzhi and others had no food to eat, and no one greeted them, so Liu Yan went straight to the officer’s cafeteria to find Captain Jenkins and asked him for help.

Captain    looked at him coldly, and replied: "I'm sorry, you are not pilots, and you are not supplementary soldiers. This is the army and there is no food for civilians."

   Liu Yan said straightly: "Well, we can buy it with money."

   Captain Jenkins hesitated, and said, "The meal in the officer’s cafeteria is very expensive. Are you sure you want to buy it?"

   Liu Yan directly took out one hundred dollars: "Is it enough for four officers' lunch?"

   Jenkins shouted behind him: "Pete, give them four meals."

   Sergeant Pete took four lunch boxes and helped Liu Yan make a meal, rice and potato beef curry chicken nuggets, at most 25 cents.

   Liu Yan took the lunch box and left. He heard the conversation of the pilots in the cafeteria. One person asked Jenkins: "Captain, who are they? Are they your passengers?"

   "A few cowards who want to escape from China." Jenkins replied, "To be honest, I despise such people."

Wujiaba Airport is also the starting point of the hump route~www.readwn.com~ After a short break, the exhausted Jenkins crew set off again, carrying 29 passengers to India. After the C47 took off, it climbed all the way. To the west, under the clouds is the undulating Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The air is getting thinner and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

Amid the monotonous roar of the propellers, twenty-five strong men shivered and hugged their arms. When in Chongqing, the chief told them that India’s four seasons are summer and they can’t wear pants when it’s hot, so they don’t give them winter clothes. The set of military uniforms was dismissed. After arriving in Kunming, the result was warm as spring. Everyone was very happy. I didn't expect to encounter a cold winter soon.

Below the hump route is the deep valley of snowy mountains. The temperature at an altitude of five kilometers has reached below zero. The cabin is not insulated. Whether you can carry it depends on your physical fitness. In fact, every day, strong men freeze to death on the voyage. Anyway, human lives are worthless and freeze to death. It can only be regarded as his poor physique and cannot blame others.

   Guan Lu was also too cold, shaking like a swing, Liu Yanzhi couldn't stand it anymore, walked to the cabin, probed in and said: "Captain, do you have any extra jackets?"

The pilots are all wearing thick fur B3 flight suits. This kind of flight suit made of Australian wool is very warm and can withstand freezing temperatures of tens of degrees below zero. Captain Jenkins glanced at Liu Yanzhi and said sharply: "Go back to the cabin and sit down. under!"

   Suddenly the first officer pressed the joystick suddenly, and the plane dived down, followed by the sound of bean-like cannons, "Blast fighter!" the first officer shouted.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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