Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 87: Old man lost

The traversing group returned along the same route, across the war-torn Europe and the crisis-ridden Middle East. First, it returned to India. After saying goodbye to Kolkata and Gangadar Yiyi, it took the U.S. Army's 10th Air Force transport plane and flew back to China via the hump route. , Liu Yan directly asked Captain Jenkins on the plane, and the pilot told him that the Jenkins crew had a crash the day before yesterday, and crashed into the Gaoligong Valley along with a full plane material.

  Between the snow-capped mountains, a bright silver trajectory guided the route to Kunming. The metal wreckage of the crashed plane was gleaming in the sun.

   After several toss and turns, everyone finally returned to Chongqing. The accompanying capital was still shrouded in a cold and depressing atmosphere. They did not stay long and transferred to various vehicles to cross the line of fire and arrived at Omi City, the capital of Jiangdong Province in the occupied area.

   The first thing I did when I returned to Omi was to go to Ji’s Clinic to find Liu Xiaoyong. Before that, Liu Yanzhi sent a letter from someone to arrange for Liu Xiaoyong to hide in Omi, waiting for the return of the crossing team.

Liu Yanzhi asked the others to disperse and hide first. He went to Ji's Clinic alone. When he came to the clinic, he noticed that the atmosphere was not right. He had a keen sense of danger and could feel the murderous intent in the clinic, but he still knocked on the door and entered. .

  Doctor Ji was not there, and a middle-aged man in a long gown was replaced in the clinic. He sat behind the table and asked him: "Sir, do you want to see a doctor or find someone?"

   "Where is Doctor Ji?" Liu Yan looked right and left, took off his top hat and slapped the dust on his body. He looked like he was coming from afar.

   "He went out to do something, are you?" The middle-aged man got up to make tea.

   "I am his friend, from Chongqing." Liu Yan said straight.

The teacup in the hands of the middle-aged man almost fell to the ground, and several secret agents in the interior were even more suspicious. This military liaison station was cracked by the gendarmerie, but it was still kept in order to trap the Chongqing elements. It was caught at the first opening today. Big fish, but I feel awkward no matter how you look at it.

   There are rules for engaging in intelligence. No matter how soon I enter the door, I will say that I am from Chongqing. It must be a set of meticulous codewords plus tokens to gain mutual trust. Military military spy agents are not as big as they are. They may be messed up, but the spies do not intend to let this innocent hapless person go. Since they are from Chongqing, take them first. Let's talk about it.

   The curtain was raised, and three secret agents came out, leather jackets and caps, with guns in their hands. The vendors at the stalls outside the clinic also came to block the door, and the middle-aged man shrank to the corner tremblingly.

   "Mr. from Chongqing, come with us." The spy in the lead said with a grin, "If you know you, don't let the brothers do it."

   "Where to go?" Liu Yan said straight, "I haven't had tea yet."

   His determination made the secret agents a little puzzled. I have seen someone who is awesome, and I have never seen such a powerful one. After falling into the trap, I am still calm. Is it possible to catch the wrong person? Is it his own person in another organization?

   "Dr. Ji did you catch it?" Liu Yan raised Erlang's legs straight up, popped a three-for-one cigarette from the cigarette case and held it in his mouth, beckoning to the agent closest to him, "Give it to the Lord."

  The spy looked at his boss, coughed dryly, took out a match and stepped forward to light a cigarette for Liu Yan.

   "Yes, the gendarmerie took away the surname Ji, he is a member of the military command." Seeing Liu Yanzhi's mannerism, the spy boss did not dare to act rashly.

   "It's absurd, Doctor Ji is the number 76, you don't know." Liu Yanzhi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

   The boss of the spy had something in his heart. On the 76th, it was a spy agency in Shanghai, a member of the Wang government, and they belonged to the Jiangdong Imperial Army Gendarmerie. They were not a system, so there was no need to buy it.

   "Is it the number seventy-six? We will tell you after we have screened it." The spy boss said arrogantly, "This gentleman, you can talk to us in the gendarmerie first."

   Liu Yan straightened up: "Okay, I will sit in the gendarmerie. I haven't chatted with Lieutenant Aoki some days."

   The name of Lieutenant Aoki was heard from Doctor Ji. Now it comes in handy, and the agents dare not look down upon Liu Yanzhi.

   "I'm sorry, even though it's my own, I have to follow the rules." The secret agent said, "You can't bring a guy into the military police."

   Liu Yan raised his hands straight up and let them search his body. Of course he had no weapons on him, nor anything to prove his identity.

   "I just don't use guns, and you guys are not opponents either." Liu Yan said contemptuously, "Don't say you guys, the gendarmerie team will go together, and I can kill them all."

   The spy boss sneered and said, "The man on the 76th, bragging is really good, really capable, you say this in front of Lieutenant Aoki."

Liu Yanzhi was stuffed into a black car by secret agents and went straight to the gendarmerie. The Japanese gendarmerie was not only responsible for maintaining discipline in the garrison, but also for detecting anti-Japanese elements. The one in charge of this was Lieutenant Aoki. Although his rank is not high, but There are more than one hundred spies under him, who do all evil and do no evil. The special high school of the gendarmerie is notorious. Few people who have been in the gendarmerie have survived. According to people living near the gendarmerie, it is basically night. You can hear the screams.

   The car drove into the gendarmerie compound, the sentry at the door saluted with a gun, the power grid was pulled on the wall, and the glass ballast was plugged in. The big wolf dog looked at him, Liu Yan talked and laughed, without fear.

After the spy boss gave the report, he took Liu Yanzhi into the extra-high class interrogation room. This was a semi-basement room. There were dark marks on the wooden floor. There should be blood stains that had not been wiped clean. Following the clang of a string of riding boots, Lieutenant Aoki left. When I came over, I met someone at the door and started talking, in Japanese.

   "Aoki-kun, the guerrillas were active again yesterday, did you find any clues?"

   "I'm sorry, there are no clues yet, but we will work hard."

   "So, is the case of Cuiweishan Fortress interesting?"

   "I'm so sorry, and there is no clue."

   "Come on, Aoki-kun."

   "I'm sorry, Yamamoto-kun."

Lieutenant Aoki walked in. This was a young officer with a strong woolen uniform. He wore military police armbands on his arms, and his cheeks were shaved blue. He looked at Liu Yanzhi angrily and asked: " Are you from Shanghai or Chongqing."

   "I'm from Chongqing, come to see Doctor Ji." Liu Yan said straight.

   "Then you are not the number 76?" Lieutenant Aoki turned his head and gave the spy boss a vicious look.

"I never said that I was a person on the 76th." Liu Yan straightened his innocence. "On the 76th, it was a traitor to the Japanese puppet dog. How could I be with them if I don’t give birth to the scum of a pig or dog in my next life. As a team."

   Lieutenant Aoki was furious and walked away. The spy boss was also annoyed. He called in two small spies to put Liu Yan on the torture instrument and prepare to serve him.

"You do it yourself, or try our methods, extract your teeth, extract your nails, and pick it as you like." The spy boss said obsessively. In front of him was a pair of torture instruments, various pliers, knives, and drills. Wait, the cold light is shining and breathtaking.

"Let me see Dr. Ji as soon as I am, and there is no need to bother." Liu Yanzhi didn't care. He came to the gendarmerie just to find Doctor Ji, and Doctor Ji was to determine the whereabouts of Liu Xiaoyong. These little trash fish are not worthy of him. Shot.

The spy boss turned a few turns in his heart. He really didn’t know where Liu Yanzhi’s confidence was so determined, but what is certain is that this kid has a background, and he doesn’t even pay attention to Lieutenant Aoki. Chongqing's special envoy with an important mission, it is better not to offend him.

As a result, the dying Doctor Ji was brought in. He was tortured to almost no human form. He was carried in by two prisoners. Liu Yan directly noticed that the flesh on both of Doctor Ji’s legs was gone, obviously he was grown. Fierce animals with sharp teeth have gnawed.

   "Doctor Ji." Liu Yan called out. Doctor Ji on the stretcher moved his eyelashes, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Liu Yanzhi with a confused expression.

   "Where did the old man go? It's the one in the clinic for gunshot wounds." Liu Yan couldn't comfort him, picking up the important questions and saying first.

   "Let's go." Doctor Ji opened his mouth and his voice was so soft that he could hardly hear him.

   "What, he died?" Liu Yan was shocked.

   "No, he left by himself." Doctor Ji said, "I don't know where to go, it should be safe."

   Liu Yanzhi was relieved and asked: "What's the matter with you, who made you like this?"

   "Traitor betrayed..." Doctor Ji said weakly, "The people of the military system are not bullies, I didn't say anything, you help me... Give me a good time"

   After saying this, Doctor Ji twisted his neck and his eyes were still open, but his pupils were dilating, and he died.

   Liu Yan straightened his hands slightly, breaking the iron chain that had locked him.

   "Oh, I'm a practicing family, no wonder I'm so emboldened." The spy boss waved his hand, and two spies with big waists and **** bodies rushed forward, but Liu Yan twisted his neck and hit each other with one hand, and suddenly burst apart.

   The spy boss wanted to run, but how could he be able to run, so Liu Yan grabbed his neck straight and pinched it against the wall.

   Liu Yan went straight to Lieutenant Aoki, broke into the office of the special high school, Aoki Ba Gak gripped the handle

Before pulling it out, Liu Yanzhi grabbed his wrist and helped him draw out his saber, slowly pressing it on Aoki’s neck, and slowly cutting it down. Lieutenant Aoki’s eyes widened~www.readwn.com~ His face was incredible, until His head fell to the ground and still maintained the face of seeing a ghost.

   Aoki's head was picked up by Liu Yanzhi and thrown into the kennel next door. A group of Japanese wolfhounds accustomed to eating human flesh rushed to tear the head to pieces. After eating, they licked the dog's mouth and stared at Liu Yanzhi with red eyes.

   Liu Yanzhi felt that something was not right. These beasts should also die, but now it is not their turn to kill those two-legged beasts.

There was one in the gendarmerie. Liu Yanzhi never let go. He finally found a few melon grenades from the corpse, pulled out the insurance pin and threw them into the kennel. The wolfdogs thought it was delicious, so they rushed to fight. Rob, the bombed limbs flew around.

The prisoners in the gendarmerie were all released by Liu Yan, and Dr. Ji’s body was taken away by him. After everything was calm, the spy boss finally woke up from the coma caused by the concussion, and he walked in the gendarmerie in despair. When I walked, I saw all the corpses, my spirit suddenly collapsed, and he became a lunatic.


Outside Jinjiang City, Liu Yanzhi and others stood in silence in front of a tomb. The crude wooden tombstone reads the tomb of the anti-Japanese hero Doctor Ji. Regardless of how the military reunification later became famous, after all, a large number of unknown and epic heroes emerged during the Anti-Japanese War. .

   Liu Xiaoyong is lost. No one knows his poor whereabouts. After 70 years, he brought the old man but couldn't take him home. How did Liu Yanzhi explain to his good brother Liu Handong?

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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