Time Traveler

Vol 3 Chapter 89: Time and Space Paradox

History has changed again. Liu Xiaoyong, who was originally in time and space, has disappeared. Only Liu Xiaoyong who has traveled back to become younger is left. No one knows what happened in the meantime.

   Liu Xiaoyong said in an inexplicable perfunctory sentence: "It's lurking down, so you don't need to mention it."

  Yu Youjin said, "This is not good. The marshal thought you had sacrificed, and your spiritual position was placed at home. I have to send a secret telegram to him to report the good news."

   Liu Xiaoyong bit the bullet and said: "No hurry, I have something else to ask you."

   "What's the matter?" Liu Youjin was in a good mood, "As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

   "I pulled a guerrilla team, which needs weapons and equipment. Besides, I want to send a few people to Cuiwei Mountain. Can you help?"

Liu Youjin's face was distressed, and he groaned for a long time: "Weapons and equipment, you can get some short guns at most. Going to Cuiwei Mountain is too difficult. Wait, a small group of devils on Cuiwei Mountain has been wiped out. Did you do it?"

   Liu Xiaoyong said: "I participated." Then he glanced at Liu Yanzhi.

   "This one hasn't introduced me yet." Liu Youjin said, "You guys are together."

   "His name is Liu Yanzhi and he is my friend." Liu Xiaoyong said, "Secretary-General Liu, rest assured, we are anti-Japanese armed forces."

   He called Liu Youjin’s position at the time. When Chen Zikun was in power, Liu Youjin was the secretary-general of the provincial government.  After the fall, he became the provincial chairman of the pseudo-government.

   "I understand." Liu Youjin said lightly, "You are the Communist Party, no wonder you have been missing for five years without any news, Liu Xiaoyong, you voted together."

   Liu Xiaoyong couldn't argue with his words, but he wanted to explain but was relieved. He was originally an underground party, and he opened his heart.

   "Yes, I did follow the Communist Party, why? Secretary-General Liu doesn't plan to help me?" Liu Xiaoyong continued to smile, but his smile was born a lot.

"No, the Communist Party is also anti-Japanese. Everyone will return in different ways. I will try my best to help you." Liu Youjin walked to the table and wrote a note and handed it over, "You take this to the police station and get five sticks, this I have the greatest authority, and I will receive two special passes. Without this, it would be difficult for Omi to move forward."

   This trip was not in vain. The legs of mosquitoes are meat. Five sticks are only five sticks. Liu Xiaoyong took the note. There is nothing to talk about next, and she can only leave.

After they left, Liu Youjin wiped his sweat and thought about it. He wrote a note and gave it to his cronies. He sent it around seven or eight turns and sent a report to the Jiangbei guerrilla area through the underground secret radio station to Chen Zikun. The commander reported that Liu Xiaoyong was still alive.


Liu Xiaoyong believed that Liu Youjin would not trap himself. Early the next morning, he went to the police station to collect five old-fashioned slaps and matching 765 bullets. The power that Liu Youjin, the chairman of the province, can control is the province. The city police station is now, and the five scorpions are counted as the official residence guard equipment. The quantity is very small and will not attract the attention of the Japanese.

  The entire Omi is under martial law. The puppet government’s peace army and the Japanese army are on duty jointly, three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry.  Check the good people's card at every turn. Only those with special passes can come and go freely, and are not subject to special interrogation by the military and police.

The gendarmerie was bloodbathed, and it was really surprising that such a big case happened under the eyes of the imperial army. The extra-high school personnel transferred from Shanghai carefully inspected the murder scene and found only one person’s trace. According to the only survivor. The author reported that it was indeed the one who killed the entire gendarmerie.

This is unscientific. A Chinese man slaughtered dozens of imperial troops, unless he was a god, ghost, or beast. The old spies in the special high-level class were thinking hard, and there were always unsolved mysteries in the world, but they encountered two. The last one happened not long ago. The anti-Japanese elements fought heavily in Nantai County. More than 50 imperial soldiers were killed in battle. According to witnesses, there were only three or four enemies, and one of them was invulnerable and able to enter the sky. At that time, everyone in the extra-high class thought that this was nonsense to shirk responsibility, but now it seems that it may not be true.

The whole Omi was shrouded in an atmosphere of horror, but the people seemed to be very happy. The news of the collapse of the military police force spread wildly throughout the city. The evil men have retributions. God is punishing the little devils, indicating that they are exhausted. It won't be a few days to jump.

  Second, Liu Da swayed out of Omi City and found other people. They sat beside the tree pier outside the Temple of Earth and shared the secret that there was only one Liu Xiaoyong left in the world.

   "Master, can you explain this?" Liu Yan asked directly.

   Liu Xiaoyong frowned and said, "That's a long story."

   "Humbling, it’s only two hours long." Everyone wanted to hear the story.

In 1937, the Battle of Songhu broke out. Chairman Chiang decided to fight the Japanese to the death in Shanghai, the most prosperous region in China. The nation's army was continuously invested in this huge flesh-and-blood mill. The warlords of Sichuan and Yungui all sent troops, and Chen Zikun, the king of Jiangdong, did nothing. The most elite army was dispatched without concealment, the 17th Division of the National Revolutionary Army Model, and a total of 10,000 tigers. The officers are all professional officers trained by the Jiangdong Army Academy, not the old brothers who came from bandits in the past.

Liu Xiaoyong had just graduated from the military academy and was a warrant officer deputy platoon commander in the 17th Division. He personally experienced the Battle of Songhu and completed the transition from a non-commissioned officer to a qualified officer. The model 17th Division suffered heavy casualties. When he left Omi, he suffered a lot of casualties. Man, when he returned, there were 7,000 clay pots with ashes in them.

On the eve of the Nanjing Defense War, Liu Xiaoyong was ordered to protect the ashes of his comrades and return to Jinjiang. After that, he stayed and continued to join the army. Chen Zikun decided to abandon the provincial capital and defend the industrial city of Beitai. For a time, the people of Jinjiang evacuated the provincial capital. At that time, Liu Xiaoyong was indeed ordered to be the queen. But he was only a lieutenant and company commander. It was impossible to lead a group of people, nor did he enter the Cuiwei Mountain area, let alone missing.

"The Beitai defense battle was horribly fought. After that, I followed my brother-in-law in guerrilla warfare. I have been active in Jiangbei. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, my brother-in-law reorganized the army into the Transaction Police Corps. I became the head of the regiment at that time." Liu Xiaoyong ended his memories. It's strange to say that since he was rejuvenated, his memory has become very clear. These things are really like what happened a few years ago, instead of the Chen Guzi rotten sesame seeds after seven or eighty years.

   Liu Yan said straightly: "Perhaps time and space have adjusted themselves. Only one person can stay in a time and space."

   Everyone's eyes were focused on the young Shuan Zhu. If only one of the two Liu Xiaoyong can be left, then how do you explain that the two Shuan Zhus existed at the same time in 1943, not only existed at the same time, but also fought side by side.

   Shuan Zhu is an illiterate. He doesn't understand what they are talking about. He doesn't care. He just fights the devils and doesn't ask anything else.

Guan Lu said: "I suspect it has something to do with the old man becoming younger. The 103-year-old Liu Xiaoyong and the 28-year-old Liu Xiaoyong are not essentially the same person, but Liu Xiaoyong, who is both 28 years old, is one person and will cause Time and space paradox."

   Ji Yu said dryly: "Where did the other Liu Xiaoyong go? Even if he disappeared, he disappeared alone. Why did he disappear with a group of people, one group, that can’t be thousands of people.”

   Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "These mysteries are difficult to solve with the current technical level, and we don’t need to solve them. In short, let the old man stay. If he doesn’t stay, then Liu Handong will not exist..."

   A consensus was reached and it was indeed necessary to keep Liu Xiaoyong in 1943.

The next task is to help Liu Xiaoyong settle down. In fact, the method is ready. You can go directly to the Jiangbei guerrilla area to find Chen Zikun, but Liu Xiaoyong has his plans. He has been sitting for decades because of the underground party. Cold bench, "in this life" you have to do all things dignifiedly and fight head-on with the little devil.

   "It's good if you are happy." Liu Yanzhi said helplessly.

   But Liu Xiaoyong only had six pistols and one rifle. Based on this fact, he wanted to be famous in the occupied area in 1943. The difficulty was really not small. Liu Yanzhi was going to help him on the horse and send him off.

The first is to recruit troops and buy horses, build armed forces behind enemy lines, strengthen yourself through war, and then get in touch with the party organization and send a political commissar from above to become part of the Communist Party’s Eighth Route Army. Everything is difficult at the beginning. There are bandits and guns everywhere these days. It's not difficult to feel it, it depends on whether you have this ability.

   That night, Liu Yan ransacked the nearby police station single-handedly, and seized eight rifles and two box guns. The pseudo-policemen were all **** by him, unharmed, and only a note was left at the scene: the brave team stayed.

   Immediately afterwards, a military camp of the Peace Army also suffered. More than a hundred rifles were missing. The head of the battalion commander was also taken off. A note from the brave team was also left on the scene.

   On the same night, a fire broke out at the military airport outside Jinjiang City. Three Army Aviation bombers were burned down. The brave team was also responsible for it.

   Rumors arose in the surrounding area of ​​Omi, saying that the Japanese troops on Cuiwei Mountain had been wiped out, and the provincial gendarmerie had been wiped out, all by the brave team.

The story of the brave team circulated everywhere in the Omi teahouse restaurant. It is said that the head of the brave team is called Liu Xiaoyong, who was a general under Chen Dashuai. He was in charge of the queen during the retreat in 1938. He was chased by the Japanese army to the top of Cuiwei Mountain. In fact, he did not die. When he met a world-class expert under the cliff, he practiced martial arts. After five years, he learned how to come out of the mountain in order to kill devils and save China.

   Someone asked, what is Liu Xiaoyong capable of?

   The brows of words danced: "Taking the first level from thousands of miles away is like exploring the bag~www.readwn.com~ clairvoyant eyes and ears, killing people without blood, flying swords, one somersault, this is not a problem."

   These rumors were collected by the Special High School and placed in front of Major General Araki, the Supreme Commander of the Omi Garrison. Your brigade commander was furious, denounced it as nonsense, and ordered troops to besiege it.

Major General Araki’s brigade was only a Type B garrison brigade. The troops were dissatisfied and had to take into account the defense of the whole province. The imperial army was overstretched, and the Peace Army was unbearable. He demolished the eastern wall and supplemented the western wall, only to temporarily withdraw the troops on Cuiwei Mountain. Go down to fight the brave team.

   The expected annihilation did not happen. Instead, the imperial army lost its troops, killed another squadron leader, or got his neck cut in confusion in the middle of the night.

   Major General Araki is a smart man. He found a middleman to establish contact with the brave team and asked them what they were doing. The brave team replied, don't mess with me, and I won't kill your people anymore.

Ever since, the born brave team took root near the provincial capital in this way. They attacked bandits, puppet troops, and single Japanese soldiers, but in general they mainly attacked the Chinese. The brave team grew and became an armed force with thousands of troops. The connection with our party was also established. The brave team became an independent detachment of the Eighth Route Army behind enemy lines, and Liu Xiaoyong became the commander of the detachment.

   At this time, Liu Yanzhi and others had already traveled back to the baseline time and space.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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