Time Traveler

Chapter 25: Daughter is the lover of father in his last life

While Liu Yanzhi was pondering, two Hong Kongers bombed the nest. The ID card and the password box were stolen under his nose. Yuejiang Building is a foreign-owned hotel and cannot afford this responsibility. The manager quickly called the police because the case involved Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, in less than five minutes, a Yangtze River 750 sidecar motorcycle drove to the door, and three policemen wearing white shirts and blue pants got off the car.

   The two Hong Kong people are He Changrong and Cui Manli. According to them, they came to visit relatives in mainland China. They lost their ID cards and a password box. The boxes contained gifts for relatives.

   The police made a detailed record of the case and asked the manager about the physical characteristics of the guests at another table, and basically concluded that they were theft.

   "Mr. He, we will investigate immediately." The policeman said solemnly, "We must solve the case in the shortest possible time and recover the lost property."

   "I didn't expect the public security in the motherland to be so bad." He Changrong was dissatisfied.

   "I can't tell you to come, you have to come." Cui Manli was also very upset.

After the report was completed, the two Hong Kong compatriots were not in the mood to continue eating. They were about to leave the hotel when a Shanghai car with a police license plate drove up and three police officers from Yuxuanang showed their credentials. They turned out to be criminal police officers. Of the brigade.

   "Two, come with us." The detective captain Zhan Shusen said.

   "What's the matter, A SIR?" He Changrong asked, "We are citizens of Hong Kong, a territory of the British Empire..."

   "You know what's the matter in your heart!" Zhan Shusen is majestic, tall and stalwart, and two young people are exposed in front of him, full of ugliness.

   Facing the black hole of the public security personnel's May 4th gunpoint, two Hong Kong compatriots were arrested.


   River Beach, Liu Yan held a Hong Kong and Macau Pass and compared it to Guan Lu’s face: “Well, if you burn your head, make it a little bit uglier, it’s about the same as Miss Cui Manli.”

   Guan Lu said: "You and this Mr. He Changrong are also... really different, otherwise we will be able to impostor."

   The kid said: "Do you have anything to say about this box of money?"

   The great unity of a whole password box, after a rough calculation, it is about one hundred thousand yuan. Because they are all ten yuan, it looks weird, and there is a feeling that money is not money.

   "Take it." Liu Yan said straightly, the password box was too eye-catching and it was broken. The kid didn't know where to find a sack, packed the money, and the three of them swaggered towards the bustling area, preparing to be extravagant.

   "I want to buy some souvenirs to take home." Guan Lu was happy, "I have to buy some clothes, kid, take us to the biggest and best shopping mall."

   The kid said: "Our largest shopping mall in Omi is of course a department store, but they sell all domestic products, which are not suitable for Dr. Guan and my master. I will take you to another high-end store that most people can't get in."

The high-end store he was talking about was the Omi City Friendship Store. The store is small, with a two-story building and a courtyard. A white wooden sign is hung outside the big iron gate with two lines of red letters written on it: "This store welcomes foreign guests. "

   Guan Lu said in a speechless voice: "Sure enough, are we foreign guests?"

   Liu Yan directly raised the certificate in Yang's hand: "Of course, we are Hong Kong compatriots, first-class citizens."

Sure enough, the Friendship Store has a dazzling array of goods. There is no shortage of imported goods. All kinds of products that need to be supplied by ticket are available on the market, such as TV sets and dual-card radios. The salespersons are also more enthusiastic, obviously better than those in other state-owned stores The quality of personnel should be high.

   Guan Lu liked a silk dress and planned to buy it, but something went wrong during the checkout. The Friendship Store does not accept Renminbi or foreign currency, only foreign exchange coupons.

   "What are foreign exchange coupons?" Guan Lu was stunned.

   As a compatriot in Hong Kong, I don’t know what foreign exchange coupons are. This is an abnormal thing. Before the salesperson finds out the clues, let’s slip away. Liu Yan directly gestured Guan Lu to stop talking and leave.

   After going out, Liu Yanzhi gave her science popularization. Foreign exchange certificates are a special currency equivalent to Renminbi exchanged in foreign currencies at the Bank of China. You can buy all the good things that ordinary people can't buy.

In the end, Guan Lu is a student bully, one point is clear: "Understood, this is a privileged currency, because the current shortage of supplies in China has formed a great contradiction with the urgent needs of the citizens. In order to satisfy and facilitate foreign friends, Two currencies are issued in the same country."

   The kid interrupted: "Foreign exchange coupons can be hard, and the black market is 30% higher than the RMB."

   Liu Yanzhi, who had a journey through once, also said: “The employees of foreign companies use foreign exchange vouchers for their salaries, which is absolutely superior.”

They couldn’t get the voucher, so they had to go to the department store to purchase the necessities of life. The Omi City Department Store was originally called the Red Star Shopping Mall. It is located in the center of Omi. The large shopping mall is filled with wooden glass counters and the ceiling fans on the ceiling turn suddenly. With an arrogant look, sitting behind the counter chatting, ignoring customers.

What’s different from the 21st century is that today’s shopping malls really sell everything, from TVs, washing machines, bicycles to small needles, needles and brains, and crowds in front of electrical appliances counters. A bunch of people are buying TVs, and it’s very lively chatting on the counter. Three sets of the same style of Yutu brand 12-inch domestic black-and-white TV sets are all powered on, the antenna is pulled, and the CCTV program is playing on the spherical screen. The young teacher Zhao Zhongxiang broadcasts the news in a magnetic voice.

The core of the crowd is a young man wearing glasses. He is thin and tall. There are two pens in the pocket of a gray polyester shirt. People call him "Guan Gong". Seeing that he is familiar with playing with TV sets, he should be an electronic Experts in the field.

   Guan Lu stopped to watch, looking confused.

   "Why, want to buy a TV?" Liu Yan asked directly.

   "No, that's my dad, it seems to be, I'm not sure." Guan Lu whispered, and continued to stare at Guan Gong in front of the appliance counter.

   Guan Gong seemed to feel it. He raised his head and his eyes met each other. He blushed instantly, and then he became confused, incoherent, and confused.

   Liu Yan teased: "You fascinated your dad."

The workers in front of the home appliance counter followed Guan Gong’s gaze and found Guan Lu. Everyone laughed and pushed Guan Gong over. Liu Yanzhi was also very witty and took the kid to the side food counter to buy snacks. .

  Guan Gong walked up to Guan Lu, scratched his head shyly, and said, "Go to the store."

"Yeah, just go around. You can buy a TV for your friends." Guan Lu replied, holding back a smile. She had seen the photo album at home. It was like this when her father was in his twenties. He was gentle and gentle. It's very, uninteresting, and I didn't expect to talk to girls outside.

   "Do you buy a TV, I'll help you choose it." Guan Gong held back for a long time before he said the next sentence.

   "I have it at home." Guan Lu said.

   Guan Gong was very disappointed, and there was no more text.

"If there is a friend who wants to buy a TV, I will ask you for help." Guan Lu relieved him with a word, and the young man immediately became excited: "Okay, not only the TV but also the radio will work. I will repair it. If your TV breaks down, just ask me."

   Guan Lu thought that you are a big carrot. When you meet a beautiful girl, you will start a conversation. What should my mother do, but a thought flashes through my heart in a flash, dad won't think of himself as a mother, right?

It is very possible that the two people were working in the light industry system at the same time. My father was a technician in the electronics factory and my mother was a cadre of the Youth League Committee of the Light Industry Bureau. They should have some contact with each other. When I was young, my mother and myself were really cool. of.

   It is said that parents were free to fall in love and get married back then, but the twists and turns were mainly due to improper households, and my dad was timid and inferior, unable to pluck up the courage to pursue his sweetheart, and a marriage was almost horrible.

Guan Lu's heart began to thump, and she realized that her existence had contributed to the marriage of her parents. Since she is here, she has to play a role. She smiled and said: "Comrade Xiaoguan, you come to my house and see me tomorrow. , Remember to bring me a gift."

   Guan Gong was stunned, beaten by the sudden happiness, and stammered: "Okay, I'll go to you after get off work."

   Guan Luxin said that you are a foolish dad, don’t be self-defeating, and quickly explained: "Don’t buy things randomly, just bring me a bunch of flowers."

   "Well, a bunch of flowers." Guan Gong nodded like garlic.

   Guan Lu chuckled and said, "Okay, let's choose the TV. Your friends are waiting in a hurry."

   Guan Gong blushed, "Then I'll go there first, see you tomorrow."

   "See you tomorrow." Guan Lu threw a wink that thought she was affectionate at him, and joked and ran away.

   Poor Guan Gong could not extricate himself for a long time, staring at the back of his dream lover in a daze, it was the workers who dragged him back, and a group of people followed him.

   "Shut down for a treat."

   "Happy bachelor days are over."

   Guan Gong sneered embarrassedly: "Nothing else, it's just the relationship with colleagues."


At the non-staple food counter, Liu Yan bought a bunch of dim sum and dried meat. Because there was no food ticket, he could only buy it at a high price. Then he met with Guan Lu. The three people went to the clothing counter on the second floor and each selected a set of clothes. Bao Xiaobao came out, and I found a nearby Da Guangming Barbershop, and shaved the greasy long hair to a refreshing flat head for the kid~www.readwn.com~ It was getting late, and Omi in the 1980s did not have a rich nightlife. How to stay at night has become a problem. It is obviously unrealistic to stay in the Friendship Hotel with the Hong Kong and Macau Compatriot Pass. The two Hong Kong people have definitely reported the case. If you go to stay, you will be caught by yourself, and ordinary hotels are also state-run. You need a letter of introduction and Work Permit.

   The kid said: "Why don't you live in my house."

   Liu Yan asked directly: "Aren't you a homeless child whose parents have died?"

   The kid said: "My parents are gone, but I also have a home, my grandma is still alive."

   Liu Yan directly solicited Guan Lu's opinion and agreed to stay at Xiaogui's house temporarily.

The little ghost's house is located in a shanty town in the southeast corner of the city. Dirt roads, stinky water ditch, wild dogs, wooden telephone poles and cultural revolution slogans on the wall are faintly visible. After turning a few turns, he came to a small courtyard. The little ghost was about to Pushing the door in, suddenly four 28 permanent bicycles came out from the side alley. There were eight big men in the car, wearing military hats crookedly, and the collar of the military uniform was open. The military bag seemed to be heavily loaded with bricks and artificial leather armed belts. Pinned to the 38th Army thorn.

   "It's him!" The dead fish-eyed man with a bandage on his head pointed at Liu Yan and shouted. It was the thief who was kicked by him.


  Contributor to this chapter Uncle Smoker One thousand dollars chapter

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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