Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 10: Fraternal alien

The next day, Liu Yan put all his money into it, paid the auction money, and legally obtained the ownership of Chen Zikun’s relics. He then transferred the items to Chen Jiao. This did not cause too much disturbance. There was too much news in New York. No one pays attention to what happened to an eighty-year-old lady.

   But this is very incredible for Isabella, because she only asked Liu Handong to raise the price, and did not expect the other party to buy the relic and return it to her grandmother. When asked Liu Handong, she only got the vague answer: "It's not bad for money."

   That jade pendant was confiscated by Chen Jiao in the end. She begged Liu Yanzhi to return the jade pendant to someone who was qualified to own it. This made Liu Yan a direct offense. Is Zou Yi military worthy? Is the big gold master behind him? Let alone these upstarts, even Chen Jiao's granddaughter Isabella is not worthy, because she is not a descendant of the Chen family, but a daughter of the Pacino family.

According to official records, Chen Zikun had only one son, Chen Bei, who died in 1967. The family died in a car accident. There were no survivors. According to Chinese tradition, the old Chen family was unparalleled. Liu Yanzhi also considered going back to 1967. Saving Chen Bei’s family, but it’s not because of relatives or reasons, it’s not guilty to spend so much energy, thinking about it, there is no suitable person, so I have to keep it myself.

   Kunwu jade pendant was thrown into the suitcase by Liu Yanzhi casually, and on the other side of the earth, the real auction bidder Ji Yuqian was comforting his agent Zou Yijun through the communication system.

   "It's not your responsibility to lose it. Be happy. I'll buy you a drink when you come back."

Zou Yijun was indignant: "Sotheby's security is too poor. I have already entrusted a lawyer to fight the lawsuit to the end. This will be handled by me. By the way, the jade pendant is really worth so much? You know priceless principles, but do you think it is worth buying a piece of jade for 700 million yuan?"

   Ji Yu said dryly: "Do you know the origin of this jade pendant?"

   Zou Yijun was excited: "I know that it has a lot of origin. It will definitely not be as simple as Chen Zikun's relics. Quickly tell me what is worth so much money."

   Ji Yugan said: "According to research, this thing came from Maoling."

  Zou Yijun is also considered a literate person, and immediately said: "It is actually the funeral of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It is worth it."

   Ji Yugan said: "I didn't make it clear, it is the tomb of champion Hou next to Maoling."

   Zou Yijun said: "Huo Qubing's funeral goods, they are also worth the price, no wonder, I don't think it is easy, otherwise no one will steal it. Are you sure of your verification? Which archaeologist told you?"

Ji Yugan said: "The archaeologists are all veterans. I can't believe it. This jade pendant was unearthed in the Jin Dynasty. It has been circulating in the hands of the emperor's relatives and relatives. It was buried several times before being dug out. It was taken into the palace by Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty It was lost when the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations entered Beijing. This was told to me by the experts in Doudou, Captain Mojin, Hu Bayi, Dajinya, haha."

Zou Yijun also laughed. Ji Yugan was talking about the characters in the novel, but in reality, professional tomb robbers do exist, and the level is really unpredictable. He believes in Ji Yuqian's ability to judge and analyze. Ji always said that Yupei is Huo Qubing's. definitely is.

Knowing the truth, Zou Yijun stayed in New York for an extra week, and Sotheby’s litigated, and he sought out private investigators to investigate Yu Pei’s whereabouts. In fact, detectives from insurance companies are also investigating thefts. There is a mix of fish and fish in places like New York, and there are many world-class jewelry thieves. , But most of them like to steal the red sapphire diamonds that Europeans and Americans love. They have no interest in white jade, so the detectives focused their attention on a few Hong Kong thieves. After investigating for a long time, there was still nothing.


There is a huge rectangular green space in the depths of the Nevada desert. Looking down from the sky, you will sigh for the ability of humans to transform nature. To build such a tree-covered base in a desert with no water source will cost astronomical figures. .

There are some buildings in the green space. The outer wall is a double-layer high-voltage power grid, which mainly prevents small animals such as snakes and rats in the desert. The green space has only one gate, which is heavily guarded and has no signs. It only says "No photography". If an explorer passes by a warning sign that "has been authorized to use lethal weapons", it may be considered that this is the so-called area 51 of the US government.

In fact, this is Monsanto’s property. Antai’s hacker Li Ju found it. The information was sent to Liu Yanzhi as soon as possible. Liu Yanzhi, who was eager to find Hannibal, immediately flew to Las Vegas and took it. GPS leaked to fly here at night, the starry sky over the desert late at night, the visibility is extremely high, very suitable for air defense weapons to play a role.

   Liu Yan stopped at a place five kilometers away in the green area, considering the method of sneaking in secretly. Although he was different from ordinary people, he was still a mortal body.

   In the middle of the night, two bright car lights lit up in the distance. A Wrangler Jeep drove the smoke and dust, obviously directing at Liu Yan.

   Liu Yan stood there, letting the lights cover him. He knew that the other party was not hostile. If he wanted to deal with himself, he would definitely have more than one car.

Sure enough, the jeep stopped at a distance of 20 meters, and it was Hannibal who got off the car, still dressed like Indiana Jones. He walked towards Liu Yanzhi, looked at him for a while, and said: "Get in the car, I will show you something. thing."

   Liu Yan got into the car, and Hannibal drove to the base personally. There were only two of them in the car, which shows Hannibal's sincerity.

   "Where is Lin Su?" Liu Yan asked directly.

   "You saw the ad we left for you." Hannibal asked rhetorically.

   "Where is Lin Su?" Liu Yan said nothing.

"She is in a very safe place, don't worry, what we are going to talk about now is the matter between us." Hannibal drove very fast, and he arrived five kilometers in a blink of an eye. The gate of the base is a reinforced concrete structure, and electricity is raised and lowered. There are many sharp steel barricades. If you want to break through, there is a glimmer of hope for driving a tank.

Liu Yanzhi also saw the anti-aircraft weapon deployed near the barbed wire. It was the kind of Phalanx system capable of firing 4,500 rounds of 20mm shells per minute. Equipped with infrared detectors, anything with body temperature flew over the base. After being torn to pieces, he couldn't help but feel terrified. He was too big. It is 2018. It is not ancient times. The warriors who pull the mountain can not fight against the power of technology.

   The jeep stopped in front of a house, the two got out of the car, and Hannibal approached the gate, which opened automatically.

   "The access control measures are very advanced." Liu Yan said straight. The simpler things seem to be, the more complex they are in fact. In such a highly confidential place, the use of passwords, card swiping, fingerprint iris and other technologies is too low, and people can open the door as long as they get close.

   "You know the goods." Hannibal said, "The access control system is like a police dog, it can recognize the smell of the owner."

There was nothing in the house. There was an elevator at the end. Hannibal made an inviting gesture. Liu Yan went straight into the elevator, feeling that the elevator was descending rapidly. This reminded him of the umbrella company in Resident Evil, which was also hidden. A huge system underground.

"It's not as complicated as you think, it's just a storage room." Hannibal said. The elevator stopped and the lights were bright outside, like the structure of a spaceship. The walls are all silver-white metal. Hannibal leads the way and walks. After a certain distance, I finally arrived at the destination. In front of me was a recessed isolated area, like a pit of terracotta warriors and horses.

   There are hundreds of dragon **** neatly placed in the pit.

   Liu Yanzhi opened his mouth slightly, he did not expect to see this scene.

"These, we call them eggs." Hannibal said, they were collected by the U.S. government from all over the world over the past 100 years. The collections in the latter part of World War II accounted for more than two-thirds of the total. We don’t know. "

"What do you want to tell me?" Liu Yanzhi knows the mystery of dragon balls. Every dragon ball contains DNA fragments that can be absorbed by organisms, as well as a recording instrument. If only a few dragon **** fall on the earth, this problem can be ignored temporarily. , Such a huge amount of dragon **** fell on the earth, it was extremely scary to think carefully.

Hannibal pointed to a fossilized dragon ball at his feet and said: "This egg, we named it Apple, was discovered in East Africa, and it is also the oldest egg so far. For the apple in the Garden of Eden, anthropologists have reason to believe that Homo sapiens originated from that time. That is to say, if there were no eggs~www.readwn.com~, human beings would still be ape-men who gracious and drink blood."

   Liu Yan swallowed straight, looked at the dragon ball 200,000 years ago and said with difficulty: "Why?"

Hannibal said: "Yes, why? The aliens have been launching egg capsules to our planet since 200,000 years ago. Over the past 200,000 years, the plan has been implemented and has never stopped. until today."

He said: "An egg fell on the Syrian desert three years ago. People who took the DNA fragments in it had super memory and eloquence. In just three years, they changed from an ordinary shepherd to He defeated Baghdadi and became the supreme leader of ISIS. He proclaimed himself a Caliph, and now there are millions of fanatics around the world."

   "You must not get that one." Liu Yan said straight.

   "It was blown up by the Saudi Air Force with missiles." Hannibal said, "You can guess why."

   Liu Yan's hair is terrifying, and the mystery of Dragon Ball is more complicated than he thought.

Hannibal went on to say: "Our understanding of the universe is as shallow as a three-year-old child's understanding of a large dictionary. Although we have studied for so many years, we still don't know the origin of these things, but we can be sure that aliens In accordance with their methods, gradually changing the earth, changing the people on the earth, and changing our world."

   He pointed to Liu Yanzhi: "And you are a new species that has been completely changed."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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