Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 24: Dongfeng on Tao

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"Is the iron ball opened, right?" Dang Paiguo asked impatiently, "You ate one of the things in it, right?"

Chen Tuan said, "How do you open the iron ball? That big iron ball has been on the bank of the vortex water for many years. According to the old man, it was the treasure of the town river demon left by Dayu when he controlled the water."

The clue broke again. It turned out that Chen Tuan was not a modified person who took extraterrestrial gene fragments, but he lived near Dragon Ball when he was young. Maybe there is still some indirect connection, but he has to go to the vortex bank to obtain the memory in Dragon Ball. Know the truth.

The next step is the exchange of information. Although Chen Tuan is not the pioneer of Taoism, he is also a great master. In addition to bigu dormancy, he also wrote a book and wrote a book to express and seek the law of the change of all things in Zhouyi and gossip. His attainments in mathematics and physics are also amazing. He has constructed framework systems and guiding ideologies for various disciplines. He is an important branch in the development of the science and technology tree of the Chinese nation. Of course, these academics have little value in the eyes of modern people.

The Traverse Group is concerned about the modification of human genes. Although Chen Tuan has never taken extraterrestrial genes, his physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. At the age of more than 100 years, his body functions and organs are similar to middle-aged people. , This one alone is enough to study.

Chen Tuan talked freely and talked about the mystery of bigu health, which has existed since ancient times. "The Great Dai Liji? Yi Benming" says: "The meat eaters are brave and fierce, the grain eaters are wise and clever, and the breath eaters live by the gods. Those who don’t eat don’t die but gods. Practitioners believe that reincarnation of grains will produce filth in the human body, which will affect the cultivation of immortals. Some cultivators take poria, mica crumbs and the like, while Chen Tuan does not eat anything and drinks at most a few glasses of wine. That's it, it relies on adjusting the breath and long-sleeping meditation for fasting.

Ji Yugan’s guess is correct. Chen Tuan entered a state of meditation when he was dormant. His writings all said that he was enlightened in this state. This creates a problem. People need to consume a lot of energy when thinking, including Oxygen and protein, but Chen Tuan breathed slowly during sleep, his heart rate was extremely low, and there was no food intake. So during the three to five months of sleep, what energy is supplying his brain to function.

This question will not be answered for a while, so I won't pursue it for the time being. Chen Tuan also asked the party patriot. His question was grand, where did everything in the world come from.

"This is an ultimate philosophical question." Party Patriotic Road, "Let's start with the origin of the universe."

He started talking about the origin of the Big Bang, the earth under the original chaotic state 4.6 billion years ago, the continent plates colliding, the volcanoes erupting and erupting, the lightning all over the sky, the various gases, rays and energy in the air, In the end, primitive life was born, and the cells began to divide, from one to two, two to four...

Tens of millions of years ago, primitive life had evolved into dinosaurs, and huge oviparous animals ruled the earth until a meteor shower came, ruining the world, the large dinosaurs were extinct, and the small mammals that survived emerged. After a long time Some apes became Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens walked upright, using simple tools, gradually distanced themselves from other animals, and then entered the primitive matrilineal society...

Chen Tuan and Lu Dongbin are both earthly immortal-level figures. They have lived for one or two hundred years, and the philosophy of life has long been understood. However, after listening to the party's patriotism, they were stunned and eye-opening.

"The so-called Pangu pioneered this way." Chen Tuan said with emotion. With his wisdom, he can tell that the party's patriotism is talking about a completely different scientific system, which is much more advanced than the science he is good at.

Dang Aiguo said dry mouth, and left the topic to Guan Lu, who would talk about the subject of human genetics, which led to the difference between the so-called immortals and mortals.

"The two Taoists think that after becoming immortal, how does immortal exist?" Guan Lu raised a question.

In the eyes of ordinary people, after a long period of cultivation, mortals can ascend in the daytime and become immortals. Even the chickens and dogs in the family can follow the immortal. This is also the origin of the idiom that the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. Ban, who lives in the heavenly court, drinks jade liquid jelly, eats dragon liver and phoenix gall, and lives a happy life of immortals, coming down from time to time to have fun, molesting mortals, this is the life of immortals.

Obviously Chen Tuan is not so ignorant. He has his own theoretical system for becoming immortal. In fact, he has spent his life studying how to become immortal and return to Promise. In his opinion, becoming immortal must first break away from the mortal womb. With the spirit of eternal life and immortality, the so-called immortal world is not in the sky, but in another dimension.

One day in the sky, one year in the underground, the heaven and the fan are two completely different places, even the flow of time is not the same. No one in this world has been to the immortal world, not even Lu Dongbin’s master Zhong Liquan. So the two Taoist leaders could not answer this question perfectly.

Similarly, Guan Lu couldn’t answer. She could only give a partial explanation of the difference between earth immortals and mortals. It was because of genetic differences. Land immortals were genetically evolved superhumans, with long life span, strong physique, and high IQ, but after all Human beings cannot violate the laws of physics, cannot turn stones into gold, or fly in the air.

So why can Liu Yanzhi get rid of the shackles of gravity and soar freely in the sky? This is something that the two immortals are extremely interested in, especially Lu Dongbin.

"If you can learn to drive the clouds, the poor Dao is willing to give all of it." Lu Dongbin vowed.

This time, Ji Yugan was replaced by Ji Yugan for science popularization. President Ji is a genuine scientist, and he especially likes to explore the science of the foreword. A few years ago, Ji Yugan donated a huge sum of money to Hawking’s space exploration program.

"Gravity is actually a kind of negative electric field gravity. If artificially creates an electric field that is opposite to the electric field of the earth, then this is anti-gravity. The combined force offsets part of the gravity and people float up. The key lies in how the human body creates an anti-gravity magnetic field. I know that some scientists use superconducting ceramic disks to rotate at high speeds at low temperatures to reduce the mass of the supported objects by one percent, but this is only an experimental stage..."

How could Lu Dongbin understand these scientific terms, but he firmly believed that humans can fly, and this technology can be learned, because immortals in ancient times could all fly, but this technology was lost in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and there is also a thousand miles of flying. The sword to take the first level is also true, but it hasn't been passed down.

Chen Tuan also felt that there are too many things left by the ancestors. Take Tieguai Li as an example. He was originally a handsome man. Only because his cultivation reached a certain height, his soul could go out of his body and wander away. , But unfortunately, the body was accidentally ruined, and he had to be possessed in the body of a beggar who had just died, so he became the image of the sordid lame in the legend.

"Pan Dao Dao doesn't go deep. I am still ashamed and ashamed of practicing Dao for many years." Chen Tuan sighed. He can only do dormant meditation, but the soul cannot leave the body at will. It is far from Tieguai Li.

Liu Yanzhi didn't speak. His own experience proved Chen Tuan's words that the human soul can indeed get out of the body, and it can cross time and walk in four-dimensional space.

Unknowingly it was noon, and the red sun was scorching on the East Peak. Jia Desheng had prepared early and ordered people to put up the umbrella cover and put on the wine, dried bamboo shoots, pine nuts, etc. The little Taoist priests sat far away and listened. The conversation of the gods was confused and completely ignorant.

From beginning to end, Xiao Zhou did not say a word. She didn't care about these topics of cultivation and becoming immortal, but quietly waited for the opportunity to speak.

After some free talk, it was finally a worthwhile trip. Party Aiguo asked each of the two immortals for a piece of hair and went back to study.

There was a gap in the topic, Xiao Zhou later saw the opportunity, and Pian Pian got up and bowed.

"This is?" Chen Tuan asked.

"This is the queen of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Li Yu was given poisoned alcohol by the official to commit suicide on the Qixi Festival. When I saw no one bullied the weak, I brought the empress out of Tokyo." Dang Aiguo Road.

"So courageous!" Lu Dongbin praised. Although he is an immortal family, he did not dare to openly oppose the court. These are the true heroes.

"It turned out to be a Niang Niang, I am neglecting it." Chen Tuan sang a promise and waited for the following.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhouhou cried and said: "The lowly concubine begs you to teach spells from the immortal family, so that you can wash away the hatred of the Xue Country."

Zhao Kuangyi’s incidents of Mrs. Zheng Guo have been repeated five times, and Tokyo has become popular. Although the Guanzhong area is covered in news, such bad things spread quickly, and both Chen Tuan and Lu Dongbin know.

"What do you want to learn?" Lu Dongbin asked.

"Learning swordsmanship is like Nie Yinniang, killing people invisible." Xiao Zhouhou gritted his teeth.

"Nie Yinniang..." Lu Dongbin pondered ~www.readwn.com~ It was a legendary female knight who was an era earlier than him. A real worldly expert, Lu Dongbin could not teach such an apprentice.

"Kill the current emperor?" Chen Tuan frowned.

"Exactly, kill the Zhao family!" Xiao Zhou's eyes flushed, and he kowtowed heavily, blood stained on the stone ground.

"Poverty Dao can't help you." Chen Tuan said, "The world is set at first, and the people need to recuperate. If Zhao official family is killed, Zhongyuan Fengyan will rise again, and it will be another century of war and corruption. Who can survive."

Xiao Zhou Empress is desperate. She is not a folk woman, but a dignified queen. She understands what Chen Tuan said. Although Zhao Kuangyi was a beast that killed his brother and usurped power, he was also the emperor of the Song Dynasty. The emperor died suddenly and was bound to do so. It caused regime change and the invasion of the Liao Kingdom in the north. By that time, the blood flowed and there were ten rooms and empty space. No one could bear this responsibility. Besides, the immortal met him by the water, and how could he avenge himself.

"Zhou Wei thanks Liu Xia Shi, for saving my life, and I will report it again in the next life." Xiao Zhouhou got up, bowed down to Liu Yan again, then rose slowly, took a deep breath, and rushed to the cliff without any hesitation, and jumped down. A touch of green is floating in the valley.

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