Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 40: 1 see love

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Lu Jiude suddenly felt very sad. The eunuchs could no longer restore the glory of Wei Zhongxian's period, and the Jinyi guards could no longer be as prestigious as the previous dynasty. All of this was exhausted because of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, in the face of the humiliation and ridicule of the immortals, he didn't even have the confidence to retaliate. Even Gao Jie said that he would kill a fierce person. Is he a castrate?

Fang Chengbin also miscalculated. He thought that the immortals would be furious, but he didn't expect that they didn't take the emperor seriously. In their opinion, Zhu Yousong was just a fat pig wearing a dragon robe. The selection of a concubine was a joke, even There is no need to be angry.

In the end, Dang Aiguo said to Lu Jiude: "Go back and tell Zhu Yousong, we thank Dr. Guan for his favor, but the title of the noble concubine is not sensitive. The emperor should use the energy of the concubine on the right path. Otherwise, Hongguang this year The number will not last a year."

It would be a gross disrespectful crime to speak this way to others, but the party patriotically called the emperor's name directly, and everyone was silent, afraid to say nothing.

The banquet ended hastily, the group returned to the inn, and the party patriotic called everyone to a meeting.

"This year is 1645 AD, the second year of Shunzhi, and the first year of Hongguang. If there is no major accident in the history, Zuo Liangyu of Wuchang will lead his army to Qingjun's side, and the Ming army will fight internally. Zuo Liangyu died of illness. A hundred thousand people were sent to the Qing Dynasty. The Nanming court was destroyed in May. Zhu Yousong was captured and executed in Beijing next year. Zhu Ming is exhausted. Even if the real gods come, we can’t save him. We still stick to our original intention and don’t be at this wrong time. Stay in the anchor point for a long time, retrieve the transit cabin as soon as possible and repair it, return to the baseline time and space, and continue our business. This is my opinion. Who is for and who is against? Let’s vote by show of hands."

All members raised their hands to pass. They were originally interested in assisting the Northern Expedition of the Nanming regime to regain their homeland, but the recent succession of events left them completely disappointed. The building will collapse, and it cannot be supported by a few people.

Dang Paiguo nodded: "It's okay for everyone to work together. We can't bet all of the treasure on Wu Sangui. Chairman Mao said, do it yourself, get enough food and clothing, and Yanzhi, I'll take care of you."

Liu Yan arched his hands straight and said, "Dare not follow your life."

Dang Aiguo laughed and said: "After being out for a long time, everyone has moved closer to the ancients, and I feel a little homesick."


Early the next morning, Lu Jiude departed back to Beijing. When he came, he was beautiful and hurried. He watched the sails of the official ship disappear at the end of the sky. Fang Chengbin sighed, "I'm afraid Huang Degong will be the next one to attack the city."

Huang Degong is also one of the four towns in Jiangbei. His reputation is slightly better than the other three, and his military strength is also stronger. The first two killings of Liu and Gao have all made tricks. If it is a wild wave battle, it may not be successful. Daming was offended at both ends, and it was difficult to survive in the cracks.

The party patriot also came to send it off, but he was extremely optimistic, and said with a smile: "Master Fang has been worrying a lot. The Nanjing seal of reward is just around the corner. We can make a bet if we don't believe it.

Fang Chengbin's eyes lit up: "How to bet?"

Dang Paiguo Road: " If Nanjing sends troops to attack, I will lose, and I will protect you from the river for a year. If Nanjing comes with a decree to award a reward, the adults have lost. The bet is not gold, silver or jewelry, just some calligraphy and painting."

Fang Chengbin saw that he was relaxed and he was skeptical, and accepted the bet.

Only one day later, Lu Jiude's official ship returned. This time the chief **** was full of spring breeze, with a pleasant smile, and even eagerly made a request, put an incense case on the dock and read the imperial edict.

The content of the imperial decree was as expected by Fang Chengbin. Fang Chengbin was the governor of Jiangdong and deputy capital imperial envoy, adding the rank of minister of military department, giving his eldest son Fang Chenglong a career as a commander of Jinyiwei. The rest of the generals all have rewards, from the general army to the capital. For those who saw it, Fang's youngest member was appointed by the court as a general judge of the Omi Prefecture because of his fame and fame. He was in charge of grain transportation and river defense matters. Although he was only a sixth-rank civilian official, his status was much higher than that of a military post.

The Nanming court threw the black hats around like money, but there was no real reward at all, but Fang Chengbin didn't mind at all. At this moment, he was ecstatic and wanted to kiss Lu Jiude.

"Mr. Lu, please come to the city to rest soon, and the next official to ask carefully." Fang Chengbin said, he wanted to know why the earth-shaking changes happened.

Lu Jiude waved his hand and said, "Forget about it, our family still has important things to do, we have to go to Huang Degong Huang Zongbing."

Fang Chengbin realized something, and lowered his voice: "Manager Lu, is there something wrong with Wuchang?"

Lu Jiude smiled bitterly: "The governor Mingjian, Zuo Liangyu has reversed, and the 200,000 troops have to go east along the river to Qingjun's side, and the Jiang defense is supported by Lord Fang and General Huang."

Fang Chengbin took a breath. Zuo Liangyu in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and Ma Shiying and Ruan Dacheng in power in Nanjing knew that they did not deal with him. Unexpectedly, the contradiction intensified to the point where the swords and soldiers met. The Ming army was very busy. Killing each other, who will defend against Taroko?

It turned out that Lu Jiude had not yet returned to Nanjing, and he encountered messengers from the court halfway through. At the moment of the enemy, Ma Shiying and others were forcing the emperor to take back his fate, so as to help Yiyong Jiang and use them to resist Zuo Liangyu’s army. Zhu Yousong was faint. , But not stupid. When life is at stake, he can only follow the arrangements of Ma Shiying and Shi Kefa.

Lu Jiude came to Omi for the second time and successfully completed the task. He bid farewell to Fang Chengbin and then went to Huang Degong to pass on his decree. He left in a humble manner. After Fang Chengbin sighed with emotion, he was worried about what he would do to patriot the country.

The Fang family is a wealthy family in Omi, but because the ancestors are military generals, there is no shortage of guns and sticks in the family. However, the Fang family’s sons and sons are always owed for their poetry and calligraphy. Therefore, there are really not many valuable ancient paintings in the family. I'm not willing to take it out as a bet, anyway, the Party Patriotic didn't specify what kind of calligraphy and painting it wanted.

The long-awaited imperial award finally arrived. There was joy in Omi City. Everyone was busy pulling silk and satin to make new official robes. Fang Chengbin took a few scrolls of calligraphy and painting from his study, went to a friend to ask for some, and personally sent it to the inn. At this time, the inn had been entrusted by four immortals, and it was spacious and comfortable.

Fang Chengbin asked Jia Ding to present a scroll of calligraphy and painting, and introduced: "The time is in a hurry, and the Xiaguan gang collected the paintings of the four families in Wumen, as well as several landscapes by Dong Qichang, and a Chibi Fu written by Zhu Zhishan. Glance over.

The four families of Wu School are Wen Zhengming, Shen Zhou, Tang Bohu, and Qiu Ying. They are all great talents in poetry and painting. Dong Qichang is also a famous calligrapher and painter in the late Ming Dynasty. Zhu Zhishan's calligraphy is also a masterpiece. Billion is not a problem, and a well-informed person like the party patriot can't help but be moved.

The governor saw that the party’s patriotic look was different, and thought he was dissatisfied. After all, these paintings and calligraphy were made by Ming people. Dong Qichang had been dead for a few years. Although the paintings and calligraphy were also valuable, they could not be sold in front of the immortals. If they were to take out Wang Xizhi , Wu Daozi's authentic works, that's the top grade.

"I am ashamed..." Fang Chengbin was embarrassed, but the party was very satisfied with the patriotism. He accepted everything and gave him the opportunity to face him, saying that he didn't have to worry about the rebels marching east, because Zuo Liangyu's life was over.

The party’s patriotism pretended to pinch and count: “Zuo Liangyu still has only one month of life. He will die on the warship. After his death, the generals will remain secretive and support Zuo Menggeng as the leader. Zuo Menggeng is no match for Huang Degong. , Will eventually surrender to the Qing army, so the left army will not reach the river, so Lord Fang naturally does not have to worry."

Fang Chengbin was convinced and asked about the future of the Fang family’s descendants. Dang Aiguo didn’t remember the history of the Fang clan, so he deliberatedly said: "The fate of others has already been set. Only Fang Jiaerlang’s future is unlimited. It's up to you to take the road."

The secret is not to be revealed, and it is inconvenient for Fang Chengbin to ask more closely. This sentence is enough for him to remember.


Fang Chenglong was appointed by the court as the general sentence of the Omi Prefecture. This official position was not what he wanted. The third son dreamed of being a commander, and he did not want to be a civil official who dealt with the case. He knew that this was the eldest brother who made trouble and deliberately arranged himself to be a civil servant. In fact, he guessed wrong. Fang Chengbin didn't mention him at all. This official position as a conciliator was equivalent to a charge for phone calls.

Fang Chengbin became the governor of Jiangdong of the third grade, and the new official took the position of the three fires. In the name of unified command, he first took back all the people who were originally assigned to the third brother, so that Chenglong was appointed as the general sentence, responsible for the transportation of grain and the river defense. It is an isolated city, where there is no food transportation, Jiang Fang is also a name, making the third son feel depressed, specially ran to the inn to find his eldest brother to drink.

There were only four immortals living in the huge inn, and there were no other guests. Fang Chenglong still wore a tuxedo and brocade robe, and visited the house. In the empty inn, only the shopkeeper's bored lay his abacus and smiled when the third son came. Stepped forward and saluted: "The master is here, and the villain kowtows to you."

Governor Fang posted notices in all four gates to make these fresh official titles available to the public. For fear of the people’s illiteracy, he arranged for scholars to explain by the notice ~ www.readwn.com~ Now everyone in the city knows that the third son is a son. When it comes to the general sentence, the flat-headed people and the scholars are two classes, and the commoners and officials who have not been official are two classes. The third son is the sixth-grade general sentence. Not to mention the carp jumping into the dragon gate, it is also a great thing to congratulate. The people are happy for him.

Fang Chenglong looked sullen, and said, "It's fine, get up, go and report to my elder brother, and prepare another pot of wine."

The shopkeeper said: "The fairy said, you don't need to tell me if the third son is here, please directly inside, I will prepare the wine and food for you, to ensure your satisfaction."

Fang Chenglong walked in. This Yulai Inn was the largest and best inn in Jinjiang City. In the past, during the Taiping years, it used to entertain the talents who came to various merchants from the north and the south and the provincial cities to rush for the exam. Now there are wars everywhere, and the rural test has long been stopped. The merchants didn’t dare to take risks. The inn had no business, and the door was not good. Fortunately, four immortals lived in. The expenses of the immortals were borne by the Fang family, and the daily expenses were quite a lot... Wait, why are there pipa bombs upstairs? The sound of playing?

The pipa played like weeping like a complaint, Fang Chenglong couldn't help but listen to it, unknowingly, he went up to the small building and looked through the window. There was a stunning woman in the room holding the pipa in her arms, a pair of jade hands fluttering, suddenly changed from sadness to gold Ge Tiema, lying in ambush on all sides.

Fang Chenglong fell in love at first sight.

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