Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 42: Transactions and judgments

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Liu Yanzhi was very angry. The two of them didn't do it early and did not do it late. They did not do it until Wu Sangui wanted to cooperate with him to exchange for Chen Yuanyuan with the crossing cabin. Didn't this make it difficult for him to do it.

The Dang Aiguo and others are also very angry. For them, returning to the benchmark time and space is the top priority. What is the love of ancient people? Isn't it all the words of the parents and the matchmaker? How can the Fang family’s third son have such a good family background? Come with Chen Yuanyuan? Isn't this nonsense?

Unconsciously, these modern people from the 21st century have become defenders of feudal tradition, clamoring to beat the mandarin ducks in order to guarantee the deal with Wu Sangui.

Guan Lu was angry: "I said you are so shameless. Isn't Chen Yuanyuan a free person? Is she Wu Sangui's private property and can be traded? As an adult, she has the right to choose who she is with In the same way, San Gongzi also has this power."

Party Patriotic Road: "Dr. Guan, we cannot judge from the eyes of modern people. We can only demand them according to the moral standards of the late Ming Dynasty. Chen Yuanyuan is still Wu Sangui’s private property. Similarly, the parents of the third son are still alive and have no right to choose themselves. Of course, he can take Chen Yuanyuan as a concubine, but this hinders our plan to return to the baseline time and space, and further hinders our plan to save mankind."

Guan Lu also knows the importance, she curled her lips and said: "Anyway, don't let me persuade, I can't open this mouth."

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "Let me say, which is lighter and heavier, I think the three sons can distinguish it."

Fang Chenglong's voice came from outside: "No, I am willing to send Girl Yuanyuan out of the city."

It turned out that Fang Chenglong and Chen Yuanyuan were already outside, and they had all heard the conversation. At this moment, one tearful, one face full of decisiveness, with a sense of separation from life and death.

Liu Yan patted Fang Chenglong on the shoulder and said: "The man is willing and rewarding, you are doing it right."

The messenger Zeng Hong ran two more times to finalize the location and method of the transaction. Both parties brought five hundred men and horses to deliver in person, and no one was allowed to deceive.

On the day of the transaction, Liu Yanzhi asked Fang Chengbin to borrow five hundred cavalry and a carriage. As for what purpose it would be used, Governor Fang didn't even ask, nor did he need to ask. In short, he just wanted to cooperate with him fully.

The team swept out of the north gate, and suddenly heard the horseshoe formation behind him, Liu Yan looked straight back. It was Fang San Gongzi who was chasing after the horse, chasing him and Liu Yan straight ahead, with a calm expression.

Liu Yan said straightly: "San Gongzi, why are you here? You should avoid this matter."

Fang Chenglong said: "It's okay, I just want to see what Wu Sangui looks like."

Liu Yanzhi knew that what he was saying was not what he said in his heart. Fang Chenglong was challenging himself. He wanted to send the woman he loved back to the magic cave with his own hands. This kind of thing could be done and it was a challenge to his perseverance.

"Young man urinating, being a big brother can't treat you badly." Liu Yan said straight.

Halfway through the troop, Liu Yanzhi went into the air to conduct reconnaissance. He could catch up to two hundred scouts alone. He could see if there were any ambushes from high in the sky. As expected, Wu Sangui brought only five hundred soldiers to come over, but Only the horse team can not see the transit cabin.

Could it be fraud? Liu Yan became suspicious, but after another thought, Wu Sangui was afraid of his own ability, and it was them who were more afraid of the other party's deception.

The two men and horses met. Both were cavalry. Standing two hundred steps away, Wu Jun and Omi Ming Jun’s uniforms were all dressed in the same color. They had face-to-face masks, six-petal high tops and wide rim helmets. Different color recognition flags, if not distinguished by flags, look like friendly forces.

Liu Yanzhi gently clamped his horse's belly and walked to the center of the two armies. Wu Sangui was a courageous man, and he even went forward single-handedly. The two army leaders talked face to face.

"You're Wu Sangui?" Liu Yanzhi carefully looked at this notorious guy in history. He was in his early thirties, with a beard, wearing armor, and showing a murderous aura of all kinds of battles. He was a brave general, if he succeeded in rebelling. After overthrowing Kangxi, wouldn't he become the founding emperor? Then history has to be rewritten again.

Wu Sangui also looked at this immortal. That day, the next battle in Omi City, Liu Yanzhi's image of killing the enemy in blood left a deep and terrifying impression on him. If I look at it today, it doesn't look like a **** of Shura, but a gentleman with weak writing. Scholar.

Liu Yanzhi didn't wear armor and a square scarf. He wore a blue cloth with a black collar and straightened up. He didn't even bring any weapons. He finished with emotion, and asked with a smile, "Wu Junmen, where's my goods?"

Wu Sanguixin said that the immortal is really direct in doing things, and even the greetings are saved, and he said: "Where is my Yuanyuan?"

Liu Yan waved his hand straight behind him, Fang Chenglong opened the curtain of the carriage, Chen Yuanyuan sat in the carriage, Wu Sangui's eyes were very good, he could see clearly, he was relieved in his heart, and said, "This handsome did not bring him the things that Mr. wanted. After receiving Yuanyuan, I will tell you the place, so you can pick it up."

"You don't pay attention to it." Liu Yan said straightforwardly. "You said you had to deal face-to-face, but you regretted it again. Do you play like a three-year-old kid?"

The fairy suddenly went crazy, and Wu Sangui was terrified, and quickly explained: "How can you dare to play with Mr. I, I am a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman. With Mr.'s means, the entire army can only be destroyed by raising my hands. Because I miss Yuanyuan too much."

Liu Yan nodded straightly: "This is a gentleman's agreement. I will definitely not rely on you. If you don't believe me, I will take Yuanyuan to pick up the goods, how about?"

Wu Sangui looked hesitant.

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "This is my bottom line. You don't want to push your nose to your face. You don't have to agree to it. Anyway, the people and horses are brought out. Taking advantage of the good weather today, we can do it."

Wu Sanguixin said that I would take five hundred cavalry soldiers and it would not be enough for you to kill a single person, so he said: "It's okay for you, but you have to make an oath in front of the army."

Liu Yanzhi stared at Wu Sangui fiercely for a long time, and the latter looked at him calmly.

"Well, all the troops have listened to it. Let me be a testimony. Today, I Liu Yanzhi traded with Wu Junmen. If I repent, the sky will thunder and strike." Liu Yan swore directly to the sky. All the more than 1,000 people present could hear clearly, Wu Sanguiyi The heart was finally let go. It was true that soldiers were not tired of deceit, but he also believed in poisonous oaths.

Liu Yan went straight back to the line, replaced the driver, and personally drove Chen Yuanyuan away. Fang Chenglong raised the reins and wanted to follow, but Liu Yan stopped him.

"Langjun, goodbye." A gap was opened in the curtain, and Chen Yuanyuan's low farewell voice came out.

Fang Chenglong's eyes were red, and he abruptly held back, turning his head away, without saying a word.

"You are waiting here, brother will not treat you badly." Liu Yanzhi seemed to have a point. After he waved his horse whip, he carried Chen Yuanyuan to rendezvous with Wu Sangui's army, and headed towards Cuiwei Mountain.

Although the traversing cabin is a huge creature, it is a drop in the ocean between the vast world. If it weren’t for Wu Sangui’s leadership, Liu Yanzhi’s ability would really not be able to find it. This thing was hidden in a pond near Cuiwei Mountain. After being salvaged, Liu Yanzhi's face was a bit ugly.

The transit cabin was severely damaged, the cracks were shocking, and the shell was still covered with mud, which was very ugly.

"This is what the King Yu did, and it has nothing to do with me." Seeing Liu Yanzhi's expression on his face, Wu Sangui hurriedly explained.

"Forget it, it's already like that anyway." Liu Yan jumped out of the carriage, "Chen Yuanyuan will give you the carriage, and we will be separated."

"Thanks for Chengquan." Wu Sangui rode on the horse, raised the curtain with a horse whip and looked at it, confirming that Chen Yuanyuan had not been compromised, and the stone finally fell to the ground in his heart.

"There will be a period later." Wu Sangui was about to leave, but Liu Yan stopped him.

"Wu Junmen wait a moment, the transaction is over, now it's time to settle another account with you."

Wu Sangui narrowed his eyes, and slowly stretched his hand to the handle of the knife: "Oh, what's the account?" He had a premonition that was bad, but he couldn't guess what medicine Liu Yan sold in the gourd.

"You let the Tartars enter the customs, causing the delay of the development of Chinese civilization for 300 years. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the bourgeoisie sprouts appeared. The era of great navigation is just around the corner. Colonizing America and Australia is not a dream, but you have all disturbed you. I want to ask you for all the descendants of Yan and Huang, Wu Sangui, you will not be able to offset your sins if you die!"

Having said that, Liu Yan jumped up straight, pulled Wu Sangui off the horse, swept his face first and made four big mouths.

"This slap is for me to beat you for Emperor Chongzhen. This second slap is for the Yongli Emperor who was hanged by you. The third slap is for the people who died during the San Francisco Rebellion. The fourth slap. I personally reward you."

Wu Sangui was beaten up. He didn't understand what Liu Yanzhi was talking about. A handsome face swelled to Lao Gao. His guards wanted to come forward to rescue him. Liu Yan threw out a pack of steel nails and swished through the air. When the sound came, a group of people turned on their backs, and then he slowly drew his saber from Wu Sangui's waist and raised it high.

In the early spring sunshine, the blade was shining.

Chen Yuanyuan in the carriage was stunned.

"Close your eyes, don't look." Liu Yan said straight. It's never good to kill a man in front of a woman.

"Wu Sangui~www.readwn.com~Don't betray your country in your next life." Liu Yan lifted the knife straight in his hand and cut off his head with Wu Sangui's own saber.

The knife was very sharp, his head rolled far away, blood sprayed out of the cavity, and his body struggled a few times.

Liu Yan directly picked up Wu Sangui’s head and saw that his eyes were still open, obviously not looking at him, he stretched out his hand to cover his eyelids, cut off the corpse and his shirt, and said to the frightened Wu Jun soldier: "I will not kill you. , Are all gone."

Wu Jun's five hundred cavalry rushed away. They knew Liu Yanzhi was not a mortal corpse, so they didn't even dare to think of revenge.

Liu Yanzhi asked Chen Yuanyuan to get off the carriage, remove the carriage, leaving only the flatbed, and then lift the crossing cabin up.  The carriage is a special elongated flatbed with reinforced axles, and it is driven by eight healthy horses to ensure that it is safe.

Over there, Chen Yuanyuan looked at Wu Sangui's headless corpse and wept. No matter how the man had done a big mistake or was scolded by thousands of people, he always loved himself sincerely.

"Forget it, leave him a whole body." Liu Yanzhi threw Wu Sangui's body into the carriage again, pulled Chen Yuanyuan into the carriage, and returned all the way south.

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