Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 46: Costin

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Chen Tuan is the patriarch of the Taoist inner alchemy school. He has lived for eight hundred years. He spent most of his time meditating and practicing, studying how to become immortals and attain Taoism. He has unique insights into the reincarnation of human beings. Taoism's interpretation is not the same as that of Buddhism. They all admit that people can be reincarnated, but this reincarnation is not inconsistent with the simple reincarnation in the minds of ordinary people.

Liu Yanzhi did not buy into the ancestor's explanation, thinking that it was too mysterious and needed a simple explanation.

Chen Tuan said: "If there is a ship that has been repaired and repaired for decades, where it is damaged, where is it replaced, every plate, every piece of sail, every nail is replaced with a new one, will the ship still be the original ship? ?"

Liu Yanzhi was silent. This question made him unable to answer, but the patriotic party laughed and said, “I didn’t expect that the thinking of Chinese and foreign philosophers is similar. Isn’t this the ancient Greek Theseus paradox? It can really stump many people. In fact, It can be explained by modern science that human beings are like that ship and are undergoing metabolism every day. Today’s me is a little different from yesterday’s. This year’s me is completely different from the me of ten years ago in terms of the molecular elements. I am still me, because I have to consider a question of the continuity of time and space, and there is no continuity of time and space between Xiao Zhouhou and Chen Yuanyuan. Patriarch, your answer failed."

Dang Aiguo crushed Chen Tuan's theoretical system with his four hundred years of leading knowledge. The ancestor was a little embarrassed, but he didn't care, hehe smiled and said: "When a person dies, his soul is gone, but the breath is still there. Qi will form a new soul, just like pawns thrown on a channel. If there are too many, there will be repetitions. This is good luck."

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "This is completely random, coincidental, and unscientific. What is this qi you said?"

Chen Tuan said, "Qi is the source of all things in the world."

Liu Yan turned his head to Paiguo the party: "Professor, please explain, what the ancestor said is too profound."

The patriotism of the party said: "Qi is a quantum life form."

Liu Yan said straightly: "I'm **** more confused."

Ji Yu said dryly: "Taoist practice of qi concentrating is to condense this qi in the body. After condensing, it will be the inner pill of Yuan Ying. With the inner pill, you will no longer be restricted by the body and swim between heaven and earth. If you want to There are two options for rebirth. One is to find someone to take the house directly, and the other is to reorganize the new person. Qi itself contains DNA and RNA information and can form the same person as the previous self."

Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "It seems like I'm watching a TV show, you are all amazing."

Dang Aiguo laughed and said, "What program, "Approach to Science"?"

"No, "Into Pseudoscience." Liu Yan said straight.

The ancestor Chen Tuan couldn't give them the answer. They just got together and parted again.

After the old friends left, Chen Tuan asked his apprentice to take the wine gourd. After hundreds of years of sleep, his muscles were severely atrophy, his whole body was much smaller than in the Song Dynasty, and his movement was extremely restricted. It was difficult to reach for a wine gourd. After a swig, Chen Tuan said, "I'm going to sleep. It will last for ten years or even a hundred years. You can do it yourself."

The disciples and grandchildren knelt on the ground and watched the ancestor close his eyes, but none of them saw it. A puff of anger rose from the top of Chen Tuan's head and drifted away.


The Dragon Ball has already been transported to Wudang Mountain. Dang Aiguo paid the villagers one hundred taels of silver and gave them some gunpowder lead bullets. The villagers gave them peaches in return, and gave them herbs and game.

The Dragon Ball got in hand, sailed through the group, and sailed down the river. At this time, Zuo Liangyu had stopped his soldiers, and there was no danger of soldiers on the Yangtze River. The road was unimpeded and went straight to the east of the Yangtze River. Seeing the green mountains and clear waters, Liu Yanzhi was in a good mood, standing on the bow of the ship singing "Laughs in the Sea".

"The sea laughed, and the tide was surging across the strait..." Dang Aiguo and Ji Yuqian also joined in. The three stood side by side on the bow of the ship, with feather-fans, turbans and white robe fluttering, watching the country so beautiful.

Suddenly a bird of prey suddenly appeared in the blue sky. Liu Yan came up straight up and asked the soldiers to take the bow and arrow and shoot with the bow. The eagle seemed to have discovered the danger, turned his head and flew away. The bow and arrow have a limited range, and Liu Yan directly estimated that he could not shoot. , Then gave up.

When the boat arrived at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, a cannon on the top of the mountain suddenly sounded, and high water jets splashed on the water. Fortunately, the distance was far and no one was injured, but the subsequent shelling became more and more accurate. A near missed bomb carried the dragon ball. Liu Yan was furious and ordered a counterattack. However, the elevation angle of the artillery on the ship was not large enough to reach the fort on the top of Cuiwei Mountain, and the firecrackers could not be hit.

Liu Yan was impatient. He picked up the Franco machine artillery on the bow, stepped into the air on the deck, and went straight to the sky, holding the cannon in one hand, igniting the Vulcan, and then holding both hands and aiming at the artillery position on the cliff. He saw it really, the cliff. A group of messy people are all in military uniforms, and Duo Duo, a rammer who doesn't know the depth, actually came to stroke the tiger's beard again.

The Franco machine shook heavily in his arms, and the artillery shells rushed out of the muzzle. Liu Yan was suspended in the air without support. The huge recoil pushed him back hundreds of meters away. The shells screamed and hit the Qing army's position. Give it a shot.

Liu Yanzhi returned to the ship and ordered everyone to be on guard. Since the Qing army occupied Cuiwei Mountain, it was certain that the soldiers were referring to Jinjiang City. It is pessimistic that the city has been broken at this time.

Everyone's mood became extremely heavy. The joy of finding the Dragon Ball made them almost forget that it was a time of war. The cruel reality instantly awakened everyone, and filled the artillery and blunderbuss with ammunition in silence one by one, ready to fight.

When the boat arrived near the water gate near the west of the river, only banners obscured the sky. The Qing army's warships were all over the river, the guns rumbling, and the smoke filled the gunpowder. Fortunately, the city of Jinjiang has not been captured.

Liu Yan straightly picked up the iron durian and went to the sky. After flying over, the Qing army was not familiar with water warfare. The warships were all confiscated civilian ships and the surrendered Ming army navy. The largest was only ten feet long, and the tonnage was very high. Small, the wooden structure could not withstand the blow of iron durian. In an instant, several boats were leaked and sank. The Ming army soldiers on the top of the city were cheering and morale boosted.

The West Water Gate opened wide, and the Ming army battled out, and Liu Yanzhi together with Liu Yanzhi slaughtered the Qing army navy division. The Qing army was defeated and killed the officers and all surrendered.

With the rise of Liu Yan's direct killing, he couldn't hold back the fire when he saw the Han people with the money-mouse-head haircut. A durian swept over, and dozens of soldiers kneeling on the deck were beaten to death.

"Brother, killing prisoners would be ominous." Fang Chenglong's voice came. It turned out that he led the navy out of the city to respond.

Fang Chenglong is okay, and Guan Lu must be safe too. Liu Yanzhi just took it away: "It's cheaper for these traitors."

The Ming army had a great victory and annihilated all the invading enemies. The red flags were deployed at the head of the city, and the guns were repeated. The Qing army attacking outside the north gate saw the situation unfavorable and withdrew. Darkened by the gunpowder, he told Liu Yanzhi that since they left, the Qing army had attacked again. If it had been before, Omi would not have survived for three days, but with the previous victories, the army and the people were united and defeated Duoduo three times. Attacking, but the gunpowder and arrows in the city were consumed too quickly, and Nanjing did not send out food and heavy goods for a long time.

"Big brother is here at the right time. Tomorrow we will fight outside the city, let Duduo see the power of iron durian." Fang Chenglong rushed.

"Okay." Liu Yan said straight. He always felt that he had a pair of eyes staring at him. Looking up, there really was a white eagle flying in the clouds.

"This flat-haired beast is born with strangeness." Liu Yan said straight.

Fang Chenglong took a look at the pergola and said, "That's not an ordinary carving, it's Costin."

"Ha Dongqing?  " Liu Yan asked directly.

"The most handsome man who carved out Liaodong is called Costinus." Fang Chenglong said, "Costin is not something ordinary people can raise. The owner of this big bird is at least a prince."

When the ship docked at the pier, a group of soldiers carried the dragon ball down, transported it to the post and placed it in the transit cabin. Liu Yan rode a horse to supervise it all the way. After returning to the post, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the lingering sea. Dongqing is still wandering in the sky.

"This animal must have very good eyesight." Liu Yan said straight, he was right. The eyesight of an eagle can spot rabbits in the grass ten kilometers away, so it is most suitable to act as a scout, but it cannot What you see tells human beings.

Unless someone can talk to Costin.

"I don't like being stared at. Bring me a bird with the best accuracy." Liu Yan said straight.

"Okay, take my magic weapon!" Fang Chenglong ordered the soldiers.

That Costin seemed to be able to hear him, and turned around and flew away, and flew extremely fast.

"This animal has a strong ability to predict danger and is quite spiritual." Liu Yan watched Hai Dongqing fly far away, with too much work, and he didn't have the energy to compete with a bird.

It was heard that the immortal returned from Wudang Mountain, and the morale of the army and civilians in the city had been greatly improved. The governor Fang sent people to invite Liu Yan to the Yamen to discuss military affairs. The hall was full of military generals~www.readwn.com~Fang Chenglong wore imperial gifts. The bullfighting suit ranks among them. He is responsible for the river defense and grain transportation, so the navy is led by him.

Although Liu Yanzhi has no five ranks, he is the backbone of Omi City Defense, and even the governor Fang must listen to his dispatch.

"Let’s take a break today. Tomorrow, after a full meal and dinner, I will lead my army to take down Cuiwei Mountain and the waterway will be clear."

The generals don't know why the fairy has a special liking for Cuiwei Mountain. Since they say so, then do it like this. Anyway, the fairy will have ten thousand enemies, so they don't need them to lose their soldiers.

At the top of Cuiwei Mountain at this time, Hai Dongqing fluttered his wings and fell in front of a very tall man, who should be two meters tall according to the scale of later generations. He was wearing a black cloak, his face was extremely pale, his eyes closed, and his cloak was covered by the mountain. The wind blew hunting and hunting sounds, and the whole person was as if he had entered a calm state. Hai Dongqing retracted his wings, and a pair of eagle eyes looked around. The man shook his spirit, opened his eyes, and revealed a strange smile.

Prince Yu Duoduo came over: " Great Shaman, what did you see?"

"I saw him, he is not an immortal, but an immortal is beside him." The big shaman replied casually in Manchu, and handed a piece of blood dripping to Hai Dongqing.

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