Time Traveler

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Lose thoroughly

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What the Qing army is best at is field battles. I heard that the army took the initiative to go out of the city to invite battle. Duoduo was overjoyed, drumming and gathering generals, leading the army to meet the enemy, the two armies set up their positions in the wilderness ten miles away from the river city, ready to fight. 【ㄨ】

The Ming army has only 5,000 men and horses, of which there are only 500 cavalry, and 2,000 soldiers with armor. The rest are people who have just joined the army. The weapons are not good, and the number of flags is not enough, only in front of each battalion. He recognized the flag, but his morale was high and he did not feel embarrassed. Each soldier had a sense of excitement on his face, as if he was not here to fight but to pick up trophies.

Behind the Qing army formation, on a small hillside was Duduo’s temporary command post. Prince Yu sat under the canopy and pointed the Ming army array with a telescope imported from the Netherlands. The distance was too far to be true, but he could feel it. The army's momentum is not weak.

Dodor has been fighting the enemy since he was sixteen. He has fought for nearly 20 years, fighting the Ming army, fighting the Mongols, and fighting the Koreans. He is very experienced. He used his nose to smell the enemy when he was fighting. You can know that no matter how powerful the army is, there will be an atmosphere of fear and tension spreading before the fight, but this Ming army does not seem to be afraid.

It’s not surprising that there are gods to protect them. These stupid Han people only know that there are gods in their own family. They don’t know that there are shamans and Hai Dongqing in the Qing Dynasty. Later, there will be enough for them to drink a pot. Duoduo glanced at the sky. Costin's figure is hidden in the clouds, there is a **** statue, and he has the chance of winning.

The Qing army dispatched 20,000 soldiers, and the fifteenth in the front were all surrendered Ming troops. These men were only worthy of cannon fodder. The five thousand Qing army cavalry was behind to supervise the battle, and they would come out when the Han people were fighting each other. To decide the outcome, all the battles since entering the customs have been fought like this, and it has been tried and tested.

The forefront of the two armies is only a stone’s throw away, and the faces of each other can be seen in the smoke and dust. The soldiers of the Qing Army and the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty are still wearing Ming dynasty armor and holding the standard weapons of the Ming Army. Even the officers can recognize the flag. It was at the beginning, and the only change was that the hair bun was shaved and changed to ugly money rattails. They were not ashamed at all. Instead, they yelled at the compatriots on the opposite side and made them die quickly.

The Ming army scolded them, and even the 18th generation of ancestors had finished cursing, but the two sides did not dare to attack, so they stood in a stalemate, only occasionally shooting each other with bows and crossbows.

Dodor learned the lesson of Wu Sangui’s failure. Instead of using cavalry to lead the battle, he opened the way with heavy infantry. Long-branded fire blunders, strong bows and strong crossbows. Soldiers in heavy armor formed a tortoise shell formation. No matter how powerful the immortal is, he is a person. Even if he had to fill the hole with his life, Dudor could fill it in. His plan was to use ten hundred turtle shell formations to hold the immortal at all costs, and then the cavalry would attack in a roundabout way. The other Ming troops would surely defeat the enemy in an instant. At that time, the overall situation has been determined, and the immortal will not be able to make it back.

Besides, there is Costin.

Costin has been watching the position of the Ming army in the middle of the sky. It is the spirit of Abu Kai that controls the gods. At this height, the entire Omi City and the surrounding area can be seen completely, so the deployment of the army has a panoramic view. The era of cold weapons The wars in China often rely on the deployment of ambushes and reserve teams to decide the victory or defeat. The Ming army deployed a 2,000-strong light cavalry unit on the flanks. I think this is the killer.

Abu Kai sneered because he saw Liu Yanzhi, who was hiding in the cavalry team with his signature weapon Meteor Hammer.

Costin stretched out his wings and flew north. He hovered over the Duoduo Command Post and tweeted twice. This was the contact signal they had agreed upon. Duoduo understood and laughed up to the sky: "Small Eagle, let the order go on. The army advances."

The snails blasted together, the drums were beating, the Han Baqi heavy infantry began to move forward, and the Ming Army was in a commotion. They did not expect the enemy to take the initiative to attack. After a moment of panic, the Ming army started shooting, and the fire blunders and bows were all fired. At a long distance, the arrows fell on the armor and clinked. The fireball's projectiles did not know where they flew, and the loss to the Qing army was very small.

The general led by the Qing army made a military order. Today, even if all his troops are dead, he will have to fight down. Otherwise, the head will be lost, and the Qing army will be experienced veterans. Seeing that the opponent's round of firecrackers has been launched, It takes time to reload. Take the opportunity to move forward quickly. Mingjun’s gunpowder panicked and filled with gunpowder and lead bullets. The archer’s speed was faster. He hit the arrow again and shot out. The distance is still far. The hit rate, what you want is coverage.

The tortoise shell formation of the Qing army was not afraid of arrows, and continued to advance. The Ming army panicked. The immortals of their own were not yet ready to fight. Their source of confidence was slowly disappearing. The Qing army was approaching, and morale was disintegrating here. His hands trembled while pretending to be gunpowder, the bows and arrows couldn't be opened by hand, and the hands holding the gun and the knife were shaking.

"Continue shooting!" Fang Chenglong commanded loudly. A sparse rain of arrows shot out, but it was still ineffective. A dozen shots of fire guns also fired sporadically, knocking down the Qing army in the front row of the turtle shells, but soon the vacancy was filled. .

"Big brother doesn't do anything, I'm afraid it will be bad." Fang Chenglong was confused, waving his sword angrily: "Those who retreat without permission, cut!"

No one is afraid of him, he is dead anyway, there is a glimmer of hope for escape, the soldiers in the back row sneak away, and the soldiers in the front row are also constantly retreating. Soldiers who have never fought are counselors, even the generals who lead them. There is no use.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Chenglong ordered the use of the killer's mace. There were five bed crossbows hidden in the team, but the crossbows fired by the bed crossbows were not spear-thin, but five bundled quilts.

It was not an ordinary quilt, but an explosive bag wrapped in a lot of crushed stones and broken tiles. Dr. Guan had not been idle for this period of time. He invented a variant of our army's unscrupulous gun during the War of Liberation. It was just the PLA explosive bag. It used yellow explosives. The conscientious guns at the end of the Ming Dynasty could only use black powder, but the ratio was adjusted, the saltpeter content was higher, and anti-personnel and medicinal materials that could produce soft-killing gas were added.

Five explosive packs were thrown into the Qing army formation, Nizi just burned to the position, a loud noise came, and the Qing army's turtle shell formation suddenly appeared a large vacancy. After all, the fighting will of the Han Baqi was not so strong, and it was hit suddenly. Suddenly stopped, the morale of the Ming army was declining, and the spirit of the Qing army was deflated, and the spirit came up again, and continued to shoot and release arrows.

The first wave of the Qing army's offensive was disintegrated, and they began to use long-range weapons to attack each other. The two sides used bows, arrows and small artillery to bombard each other. There was no need for head-to-head battles, and both sides would be able to withstand it.

But as time went by, the balance of victory was tilted towards the Qing army, because they had more artillery and more soldiers. If they were defeated, the Ming army was bound to be defeated, so the ambush was dispatched.

The two thousand cavalry ambushing on the flanks were led by Liu Yanzhi and killed. It was Liu Yanzhi who rushed to the front. He waved the iron durian and took the lead.

Hai Dongqing had been waiting for a long time. Seeing the ambush, he immediately swooped down and rushed towards Liu Yan with a thunderous force. A pair of iron claws seemed to be able to crush even steel, and a huge beak could penetrate the triple armor. Abkai believed his attack. Even a fairy can't hold it.

The immortal was indeed a distress. Seeing Hai Dongqing came down from the sky, he immediately hid in a stirrup and hid on the side of the horse. The soldiers beside him shot wildly with crossbow arrows. How could these ordinary arrows hurt Hai Dongqing, Abu Kai Flitting the wings and pulling away the arrows, but the rhythm of the dive was disrupted, and the momentum of the rush was gone.

Abu Kai continued to look for Liu Yanzhi. It ignored the blazing bullets and arrows, and only stared at Liu Yanzhi biting. Liu Yanzhi lost the bravery of yesterday, only to escape, fell off the horse and was guarded by a group of soldiers. Going down into the bamboo forest next to him, the bamboo forest is dense, and Hai Dongqing can't get in, hovering anxiously in the sky.

Dodor saw the situation here. The Ming army was unable to ambush you. He didn't care at all. The big shaman dragged the immortal, and his chances of winning here were even better. The flag was waved, the drum was beaten, and the Qing army was fully charged. .

When Fang Chenglong saw the Qing army overwhelmingly overwhelming, he hurriedly ordered Mingjin to retreat. In fact, the Ming army had collapsed without him hitting the gong. The rear team changed to the front team and ran away after losing the weapon.

"Won." Duoduo put down the telescope and said, he saw that the Ming army was about to collapse, and the southern barbarian was weak and collapsed when touched. He seemed to have seen that three days after the Qing army invaded the Jinjiang City Tucheng, his own flag was planted at the head of Yangzhou City, the Eight Banners athletes were drinking horses in the Yangtze River, and Emperor Hongguang of Nanming was captured with his hands.

But he was happily too early.

It is not Liu Yanzhi who is hiding in the bamboo forest, but Ji Yugan who pretends to be him.

The real Liu Yanzhi is already in the Qing army camp at this moment. Behind him are hundreds of corpses, all of them are the imperial guards of the Qing dynasty masters who guard the great shaman.

The deity of Abu Kai stood on a carpet, his clothes fluttering and his eyes closed. His spirit was on Hai Dongqing. The deity was unaware and did not know the danger was approaching.

But Abu Kai, who was far away on the battlefield, felt that his deity was threatened. In desperation, he came out of his shell. Hai Dongqing, who suddenly lost his command, fell from the sky like a weight, and fell into a dirt nest. A few somersaults.

Ming Jun rushed over and was about to chop the flat-haired beast with a knife. Ji Yugan shouted, "Stop!"


At the camp of the Qing army, Abu Kai suddenly opened his eyes, full of energy.


There was a sound of breaking through the air. Liu Yan held a Yan Ling knife straight from his waist and slashed across Abu Kai’s neck with lightning speed. This knife cut extremely sharply, and appeared on the slender white neck. A thin blood stain slowly oozes.

"You, you..." Abukai, who had just recovered his sanity, covered his neck with his hands, and pointed to Liu Yanzhi who could not speak. The dignified shaman died in a sneak attack. He was not reconciled!

"Me, me, what's wrong with me?" Liu Yan rubbed the blood on the blade against the bottom of his boots and made a face at Abukai.

The latter's head slid off his neck, the incision was smooth, blood spurted out of the cavity, and the corpse did not fall, still fluttering.

Liu Yan pulled out the pigskin pouch from his waist, put Abukai's head in it, and hurriedly set the fire. He first burned the grain and grass and then burned the camp. When setting the fire, he added some Chinese medicine. The smoke column was dark and went straight up the sky.

Duoduo sat firmly under the canopy, smiling to see the Ming army defeated, and the sons and sons destroyed and destroyed the Ming army to conquer the nearby river, just now!

Suddenly Duduo felt that something was wrong. It seemed that it was too easy to win. He picked up the telescope and carefully observed the battlefield situation. The Ming army didn't seem to be defeated. They couldn't pretend to be defeated. They were clearly defeated.

Could it be that there was another ambush, Duduo looked back subconsciously, and saw that the far away was soaring into the sky, which was the direction of his own camp.

"The Hans are despicable~www.readwn.com~ The old trick is repeated!" Duduo was furious. He was worried about the safety of the big shaman, and hurriedly ordered his tie-tie cavalry to help.

Suddenly something fell from the sky and was in front of the Dodor horse. The prince took a closer look. It was a leather pouch with something inside.

An ominous premonition came to mind, and Dudor asked the soldiers to open the skin.

The soldiers dismounted, picked up the skin and opened it, and inside was the head of the great shaman Abkai.

Not long after the head was cut off, it was still lifelike with temperature.

The big shaman is dead! Costin is dead! Is this the rhythm that God is going to kill me?

Dudor felt that the world was spinning, his eyes were dark, and his heart was hurting. He didn't know that his heart and brain blood vessels burst together. The soldiers saw the prince spout out of old blood, fell under his horse, or landed head first. They hurried forward. While pinching people, pouring horse milk, after saving for a long time, it was finally helpless.

According to Qing history, Prince Yu of the Qing Dynasty, General Dingguo, Aixinjueluo Duoduo, died in the second year of Shunzhi at the city of Omi.

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