Time Traveler

Chapter 39: As a spy

Time is tight, and the two have to give up their New York itinerary and immediately go to the airline to change their tickets. They bought two-way tickets in Hong Kong. They can only change their tickets by flying back to Hong Kong from San Francisco and then rushing to Omi. It is likely to delay major events.

Traveling back to the benchmark time and space is a top priority. Losing points and expenses are not a problem. Guan Lu made a decisive decision, refunded the ticket, and re-purchased a direct flight from New York to Beijing. It is now 1984. China and the United States have only five years of diplomatic relations. Political and economic exchanges are gradually It is warming up, but non-governmental exchanges are still rare, and flights are not available every day. Fortunately, there are vacant seats on the latest flight, but it is only first-class, not to mention expensive, not discounted.

The first-class ticket is expensive, several times more than the economy class. The situation is urgent, and the two of them can't care about the distressed money. They spent all their traveler’s checks and bought two first-class tickets to China tomorrow. .

   After all these things, it was dark. In order to save money, Guan Lu reluctantly returned the clothes and shoes that had not been warmed up. Even the two high-end rooms of Waldorf were replaced by standard rooms.

There are two beds in the standard room, and there is nothing to do all night. The next morning, the scheduled taxi arrived. The front desk called to remind them that they had breakfast and went downstairs with simple luggage to JFK International Airport, where they would fly. To the distant ancient China.

The space in the first-class cabin is very spacious, you can lie down and rest. The ten-hour journey soon passed. The flight arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport. Looking out from the porthole, it was the vast northern land. The air visibility was very high, and the long distance was visible. The runway and the huge terminal building are of course only Terminal 1, and No. 2 and 3 even have drawings.

There was some trouble going out of the customs. The two held passports of British Empire Dependent Territories citizens without Chinese visas. Fortunately, they also had Hong Kong ID cards and homecoming permits for Hong Kong and Macao compatriots. After a while, all the documents were sent to the border inspection. In front of public security officers.

The police officer was wearing a stiff uniform with sharp eyes under the solemn cap badge. He carefully examined the two documents. Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu couldn't help but get a little hairy. The police at the Capital Airport Immigration Department are not those from Luohu Port. They want to meet. Yes, guests from all over the world have long developed a pair of golden eyes.

   "Come with me, please." The policeman picked up his ID and walked to the next room. Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu looked at each other and had to follow him. This is the airport's heavy ground. There is no way to escape. If you move rough, you will find death.

   The two waited in the cabin for an hour. Liu Yanzhi was ready to take the risk. Just when he almost decided to break out, someone finally came in. He was a middle-aged police officer full of spring breeze.

   "Sorry for the delay, welcome home." The middle-aged police officer shook hands with the two enthusiastically, making them at a loss.

All the certificates were returned, and the luggage was taken care of for them. The two went directly to the terminal lobby to buy a ticket to near Jiang Yutan Airport. Guan Lu went to buy the ticket. Liu Yan directly saw a huge mural on the wall. It was a subtropical landscape, but a corner was blocked. He was a little curious. He walked over and uncovered it. Inside were a few women bathing in the river. They couldn't help but feel ashamed. People these days are too conservative.

  Unfortunately, there is only one flight from Beijing to Omi every week. They have already flown yesterday. They have to wait until next week to get tickets. They can only choose to take the train.

   Outside the airport, a Bluebird car with the Beijing Travel and Transportation Company brand stopped in front of two Hong Kong compatriots. The driver was a clever young man who helped them with their luggage.

   "Where are you going, sir?" the driver asked, taking an authentic Beijing movie.

   "Train station." Liu Yan replied directly.

  The road from the airport to the city is very smooth.  There is no traffic jam at all. The trees on both sides moved backwards quickly. The driver opened the chatterbox: "The two are overseas Chinese, are you returning home?"

   "Oh, traveling to get married." Guan Lu casually perfunctory.

"Why don't you go around Beijing, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, and the Badaling Great Wall, these are all scenic spots." The young man held the steering wheel, like a few treasures, "and our famous food in old Beijing, Quanjude Roast Duck, that must be tasted. ."

"You are not a hero until you reach the Great Wall. The Great Wall must be climbed, but I have been there a long time ago, not to mention Badaling. I have been to Mutianyu and Simatai. I will not go this time. I will not eat roast duck. "Yes." Liu Yan said straightforwardly. He realized that the driver was not easy because he saw Kang Fei's shadow.

   "That's a shame." The driver said, "Where are you going, I can help buy train tickets."

   "We want to go to Omi, the sooner the better, you can help the best, I can pay you foreign currency." Guan Lu took out two dollars.

   The driver smiled: "I am not a scalper, I am a driver of a regular travel agency. I can help you book tickets and charge the normal handling fee. I will arrange it when I arrive at the train station."

  Beijing Railway Station, crowded with people, there are long queues in front of the ticket window, it is hard to get a ticket to the direction of Omi, even the station ticket is not available.

   "It's over, I can't go back." Guan Lu looked up to the sky and sighed, "Hurry up and find a way, why are you not in a hurry."

   Liu Yan has a straight chest: "Isn't there Xiao Zhang?"

   "Xiao Zhang is a taxi driver, can he have such a great skill?" Guan Lu was suspicious.

   "He is not an ordinary taxi driver, if I am not mistaken." Liu Yan looked around, noisy and crowded.

   "He may be an agent of the National Security Agency, who was ordered to monitor us."

   "No way." Guan Lu looked around. The cleaning workers, the travelers reading the newspaper, the policemen on duty, and the self-employed people selling drinks all seemed to be monitoring them.

   Things have reached this point, there is no other way but to wait.

   Twenty minutes later, Xiao Zhang rushed over, holding two soft sleeper tickets to ask for his credit: "Thank you, you are compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao. I found my friend, and my friend went to the stationmaster again, and he approved it immediately."

   The soft sleeper ticket was in hand, and the two of them were so sure that they gave Xiao Zhang the ticket money and gave him an extra ten dollars in tips. Xiao Zhang refused to accept it.

This train departs in the evening, and there are still a few hours of free time. Xiao Zhang drove two Hong Kong compatriots to stroll around the city of Beijing. After a trip on Chang'an Street, he saw the famous Tiananmen Square. There was nothing in the square. Fences, no security checks, no plain clothes, only tourists from all over the world, and vendors riding pallets.

   At 6:40 in the evening, Xiao Zhang bought a platform ticket and sent them to the train. With the whistle, the diesel locomotive imported from the United States pulled the eighteen-section green bus and started slowly and headed south.

Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu put down their luggage first. There are very few people in the soft sleeper compartment. One box can only accommodate four passengers. There is another couple in their box, both intellectuals, who warmly invited them to eat apples. But in their opinion, this The two must be agents responsible for monitoring and tracking.

After dinner in the dining car, the four ghostly passengers returned to the soft-sleeper compartment. The other party began to talk about Liu Yan. Liu Yan had little experience in going straight to the north and south, so he had to fill up the boring gourd. Guan Lu was talking about her experience studying in the United States. The agents were bluffing.

   The conductor came to change sleeper tickets, the lights were turned off at ten o'clock, and the soft-sleeper carriage was silent, only the sound of rhythmic wheels and railroad tracks accompanied them to sleep.

   In the early hours of the morning, Liu Yan woke up from his sleep and found that the train had stopped at an unknown station. He had waited for an hour before it even started. He couldn't help but get up to find the conductor and ask the reason.

   "Stop temporarily, something must have happened ahead." The conductor could only give him a vague answer.

   "How many hours can I be late?" Liu Yan was very anxious, and there was not enough time. It would not be possible to go back to 2017 when it was late.

   "That's hard to say, it's normal to be ten hours late." The conductor looked at his watch and persuaded him to go back and rest.

   "Where is this?" Liu Yanzhi asked the last question.

"Not yet in Texas, this is a small station." The conductor gave him an extremely desperate answer. Even if he got off the train here and tried to get a car, he was not sure to reach Cuiwei Mountain within ten hours. There is no highway, no navigator, and he doesn’t know the road these days. The most reliable way is to wait.

   Two hours later, when the train started again, Liu Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief. He looked down at Guan Lu lying in the lower bunk. He was sleeping, and the pillow was wet with drool.

At noon, the train arrived at Omi Railway East Station. Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu said goodbye to the young couple in the same box with their luggage, and hurriedly got off the train. As the group of passengers walked towards the exit, the platform was overcrowded, all carrying big burdens. Most of the passengers with luggage are outside the hard-sleeper carriages. The doors are full of jams, and people can't get in or get up. Many passengers simply climb in from the windows of the car, and the conductor ignores it, as if this is justified.

Outside the exit, two scouts from the Second Division of the Public Security Bureau were waiting for the arrival of British spies. News from Beijing said that the two were suspicious and belong to general surveillance targets. The Ministry of National Security was only established last year. The espionage mission is still in charge of the police ~www.readwn.com~ and it is the people from the second office who are specifically responsible.

   But they didn't wait for the two fashionable Hong Kong people, and they didn't see anyone until all the tourists got off.

   "Oh, I was dumped." The scout was annoyed.

   Liu Yanzhi and Guan Lu slipped through the entrance and exit door of the station staff at the cost of a foreign exchange voucher exchanged at the Capital Airport.

   The two went out, looked at their watches, and felt confident that there was still enough to go to Cuiwei Mountain.

   "Will you go see your apprentice?" Guan Lu asked.

   Liu Yan shook his head straight: "It's too late, I will always meet by chance."

There were many cars parked outside the station. Liu Yan looked back and forth and opened the door of a Beijing Jeep 212, pulling out a few wires from under the baffle and sparking sparks. The jeep started. This hand he was in Antai. Learned at the training center.

   Guan Lu hurriedly climbed into the car: "You steal the car?"

   "How can I get there without driving?" Liu Yan put into gear, reversed, turned around, and drove toward the busy street.

   Ten minutes later, Xiao Li, the driver of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee who sent the station back to the parking lot, found that his car was missing, and he couldn't find it after searching for it. He hurriedly reported the case to the station police station.

   "The provincial party committee dared to steal the car, now the thieves are too courageous!" Xiao Li was furious.

   Inside the speeding jeep, Guan Lu said in confusion: "I seem to have been in this car."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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