Time Traveler

Chapter 42: White Rose and Love Rival

"Maybe to give us bonuses." Guan Lu said, "we are the heroes who saved the entire planet."

   Liu Yan nodded straightly: "There is a possibility, by the way, Kang Xiaofei is a good person, and you are a good match, how can I make people angry?"

   Guan Lu said: "I'm a younger generation. I have fought side by side with his dad. Talking with him about the subject, it feels weird."

   Liu Yan straightened his lips and said, "Come on, it's me who fights with Kang Xiaofei's father side by side. You patronize and your dad Qingqing, I and I, don't say anything, hurry up to get the bonus and ride your ride."

   Jiangdong University, Department of Physics Teaching and Research Building, Party Patriotic Office, the three met again.

  Party Patriotic asked Guan Lu directly: "What did you do in 1984?"

Seeing the other party’s serious face, Guan Lu was a little guilty and told the ins and outs of the marriage of his parents. The party patriotic got up, walked a few steps backwards, and said bitterly: "Any action that changes history will bring unimaginable things. We can’t predict the scale of the butterfly effect. For example, if the shot in Sarajevo in 1914 got stuck, maybe the First World War would not break out, so many people would not die in Europe, and the May Fourth Movement would not break out in China. All these are related. You must have known about Lingtang. She has changed from a retired accountant to a deputy director."

   Guan Lu said: "The impact is not great, it's limited to my house."

   Liu Yan directly helped her speak: "Yes, Dr. Guan is also kind."

   Party Patriotic waved his hand: "You don't need to call her Dr. Guan, she is no longer a doctor."

   Guan Lu was taken aback, and she turned her mother into the deputy director of the department and lost her doctorate. What a trouble this is.

"Your life experience has changed, because your parents are busy at work and no one supervises your studies, so you did not go to Harvard, did not study molecular genetics, did not have a doctorate, you are just an ordinary English undergraduate at Jiangdong University. "Dang Aiguo introduced Guan Lu's new resume maliciously, and added another sentence: "Fortunately, your playing is not too big, otherwise your home will be gone."

Guan Lu hugged her head, and she was afraid at first. She understood the party’s patriotism, and the consequences of casually interfering in history were unimaginable. Maybe her father and mother would not get married, so she would not have herself. After returning to the benchmark time and space, she It is a black household with no father, no mother and no identity.

   Liu Yan asked anxiously: "What have I changed?"

   "You abide by the rules and didn't mess around, so nothing has changed." Dang Aiguo replied and continued to ask Guan Lu: "Then, do you remember the experience of studying abroad, do you remember Samuel?"

Of course Guan Lu remembers the experience of studying abroad, the classmates, the plants and trees on the Harvard campus, and Dr. Samuel in the lecture hall. All of these have not disappeared with the change of history, and they are still very clear in her heart. .

Party Aiguo, who got the answer, breathed a sigh of relief: "Very well, I need your assistance, especially Miss Guan." The Party’s patriotic face is frank, but this frankness always makes people feel weird. Good things happen.

Guan Lu was still immersed in sadness, and all the things she was proud of disappeared overnight. The doctor of the prestigious school who returned from studying in the United States became an older leftover girl who couldn't even find a job. No wonder her mother rushed to arrange a boy for herself. What about friends.

   "Miss Guan." Seeing her dazed, Dang Aiguo raised his voice and reminded her.

   "Oh, you said." Guan Lu was absent-minded.

Dang Aiguo said: “Although this experience is missing, but for others, you are still a PhD in molecular genetics. You are a student of Harvard Medical School. We need your assistance to help us understand Monsanto’s current situation. What are you doing? As far as I know, several of your classmates are working there."

   "Let me be a spy for you?" Guan Lu smiled reluctantly. At this moment, she was very depressed, and she was not interested in anything. "I have no interest, I want to go back."

   Dang Paiguo shrugged: "Well, you go back to rest first, and seriously consider my suggestions."

   Guan Lu nodded, turned around and left. Liu Yanzhi wanted to persuade her, but couldn't speak, so she could only watch her leave.

   The patriotic party patted Liu Yanzhi on the shoulder, looked at Guan Lu who was going downstairs, and said meaningfully: "Now the gap between you is not that big."

   "What do you mean?" Liu Yan didn't understand.

"Okay, now talk about our business." Dang Aiguo returned to his seat and took out a report. "We are looking for someone, a computer hacker, who hacked the Shanghai Stock Exchange last month. The loss caused by the system is immeasurable, and we need this person."

   "Do you need him to hack into Monsanto's network?" Liu Yan asked straight.

"You are getting smarter." Dang Aiguo was satisfied with Liu Yanzhi's response. "Although Samuel Fox is no longer engaged in genetic research, Monsanto will not stop its efforts in this area. As far as I know, they are Carrying on a very large project, and it is inextricably linked with the US military, but the specific situation is not known. You know, our organization is strong, but it is still not enough to compete with world hegemony, so we need this hacker Go and help us understand something."

"what can I do?"

   "I will notify you when we act." Party Aiguo got up again and made a greeting.

   "Can I ask one thing?" Liu Yanzhi suddenly remembered something.

"You said."

   "Is Kang Fei turned out to be the customs chief?"

   "No, Kang Fei should have died as a martyr in the reconnaissance mission in 1984."


At the end of the meeting, Liu Yanzhi left Jiangdong University. He decided to buy a car. Since learning to drive, his hands have been itchy. Now he has money but no legal identity. He has neither an ID nor a driver’s license. Other people’s names.

At the Great Wall Motor 4S shop, two customers came when they were about to get off work, a pair of mother and son who looked rather shabby, but the action was unambiguous. The son simply looked at H9 and decided to buy, but the car buyer used the identity of the mother. .

An accident happened during the payment by card. The debit card of Antai Bank held by Liu Yanzhi could not be swiped out, and the balance could not be displayed. Liu Yanzhi only had this card, so the financial staff could not help, call the headquarters and get The answer is that other stores have encountered similar situations, and all the cards of Antai Bank cannot be used.

   Unable to pay by credit card, the plan to buy a car had to be suspended. Liu Yanzhi first sent his mother home and then went to a flower shop. He was about to launch a love attack on Zhen Yue. Sending flowers was undoubtedly the most direct way to show his feelings.

   The owner of the flower shop saw someone buying flowers and introduced various flower varieties and flower language enthusiastically. Liu Yan pointed to a bunch of white roses and said, "Just this, help me wrap it."

"Mister is really tasteful. The white rose symbolizes pure love." While the boss talked, he carefully wrapped up a bunch of white roses. He chose nine flowers with gypsophila and ribbons and other decorations, which looked pretty .

Liu Yan took the flowers and went straight to the fire brigade. He was seriously lacking in the experience of chasing girls and felt a little nervous. He was weighing his own success rate along the way. Zhen Yue is an armed police officer and a uniformed national cadre. He is just a member of the Antai financial group. Little employees are supposed to be unworthy.

   But I am the hero who saved the world! Liu Yan straightly cheered himself up, and his courage blood tank was full in an instant.

At the same time, Zhen Yue was worrying in the office. For the past week, Anonymous sent 999 white roses every day, filling the corridors. Asking the flower delivery person, they only said that they were arranged by an anonymous customer, and did not know the details. Who gave it.

What is more uncomfortable than Zhen Yue is her boyfriend Yu Hanchao, who has an anonymous local tyrant who gives flowers to his girlfriend, and the hand is very large. Every day there are 999 imported white roses, each of which is beautiful and full of bloom. It is said that the wholesale price is more than five yuan per flower, which means that this local tyrant will spend five thousand yuan every day for sending flowers, which is equivalent to Yu Hanchao's monthly salary.

Yu Hanchao is a classmate of Zhenyue Armed Police Academy, but he is from the Department of Anti-terrorism. He is now a lieutenant captain of the Anti-terrorist Brigade of the Jiangdong Provincial Armed Police Force. To pry my girlfriend, it is simply unbearable.

Today, Yu Hanchao is off work. This is the only time in the past three months that he did not need to be on standby 24 hours a day. He specially changed his clothes to pick up his girlfriend from work. Seeing the white roses in the corridor full of fire, he saw the big A taxi came at the door, and a sneaky kid came down with a bouquet of white roses in his hand.

   is him! Yu Hanchao was furious and hurried downstairs, blocking Liu Yan's straight path.

   "Who are you looking for?" Yu Hanchao's language showed obvious hostility. He is a soldier, not a civilian, and soldiers are always rude to the enemy.

   "Who do I want to do with you?" Liu Yanzhi is not a bully either. Although Yu Hanchao's height of close to 1.9 meters can bring great pressure to ordinary people, it is useless to him.

   "Are you here to find Zhen Yue?" Yu Hanchao was very direct, "I tell you, Zhen Yue is my girlfriend. From now on, you don't want to harass her, let alone send any flowers. Did you hear that!"

   Liu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Otherwise?"

"Otherwise, I will fight once." When Yu Hanchao saw that this kid didn't buy it, his attitude was quite stiff, and his heart became more angry. He reached out his hand to point to Liu Yan's straight nose, knowing that the other party was unambiguous, and squeezed his own. finger.

This is pretty good~www.readwn.com~ Yu Hanchao lifted his foot and kicked, Liu Yan moved straight and faster than him, kicking his face on the bone of his calf, and even the well-trained anti-terrorist police could not help but bite his teeth. Grin.

   Liu Yan took a step back, put the flower's hand behind his back, and assumed a fighting posture.

   Yu Hanchao rubbed his calf and didn't dare to underestimate the opponent, but the tactical emphasis does not mean the strategic importance. The villain who digs the wall has to be changed once.

   A battle began.

Fighting at the door of the fire brigade is not a smart thing. The young soldier on guard immediately reported to the duty room. A group of people ran out to watch. Someone recognized the big man as Zhen Yue’s boyfriend and hurried to tell her that Zhen Yue rushed to hear the news. , I saw the two fighting in a group, but the fight was very organized, not like a street fight, but like a duel on a ring.

Liu Yanzhi is two levels worse in height and weight, but his victory lies in his agility. Yu Hanchao’s heavy punches could not hit him at all. Instead, he took advantage of the loopholes to hit him continuously. If it weren’t for Yu Hanchao’s thick skin and thick skin, he had been hit. Training, get down early now.

   "Don't fight!" Zhen Yue shouted, her face flushed. She didn't know why Yu Hanchao and Liu Yanzhi were fighting, but she could guess it was for herself.

   Neither of them looked at him, but they couldn't fight anymore, because the 110 police arrived at the scene, four or five sub-policemen forcibly separated the two, stuffed them into the police car and took them back to the station for processing. Zhen Yue hurried to drove to follow.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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