Time Traveler

Chapter 87: Lost tiger

Datum Time and Space finally sent someone to pick him up, and it was Dang Aiguo personally leading the team. Liu Yanzhi was a little moved. He stepped forward and wanted to shake hands with Professor Dang, but the other party took out a tablet computer, opened the album and pointed to a picture and said: "Did you shoot this tiger?"

On the flat screen is a thin tiger with yellow and white fur lying in a cage, in a coma with a carved feather arrow stuck in his body. Liu Yan is stunned. Isn't this the tiger that he forced to jump off the cliff half an hour ago? Why did you go to the party’s patriotic computer? Could it be that the jump also traveled through time and space?

   Seeing Liu Yanzhi's expression, Dang Paiguo understood it, put away the computer and said, "The wormhole is really out of order."

This crossing is not only a patriot of the party, but also Lei Meng, who is serving as an escort. He is wearing a mountaineering suit, wearing sunglasses and holding an automatic rifle nearby. He is completely dressed in the 21st century. It seems that this is just a simple rescue. The action did not intend to stay in this era for a long time.

   After staying in the late Qing Dynasty for a year and a half, finally leaving, Liu Yanzhi was a little sad. He went into the wooden house and packed his luggage. He couldn't bear to pull down all kinds of furs, bacon, minced meat, salt, books, rifles and bows and arrows.

"No hurry, we are scheduled to return in 24 hours. You have enough time to decide what to take and what to leave." Dang Paiguo Road, "but I suggest you better keep these miscellaneous things in this era. By the way, where did that tiger disappear?"

   "I will take you, one hour away." Liu Yan said straightly.

   "Well, I also move my legs." Dang Paiguo took off the stylish cashmere cloak and wore a bright red jacket inside. It seemed that he was ready for it.

In Liu Yanzhi’s impression, Dang Aiguo has always been a gentle cultural person. He is very worried that the professor can keep up with his own speed. However, this worry is unnecessary. Dang Aiguo has excellent physical fitness and does not breathe after climbing over the mountains. Vigorous and experienced are like mountain climbers.

"Don't look at me like that, I have climbed Mount Everest from the north slope." In the leeward mountain, Professor Dang unscrewed the thermos and poured Liu Yan a cup of hot chocolate. Snow fluttered outside and it started to snow again. .

   Liu Yan took a straight sip, showing an expression of intoxication. The high-calorie modern food can replenish energy more than the bacon he made himself. More importantly, this cup of chocolate has the taste of hometown.

   After a short break, the three of them continued on the road. After reaching the cliff, Dang Aiguo raised the climbing watch on his wrist and looked at it. One and a half hours before the start, it seemed that his physical fitness was not just a little bit worse than Liu Yan.

   "The tiger jumped down from here." Liu Yan said, pointing straight down the cliff.

   Lei Meng said nothing, took out a safety rope and tied it to the big tree, tied the other end to himself, posing as if he wanted to go down the cliff to find out.

This is Liu Yanzhi’s home court. How can you bother others to do it? He excuses Lei Meng’s unfamiliar terrain to dissuade him. He doesn’t need a safety rope and climbs down the cliff with his bare hands. He is agile like an ape. If he didn't pay attention, he would fall into the abyss. He moved down carefully, and after descending ten meters, he landed on a raised stone platform.

   Behind the stone platform is a cave surrounded by thorns, and the mysterious cave on the cliff is what Dang Paiguo called a wormhole? Liu Yan looked up and shouted: "Professor, I found the wormhole you said!"

   The party's patriotic answer came from above: "Wormhole is not a real cave, it is a scientific concept...Wait, do you mean to find a cave?"

   After getting the affirmative answer, Dang Aiguo also came down. With a safety rope tied to his waist and holding a flashlight, he wanted to explore the cave with Liu Yanzhi.

   Liu Yan took the lead, holding a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other. He bowed into the cave. This cave was not as big as he had imagined. The space was so cramped that he couldn't stand up. What was even more frightening was that there was a coffin in the cave.

   "What's inside?" Dang Aiguo asked outside.

   "The coffin." Liu Yan stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the coffin, and stopped in mid-air. In case a zombie with fangs and Qing Dynasty official uniform popped out of it, he didn't have a spell or something.

  Party Patriotic also crawled in and looked at the coffin: "I didn't expect Jiangdong to have a hanging coffin too. Forget it, don't disturb the peace of the dead, let's go."

   The two went out of the cave one after another, and no one noticed the murals on the stone walls. They were three portraits with apertures on their heads. The people below worshipped.

   After some searching, there is nothing suspicious near the cliff. Time is limited. The Dang Paiguo ordered an evacuation. The three of them trudged the mountains and rivers and returned to the crossing point. On the way, Liu Yan directly asked about the origin of the tiger.

According to Dang Aiguo, after the three of Lei Meng and the others returned, they immediately embarked on a rescue operation. They would never abandon their comrades in ancient times, but it was difficult to grasp the time when they crossed again. It was too early to find anyone, and it was late. Liu Yanzhixing Xu had already married a wife and had children and took root in the Qing Dynasty. In a dilemma, a tiger suddenly appeared in Cuiwei Mountain in 2017.

Cuiwei Mountain was originally a nature reserve. It’s not surprising that there are wild animals, but the appearance of this extinct South China tiger is outrageous. On that day, a few camping friends first spotted the tiger and took photos with SLR cameras and posted them online. , But did not cause a sensation, but was ridiculed by the majority of netizens as a new generation of "True Dragon Beat Tiger".

The tiger in the photo has an arrow stuck in his body. This is an important basis for netizens to consider fraud. Whoever takes a bow and arrow to hunt in the mountains while free, can still shoot a tiger. Isn’t this a test of the netizens’ IQ, but this matter? However, it attracted the attention of the party’s patriotism. He organized a team of hunters, set up traps all over the mountain, and finally captured the tiger. As expected, the tiger carried arrows, and it was not a hunting arrow used by modern people, but a classical wooden pole. According to textual research, the arrow is a green camp system in the Qing Dynasty. The tiger is definitely not an artificially fed tiger from a zoo or a circus, but a South China tiger that has survived for many years in the wild.

  Party Patriotic is based on this vague clue that Liu Yanzhi is already waiting at the crossing point of Cuiwei Mountain, and he resolutely travels through it himself and brings back his subordinates.

"There are wormholes in Cuiwei Mountain, and there are more than one places, everywhere, and fleeting. We have long understood this, but it is just a hypothesis. This tiger gave me a clear answer. I lacked a lot of information. History There is no record of tiger hunting in Shangcuiwei Mountain, so I guess you shot that arrow." Dang Aiguo said, "Do you know what a wormhole is now?"

   "I know, it's a space-time tunnel." Liu Yan said straight, "but what I don't quite understand is why our traversing machine can only go back to the past, but not into the future."

Dang Aiguo Road: "This...in fact, it should be possible. We can travel through time, but we can only do it. It is like handing over a car to the people of the Ming Dynasty. Maybe they can learn to drive, but make a new one. It is impossible to come out."

   Liu Yan said straightforwardly: "I understand a little bit, there are people from the future in the organization."

   Party Patriotic panted heavily and declined to comment: "Maybe."

   "There is another question, what do you plan to do with Zhou Jiarui and let him stay in this era?" Liu Yan said straight.

   "We don't have the energy to deal with the problem of Teacher Zhou for the time being, and it's not worth setting up a crossing plane for him alone." Dang Paiguo smiled bitterly, "But for you, it's worth it."

   Liu Yan shrugged, feeling that the party’s patriotism was exaggerated, so he asked casually, “Isn’t it just a waste of electricity?”

   The Party Patriotic stopped and said sternly: "Yan Zhi, the cost of our crossing is about 100 million yuan."

   "How much?" Liu Yan's eyes widened.

"The cost of power plant amortization alone is like this." Dang Aiguo explained, "Do you know the Manhattan Project in the United States? The Americans spent 2 billion U.S. dollars to build the atomic bomb. That was the U.S. dollars in the 1940s. It’s not a nuclear weapon, but it’s almost there. It takes a man-made substance to keep the wormhole open. The cost of this thing is the bulk. The key is that money can’t buy it..."

Along the way, the party’s patriotism finally succeeded in making Liu Yanzhi understand two things. One is that the cost of crossing is extremely high, and the other is that his value in the minds of leaders is very high. The benefits of these two highs are that Liu Yanzhi gave up most of the benefits. The subsidy for the crossing was only 300,000 yuan according to the original plan.

   Back to the crossing point, Liu Yan made a fire to cook. Taking advantage of the barbecue, he took the Boston Evening News and showed it to the party.

   After reading the party patriotism, put the newspaper aside.

   "Why? Something went wrong?" Liu Yanzhi felt a little bad.

"You have completed the task, but the Cunningham family is still passed on. Maybe there is a problem in which link, but this is not important anymore, because Cunningham is not the focus, the talents on the list are the focus~www.readwn.com~ Party Aiguo set aside the bonfire, took out the small metal flask from his arms, and handed it to Liu Yanzhi: "Drink? "

   When Liu Yan stretched out his hand to pick it up, Dang Aiguo saw the emerald finger on his thumb. He couldn't help holding his glasses and sitting upright: "Can you show me the finger?"

   "Yes." Liu Yan took off his finger and put it in the hands of the party patriot, inadvertently said, "Cixi gave it to me, and I use it for archery."

   "Can you sell it to me?" Dang Aiguo Road, "I will give you a reasonable price."

   "Take it as you like." Liu Yan said straight.

"This level of jade is rare in the world. It is worth at least 100 million in value alone. With the family background, at least 50 million or 150 million more expensive things. Are you really planning to give it to me?" The party patriotic smiled.

"A gentleman says it's hard to chase a horse." Liu Yanzhi has lived in seclusion for a long time, and his mind has undergone subtle changes. In his eyes, this jade finger is not as valuable as an iron pan. Besides, he also believes that the party patriot will not Take your own things for nothing.

It was time for the return journey. Liu Yanzhi took only a dozen fox skins, and the rest was left in place. He looked back at the wooden house and remembered many things. Many people stayed in the master Zhou, who was the most powerful teacher in the Qing Dynasty. Visiting Xia Feixiong Yan Shengnan couple, Hong Kong Chief Executive's ancestor Liang Dingbang, Shanghai Shuyu Mr. Shen Xiaohong, Lin Huaiyuan, Empress Dowager Cixi, and his unmarried wife Lin Su who had a close relationship with him.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!


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