Tired of Death
Chapter 18:Holding the Baby
Dreth looked at Redthorne holding the baby and frowned. "Groups of Woodland Elf Hunters don't go dungeon delving; they are just not the type. And suddenly there's a pack of Dark elves wandering about as well. They wouldn't be seeking treasure here." He pointed a bony finger. "And I don't think you were surprised to find that baby either." He tapped the pommel of Darkblood meaningfully. "Start talking."
The wizard scowled. "Pah, very well. This elf," he jiggled the baby, "is what I actually came here looking for. I've been sent to retrieve it by my Order. It was a stroke of luck finding it so easily, I must admit."
"You came to this dungeon looking for a baby elf?" asked Percy. "Not the treasure? It's very fabled our treasure you know."
"The treasure means nothing to me," said the mage. "The baby is what I wanted."
"So you have it now, why not just leave?" asked Dreth.
"Amazing! Doesn't want the treasure," Percy muttered to himself.
"It's not as simple as that. I don't know my way out of here, and I can't teleport far accurately enough with the baby to get outside, for technical reasons. I figured the best chance I have of staying alive is to stick with you, at least until a better choice comes along, but that's not too likely in this place."
"Can I have your share of the gold then?" asked Percy.
"So what's so special about this infant?" Dreth said, ignoring the zombie.
"This baby is destined to save the world from great evil. When he's older of course. The elves are no doubt from his tribe, out looking for him. The loss of a young one would be very disturbing to them."
"Or magical artifacts, I like magical artifacts."
"Shut up Percy," said Dreth. Then to the wizard: "So why not just give them the baby back? They're on the side of Good aren't they? It would get them off our backs at least."
"Pah, elves." Redthorne made a face. "They'll just take him back to their bloody forest and hide him away. 'Non interference of destiny'," he made the 'speech marks' sign with his hands. "You know how elves are. He needs training if he's to survive. To survive, grow up and be able to save us that is. My order can give him that training. Such a thing must not be left to chance."
Dreth looked at the zombies. "I don't know," he said.
"I say we hand them both over to the elves, they might help us if we do," said Cuthbert.
"Just leave the wizard to it, he's dragging us down," interjected Percy.
"It's no good arguing, those choices are risky to you too," said Redthorne, obviously not liking where the conversation was heading. "What are we going to do? Where can we go now?"
"I don't know. It's not like a door is just going to open up conveniently to let us through, is it?" asked Dreth.
There was a grating noise from behind him. Part of the wall slid back, to reveal an entranceway.
"How did you do that Uncle Dreth?" asked Sprat.
"Never mind," said Cuthbert, "never look a gift unicorn in the eye. Come on." He heaved on the dead elf and pulled it into their unexpected escape route.
Dreth shrugged and followed him, as did the others. Once the last of them were inside, the wall slid shut again, blocking the exit.
"So now what?" asked Redthorne, looking about. They were in another service tunnel, slightly narrower than the main passage, but made of the same gray stone.
"I think we're supposed to follow this character," said Dreth, pointing at the large half cat, half man creature that had suddenly appeared in front of them. Standing on two legs, the muscular beast was human shaped, yet covered with a light brown fur. Startling green eyes stared out over a snub black nose and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. It was naked except for a pair of ragged shorts, and was gesturing at him with a clawed hand.
The others looked at each other. Percy crossed his eyes and put a finger to his head, making the 'mental' gesture. "Er, who would that be then?"
"This chap here, he's standing right in front of you," replied Dreth.
Cuthbert looked at Redthorne, who was frowning. "He's gone. Eaten too many brains, that's his problem. I always said the old gray matter was bad for you. Makes you unbalanced. Not enough nutritious fat content."
"I'm not unbalanced," said Dreth, annoyed now. Then something occurred to him. "Oh."
"That's the spirit," said Percy, patting him gently on the shoulder. "The first step to recovery is recognizing you have a problem."
"The only problem I have just now is you two imbeciles!" retorted Dreth, shrugging off the zombie. "There is a cat-man creature standing right here. He's obviously invisible."
"Of course, invisible," said Cuthbert, winking at Percy. "Humor him," he mouthed.
"Wait a minute," replied Redthorne, "I can do one better." He put the baby in a special sling he had rigged up to enable him to keep his hands free, and cast a short spell.
There was a general wobbling of the air, and suddenly the zombies jumped.
"Oh, him," said Cuthbert. "Invisible was he?"
Dreth ignored him. "Lead on," he said to the cat-man, who turned and loped off down the corridor.
He started after him, followed by Redthorne. Cuthbert and Percy each took a leg of the dead elf and dragged the body behind them, Sprat sat on the chest, enjoying the ride.
~ * ~
Harm stalked down the passageway, following his scouts.
"It's just down here," said Smudge in a low voice. "They're trapped between you, those elves and the Golem."
"You had better be right," said the leader. "I've lost too many of my men as it is, curse this trap riddled maze." He made a quick hand signal to his troops, and they drew their weapons.
"Watch out for Dreth, he's strong and fast, you'll have to immobilize him. And the wizard is dangerous too. The zombies are nothing," said Smudge, hovering over Harm's head. "Just around that corner." She pointed.
Harm made a curt gesture, shutting the Fearie up. His men crept forward and one of them peered cautiously down the corridor. After a short pause he stepped forward, moving out of Harm's sight for a moment. A second later he returned. "Nothing, there's no one there."
Harm looked at the Fearie.
"I swear! They were there just a few minutes ago! They can't have gone far! Maybe they're using invisibility, or perhaps Redthorne's teleported them!" Smudge flitted about nervously under Harm's angry gaze.
The elf looked at his mage, Kruel Darkhand, and jerked his head. She nodded and walked around the corner. He followed.
"Nothing," she said, after casting her senses wide. "Nothing invisible in sight, if you see what I mean. And I would detect a manna residue from a powerful spell like teleport."
Harm drew a deep breath and his sword at the same time. "Fearie," he started. "I would like to make a short sharp point…"
"Sir! Something approaching," one of his scouts interrupted the pending execution. "It's big whatever it is."
"The Golem!" squeaked Smudge. "We're undone! It will butcher us all."
"Quiet you," said Harm. He looked around. "Battle formation. If this thing's half as bad as I've heard, we'll be lucky to escape with our lives should it think badly of us. I do the talking." He cast another look at the Fearie, who nodded.
They spread out, swords drawn as heavy footsteps approached. Harm couldn't see anything with his infravision, but the two dots of red light were hard to overlook.
The Golem stopped in front of the elves and looked around. Its gaze came to rest on Harm, and it stepped closer. Bending down to face the Leader it spoke:
"Where is Dreth?"
"Honestly? I've no idea," replied Harm coolly. "But it may interest you to know…" He was cut off as the Golem rumbled threateningly.
"He's been here recently, I can smell him. Tell me where he went." The eyes pulsed.
The elf put out a hand in a calming gesture. "Look, I don't know. However, my diminutive friend here," he pointed at Smudge, "says a wizard has the item we're searching for, and he is traveling with your friend. We're both after the same group. You want this Dreth fellow, and we're after the wizard. If you pat our backs, we'll scratch yours." Harm wondered what could actually scratch the animation. He made a mental note to confer with his mage later.
The Golem stood upright again, towering over the elf. After a moment of contemplation it looked at Harm. "What do you propose?"
The wizard scowled. "Pah, very well. This elf," he jiggled the baby, "is what I actually came here looking for. I've been sent to retrieve it by my Order. It was a stroke of luck finding it so easily, I must admit."
"You came to this dungeon looking for a baby elf?" asked Percy. "Not the treasure? It's very fabled our treasure you know."
"The treasure means nothing to me," said the mage. "The baby is what I wanted."
"So you have it now, why not just leave?" asked Dreth.
"Amazing! Doesn't want the treasure," Percy muttered to himself.
"It's not as simple as that. I don't know my way out of here, and I can't teleport far accurately enough with the baby to get outside, for technical reasons. I figured the best chance I have of staying alive is to stick with you, at least until a better choice comes along, but that's not too likely in this place."
"Can I have your share of the gold then?" asked Percy.
"So what's so special about this infant?" Dreth said, ignoring the zombie.
"This baby is destined to save the world from great evil. When he's older of course. The elves are no doubt from his tribe, out looking for him. The loss of a young one would be very disturbing to them."
"Or magical artifacts, I like magical artifacts."
"Shut up Percy," said Dreth. Then to the wizard: "So why not just give them the baby back? They're on the side of Good aren't they? It would get them off our backs at least."
"Pah, elves." Redthorne made a face. "They'll just take him back to their bloody forest and hide him away. 'Non interference of destiny'," he made the 'speech marks' sign with his hands. "You know how elves are. He needs training if he's to survive. To survive, grow up and be able to save us that is. My order can give him that training. Such a thing must not be left to chance."
Dreth looked at the zombies. "I don't know," he said.
"I say we hand them both over to the elves, they might help us if we do," said Cuthbert.
"Just leave the wizard to it, he's dragging us down," interjected Percy.
"It's no good arguing, those choices are risky to you too," said Redthorne, obviously not liking where the conversation was heading. "What are we going to do? Where can we go now?"
"I don't know. It's not like a door is just going to open up conveniently to let us through, is it?" asked Dreth.
There was a grating noise from behind him. Part of the wall slid back, to reveal an entranceway.
"How did you do that Uncle Dreth?" asked Sprat.
"Never mind," said Cuthbert, "never look a gift unicorn in the eye. Come on." He heaved on the dead elf and pulled it into their unexpected escape route.
Dreth shrugged and followed him, as did the others. Once the last of them were inside, the wall slid shut again, blocking the exit.
"So now what?" asked Redthorne, looking about. They were in another service tunnel, slightly narrower than the main passage, but made of the same gray stone.
"I think we're supposed to follow this character," said Dreth, pointing at the large half cat, half man creature that had suddenly appeared in front of them. Standing on two legs, the muscular beast was human shaped, yet covered with a light brown fur. Startling green eyes stared out over a snub black nose and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. It was naked except for a pair of ragged shorts, and was gesturing at him with a clawed hand.
The others looked at each other. Percy crossed his eyes and put a finger to his head, making the 'mental' gesture. "Er, who would that be then?"
"This chap here, he's standing right in front of you," replied Dreth.
Cuthbert looked at Redthorne, who was frowning. "He's gone. Eaten too many brains, that's his problem. I always said the old gray matter was bad for you. Makes you unbalanced. Not enough nutritious fat content."
"I'm not unbalanced," said Dreth, annoyed now. Then something occurred to him. "Oh."
"That's the spirit," said Percy, patting him gently on the shoulder. "The first step to recovery is recognizing you have a problem."
"The only problem I have just now is you two imbeciles!" retorted Dreth, shrugging off the zombie. "There is a cat-man creature standing right here. He's obviously invisible."
"Of course, invisible," said Cuthbert, winking at Percy. "Humor him," he mouthed.
"Wait a minute," replied Redthorne, "I can do one better." He put the baby in a special sling he had rigged up to enable him to keep his hands free, and cast a short spell.
There was a general wobbling of the air, and suddenly the zombies jumped.
"Oh, him," said Cuthbert. "Invisible was he?"
Dreth ignored him. "Lead on," he said to the cat-man, who turned and loped off down the corridor.
He started after him, followed by Redthorne. Cuthbert and Percy each took a leg of the dead elf and dragged the body behind them, Sprat sat on the chest, enjoying the ride.
~ * ~
Harm stalked down the passageway, following his scouts.
"It's just down here," said Smudge in a low voice. "They're trapped between you, those elves and the Golem."
"You had better be right," said the leader. "I've lost too many of my men as it is, curse this trap riddled maze." He made a quick hand signal to his troops, and they drew their weapons.
"Watch out for Dreth, he's strong and fast, you'll have to immobilize him. And the wizard is dangerous too. The zombies are nothing," said Smudge, hovering over Harm's head. "Just around that corner." She pointed.
Harm made a curt gesture, shutting the Fearie up. His men crept forward and one of them peered cautiously down the corridor. After a short pause he stepped forward, moving out of Harm's sight for a moment. A second later he returned. "Nothing, there's no one there."
Harm looked at the Fearie.
"I swear! They were there just a few minutes ago! They can't have gone far! Maybe they're using invisibility, or perhaps Redthorne's teleported them!" Smudge flitted about nervously under Harm's angry gaze.
The elf looked at his mage, Kruel Darkhand, and jerked his head. She nodded and walked around the corner. He followed.
"Nothing," she said, after casting her senses wide. "Nothing invisible in sight, if you see what I mean. And I would detect a manna residue from a powerful spell like teleport."
Harm drew a deep breath and his sword at the same time. "Fearie," he started. "I would like to make a short sharp point…"
"Sir! Something approaching," one of his scouts interrupted the pending execution. "It's big whatever it is."
"The Golem!" squeaked Smudge. "We're undone! It will butcher us all."
"Quiet you," said Harm. He looked around. "Battle formation. If this thing's half as bad as I've heard, we'll be lucky to escape with our lives should it think badly of us. I do the talking." He cast another look at the Fearie, who nodded.
They spread out, swords drawn as heavy footsteps approached. Harm couldn't see anything with his infravision, but the two dots of red light were hard to overlook.
The Golem stopped in front of the elves and looked around. Its gaze came to rest on Harm, and it stepped closer. Bending down to face the Leader it spoke:
"Where is Dreth?"
"Honestly? I've no idea," replied Harm coolly. "But it may interest you to know…" He was cut off as the Golem rumbled threateningly.
"He's been here recently, I can smell him. Tell me where he went." The eyes pulsed.
The elf put out a hand in a calming gesture. "Look, I don't know. However, my diminutive friend here," he pointed at Smudge, "says a wizard has the item we're searching for, and he is traveling with your friend. We're both after the same group. You want this Dreth fellow, and we're after the wizard. If you pat our backs, we'll scratch yours." Harm wondered what could actually scratch the animation. He made a mental note to confer with his mage later.
The Golem stood upright again, towering over the elf. After a moment of contemplation it looked at Harm. "What do you propose?"
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