Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 997: I thought you were underestimated.


The bright red blood dripped from the gap of the star armor, and it was no longer known how many times the girl who had been pumped opened the mask and dropped the blood that had begun to solidify in the mask to avoid blocking the breath.

"It's worthy of being a **** raised by Jenos, just as ruthless as him." The girl felt the tingling sensation in her chest and couldn't help cursing.

"Betty, run away!" At this time, a girl who seemed to be anxious came from above her head. At the same time, there were violent shells and explosions. Betty knew it was Daisy's voice and she was firing. , Pinning that black-skinned dog.

This dog belongs to the anti-level existence in the native breed. Because the black-skinned creature can become a native species, it is very good, and this one raised by Jelos is not only becoming a native species, but also is about to be promoted to a high-level native species, which is really incredible.

However, as for the martial arts, these Star Division divisions are also unclear. According to the data collected by the family, martial arts do have magical powers that can allow the native species to break through the original boundaries, but it will be a drag on martial arts.

In other words, Muria now has more than a dozen burdens that drag him down, but even so, his practice speed is still surging.

Of course, Betty knows that the bastard's martial talent is really very strong, but the main reason is because the family has no restrictions on his martial arts resources. Give as much as you want.

The present era is the era of the Xingjia Division. The martial arts have faded, but the decline of the martial arts is not because of resources, but because it has been unable to keep up with the development and progress of the times.

Therefore, now that the martial arts have faded, the resources used for martial arts practice are extremely abundant, and some of them can even be said to be cabbage prices.

While Betty was thinking about the dog in front of her, she didn't even look at her body as she left her place, and just after she was away, a dark black light cannon fell to her original place and smashed her. An ancient tree was destroyed.

"This dog will soon be promoted to become a high-end native breed!" The girl looked at the edge of the bombed out scorched black, and was still smoking a huge pit, feeling a little daunted.

If she was hit just now, she should call for rescue now to go to the hospital, and her Star Armor should be ready to be sent for repair. This power is enough for her to go out.

"Betty, stay focused and dodge the attack, we'll find a chance to escape then!"

"I know." The girl looked at Shifanlin with a dark black ball of light brewing in her mouth, a bitterness on her face. As the battle progressed, the black dog became fiercer!

"When this training is over, I will eat black dog meat for a month." The girl secretly ruthlessly in her heart, because this is the only way she can retaliate against this black scale dog in the short term. Although she couldn't harm the target she hated, at least it could make her feel a little more relaxed.


The violent explosion of the earth trembled, and the trees fell one by one in the aftermath of the battle. For the two girls, it was undoubtedly a hard fight.

Because this black spirit dog has the ultimate speed, their attacks cannot lock it. They can only use cover attacks against Shi Fanlin. Simply put, it is random fate, whether they can hit it or not depends on luck.

In this case, the pressure of the two girls can be imagined. They tried to escape more than once, but they were flying in the sky at a speed much slower than the speed of the black-skinned dog on the ground. Get off Svanling.

"Daisley, you go first, I will help you hold that dead dog." Seeing that she couldn't shake off Shi Fanlin, the young girl Betty was desperate and made a decision, turning her head to the girl next to her .

"We are partners, we will not ..."

"Okay, it's not a parting of life and death, it's just a training. The goal of this training is to survive as much as possible. I will stop it and it won't kill me."

Betty waved her hand, her face was very open-minded, and she didn't listen to what Daisy was talking about, and fell to the ground and blocked in front of Shi Fanlin.

"Black dog, with me, you can't wait to go one step further and hurt my sister." Betty looked horrified like a hill-like Shifanlin in front of her, but still shouted.

Hearing the little girl's words, Shi Fanlin's eyes showed a confused look: my goal from the beginning to you is the guy who humiliated me, who told you that I was the weakest? Although it is a fact, you cannot tell it.

So Shi Fanlin rushed up and turned Betty over with a slap. She lowered her head to bite the girl, pinched her mouth, and turned away without looking at Daisy in the sky.

And with the first person to be eliminated from the game, the escape training began to downsize.

The second player to be eliminated is Victor. This guy has been targeted by the giant ape who rescued him. Although the giant ape gave him two hours to prepare, Victor did not have this at all. awareness.

So two hours later, the giant ape wrapped around a green python carried Victor upside down and took him out of the jungle, allowing the young man who was still in the ignorant state to go straight out.


"You guys really gave me a surprise. The expectation for this training is three days. I estimate that it will take three days to get all 13 of you, but what about you? It took less than two days. Time allows my pets to catch you all. "

Muria looked at the future pillars of the thirteen dejected Douglas family, blandly rebuked, and his words made the boys and girls in front of him unable to hold their heads down, afraid to look directly at him. look.

"I have tried to underestimate you as much as possible, but I find that I still overestimate. It seems that I need to reject the family's proposal. Not only can you not reduce your training volume, but you need to further strengthen it."

Muria announced the results of this training, and although the people in front of them were full of reluctance, their hearts were also dissatisfied.

But at this time they were all silent, no one objected, no matter how difficult the training they faced this time, the results of this training were indeed ashamed, and none of them had reached the expected time for this training, and all were eliminated.

"Well, let's go back. You have a day off. After the break, please prepare me for more rigorous training."

Muria drove all these little farts onto the plane and sent them home to sleep. Give them a break and buffer time.

"Master Jelos, I heard that this time your training has ended. I don't know what the specific situation is?"

Muria just sent the young family elite away, and the old face of the butler appeared in his communicator.

"This kind of thing needs to ask me? This training is from beginning to end, don't you all look in your eyes?" Muria's face was surprised.

Although he called this training a great escape, it was also a practical training. The Douglas family wanted to see what the elites taught by Muria would do in actual combat, so they paid special attention to this training.

"Although we see it in the process, we also want to hear your trainer's thoughts and evaluations." The Pass steward smiled at Muria with a gentle attitude. In fact, the family was very impressed with this training. Satisfied, they have exceeded their expectations.

"My evaluation?" Muria laughed, and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"of course."

"Pampered and unwilling, so useless."

"This is what you think?"

"That's right." Muria nodded. "They have the best talent and enjoy the best resources provided by the family, but they gave me the worst result."

"Then in your eyes, what kind of performance should they have?" After hearing Muria's comment, Pass's housekeeper sorted out his clothes and asked a little uncomfortably.

"By my standards, at least one of them can hit the two they are now."

"Well, is your standard too high?" Passion's butler had a stiff smile on his face.

"Not high. Their current fighting consciousness is really too bad. If they experience more fighting and raise their awareness in this area, they will reach the standard I want. There will be no problem."

"What kind of price does the family pay if they are trained to meet the standards you want."

"What does it cost? Business as usual, then let go completely."

"Let it go completely? I don't know what this means?"

"It literally means that you leave everything to me to manage. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Muria put forward his request,

"Because of their talents, you take them too seriously, and hardly give them tasks or trainings that have too much life danger and stress, which is very bad.

Your attention makes them fearless. Each of them thought that they could become the core of the future of the family, so they have very low requirements on themselves. Is this really the case? "

"Master Jelos, your request that I will report to the family's Presbyterian Presidency will convene a parliament for discussion, and the results will be transferred to you at that time."

"By the way, if you want to convey my advice to the family, then you can help me to pass on a few more words. The family wants them to protect the family from the wind and rain in the future, and shelter the family. Then let them experience the blow. The rain, the sun and the rain, the flowers growing in the greenhouse, can you expect them to withstand the worst weather in the future? "

"I will pass your words on to the Presbyterian."

"Hope you can reply to me in one day."

"As far as possible."

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