Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1000: Buddha's Palm?

"Oh, Master Jelos, there is something I need to tell you." At the moment when the Star Division division competition was about to start and the promotion had begun, the Peas butler contacted Muria again.

"whats the matter?"

"Because of the game system, Master Jelos may need to be a little wronged."

"Huh?" Muria looked puzzled.

"Yes, because of the size of the Federation, the twelve major divisions are divided into qualifiers before the regular season. You need to qualify for the regular season first."

"Oh," Muria nodded, no strange look on her face. "What about my sisters?"

"Miss Daisy, the other six young masters, because their Royal Star talent exceeds 80%, they can directly qualify for the regular season, and your Royal Star fit is too low, so you do not have this privilege, you Only qualify for the regular season. "

"That's it?"

"Yes, it takes more time for you." The Pais housekeeper observed Muria's expression. In his impression, a young and talented genius like Muria must be proud and proud, now he is As the Douglas family has the strongest fighting force in the new generation, but only like ordinary people, honestly participate in the game, his mentality is likely to change due to this.

"This trivial matter is nothing." Muria didn't care about this kind of thing with low talent and no privileges. How would he care about this kind of thing.

Even the champion of this game, he didn't care much. What he cared about was the impact he had on the federal Star Division division practice system after participating in this game.

"Just don't mind." Pass's housekeeper looked relaxed. In fact, if Muria asks, the Douglas family will still find a way to use resources to qualify him for the regular season in advance.

But now that Muria is willing to participate, there is no need for the family to waste this area of ​​resources.


"In the last game, Ekman surpassed his opponent with a slight advantage and showed us a wonderful bladder game. The toilet around our stadium was overcrowded after the game.

Now the sixth game starts on the 1965 field. Wang, I hope this game will not be as painful as our previous game. "

The host stood on the referee's bench and introduced the contestants of the sixth game. When he saw the list of contestants in his hands, his eyes flashed and his voice was involuntarily louder.

"Here comes the contestant Gerlos Douglas from the top federal family!"

As the host announces the names of the next contestants aloud, the field is quiet for a moment, and then the audience in the field instantly boils, and each audience becomes extremely excited.

The reason for their excitement was only because of the four words Grass, the surname possessing a strange magic that makes people crazy.

With the excited cheers and attention of the surrounding audience, Muria stepped into the arena, welcoming the eyes and awe of all the spectators around the arena.

"Let me see, who is the unlucky guy who is opposed to a formal member of the Douglas family?"

The host was talking at the interview table, but with such obvious bias, no one raised any objections, because in everyone's mind, the outcome of the game has been determined.

This is something that you don't need to think about at all. Formal members of the top federal family to participate in the qualifiers are simply killing the Quartet, purely to abuse the food.

"The lucky guy from Rhein High School, Bryce, the fourth-tier Star Division, oh, he is also a mid-level Star Division, that can support for a longer time in front of the genius of the Douglas family, showing us more exciting fighting."

In the host's introduction, a dissatisfied teenager walked out of the martyrdom, entered the arena, faced Muria face to face, and stared at him with a pair of eyes.

"Nice momentum. It seems that the lucky guy has not been intimidated by Douglas's name. Looking at his eyes, it seems that he wants to challenge the strength of a top federal family member."

"Boy below, don't seduce, I bet you can support for ten minutes under this young master of the Douglas family, hold on! Don't let me lose money."

"Haha, I bet him for three minutes, I hope this young master can give me some help."

"I bet he can hold ten rounds."

... Noisy and noisy voices were uploaded from the stands, making the face of young Bryce even more ugly.

"The top federal family, huh, you can frighten other people, but you can't scare me. I beat a lot of family members like you in school, so I'd like to see some of your top family How are people different from those I beat? "

"Civilian origin?"

"Compared to those young masters who were born born with a golden key."


"Less contempt."

"..." Muria shook her head slightly. There were no other senses for his first opponent in the Star Division division, and the levels were too far apart.

"Beginning of the game, let's take a look at this exciting battle that may end in a short time!"

It didn't take long before the spectators in the stands finished betting, and the referee immediately stood up and announced the official start of the game.

"Huh! Although I am a civilian from the bottom, I am no worse than you. Even if I start at a low level, I can still surpass you."

Bryce shouted, madly hinting at himself, and then one after another the Star Armor equipment flew out of the Star Armor box behind him and landed on him, looking extremely cool.

In contrast, Muria's armed process seemed much more dull. A ring on his hand shimmered, and then a piece of metal emerged from the ring, climbed on his palm, and spread, but These star armor structures just didn't show up just after wrapping his right palm and forearm.

"Look, space compression technology, the perfect way to arm, oh my gosh, what did I see? The Jelos Douglas player from the Douglas family just put on the star armor on the right hand and didn't even summon a star. Armed with Armor, does he think that with this gesture he can defeat a Star Armor? This is crazy. "

"Did you just look down on me like that? Master Douglas, you're looking for death."

Seeing that Muria had just put on the star armor on his hand, Bryce's face was a bit distorted, and he felt his self-esteem had been hit with a huge amount of damage.

"The game is over." Muria whispered to himself, then raised his palm, and the endless wind raged from all directions, condensing into a huge palm that was enough to cover more than half of the stadium. .

Then, at the moment when a huge palm was formed, Muria gently pressed down on the opposite boy, and the huge palm fell suddenly with his palm.


The huge playing field was shaking violently. The audience on the viewing platform were all silent at this moment. None of them dared to speak out. All of them looked at the scene in stunned, which was beyond their understanding.

At this time, except for the place where Muria was standing, the rest of the venue were all covered by the dust falling from the palm of the hand, and it was difficult to see the specific situation.

All the smoke and dust approaching Muria must not enter after a certain distance from him, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking all the filthy things that wanted to approach Muria.

"Announce the result of the game!" Muria looked up at the referee, and the referee with his mouth wide open was also shocked by this blow.

"Oh, okay." Hearing Muria's words, the dull referee turned back, and then he kept saying, although he didn't understand how the attack came out, and didn't see the smoke. Brady's specific situation.

But this does not prevent him from directly announcing the result of the match, because he does not feel that this intermediate Star Division division is qualified to survive this attack.

"Game 1965, Game Six, the winner, Gerlos Douglas!"

Just when everyone was intimidated and in a dull state, the referee directly announced that Muria had won, and no one raised any objections.

Believing that she had won the first battle, Muria turned and left the field, leaving the audience full of cos hippos.

After a few minutes of his departure, the audience finally reacted, some excited and excited ~ www.readwn.com ~ while yelling with a little awe,

"Is this the strength of the top federal family members? How did that attack come about? What is the principle?"

"It's too scary. If the members of the big family who participated in the competition have this kind of combat power, what is better than others?"

"It's so handsome, it's a real member of the Douglas family, and it fits all my fantasy perfectly."

... As the audience on the viewing platform was excited to discuss with the people around them, the smoke in the arena gradually dispersed, exposing the scene, and the whole audience fell into silence again.

Because on the originally flat and hard ground, a huge palm print with clear lines appeared. This palm print is so large that it covers most of the game. It has reached an incredible level. There seems to be a giant in the sky Leaning down, he slaps his hands on the ground.

And in the palm of this handprint, another contestant in this game, Bryce lay half-dead in this way, motionless, the star armor on his body was full of cracks, beside him, and Several crushed and twisted star armor were armed externally.

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