Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1002: Life is endless, more than death

"Teacher, I watched your game today. You are so handsome! You slap your opponent down."

Muria returned to his temporary residence, preparing to wait for the next exam, and his communicator suddenly rang. After he connected, those students who were trained to cry and shouted, are now happily on vacation. , All appeared on the other side of the screen, one of the girls complimented him with a smile.

"Hmm!" Muria, who was particularly comfortable licked, responded calmly, calmly.

"Betty, do you actually say such things, will your conscience not hurt?" The young Victor looked at the girl with a shocked look, and soon, his face also showed a smile of laughter,

"How much does Jelos give you? Tell me, if the price is right, I can also hide my face with you, and make money together if you have the money!"

"Oh, Jelos is looking at you." The young girl Betty coughed, reminding her companion.

"Haha, Jelos, I was just kidding. You shouldn't mind." Victor looked back at Muria's face. He felt Muria was expressionless, but his face seemed to be Faintly black, but upon closer inspection, it seems to be no different from usual.

"Huh!" Muria nodded, of course he would not be angry over such a trivial matter, but his mind was very broad.

"By the way, Gerlos, you look so good at this trick, why didn't you use it when training with us before?"

"What do you say?" Muria asked them directly, hearing such questions.

"Brother, although your move looks magnificent, this power is too scattered, suitable for large creatures, not suitable for star armor divisions.

You used this trick in the game, I am afraid that it is just because he has a very strong visual impact, which can shock your opponent in the next game and let you win without a fight. "

Daisy thought for a while, then replied, her face was confident, and she felt that there was nothing wrong with her analysis.

"Good." Seeing the confident girl, Muria did not hit her. She did say that she had hit the grand purpose of this shot, but his main purpose was to pretend to force herself.

Because with a deeper understanding of the Douglas family's system, he found that this family was very interesting. The rights of the Douglas family were mainly concentrated on homeowners and elders.

The homeowner has the greatest power, but when the elders are united, their rights are enough to overwhelm the homeowner. It is worth mentioning that, whether it is a homeowner or an elder, these positions are not hereditary, but electoral.

The head of the family and the elders are selected from all the formal members of the entire Douglas family. The son of the head of the family may not necessarily be the head of the family. The same is true of the elders.

Every official member of the Douglas family is likely to be the helm of this top federal family, in other words, it is entirely possible for Muria to control the family.

However, if he wants to be the family of the Douglas family, then he must have great prestige among the entire Douglas family. There is no doubt that this game is an excellent opportunity. Through this game, he can come from the Douglas family. Impressed in the Federation.

The Douglas family is not necessarily the most talented Star Division division, but the most talented is definitely the most likely to become the homeowner. No family member would like his homeowner to be.

"Teacher, you exist like this, and actually ran to the qualifier. This is completely bullying. The family doesn't fight for a place in the regular season."

At this time, a teenager couldn't help arguing for Muria's opponents, because he felt that it was too miserable for them to meet Muria, and there was no hope of victory.

"Family has family considerations." Muria smiled. He knew that the main purpose of the Bauhinia Federation's Star League Division competition every three years was to show the government and its neighboring countries to the Federation and the people. Forces of the four major families.

As a martial art genius who appeared in the era of martial arts, he was naturally divided into the ranks of displaying force, and the objects he showed were the federal government and three other families.

… The time passed unknowingly, Muria chatted with this group of students who were not too old for a long time, joked halfway, shared family secrets, or talked about other people's gossip.

"Oh, by the way, have you talked for such a long time, have you completed your training today?" Muria patted her head as if she suddenly remembered something.

"School work?" A group of teenagers who had thought that they could have a few days off because of Muria went into a collective state of persecution.

"What class?" Asked Betty carefully.

"Oh, it seems that I was in a hurry when I participated in the competition. I forgot to assign you homework, so I will assign it to you now!"

After talking about Muria, looking at the motionless picture on the opposite side, his eyes narrowed. "Rest assured, it's not a big deal, it's just a pair of exercises for you."

After he said this, the young boys and girls who were like sculptures suddenly became alive again, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Daisley and Betty are in a group, and Robel and Rashid are in a group ..." Muria's mouth curved slightly upwards, if anything, "Victor, no one seems to be right with you. Practice, I think about it, I arrange with whom to practice with you. "

"No, Gerlos, yes, if you practice, I can find my own opponent, you don't have to arrange it for me." Victor finally reacted at this time, Muria suddenly assigned them a task, just directed at him Here, this guy is basically a chicken belly, still remembering what he said before.

But Muria, in a state of contemplation, turned a deaf ear to his words, as if he hadn't heard it at all. Just two or three minutes of thinking, Muria's face showed a clear color,

"Yes, my pets are still there. I'll wait to say hello to them. You can practice with them. I believe that fighting with them will greatly improve you."

"No, brother, I was wrong, don't do that."


The light screen went out into darkness, and Muria's face disappeared before his eyes, turning off the communicator.

"Victor, it's not that I deliberately targeted you, but just happened that you have no opponents, and let a group of legendary projection avatars fight you, it is not a treat to you."

After turning off the communicator, Muria whispered to himself, and soon he dialed another number. Then, a huge dog with thick black hair could faintly see black scales appeared in front of his eyes.

"Wang!" Seeing Muria's face, the huge black-skinned dog shook his tail frantically, showing a complete dog-licking look.

"Shi Fanlin, explain to you a task, you can pick a few more heads, then go to Victor, and practice with him, as long as you don't kill him, you can toss. Of course, the worse, the better, it must be For the best exercise. "

"Wang!" As a senior dog-licking scout, Lin Fan immediately understood Muria's meaning, turned his head to execute Muria's order, and it would follow the owner's order and entertain the one who always liked Dying teenager.


The black screen reflected Victor's blue face, and soon the dead boy noticed the eyes of his surrounding companions and felt that he couldn't act too enthusiastically and lost his momentum.

"Ugly, huh, because I'm afraid? Come here, isn't it just hospitalized? It's not that I haven't been in, the hospital will be my home in the future, and I'll be in the hospital for a big deal."

"Wow!" This was a loud and powerful wolf sound, and after Victor heard the sound, a sudden subtle consciousness appeared in his body, and his eyes were frightened.

"Hey, Victor, aren't you saying you're not afraid? What's your body shaking?" The **** the side looked at Victor, whose body was shaking like Sieve, and couldn't help laughing.

"Of course I'm not afraid! But my body is afraid. I can't control it. This is no way out." Victor, still honestly reflecting his emotions at this time, still gritted his teeth and braced himself.

"Really, you know that the guy who incurred Jenos won't end well. You just want to go to death. Okay now? Know sour."

A teenager looked at Victor, who couldn't stop shaking, and couldn't help showing a gloating smile on his face. Most happiness is based on the pain of others.

"I know his eyes are small ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he didn't expect his eyes to be so small." Victor listened attentively to the sounds around him. He had just heard the sound of a floor landing when a large creature was walking, but This sound just stopped.

At this time, the entertainment room was also caught in a weird silence, an uneasy atmosphere gradually spread, and everyone began to stay away from Victor,

"What do you mean by that?" Victor looked angry at himself as he looked isolated from himself. This group of guys is so unreasonable, none of them came in handy at critical moments.

"Trouble yourself, don't try to drag us into the water." Daisy said indifferently.

"We are the same race!" Because of the combat training in the past year, Victor has gradually inspired the danger warning instinct in his body, feeling that his back has been soaked.

"You can't die, you said it yourself, at most, it's a little longer in the hospital."

Bang! Shocked at the nearest wall to Victor, then a paw full of black scales, circling the air that the human eye would like, grabbed Victor ...

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