Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1004: Align with anyone who has more money

"I don't need to say more about the reason for this meeting, you all know. Now come to discuss how we should face this new Wu Zun."

In the meeting room of the Douglas family, the incumbent family sat at the highest point and said loudly, the sound was filled with a strange sense of majesty.

"It has been 360 years. Since the advent of devastation and the rise of Xingjia Division, another martial arts lord has finally appeared in the martial arts. It is unimaginable that in the present era, there are still people who can go against the current."

After the meeting began, an elder sitting in the conference room couldn't help but sigh.

"Whether it is hard to imagine or not, such an existence has already emerged. What we should discuss now is how to treat this Wu Zun?" Another old man looked solemnly.

"Did Wu Zun's information come out?"

"It came out. The name of Wu Zun was Ain. He was born in a small fifth-tier city. His family was extremely poor. His father was a bad gambler and lived on the poverty subsidies issued by the federal government. Things improved a little after Ian enrolled. He relied on his excellent grades to get scholarships from the Commonwealth to ease the stress of life. "

"So poor is the family of Wu Zun's family?" Hearing Ein's background and experience, many Douglas elders couldn't help but be surprised.

"In such a miserable condition, he can reach this step today. How strong is his talent?" An elder could not help but whisper, whether it is a martial artist or a star armor division, it takes a lot to grow. Resources as support.

"No, Ian in his childhood was a joke in his neighborhood, or even in the city, because he detected only 3% of the royal talent."

"3%? Is there anything wrong? The Royal Star talent can still be so low. I go out and grab a bug or bird, which is higher than 3%!"

An elder's face showed an unbelievable color. After the birth of the meteor, as long as it was an intelligent being, he had the talent of the royal star, and human beings used the huge base to select the most talented people. Then create Star Armor to arm, thus having a powerful Star Armor Division.

"This has been repeatedly confirmed by our family intelligence personnel, it is indeed true, otherwise I would not say it here." The elder in charge of information also somewhat helplessly spread his hands, to be honest, she heard the news When I was a little surprised.

"Sure enough, to be able to achieve Wu Zun's existence, there must be experiences that ordinary people can't afford when he is young. Such a poor talent, it is hard to imagine how much different eyes Ain had received when he was young. Wu Zun, all the ordeal has become the bread for this Wu Zun to move forward. "

"That is, now that he has become Wu Zun, you can say such things. If he fails, these ordeals will be just ordeals for him."

"How about returning to the original topic?" The homeowner who found the topic started to crook, knocked helplessly at the table.

"How should we treat this Wu Zun, win over, or ignore, or obliterate?"

"The option of erasing can be ruled out. It is now no more than 300 years old. Only such a Wu Zun appears. If we dare to do something to him, those old antiques who survived the ruined era will go crazy. "

"If we draw, the government has three other families, and we don't seem to have any advantage." The owner's face shows distress, and there are four other competitors with the same goal. This is indeed one A very headache.

"This is not necessarily the case." Someone had unpredictable news on his face.


"Don't you find it a coincidence when this Wu Zun appeared? Didn't you contact him with the martial genius of our family, Gerlos?"


"According to my investigation, this military respect has stayed in Dolivar for a long time, and during his stay, Gerlos also happened to be studying there."

"So it is, I said how can this boy achieve such success in martial arts in this era? It is no wonder that there is a Wu Zun pointing him."

With that information, the elders' faces suddenly came to light, and they immediately attributed most of Muria's martial achievements to this one.

"We can contact this Wu Zun through Jennos to get online, and then find a way to recruit him into the family."

"It's worth trying, but I suggest it's best not to have too much expectation. Being able to reach such a level will not be easily influenced by the opinions of others, their own choices."

"It's okay, try it a bit. Anyway, with the presence of Genos, we are one step ahead of the government and the three families."

"Notify him then."


"Master Janos, bother you again."

"Say something," Muria, who had expected the family to contact him, responded calmly.

"I know you like to go straight, so I won't drag along with you, I don't know if you know the new martial arts Al Ain in the Federation."

"Well, I know, he also pointed me a lot." Muria directly acknowledged without hesitation. When he came into contact with the reincarnation of Ansor, he did not hide it deliberately, so the Douglas family will It is not too surprising to find out.

"It seems that the family's inference is correct." Hearing Muria's answer, Pace's housekeeper smiled. "Since you know the Wu Zun, then this matter is easy to handle. The family would like to ask you to contact us. That Wu Zun, don't know if it's okay? "

"It's okay to contact."

"Master Jelos, you should understand what the family wants to do. I don't know if you can say a few words in front of the Wu Zun on this matter."

"I can only say this as far as I can, and I cannot assure you that I can convince him." Muria responded flatly.

"As long as you are willing to speak to him, the rest of the family will solve it."

"Well, that's it. As soon as the communication with the housekeeper was closed, Muria immediately called another number,

"The family behind me sent me a message, and they asked me to contact my father." Muria looked at the blond sister on the opposite side, and told her all the tasks he had just received.

"It seems that this time Ansor has caused a good effect. It can really make the top federal family so impatient." Hearing the words of Muria, Jin Long Niang couldn't help showing a smile, which represented their family. Has officially established a foothold in this world.

"What arrangements do you have for my father? Or what does my father think of himself?"

"The federal government has three other homeowners who are good candidates. As for the Douglas family, you are the last choice.

You already have you in the Douglas family. If your father joins you, it will definitely weaken your influence and be detrimental to your future development. This will not maximize our interests. "

"Um." Muria nodded. If he was just a member of the Douglas family, what he should do now is to find a way to persuade Ansor to join the family.

But unfortunately not. In his mind, the interests of his family come first, and the interests of the Douglas family still lag behind. When the two conflict, Muria naturally chose the former without hesitation.

"Are you sure of your goal now?"

"It's still early. Your father has just defeated a titled Star Division. It has not attracted much attention. In addition to your Douglas family, the other three major families of the federal government are now particularly reserved."

"When the title of Starfighting Division defeated by my father is increasing, they will not be able to maintain their current attitude of coldness. I would like to see what attitude these families will show in order to pull their father."

"Hey, I am also looking forward to it, but I am more looking forward to what kind of price these four companies can give to win Ansor," Jin Longniang's eyes began to bloom with a strange light.

"You'll choose the one that pays more when you join, right?"

"Otherwise?" Jin Longniang raised her eyebrows. It doesn't matter that any of their forces in the world, naturally whoever bids high will align with anyone.

"In that case, you are most likely to form an alliance with the government." Muria stroked his chin. The top four families of the Federation have a long history, and they have existed even longer than the time when the Federation was established.

Therefore, the needs of martial arts at this level of martial arts ~ www.readwn.com ~ are not urgent. Each one has more or less old monsters that survived hundreds of years ago.

However, the federal government is different. The government does not have such details at all, so in order to close the gap with the four major families in this regard, the federal government may be willing to solicit Ansor at a very high price.

"As I predicted, the federal government may be the highest bidder." Sister Blond nodded slowly, agreeing with Muria's idea, "but it may also be the party with the most conditions."

"If it doesn't work, change to another place. This world is not only the Bauhinia Federation, but also the Silver Empire and the Star Church. I think the empire that has been in war all year round is suitable for his father."

Muria said with a smile, as long as he controls Weili, he has many choices and will not be tied to a place. The titled Star Division can not do this. The stronger the Star Division, the more the group The greater the shackles, their Star Armor must depend on the group.

"After this father has challenged all the title Star Division divisions I have chosen for him, look again. By then, your father can go anywhere."

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