Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1001: Minister of Martial Arts

The violent surge of energy tore off the defense of the Star Armor who dared to attack him, poured into his body, destroying his body and bones.

So, in the eyes of others, this warrior who dared to attack Muria, who was close to melee, was distorted by Muria's blow, and then fell like a rag, sprinkled with scarlet blood.

For such a short period of time, the genius price is the default Ya did not embarrass him, but let him fall out of the white martial arts space.

"The attack power is really too weak. The energy consumed by this defense attack is not as fast as my own recovery."

Muria then blocked another round and a cannonball and energy cannon that blasted at him, and then took a look at his consumption, and suddenly felt that he seemed a bit excessive.

He looked inwardly, and he could see the sea of ​​air in his belly, like the vast ocean of clouds, and the floating cloud sea was slowly turning, exuding a brilliant white brilliance steamship.

But this is not the only air chakra in his body. There are more "clouds of sea" in his body. This is the characteristic of the "Stars and Stars", which opens up the stars and stars in the body to accommodate the savings. The vastness of martial arts is vigorous.

Therefore, Muria opened up more than a thousand points in her body to accommodate the sea of ​​clouds, condensing air wheels, just like the stars. Of course, the cloud sea air wheels that were subsequently developed did not have the mammoth cloud sea air wheel.

But the sum of these totals is far beyond, which gives Muria an inexhaustible and endless martial arts arrogance and the endurance that other martial arts cannot reach.

Muria dragged all the Star Divisions out of the way, and only when he was maimed to the point of dying, would he have the chance to fall out of the martial arts realm.

Of course, Muria will not show mercy to these guys. It is good to give them a life. But he has given these guys a choice and let those who want to challenge him stand here, in other words, stand Everything here is trying to beat him

Moreover, for these big family children who are in peace all day, this kind of experience is also a rare experience for them, and their life is really too easy.

At this time, Muria and more than forty Star Division divisions engaged in a "hot" battle, all of whom were originally attending the awards ceremony, and then quickly followed by all the reporters filmed, and also live broadcast.

This scene immediately caused a sensation in the network. Originally, this channel, which broadcasts the award ceremony ceremony with very few viewers, has now seen a sharp rise in ratings, and there are countless video websites rushing to broadcast this Battle.

The genius martial arts of the Douglas family singled out all the top star division divisions of the federal Cenozoic, and just the people who participated in this battle were basically full of topical and very eye-catching.

Not to mention the number between the two sides of the battle, such a huge disparity in comparison is even more explosive, no doubt, this is a big news that can occupy the headlines.


In the meeting room of the Douglas family, the majestic and imposing owner brought all the elders to the scene, looking down at the more than thirty projections from below.

"What do you Douglas family want to do? It is not enough to win the top eight of the Star Division division and step on the reputation of our three major families? At this level, are you still not satisfied?"

"Why? You have so many geniuses in the Douglas family now, don't stand with us and want to get rid of us, a big family?"

"It's enough, let the little ones in your family back, leaving everyone a little face."

... After hearing the complaints and condemnations from the shadows projected from the other three families below, the Douglas family remained calm.

Although he didn't know what was going on until these people came to the door, it didn't prevent him from keeping everything under control now.

"The three major families joined us to the Grasse family because a member of our family challenged the elite of your family?"

In order to maintain the style, the Douglas family did not speak, but a young elder sitting in his starting position spoke.

"..." The three-dimensional images projected into the Douglas family meeting room were all silent, and no one responded because it was true, although it sounded very unpleasant.

"Just because of some quarrels among underage children, don't you think that there are some trivial issues? Children's affairs are for children to solve by themselves. We adults look at them so that they do not appear so dangerous, and the rest we will leave it."

"It was n’t your family that was beaten. Well, you Douglas family now has a genius that can single out the elite of the younger generations of our three families. It is really strong, but after this battle is over, our three Where does the big family face go? "

After a long silence, someone finally looked up and questioned the Douglas family sitting at the top.

This move of Muria undoubtedly once again allowed the Douglas family's reputation to reach a new peak in the Federation, whether it is victory or defeat.

If he loses, no one will say anything about Muria, because his opponent has a full forty-five. If he loses, many people can still understand it, and it is still an acceptable result, because this is still Within their three perspectives.

However, if this battle is won by Muria, while breaking all three views of the spectator, it will also allow the fame of himself and his family to climb to an unprecedented height in the Federation, but at the same time, the other three The family's face stepped into the mud.

This makes the other three families' mainstays unacceptable. As the top federal family, face is more important than lizi. They must prevent this kind of things that might make them lose face anyway, so there is. This scene now.

"Where do you put your faces? What does it have to do with our Douglas family? What do you want us to do? To blame, you can only blame your family for being too weak, and there is no genius comparable to Gerlos."

"Are you sure you want to keep us from coming to the stage?" Asked an elder who stubbornly lowered his face and ran here to ask the Douglas family to recall Genos.

"You don't use it yourself, don't blame us." Another elder of the Douglas family responded with a smile, and ran over and begged for a long time, only asking for, not mentioning the benefits, who would fool them.

"If you can only say that these are not nutritious, you can cancel the link now. I am not interested in spending time with you. I still have a wonderful battle to watch." At this time, the owner of the Douglas family spoke.

"Coincidentally, I was also watching the wonderful fight of the little guy in our family, but I was suddenly notified and pulled over."

"If that's the case, just put it here. I remember that our conference room still has a projection function."

The elders of the Douglas family sang together, and then projected the live broadcast of Muria's battle into the meeting, and when they opened it, they saw an amazing scene.


Without warning, the pure white martial arts field collapsed, and the air that formed the field rolled back into Muria's body. A white vortex of giant martial arts gas was taking centered on Muria. Construct,

With the influx of gas, Muria's momentum continued to rise, and at the same time, although the martial arts space had collapsed, the star armor divisions who stayed around him felt that the pressure on their bodies had increased. The pressure that Muria brought to them was rising slowly and forcefully.

And when Muria's momentum rose rapidly, behind him, bright and bright stars appeared one after another, so a bright and gorgeous starry sky appeared above Muria's head.

At this time, the sun had not yet fallen from the sky, and the sun was still shining, but a starry sky appeared over the head of a dark-haired young man standing in midair. Numerous stars embellish this starry sky, blooming with a brilliant light comparable to the bright sun.

"Budo style!" Seeing such an astonishing change in Muria's body, a young girl couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Well, this is too fake. Why did this suddenly break through? Did we really just give him a little bit of pressure? Did we bring him a little bit of pressure?"

"I feel that this product can be broken long ago, but I have been holding on. I took this opportunity to hang us for a while, and after that I broke through ~ www.readwn.com ~ asshole, this guy is really sinister. "

"How about you discuss it later? This is the process by which the martial arts master broke through to become Wu Zun, and he didn't look honestly beeping?"

"The martial arts phenomena behind him are almost condensed."

"Ghostly, take a closer look yourself? This is just the beginning."

With the attention of many people and countless lenses, the bright starry sky above Muria's head began to undergo new changes. The spontaneous connections of the stars were outlined, blooming with brilliant light, and then one after another It seems that the creatures that only exist in the mythology are condensed on the stars and entangled on the stars.

At this point, the changes in Muria's body did not end, and the stars behind him bloomed more brilliantly, converging behind him.

A majestic high-crowned figure wearing a royal robe slowly appeared like a godly majestic figure, exuding a powerful and majestic momentum, making people want to worship him from the top and bottom, in fact, some people already do so Done.

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