Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1022: Did this stuff come out?

"Well, five xenogeneral generals, it feels like the monsters are crazy, so they sent so many generals at once. This time the federal support, I heard that they are members of the Douglas family, this time they may lose a title Star Division division. "

"This is why you disobeyed the command of the command and refused to support the Bauhinia Federation within the stipulated time?" The star armor division, wearing a huge black and red star armor, looked at the crimson star armor opposite him, which was nearly ten meters high. Xingjia Division, his voice asked a little cold.

"Otherwise? Keep the order, and then die?" You heard it yourself. There are five generals. Everyone is dead. Now the starred division of the Douglas family estimates that the body is cold. If I obey Ordering support in the past, I guess there is still a little bit of temperature left. "

"Okay, Ed Ace, don't embarrass Gunn. How did you get him to obey the order just now?"

"..." Ed Ace was silent and avoided the topic. "Let's go, we will go to Selavi Station, the mission to rescue the Federal Star Division is a failure. But the five who broke into our empire's territory Heterogeneous generals cannot ignore them and must not allow them to continue their destruction. "

Soon, the three assembled Stargard Divisions flew to the Selavi Station with the mighty Stargard Division. At this time, it had passed two days before the Douglas elders sent a message to the Empire ’s headquarters for help. ten minutes.

"what is that?"

When the three titled Division A divisions flew to the Selavi Station with a number of Division 100,000 divisions, they immediately saw Murayana ’s martial arts that swaggered the sky for more than 800 miles.

After seeing this martial arts, all three Star Divisions were stunned, and the army behind them fell into a state of collective aggression.

"Are you going to attack?" A star armor division asked subconsciously, just just looking at this martial art, his heart unconsciously aroused a very small amount of fear and anxiety in himself.

"This thing looks so familiar, where did I seem to have seen it?" A titled Star Division frowned, looking at the incredible French image in front of him. He did not follow the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of him from the martial arts from the Commonwealth. Law is linked.

"When did these heavens come to toss out this kind of thing? Interesting, I don't know how destructive this thing can be?" A star armor division simply did not associate the martial art method in front of the human, because he subconsciously I think this is not something that humans can toss out.

"Give it a try, this is the territory of our empire, and we cannot let this thing go."

With an order, the three titled Star Divisions launched an attack with the 100,000 legions behind them, so the light emitted by the floating guns rendered the entire sky bright.

The attack that shrouded the entire sky was submerged into the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of them, and then the sea of ​​clouds violently surged, and explosions rang out in it.

Then, the alien species with dark chitin crust fell from the sea of ​​clouds like rain. Then the sea of ​​clouds also began to shrink in a large area, and pure white martial art flames disappeared in this intensive shelling.

"The attack worked, continue!" A corpse struggling fell from the sea of ​​clouds, a smile appeared on the face of a titled new armorer, and then he directed the army to continue the attack.

However, they noticed a new change in the sea of ​​clouds in front of them, a pure white gas surging, and then a towering crown, the emperor with a magnificent shore appeared.

However, no one can see the appearance of this emperor. His appearance is covered by the twelve centipedes hanging from the crown of the emperor.

After the emperor appeared, they raised their hands and pressed in the direction they were in. Then they felt that whether it was an ordinary low-ranking star armor division or the titled star armor division leading the army, they felt The sky in front of my eyes seemed to fall down with this palm, collapsed towards them, and overwhelmed.

The Emperor's palm fell less than ten meters, behind the three star armor divisions who barely supported and could attack at the same time, the star armor divisions that followed them fell down like rain and could not bear the sky. Plenty of pressure.


The speed of the emperor's palms seemed to fall slowly and quickly. After making three ineffective resistances, the three titled star armor divisions were thrown by this slap for more than ten kilometers. Well, the armour surrounding Star Armor, I don't know how much it was broken and damaged under this palm.

"Command, asking for support, a terrible xenogeneous general appeared. None of the three of us joined forces to resist the other's attack."

After being attacked by Muria's martial arts like a slap, one of the titled Star Divisions immediately sought help from the headquarters. When the battlefield was not an effort, it was the most correct choice to fight immediately. It's the most stupid way to run hard for the sake of face.

"Support? Breaking through our defenses, the five alien generals who invaded the hinterland of the empire have been resolved by others, and their good news has come to my face. The three of you are still in charge of my support?"

"Resolved? But just ..." Hearing the commander's roar in the communicator, Ed Ace was aggressive, he was still lying in the pit, and now when he asked for support, he directed The ministry told him that the enemy had been destroyed.

"You wait for me, the Douglas family is contacting me." The title star division Aide Aisi did not finish, the back commander interrupted mercilessly, and then told him very straightforwardly why he broke the contact. .

"What is the situation? The enemy has been destroyed. What did we attack just now? What did we slap us into now?"

The three Star Divisions were using wartime communication channels at this time, so the commander's response, all three of them heard, so all three were in a state of aggression at this time.

"Are all three of you guys idiots? What did you do just now?"

It has been felt that something went wrong. The three titled Star Divisions were waiting for the next command from the command. Before long, they waited for the commander's angry curse.

"Not only did you not arrive on the battlefield in time to support the Commonwealth's military supremacy as I requested, but you also launched an attack on the federal military supremacy after the battle was resolved!

Now the accountability of the Douglas family has arrived in my headquarters. They are asking me why not only did the reinforcements we sent did not arrive on time, but also attacked their people after arriving?

Now the three of you guys must give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, even if all three of you are titled Star Divisions, I will also send you to a military court for you to accept sanctions. "

"No, we didn't attack the Douglas family? What we attacked was ..." The three titled Star Divisions who were scolded by the commander were even more aggressive, and they began to describe the scene just now.

"You are really three idiots. You just attacked the Confederate military respect. They all told me. After you arrived on the battlefield, you didn't ask any questions, and you just launched a round of salvos."

"The thing we just attacked was martial arts?" The star armor division Gunn, who has the title of Scarlet Blade, entered a state of skeptical life, feeling that his three views were severely impacted.

"of course."

"Do you know how big that stuff is? You actually told me it was cultivated by humans."

"Then the three of you don't talk nonsense to me, now immediately go to me and apologize to that federal military respect, and you must be respectful."

"We are the titled Division A. Let us apologize, this is too ..."

"Too much? You attacked the wrong person, made you apologize to each other, and wronged you, eh?

I tell you, if it ’s not because the situation is special now, the three of you are cold now, do you know?

In less than a quarter of an hour, that Wu Zun killed five xenogeneral generals and the army they led.

You say, how long does it take for him to kill the three of you? "

"Oh, don't say it, we'll apologize."

When I heard the commander's words, the three guys immediately remembered that they had just attacked, but one killed five alien generals in a short period of time, and also carried them in a round of volley. There is no fart, and they are slapped back with a slap.

When the three titled Star Division divisions were just where they were hit by flying ~ www.readwn.com ~ I found that the vast sea of ​​clouds had disappeared, and a shocking corpse mountain appeared directly below it. .

On top of the corpse mountain, there was only one handsome-looking young man playing with five tattered corpses. Next to this corpse mountain, a kind-faced old man stood by and looked at the smile in front of him. A scene.

"Excuse me, are you Jelos Wu Zun?" After a moment of twitching in the sky by the three titled star armor divisions, all of them finally landed beside the corpse mountain, and then carefully bent towards the young man above the corpse mountain Waist, asked.

"Of course, otherwise, do you think anyone can survive the round of attacks just now? Only the first day of our family can do this. He can not only ignore your attacks, but also backhand you The guy who can't distinguish even the enemy is a grandson. "

Muria hadn't answered yet, and the elder Desser standing beside him answered.

Because he watched the battle before and after, he felt a sense of honor and glory. At this time, his self-confidence burst, especially when Muria stood on the corpse, so he swelled.

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