Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1027: Whoever wants to pull a frame

"Huh? Drag? Who's looking for?"

I heard a proposal from somebody, and an officer in charge of coordination at the headquarters immediately asked, and he looked at the proposed colleague, "Would you like to go?"

"What a joke, I got killed on my small body." Although he knew his colleagues were joking with himself, the proposed officer still shook his head like a rattle, and he was really afraid of the commander's brain. Hot, let him go up to the rack. Fairy fight, how can there be room for mortals like him to intervene?

"I said, is the deceased martial arts so terrible? Even the Emperor Wu Zun, even if everyone said that he is a rare martial art wizard who has never seen it for 5,000 years, the hegemon who came here now is actually It is also so horrible that it can compete with Emperor Wu Zun. "

At this moment, a female messenger looked at the situation on the battlefield projected in their headquarters with a look of astonishment.

The sight in front of her eyes completely shocked her three views, because in her consciousness, the Star Armor is the most powerful, and now she has witnessed the existence beyond Star Armor.

"Ba Wuzun is ten years older than Emperor Wuzun. Now it is normal for the two of them to play on par with each other. I heard that Emperor Wuzun's practice is very special."

"It's not bad, it's okay!" The old-looking commander looked at the scene in front of him, unconsciously showing a smile, and the empire planned to win over Wu Zun's arrangement, and he knew it.

It is needless to say that Emperor Wuzun Jelos Douglas didn't have the slightest hope to win over him, but Bawuzun Ain was different.

According to the news they have penetrated, the childhood of this Wu Zun can be described as abnormally difficult. Such a miserable childhood will surely make this Wu Zun not have a great sense of belonging to the Federation.

At that time, if the empire grants heavy benefits to the Wu Zun, the probability of attracting the Wu Zun is still very high. Established in the case that the empire can draw to this Wu Zun, the commander is very pleased to see that the strength of this Ba Wu Zun can compete with the Emperor Wu Zun.

Because this also represents that Ba Wuzun has the same level of combat power as Emperor Wu Zun, that is to say, he can also kill the supernormal combat power of five heterogeneous generals in a short period of time, which is perfectly in line with the Empire ’s response to this. Wu Zun's expectations.

However, after the chief commander was happy, he was also plunged into troubles. The two Wu Zong ’s explosive powers are now like this. How can I stop them?

Is it necessary to mobilize ten Star Division divisions to stop them? Just kidding, and whether he can draw ten Star Divisions, even if he can draw ten Star Divisions, he may not be able to stop the fight between the two big brothers, because this combat configuration can just let two The people joined forces and then killed all the persuades within twenty minutes.

"How to persuade them?" The commander, who was still happy, fell into silence at this time. Because he didn't know what to do with it.

"Let ’s leave this thing alone? Let them fight by themselves and wait for them to be addicted, maybe stop."

"But looking at their posture, it seems that they have to be born and die before they can stop!" An officer looked at the screen under the aftermath of the battle between the two Wu Zun. Said.

"They can fight with each other, but it is absolutely impossible to divide the birth and death. Each of them is an irreplaceable gem among human beings, and no one can do anything wrong."

Commander Xun spoke at this moment, when his tone was extremely firm. Although he was a bit dissatisfied with the Douglas family preventing him from arranging Jenos, he said he could understand this mood, and if there was such a great junior in his family, he might make a similar move.

"Gathering the Scarlet Blades, Mountain Collapse, Extreme Speed, Shadow Hunting Four Star Divisions head to the Norman Line."

The chief commander thought for a while and issued the order. After hearing his order, most of the entire headquarters were active and began to pass on his order, but his deputy stepped forward carefully and asked his doubts at this time. .

"Commander, if you send four Stargard divisions, it doesn't seem to be enough?"

"More than enough."

"Uh!" The sergeant froze, and found that he didn't understand his chief's thoughts at all.

"唉." The commander saw a sigh of helplessness in his own deputy, but he sighed helplessly, but he has been consciously cultivating the deputy, but this guy is always not very smart.

"Emperor Zun and Ba Wuzun fought on the Norman defense line, where it is not under the control of our empire, do you understand?"

"Do you mean that the heavenly descendants may spy on the two Wu Zun's battles, and then want to take advantage of the fire? So you mobilized the four titled new divisions to prevent these alien movements from thinking?" The deputy immediately responded. Already.


"I will immediately urge them to convey the order." The lieutenant who understood his boss's face immediately became serious, Wu Zun must not lose anything.

Uh ...

Pingxing Plain, a magnificent city covering hundreds of square kilometers stands here. Spiral buildings stand in the city, straight into the sky. The whole city shone with metallic luster, purple and black light flickering, as if the city was breathing.

In the center of the city, a spire up to three kilometers straight into the clouds, and the spiral spires on the top level continuously spray purple and black runes in all directions, forming a gorgeous light band, which constantly dances around the spire.

At this moment, a strangely shaped humanoid creature rides on a gigantic monster flying over the tower. Above the tower, the dark purple light flashes three times quickly, and then returns to normal.

After the puppet approached the tower, the humanoid leapt from his mount into the tower, with a flash of purple and black, he entered the interior of the tower directly, appearing in a martyrdom constructed entirely of metal.

And for this change, this humanoid was not surprised. He ran in the martyrs, collided with the metal ground, splashed a lot of sparks, and his strong body was running, it seemed to make the whole The martyrdom trembled.

"King," Finally, the general, wearing a set of body armor, entered a hall, kneeling in front of a terrifying presence.

"What is it?" Standing in the lobby, watching the transparent wall up to ten meters in front, overlooking the entire city.

"The Emperor Wuzun you ordered to focus on has just had an accident, and he is now fighting a human of unknown origin." The general, who came back the first time to report, replied respectfully.

"Fighting with humans?" Looking down at the city below, not knowing what he wanted to think was attracted by the news. He leaned down slightly, leaned his head, and showed his interest on his face.

"Yes, according to our investigation, it is indeed a human who fought against Emperor Wu Zun. If there is no accident, that human should also be a martial artist."

"It's a martial art again?" It was a bit surprised to be called the King. "It's obviously a heritage that is about to be cut off among human beings. Now there are two people who don't say it, but also show such a powerful fighting force. It's really interesting. . "

"What should we do?" The heterogeneous general asked cautiously.

"I heard that Emperor Wu Zun killed my five generals in a quarter of an hour. Such combat effectiveness, if I can, I really want to solve it myself, but unfortunately I have been stared at, it is impossible Shoot at will. "

The surprised king's eyes looked at the general kneeling in front of him, "but by your words, there seems to be no way to solve him."

"King, if there is a direct conflict, we may not have a chance, but now Emperor Wuzun conflicts with another Wu Zun, if we wait for the opportunity, we may have no chance to let him disappear into this world."

"But it is more likely that you will be solved by these two Wu Zun. No matter what festivals between them, they will always be human. If you attack them ~ www.readwn.com ~ they are likely to Join hands and solve you first. "

"King, a Emperor Wu Zun has threatened us enough, but now there is another Wu Zun that can be compared with it. If we go on, we will lose a great advantage."

"Then you try to cultivate and become stronger as soon as possible, and human beings dare not come over with us." Yi Wang raised his head and continued to look down at the city below.

In their eyes, the battle between his general and the human titled Star Armor Division was just a petty fuss and could not change the fundamental problem.

Even the two Wu Zun are only a little threat, they can not make much impact on the overall strategy. And in his thoughts, as long as he was willing, he could at any time wipe out the two Wu Zun.

"Go ahead, you decide whether to take it."

"Observe!" The general who came to ask specifically, but only got such a vague answer, bowed his head a little unwillingly, and then slowly exited the hall. He knew that their king did not even look at them as a general. Too heavy, all he really cares about is the continuation of the race.

"There should be a few guys out there, I hope I won't be too disappointed." Yi Wang's deep eyes looked at the general who left the tower. "Emperor Emperor is really powerful for you, but I hope you are better This sharpening becomes stronger. "

The general who ran over to petition did not live up to the expectations of the alien king. He passed the will of the alien king to all his generals, so, as a matter of course, some generals were anxious to move.

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