Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1030: Evolved into epic

As time passed, Muria stayed quietly in the Norman line and touched the fish quietly. His father commanded a fast-moving legion. According to the information given by the headquarters, the rapid support was most urgent and was always active. In the strongest battlefield.

Because every time he was active on the most dangerous battlefield, his father's popularity in this battlefield is high, and there are many supporters, and his army, although the death rate is high, But there are many soldiers who want to join.

In contrast, Muria ’s popularity has been declining year by year because of no amazing record in these years, and people who care about him are becoming increasingly scarce. Compared with his father, he is simply low-key.

Because Muria's front is an important defense line with a name, because of his existence, there are few aliens who come to attack.

However, although Muria was not active on the battlefield, he was not idle. He mainly cooperated with the Douglas family to cultivate batches of batteries.

Uh ...

"Master Gerose, the seed that the family has prepared for you this time has arrived. Do you have time to deal with it now? Or wait a moment." An old voice sounded outside the door.

"Is this here, then now." In a somewhat luxurious room, Muria stood up from the soft couch, stretched his body, and suddenly crackled like a thunderous tiger howl from him. It came out of his body, as if a wild ancient world was conceived in his body.

After hearing these sounds, the old man who had just knocked on the door pushed open the door and walked in, feeling that Muria had given him a stronger sense of depression than yesterday, and then his face suddenly smiled.

"How many people did the family send me this time?" Muria asked calmly, looking at the elder who pushed in the door.

"This time is a little less than the last time, there are only 125 people, but rest assured that each of them is carefully selected by the family, and they all have outstanding martial arts talents, and each Are able to bear hardships and stand hard work. "

"I know, go, go and see the little guys." Muria nodded, these people were carefully selected for him by the Douglas family.

There are more than a hundred people, although it sounds like a small number, but let this more than one hundred people who are not capable of fighting appear on the battlefield on the front line. It is conceivable how much the Douglas family paid for this.

Soon, Muria was in a large room and saw more than a hundred children from the Federation who were not far away from the family. These children were sitting very quietly in this warehouse converted room , Meditating very quietly.

And when these children found that Muria got up, they opened their eyes one after another. Their so-called meditation meditation is just to do something, at most they just practice how to calm their mood quickly.

At this time, the children's uneasy and anticipating eyes all looked at Muria. They had been informed by the Douglas family of why they were here, and they already knew what Muria was to them.

不用 "Don't be nervous, you may feel some pain next time, but it is good for you and harmless."

Looking at the children, Muria also showed a mild smile on his face, and when he smiled, the bright stars behind him rose up, so that the eyes of the children in front of them also reflected a bright starry sky.

Then Muria manipulated his Fa phase to separate the stars that are equal to the number of these children, and then one by one into their bodies. After these stars did not enter the bodies of these children, they began to transform their bodies to the maximum Limit adaptation to Muria's power.

When Muria separated more than a hundred stars, she saw that all the children in front of them were shrouded in pure white martial arts, and then turned away.

When he came out, the elders waiting outside the door greeted him with a smile on his face, "Master, have you completed the foundation for these seeds?"

嗯 "Well, after they get used to it, let them stay here overnight, and then arrange to send them away as soon as possible, this is not where they should stay."

"Of course, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing, you can rest assured that I do things."

听到 "Hear this," Muriaton, who was about to leave, paused, then turned around, "What are these batches?"

"This is the seventh batch of children sent by the family after you guard the Norman line."

"Arrange them." Muria said nothing and left.

He has no special thoughts about these children who will bear his power and become his exclusive battery. As for guilt or something, it is even nonsense.

After learning about the characteristics of Muria ’s law, the Douglas family convened a meeting specifically for this purpose, then quickly set the tone, and screened out a suitable carrier for Muria, carrying his seed of power, specifically for his battle. ready.

The plan conceived by the Douglas owner was quickly improved after several meetings, added a lot of details, and then implemented immediately. The children sent to Muria were the result of this plan.

These children are from the bottom of the society. The composition is relatively complicated, but they can be screened out. They are presented to him with relatively clean backgrounds, mostly orphans, or abandoned babies.

虽然 Although the system is perfect in the Federation, it cannot support the large population base. When there are more people, there will always be a variety of strange people, and many of them have abandoned their children for various reasons.

Douglas specially adopted these children, then picked out those who had the best martial arts talents, then trained, and finally sent to Muria.

After receiving the seeds of Muria ’s power, the only thing these children need to do is to practice hard, and then they are ready to be used by Muria to extract power for battle at any time and place. In return, they can live comfortably and no longer be material Worry about any need.

This can be seen as an alternative transaction, and these children have no right to refuse as transaction parties, but from the perspective of the child's side alone, the transaction is purely profitable.

They should have been running for life in the bottom of the society, now they only need to pay some insignificant time to practice, and then be ready to be hollowed out at any time, they can get what ordinary people ca n’t get in their lives. How lucky is such an opportunity.

"This Fa phase is really interesting!" Just returned to his room and found the source of strength that he could extract, and added a little more than a hundred smiles to Muria's face.

Although he has not yet broken through the legend, his power is growing every moment, after all, there are so many people in the family who are practicing for him every moment.

"If this aspect of law evolves to the legendary level, it should have more special powers, even if it does not, it is not only just to enhance the characteristics that it has now. It would be even more amazing if it was deduced to epic."

Mu Ruiya pondered the power of the Fa which she currently possessed, and she also smiled in her eyes, with the look of expectation in her eyes.

Since these days, in addition to cooperating with his family's plans, he has also spent a lot of time and energy deducing his current state of law.

But he just deduced this set of exercises to the peak of legend. As for the epic, he did not deduct it to that extent, because there is no corresponding classics for him to refer to.

There is no epic road in this world. The road ahead is broken. He needs to overcome the thorns and open up a new way to escape the world's martial arts system.

"At the epic realm, I am afraid it involves the unique laws of this world," Muria groaned slightly. If he wanted to obtain this rule, he could only see it at the moment when he gained the power in this world. , But you can only see if you can master it.

And the method to obtain the source of power in this world is very clear to Muria. That is to completely wipe out the intelligent community from heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ and make it disappear in this world.

If this world is just a world that was just born and still in the wild and barren days, then the descendants may be warmly welcomed by this world, and they will be fully integrated into the world under the initiative of the will of the world.

But unfortunately, the Stargard world is a fully developed world, and the intelligent race has developed to a very high level.

Hetian descended into it and competed with humanity for world dominance. Which side of the world will stand? There is no doubt that being a mother naturally favors her own children.

So the descendants are rejected by the will of the world, but because these descendants come here with the wreckage of their own world, they are not afraid of the suppression of this world at all.

Therefore, the core and biggest contradiction in the Stark World is the war between a race that wants to continue and a race that wants to defend its sovereignty. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. There must be an extinction and disappear in this world.

However, looking at the masses between human beings and the descendants, the probability and probability of human victory are the greatest, because when neither race can win in a short time, the fight is consumption.

Consumption requires resources and population. In this regard, human beings have absolute advantages. After a long war of attrition, humanity will win, but even if humanity wins, the human race will be bruised, and the world may enter the end of the world due to the alien king who descended from the sky.

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