Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1043: 8 Kings Meeting

Time slowly passed, the empire was on the front line in the battle against the descending species, the other two human supremacy forces, the Church of the Stars and the Bauhinia Federation stayed in the rear safely, and as humans, they also It is a deadly enemy to descend from the sky.

It is their inescapable responsibility to fight against heaven and fall. The two hegemonic forces send a large amount of military supplies to the Silver Empire every year, providing millions of troops.

This situation should continue like this. The battle between humans and aliens will be seen by many war scientists as a protracted war, and the results of the war will be favored by many experts, who believe that humanity will surely win. But winning will take a long time.

But this situation has changed recently. Some empires that are fighting the heavens have found that the Star Church and the Confederacy, and I do n’t know when it will start, actually began to annex the small countries around them and began to expand.

Their methods are surprisingly similar, as if they had been discussed for a long time. This speculation caused the empire to panic, because they are the three hegemons of humanity, and the other two hegemons are united. What will be the excluded one? End? Still thinking?

This kind of situation is a terrible thought. Because the empire is in a state of war all year round, the potential of war has been almost exhausted. Otherwise, there is no need for federal and church support every year.

So when the empire noticed that there was a problem in the rear, he quickly asked the Commonwealth and the church for accountability, and wanted to ask him what the two alliances were doing.

I screamed and killed in front, but the two of you guys are okay, united together, hiding behind the mouth and eating oil.

In the face of the empire's accountability, the Federation and the church reacted almost the same, and together they invited the empire to join them and annex the surrounding countries with them, leaving only three major human forces in the world.

In the face of such a proposal, the empire said that it had more than enough energy, but after a long discussion at the empire's meeting, the empire still gritted its teeth, pulled out some troops, and began to annex the surrounding countries in a very hard-core manner.

Regardless, we must do the same thing as the three major human hegemony forces, and we must not fall behind, even if it merges and merges these countries, it will not be profitable for the empire at all.

Therefore, within a very short period of time, except for the three major forces, all the other large and small countries were declared destroyed, and all the land and the people were annexed by the three major human hegemonic forces. Camps.

Human beings have undergone such a major change, and they also look at the descendants of the sky. In the eyes of the alien king, the human beings in this world still have population bases, although they far exceed them. But they are indeed divided.

Even if it is consumed for a long time, they also have the possibility and hope of winning, but now that the human power is further unified, their hope of winning is reduced.

If we go further and the three human hegemonic forces are all integrated into one, there will no longer be a place for them to descend into these intelligent races in exile. If the forcible group stays in this world, we will meet them. It is extinction.

Tian Jiangzhong wanted to intervene in human changes, or intervene in something, but they reluctantly found that they did not have this qualification and ability. As a foreigner, when the human camp changed, they could only watch it openly. No intervention can be made.

They fight with the silver empire among human beings all year round. The empire can receive support from two other forces of the same level every year, but Tianjiang has no assistance. They only rely on themselves. In fact, Tianjiang has It's more difficult than the Empire.

There is a purple halo flickering, and there are countless runes in the metal hall where it flows. The eight-positioned figure is emaciated, exuding the existence of horror, and sits opposite.

Their faces are deep and condensed, and they seem to be thinking about their own affairs, so the whole hall is silent, only some gorgeous purple light bands are floating in the hall.

"Let's just talk, how should our ethnic group respond to the changes in the human camp?" A strange king slowly voiced his voice, and a thick voice echoed in the hall, full of majesty as a king.

"How can we deal with it? We have only this strength, even if we emerge from the nest, our limit is at most to destroy the empire. If we fight hard, our ethnic group will only have an end to extinction."

为何 "Why are these changes happening in the human camp? But now these changes are not fatal to us for the time being. The weak and small countries they annexed will also split their energy and not increase too much."

"Yes, their annexation of these countries will not benefit them, but they still have to annex it. This is the most terrible thing. They now have a unified consciousness."

"You mean that in the future, the three strongest forces of humanity may be unified? How is this possible?" A ridiculous expression appeared on the face of a different king. As a race that wanted to destroy humanity, they naturally possessed humanity. Enough to understand.

"It's naturally impossible under normal circumstances, but do you think it's normal now?"

"It's very abnormal. The general of the empire, the new **** in the church of the stars, and the owner of the Confederate who claims to be the first martial art genius. These three are abnormal, and should not appear to humans at all. These three exist.

"It is true that the existence of these three is very unreasonable. They are incompatible with this world."

The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear. As aliens at war with humans, they can see more clearly how abnormal the family of Muria is than humans.

"It shouldn't have happened this way. We wandered in the void for so long, and finally found a world, but now there is a crisis of extinction."

"We have three choices. The first is to stay in this world and fight the humans of this world to death, and then the whole family will die. Our ethnic groups will have some dignity.

The second is to find ways to force humankind to recognize our right to live in this world and obtain peace. But it is impossible for humans to agree.

For the third one, leave this world, enter the void, and set foot on the road of wandering again. "

"Are we only left with these choices?" A strange king murmured to himself in vicissitudes.

"That's all. Who keeps us kings from fighting? If we can be stronger, we have more choices."

"The first type does not need to be considered. The significance of our existence as alien kings is to lead the ethnic group to multiply, instead of taking our people to fight against humans and then extinct." An alien king spoke directly and rejected the first one. select.

"As for the third one, it is impossible to re-enter the void and embark on the road of wandering. The uncertainty of this plan is too great, and our ethnic group is likely to be extinct in the void."

"Then the second one, find a way for human beings to recognize our right to live in this world and obtain peace."

"Human beings in the past were unwilling, let alone human beings now. The continuous war has filled our people and the human beings with resentment against each other."

"What options do we have?"

"What if you bow your head to the human race? The whole community submits to the human race." A strange king suggested that this immediately made the other seven kings bet on him.

He faced the gaze of the other seven alien kings, and the alien king looked up without fear at them.

"Why do you have such a ridiculous proposal? Ryan, it is the lower race that human beings can rely on in terms of quantity. How do they qualify us to bow to them?"

"You actually care about this and see how far we have been forced by human beings? We are about to go extinct. The only thing we need to do now is to find a way to continue the race, not for the boring and ridiculous race. Question of dignity. "

"Submit your head to human beings? Ryan, have you ever thought about it? By doing so, the backbone of our race will be interrupted. In the future, our race will have no way to stand up. If we can only choose to bow our heads to humans and become their slaves. Then, I would rather take my people and die on the battlefield. "

如果 "If ~ www.readwn.com ~ I mean, if the situation is the most dangerous, for the continuation of the race, I will take the lead in surrendering to human beings." Ryan, the proposing surrender, said.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Ryan, you have to think clearly, if you do this, what pressure will you endure? All people will despise you."

"As long as you can let the tribe continue, even if you are cast aside by all the people, if you can sacrifice my reputation, even if you let my people spit me for hundreds of millions of years, why not!"

"You!" After hearing the words of the strange king Ryan, the remaining seven strange kings were impassioned, showing admiration, and then their faces were a little ashamed, because they asked themselves that they could not be like Ryan.

"Papapa!" Just then, a clear applause sounded in this hall, and then a voice full of appreciation,

"In order to continue your own ethnic group, you are willing to sacrifice yourself and bear the stigma of eternal life. You are a qualified king, yes, very good."

"Who are you?" Eight strange kings were enraged, and they watched angrily in their halls of anger, one with the appearance of a human female, which seemed to be an intertwined existence of stars.

"You can call me the goddess of the stars, Raya." The goddess incarnation of Jin Longniang smiled and introduced herself, and her smile was full of a strange affinity.

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