Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1045: "No desire, no need"

"What do you guys mean?"

Hearing the conversation between Muria and Ansor, a strange king who was brought to him by Muria using the French beast, could not help asking, "What titans, what epics, etc.?" I do n’t understand, but these words give people a very deep sense.

"Nothing interesting? Not for you, I'm just chatting with my father. It has nothing to do with you."

Muria looked at the alien kings in front of them and gave them affirmation, "You are very good, and found that we are different from the humans in this world, but this is why we deliberately did not cover up. At this point, we have not covered up. Necessary. "

"What the **** do you all exist?" The strange king looked at Muria with a hint of hidden Greek wings in his eyes. Because he found that these existences are mysterious and full of mysteries. But these presences don't seem to be too malicious to them.

"Well, how can I tell you?" Muria rubbed her eyebrows in distress, and then a smile appeared on his face,

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, or let you feel it intuitively, so that you can better understand what we are?"

The dean, who was curled up in Muria's heart, slowly opened her eyes, and at the same time, Muria reached out the palms of the eight alien kings and gently scratched.

八 The eight different kings felt a moment in front of them. A vast star appeared in front of them, and when they looked blankly around the darkness, they found that two golden suns appeared suddenly in front of them.

Soon, the eight alien kings found something different. It was not the two golden suns, but the twin pupils of a great shore existence. At this moment, the existence was looking down at them.

Therefore, a shock that could not be verbally rushed to their hearts, their hearts were shaking, they looked up to the existence of this great shore, could not help but want to bow down, this is facing the level of life far The reaction will appear only after crushing their existence.

He did not wait for the eight alien kings to respond too much, and their spirit felt a hesitation for a while, the broken city, the panic tribe, and three secretive humans ... everything familiar came back to the sight.

"How do you feel?" Muria looked at the eight strange kings with a smile.

"What are those just now?" A strange king asked with a stunned spirit, he just felt that he was shocked, and he seemed to see something extraordinary.

"What you saw just now is my deity." Muria answered the doubts of these strange kings. This answer made these kings even more frightened. Some people felt that their hearts were shaking, but also made the other king Ryan thoughtful.

"Great existence, your true **** is such a great shore, but why are you a human body now?" This is the biggest doubt in the mind of the alien king, such a great existence, why use those lower human appearances.

"It's just a coincidence that when I appear in this world, I can't use my identity, I must use the body of the race living in this world."

Because Jinlong Niang intends to subdue this race for her own use, Muria explained his words to him patiently. Otherwise, as an epic, he would not communicate with the creatures at the legendary level at all, because there is no common language. .

既然 "That being the case, why don't you use the appearance of our race?" Hearing here, Alien's face showed regret.

He can imagine that if the three beings in front of them are their tribe, they will certainly help them, just as they help human beings, then their race to occupy the world is only a matter of time.

"This is a matter of quantity. In our eyes, your race is no different from humans. But we have all turned to human races, because humans have too many bases."

Muriya explained another sentence, and then saw that the other king in front of him wanted to ask a question, and waved his hand.

"Okay, then I have so much, it's my turn to ask you, are you willing to take your ethnic surrender? If you like, we can take your race out of this world and find a world suitable for you . "

Hearing Muria's words, several alien kings looked at each other, then hesitation appeared in their eyes, but when they recalled the scene they had just seen, their eyes became decisive, "Is it surrender to you?"

"No, I'm not interested in you, but my mother feels that you are pretty good, and wants to accept your race as her dependents, and then select the warrior among them as a war servant for her to drive the war." Muria pointed at the body The dragon goddess using the incarnation of God appeared here.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of too much contact with the gods. The behavior style of Jinlong Niang started to become closer to God, and the gods will never show their deity easily. On the one hand for mystery, and on the other for security.

"Goddess of the Stars, Raya." Seeing the incarnation of the Dragon Lady, hesitated in the eyes of several different kings who had already made a decision, although from the kinship sounds, the Dragon Lady as a mother should be stronger than Muria .

But they know that it is normal for a son to surpass his parents, so even the existing parent in front of him is not necessarily stronger than him.

"How? Do you think it's bad to follow me?" Seeing these strange kings began to hesitate, Jin Longniu raised her eyebrows. "To tell you the truth, you have no choice, my husband and my son, they are all right You are not interested, only I have a low vision, so I look after you. "

如果 "If you don't want to bow to my mother and surrender, then you either choose to leave this world and wander in the void, or stay and wait for us to be extinct."

As soon as Muria said this, these alien kings would have no choice anymore. At this point, there is no hesitation at all, and no choice anyway.

There was also a vicious man staring at him, it seemed that if they refused, I was afraid he would not mind beheading them on the spot, and once their race lost their kings, they were destroyed by humans. It's just a matter of time.

"We are willing to surrender to you and ask you to shelter our race, as long as you can let our race continue. We are willing to do anything for you."

"You surrender to me. The only thing I can guarantee is that your race will not go extinct. If you want more, then it depends on how much you can contribute to me."

Seeing these strange kings under the pressure of his son, he finally bowed to himself and Jin Longniang spoke lightly.

"Yes, let me tell you, what you see now is not my deity, but the incarnation of faith derived from the body I use in this world."

"What are you just hesitating? Do you think my mother will be weaker than me? If you are worried about this, it is not necessary at all, my mother will break through earlier than me and will never be weaker than me, so you are no better than that. Too much worry. "

After listening to Muria's words, although the appearance of these alien kings has not changed, their expressions have become faintly relaxed. Even if they bow and surrender, they do not want to follow the weak.

Uh ...

"The biggest contradiction in this world has been resolved. After we unite all three human forces, we can leave this world."

I have successfully conquered a heterogeneous family, strolling above a white cloud in the dome, discussing the follow-up matters.

"In fact, it is almost the same now, we can leave now." After hearing Muria's words, Jin Long Niang said with a smile, she was very happy in this world.

"It's a little early to leave now, and there are still many hidden dangers left unresolved. The whole family of heaven descending species will follow you. By then, there will be only one human race in this world.

In the case of only one race remaining, human beings must be united if they want to break away from the world, but if there is no external force to interfere, they can only achieve unity by launching a war. "

Muria shook her head ~ www.readwn.com ~ vetoed the proposal of Jin Longniang, the more their benign interference in this world, the more they will get when they settle with this world and ask for the source of power in return More.

"We can completely eliminate the hidden dangers of human future and let them reduce losses."

"Whatever you want, I don't care anymore."

"Huh?" Muria looked at her mother in amazement. "What did you gain? You don't even care about the source."

"Spiritual clone!" Jin Longniang's face exults, "I have obtained a complete divine scripture. Through him, I have seen the rules of this world work."

Hearing this, Ans Orr, who was looking for a deal after thinking about going back, could not help but tilt his head and raised an eyebrow.

They infiltrated the world through the improved magical magic of the demon, and helped the world shorten its growth process and obtain the source of power from the world, but the most valuable thing is not the source.

Instead, holding on to the source of the world's recent separation, it has a short-term connection with the world to see all the rules of the world.

This is what they are pursuing, and perhaps the most wanted, but Jinlong Niang has already obtained this benefit in advance, so she has no need for this world now, and the only thing she needs is the source.

But her degree of craving for Yuanli is not great, because her mother Dragon King Yalista has a lot in her hands, so it doesn't matter whether she leaves early or late.

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