Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1047: Return, start, new world

Standing in the star armor world, causing changes in the surrounding rules, Muria's eyes flashed thousands of light and shadow, which is the scene after the martial art incarnation he sent out to contact those who need him.

The departure of a person will have a great impact on the people around him, and even completely change the life of the other person. With Muria's current status, if he leaves abruptly, it will definitely have a great impact on everything around him. Impact and change.

So he thought about it more thoroughly this time, and because of the relevant characteristics of the Fa which he cultivated, he also made a better way of dealing with it. This would minimize the impact of his departure from the world.

"Almost!" The light and shadow faded from Muria's pair of golden pupils. He looked down at the sea of ​​clouds that had shrunk down a bit, and smiled a little. He didn't care about these lost power at all. He doesn't lack these.

Under the watchful eye of Muria, the sea of ​​clouds in front of him began to rise upwards, and then changed into a towering crown, who had the power of swallowing mountains and rivers, slowly appeared in the sea of ​​clouds. Rhea is comparable.

Muriya and the emperor's law face each other, then the two take a step forward each, and merge into one, the emperor's law turns into a ball of white gas, and is completely integrated into the body of Muria.

Therefore, behind Muria, a group of platinum mixed light and shadow appeared, which seemed to give birth to it, but this light and shadow only disappeared for a moment and disappeared invisible, and did not condense the unique legal phase in this world. .

"Go away, we can't stay in this world anymore, if we stop, this world will catch up."

Jin Longniang has already urged the entire sky descending species into her pocket. So, a family of three, who already knew everything, quickly flew towards the world barriers.

They easily broke through the defense of this world barrier. If it is an alien vanity, they want to break into the world barrier and enter into it. Unless they have the power to destroy the whole world in an instant, it is impossible to break through.

But for their family, the world has already shown great kindness to them, and they are not prepared for them at all, so they can easily move through this barrier.

"It's time to settle!" Came into the void, Ans Orr, who had been silent, stretched out his palm to the world below.

Then, the scene that Muria had seen twice appeared again, the world began to tremble, and then streams of light rose from all over the world and gathered in front of them.

However, unlike the previous one, Muria saw this streamer more densely than he had seen before, because the size of the world is also larger than the world he saw, and its depth is deeper.

Of course, the reason why they can attract such a streamer is also because they have made a great contribution to this world and reduced huge losses for them.

A moment later, in front of the family of three, two large, one small and three sources of power were suspended in front of them.

"This world is really ..." Jin Longniang looked at the smallest source of force in front of her, and looked at the world below, with a disgusting color in her eyes.

"Don't complain, who made you a **** in this world." Looking at the angry Jinlong Niang, Muria couldn't help responding, but he knew what his mother had left in this world. , And how cheap this world is.

"If you abandon the deity's clone, you will definitely have more power than us."

"I'm not a fool. How could I give up?" Jin Longniang rolled her eyes and vetoed her partner's proposal flatly. Unless she had a pit in her head, she would never use a **** avatar to exchange for a unit that could not get a unit force.

"What more injustice do you talk about?" Ans Orle said flatly, saying, he reached out and held the source in front of him.

"The greed of dragon nature is really endless." Muria rolled her eyes when she saw the Golden Dragon Mother who was still not satisfied.

To be honest, he is really a little jealous of his mother. Although he is a medium-sized world, he can mix a **** incarnation in the world, which is also a great opportunity.

"Go home!" Soon, this family ended the connection with the laws of the world, their vision returned to normal, and the Xingjia world no longer exposed everything in front of them.

So at this step, Jinlong Niang also rid of her unhappiness, and cheered excitedly, then began to communicate and connect with the spectacle of the void built by the three major races-the World Realm.

A huge vortex of voids formed in front of them, and after seeing this vortex, their family of three stepped in one after another and returned to the metal continent that lay above the world of Elassia.

"Micah!" Muria, who just returned, saw a magnificent cloud city staying next to the portal of the Realm of Transcendence, saw this familiar city of clouds, and a few cordial breaths from it Muria was a little surprised, then left his parents, and flew to the Cloud City.

"Your Majesty Muria." When Muria flew into this cloud city, all the angels who saw him bowed and saluted to him, giving the greatest respect to the existence that can be compared with the gods.

"You are finally back." When Muria came to the atrium of Cloud City, she immediately saw a blazing godhead with three tall and stylish girls, looking at him calmly.

"Let you wait a long time." Muria felt the breath of his wife, and immediately inferred that Michelangela had broken through to the legendary peak for at least thirty years, so an apologetic smile appeared on his face.

For ordinary peak legends, thirty years is nothing more than a snap and a nap, but for Michelangela who is very urgent to go to the void and become an epic, thirty years is Very suffering.

"Now that you are back, let's go." Just a few words, Michelangela began to urge Muria. If it was not for Muria, she would not stay here at all, long ago let's go.

"Oh, let me talk to my daughter for a while. I haven't seen them for decades. Let me just say a few words before I go." Seeing the impatient of Michaelia, Muria had some I cried embarrassedly.

"Yes." Seeing the three daughters next to her who were eager to communicate with their father, Michelangela agreed. Anyway, she had waited so long, and it was not too long.

Under the watchful eye of Michelangela, Muria did not communicate with her three grown-up daughters for too long, nor did she contact her eldest son, but hurriedly took her to the Temple of Realms and began For the third time to save the world.

柱 The magnificent beam of energy envelops the couple, tearing the void, and shooting towards the endless distant, unknown world community ...

穆 When Muria opened her eyes again, she faced a pair of majestic eyes. This tired face looked at him, and it seemed that there was no emotion revealed.

"This is a longtime high-ranking person." Muria, who has become a baby again, judges the identity of the man in front of him, because at this moment, if he can look at him, he must have a close blood relationship.

Of course, there will also be some very special situations, but Muria feels that although her luck is not good, it is not bad, and she should not encounter such a **** start.

男人 After looking at Muria for a moment, the man nodded slightly, but said nothing, but turned and left. During the whole process, his expression remained unchanged.

Suddenly, after the man left, there was a burst of cheering in the room, and then several people who seemed to be maids came to him, ready to wash the blood from him.

At this time, Muria, who was immersed in a special potion by a group of females, fell into meditation. Just now the man was looking at him, and he was also looking at each other, because he hadn't figured out himself now. It turned into something.

Although the facial features of the man just looked similar to humans, he noticed that the man's face had something that humans did not have ~ www.readwn.com ~ For example, the pair on both sides of his forehead Shallow horns, and some light spots on his face, but apart from these, he does not seem to be much different from humans, so he is still reborn as a humanoid race and has not become What a monster.

Then, just as Muria was immersed in the water and was baptized by the unique birth of this world, Michelangela, who was also reborn in this world, fell into a crisis.

Miguelella, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away from Muria, was extremely depressed at this time, because she was just born and was now being assassinated.

A group of rampant monsters suddenly broke into the delivery room where she had just been born. The goal was her. This group of monsters did not seem to want to see her born.

Fortunately, although there were a group of monsters who wanted to kill her, there were also a group of humanoids who wanted to guard her, so the two sides fought fiercely in the delivery room.

Suddenly, as the protagonist of this assassination incident, Michelangela was trapped in her weak body, and she could only watch this happen with nothing, and could not change anything.

无疑 And this is undoubtedly annoyed that Michelangela has never experienced such a thing, because once his reincarnation is destroyed, it represents her epic failure of promotion this time.

"Do you really want to use it?" In the heart of a baby that will fall at any time, an ancient **** exists, opening her pupils burning with crimson flames. In her hands, a drop seems to contain everything, Droplets that can evolve everything emerge.

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