Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1051: King of Exile

do not know. Muria shook his head. At his current age, what he said two days ago was really amazing, but in addition to his identity, it was normal. As a royal family, he was like a normal baby. Than, having some peculiarities is a matter of course.

"Do you remember what you said two days ago?" Fernand asked as calmly as possible, but even with his deliberate soothing tone, his voice was still full of majesty.

Compared to being a father, he is more accustomed to being a king. Who allows him to have so many children? Being a king can deal with these children better than being a father.

"Some impressions." Muria thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Do you want our country to be the strongest country?" Fernand asked with a stiff smile, and he was used to dealing with everything expressionlessly, not smiling.

"Think," Muria replied without thinking.

"Because of what?" The smile on Fernand's face softened slightly before he knew it, "is it because you don't want to learn the languages ​​of other countries?"

"Um." Muria nodded heavily, and then made a remark that could be spoken by a child who was bothered by language learning.

"Just in books, let us learn twenty-one languages. Although we are not required to learn all of them, there are hard conditions. We must master more than ten languages ​​before we reach adulthood.

However, these languages ​​are not related to each other, which greatly increases the difficulty of learning. This is a torture for me and my brothers and sisters. We all do n’t want to learn "

"Hahaha!" Hearing Muria's reason, Fernand's face could not help but smile, "The reason why you want to make Gay State the strongest country in the world is very interesting, but no matter what reason You have this ambition, which is good. "

"If one day I become the king and lead the country of Gay to become the strongest country in the world, I must abolish the words of the rest of the country and promote the words and culture of our country to the people under governance. The language of our Gay State remains. "

Muria's casual extension of part of the unifying theory suddenly surprised Fernand.

"Why do you want to abolish the languages ​​of other countries?" Fernand did not care about the disrespectful words in Muria's words, and he regarded them as childish.

"Because unified words are the basis of long-term rule!" Muria said with a look of course.

Many conflicts in the world are caused by inability to communicate. If the two parties can communicate with each other, they can eliminate most disputes.

And this is why these royal families must learn plural languages. They must master these and then communicate with royal families in other countries.

"Who taught you these?" Fernand nodded thoughtfully when he heard Muria's words, but immediately he thought about it, and then asked Muria with a soft voice, "Yes Did your mother teach you that? "

"No, I think about it myself." Muria looked at the suspicious father and replied with certainty.

"Good." Hearing Muria's answer, Fernand nodded and said nothing more. As for whether he really believed it, only he knew it.

"Boy, your ambition is very big, but do you know how difficult you will be if you want to realize your ambition?" Fernand asked again, in his eyes, he didn't know what this was The first few sons born were very interesting.

"I don't know." Muria shook her head. "I don't know how big the world is and how many countries it is."

"You don't know anything, and you dare to pat your chest and tell your brother, you can take the country of Gay to become the strongest country in the world?" Fernand laughed abruptly.

"Well, I think I can." Muria nodded, he was quite confident in himself and gave him time, no matter what the goal, he could do it.

"You have more ambition than me!" Fernand laughed when he heard Muria's words, then walked slowly, walked to the gate of the palace, and looked up at the sky. "I don't have your ambition, my The goal is simply to make our country the most powerful country in the country. "

"You don't need to learn the language of other countries at that time, you only need to learn our own country." Fernand turned and looked at Muria with a smile.

"If it is not the strongest in the world, then we will learn fewer languages ​​than we do now, and I am afraid that we will learn as many as we do now, but we need to change the type of language we learn," Muria said in a naive voice.

"The strongest in the world? I can't do this, and then look at your brother or you." Fernand looked at Muria with a meaningful smile. "Only the best Zizi can take my place. "


After being pulled by a father who had almost no feelings to talk, and then induced, Muria returned to his home.

Today's conversation is still his anticipation. Of course, what he said, although it seems to him to be honest, but in his father's view, it is estimated that he is an ignorant child.

After all, who would believe that an open mouth would be the strongest child in the world? However, Muria himself said that although his father regarded him as a joke, Muria got a more important piece of information from his father.

He seemed to be planning something, and Muria was certain that he had just said that he would make the country of Guye the most powerful country on the plain, and that gesture was not like fooling him as a child.

In fact, Fernand didn't need to fool him. Unless he had a pit in his head, he bragged with a son who was less than two years old. It was completely meaningless, even if Muria was special.

"I don't know what my father is tossing about. If I play well, I can get a better starting point. If I play off ..."

Muria thought of his father's goal, and then thought of the outcome of this kind of goal, if he played it, he could not help but rub his eyebrows.

A country is naturally the best resource for the nobles and nobles, but when this country is destroyed, the worst is nobles and nobles.

"Fortunately, there is still extraordinary power in this world, and individual power can also override collectives."

Muria raised his palm, and a faint light of black and red appeared on his palm. It was very thin. If it was not good, he might ignore it directly.

"The nature of this power ..." Muria felt the power in the palm of his hand carefully. Although he had experienced it many times, Muria still felt a little surprised at this power.

Because the level of this power does not seem to be grasped by human beings at all, if this power must be described, then this power is like an epic power that has been weakened many times.

That's right, this is Muria's evaluation of the innate power of his reincarnation body, and this level of power is not impossible for mortals to master.

For example, those believers in the gods pray to the gods and then obtain the extraordinary power from the gods to weaken the divine power after dilution.

But they must rely on the gods to control this power. If the gods fall, their power will dissipate, and they will fall from the supreme existence into mortal things, because in the final analysis, this power is not their own.

In Muria's body, this seems to be the power of the epic weakened many times, and has no connection with the outside world, so the outside world cannot have any influence on it. The only thing that this power can dissipate is Muria's reincarnation. Body death.

"Now this power is still too weak. If I increase it to a certain level, some interesting changes should occur." Muria's palm was held up, and a marble like a marble appeared in her palm. Size black red energy ball.

This energy ball, under the control of Muria, hovered around his body, and finally merged into his brows. A gentle touch spread from his brows, but it soon disappeared, because the power was too weak.

"Take the time to perfect the practice that strengthens my body!"

When Muria was just talking about ~ www.readwn.com ~ he got a practice method that can strengthen the body's strength. With Muria as the epic vision, this practice method is naturally full of loopholes. There are many things that need to be optimized.

When Muria began to optimize the practice that can be obtained as a royal family, he also prepared two plans for himself.

Both plans are planned based on the information he currently has. The first plan was naturally Fernand's plan to make the kingdom stronger after he became stronger.

The second plan was to do something after Fernand got out of his way, leading to the worst situation, after he became an exiled royal family.

The only thing the two sets of plans have in common is that the core that allows the plan to continue is his own strength. Whether it is to become a king or to become an exile royal family, this requires sufficient strength to support it.

Whether it is to fight for the throne or to succeed in exile, it is not enough to be alone, he needs enough followers. The easiest way for people to follow is to show enough strength that the strong can easily follow.

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