Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1091: You marry me? No, I want to marry you!

"You're sending out a courtship team?" The dark mist filled the dead, and Fernand's majestic corpse's body appeared, as always, looking scary, in fact there wasn't one scared by him.


"Is this too hasty?"

"Not in a hurry." Muria's face was unusually calm, "the result is already doomed."

"You're so sure that the crimson king will promise your proposal?" Fernand was a little puzzled. He didn't understand where his son's confidence came from.

I was so vowed to affirm that an equally young and promising king with extraordinary strength promised to become his partner.

当然 "Of course, there is still some confidence in this, otherwise I would not rule out the proposal team."

"What if it was rejected?"

"In no case, she won't reject me." Muria looked up, staring at her biological father who came to this world, and gave him great pressure.

"I'm her only and best companion choice, and there will be no other people." After Muria said this, she lowered her head slowly and let Fernand breathe a sigh of relief.

"Have you talked to her?" Fernand thought about it, and continued to ask. He felt that it was necessary for him to continue to pay attention to such things.

"No need." Muria was confident, but this was his intended daughter-in-law.

"I think you should still contact her and communicate in advance, so as not to make any mistakes at the time, it is not good to end." Fernand reminded kindly.

"waste time."

"Muria, you can't have such an idea. The Crimson King is just like you, but also a prodigious king. You must not ..." Fernand, who was rejected by Muria in succession, began to chat with him stand up.

"I'll get in touch with her now." Fernand, who was always chattering, let Muria finally compromise. After all, it was his physical father, and he couldn't do anything extraordinary.

Uh ...

"I proposed to you for the second time." The faint voice sounded in the empty hall, the dark mist filled, a demon with only a face floating on a queen who was enveloped in a layer of holy light. .

"Ok, I know."

"But not the last time."

当然 "Of course." Michelangela's mouth slightly raised. "But this time there are some changes to make, there should be some differences."

"What do you want to do?" Muria felt something bad and immediately asked.

"Guess what." There was a sly smile on Michelangela's face, but she didn't let Muria's ghost incarnate see it.

"Don't mess around." At this point Muria had realized that things might not go as smoothly as he thought.

放 "Rest assured that things may not change much from your expected results, but the process may not be the same as you think."


Uh ...

"His Highness, the Crimson King born in the fire of God, the great Lord of the Dark Demon, ..." Knelt down and chanted to Michelangela a long-awaited marriage proposal, which was already prepared.

"Your king wants to marry me as Queen?" Regardless of the turmoil of the Crown Prince after hearing this proposal, Michelle faintly smiled on his face, toward the mission kneeling below him. Asked.

"Yes, the King has long admired you for a long time, I wish ..."

既然 "Since he has long admired him, why didn't he come here in person and instead send you to be his microphone?" Michelangela asked the members of the mission below.

"What are you doing?" Muradia, who had been turned into a black hand bead string, was in the hands of Michalella. Hearing his wife's answer, she was in a hurry, because it followed He expected something different.

In his expectation, after he sent a mission to represent Michelle on his behalf, his wife responded directly. Then all the governing nations could be united in a just and right way and become an inseparable one. As a whole, becoming the hegemon of this world.

However, what made Muria more and more feel that things were out of control is that, for his words, Michelangela turned a blind eye, and continued to talk to the leaders of the mission below as if he had not heard.

"Um, the king is our country's most important existence. Naturally, it is impossible to leave the country at will." Hearing the words of the crimson king, the leader of the regiment wiped the sweat on his forehead a bit awkwardly, because this was what he expected. The ones in it are not the same.

He was ready to be rejected by the crimson king, but he did not expect that the king was actually such an attitude, as long as not a fool can hear the crimson king, there is absolutely nothing to do with the king. relationship.

所以 "So he sent you to come and propose to me? It's really sincere."

"..." silenced the leader of the regiment, because at this time he did not know what he should say.

"Go back and tell your king, I will not marry!"


I heard Michaelelle's answer like this by the bracelet she wore on her wrist, and one of the black beads trembled slightly, and a slight crack appeared on it, and there was a tendency to explode.

"However, you can do it another way." Michelangela stood up from his throne. "Aren't your king admiring me and wanting to marry me? Yes, but he didn't marry me, and I marry him. "

As soon as this remark came out, more and more black crystal spheres that originally appeared on Michelangela's wrist were restored to their original state in an instant.

"..." The leader of the mission sent by Muria was completely persecuted. He envisioned countless possibilities that occurred after meeting with the Crimson King, but he did not expect that things would develop like this.

"I will send a mission to go back to you and propose marriage to your king on your behalf, and you will lead the way then."

"Observe." Although the tone of the command, the leader of the mission still bowed his head respectfully. He could see that it was only a matter of time before the crimson king became a couple with the king to whom he was loyal.

In other words, sooner or later, this one will become another object of his allegiance, only time sooner or later, no difference.

The Crimson King doesn't want to worry about who is married to whom he marries, and who he marries to. This has nothing to do with this little **** under him, and it is no different to him anyway.

怎么 How the two of them toss and toss, he just obeys the order. No matter who issued the order, he will execute it as long as there is no conflict.

And this operation, also looked at this hall, loyal to the Princes and Ministers of Michelangela, they also saw something.

Of course, the queen's marrying is of course firmly opposed, but if their queen wants to receive another king of a powerful country, then even if she has some other ideas in her heart, she must also strongly support it.

Because once successful, a country will merge into a more powerful country from now on, and this way of letting the national strength be strengthened without **** swords will not be opposed as long as there is no pit in the head.

Uh ...

"What are you doing? Didn't you just promise directly? Tossing out these cricket moths, pupa."

米 When Michelangela was alone, Muria's ghost ghost emerged from her wrist.

"Why should I promise?" Michaelier asked in amazement.

"But haven't we said it before?"

说 "Say something, I just agreed to marry you, and I told you in advance, the process will be different from what you expected."

"This is what you said is different?" Muria's face showed helplessness, "Reject my proposal, and then you propose to me and ask to marry me?"

"Can't you? Before we reincarnated, it was you who married me and after you reincarnated let you marry me. It would be too boring. We can change roles."

迦 Michelera's face showed a sly color. Now that she has been reincarnated, she wants to experience a different marriage, otherwise it would be a waste of this reincarnation.

但 "But I ..." Muria opened her mouth, trying to say something.

"Don't want to? Or do you think that as a king, I've married you, and feel disgraceful?"

"No, how could I care about this." As an epic, he can ignore worldly eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ In this case, when my mission arrives in your country, I propose to you on my behalf When you remember, promise. "

"But, this ..." Muria felt strangely weird, with a sense of awkwardness beyond words.

As a person who has lived for thousands of years, he naturally has no so-called masculinism, because such things are meaningless to him.

行 "Okay, I know you are in a complex mood, and you still have time to think, but I suggest you still think about how we plan our wedding in this world afterwards."

"..." Muria was silent for a while, "I think about it first."

Uh ...

"She refused me." In the royal court of Gay Kingdom, Muria opened her eyes, sighed sighing, and looked at Fernand aside.

"What?" Fernand hadn't responded yet. At this time, the team sent by Michalella and begging Muria was not ready.

"The accident you said happened." Muria stared at Fernand's mouth.

"I refused, why? Why? Why didn't you talk about it well before, why did it suddenly happen?"

Fernand, always worried about Muria's marriage, was also a little panicked.

"She rejected my proposal, but she said she would marry me."

…… "..." Fernand was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly. "Well, do you think about it?"

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