Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1093: Endless war

The wind blew gently across the field, and the golden wheat waves undulated with the wind. The peasant with a bamboo head on his head stood up straight from the rice field and looked at the wingman who came with the wind. After that, he bent down again.

Although more and more wingmen came from afar after their kings got married, it had nothing to do with them and basically had no effect on their lives.

It ’s the same way as I do every day. I still have to rely on my own hands if I want to eat and wear warmth without starving and freezing. However, there are still some changes.

In the distant sky came a wingman wearing a dark blue uniform. After flying over the paddy field, he did not leave as quickly as the previous wingman, but circled around, as if identifying. terrain.

He soon confirmed that this was his destination, so the wingman quickly landed: "Who is John Deere's family? There is a letter from him."

"Huh?" From the wingman's words, an old farmer was keenly aware of the familiar words, straightened up from the wheat field, and looked at the wingman above the wheatfield at the low altitude circle station.

"I'm his father."

"Can someone prove to you that you are John Deere's father?" Wing Man quickly flew to the old farmer, and then asked earnestly.

"Hey, I still have to prove that my son is my son?" Old Nonton immediately became happy when he heard the winger's words.

"Yes, you must prove to me that John Deere is your son. Otherwise, I can't give you the letter he gave me." The wingsman looked quite young, and said solemnly.

"This requires me to prove it?" The old farmer's face suddenly appeared embarrassed, and he encountered this kind of request for the first time.

"You can show documents related to John Deere's identity, such as a birth certificate."

"Birth certificate? Birth certificate is needed, what is this?" The old man said he was a little aggressive.

"This is a new policy implemented after the emperor ordered the national census. After each newborn is born, the local government must issue a relevant birth certificate. If it has not been issued before, it must be completed."

"But this is the countryside. Even the village officials only have one or two. Where did the people give me this birth certificate?" The old farmer was completely distressed, and he stared at the package held by the winged man on his chest , Eyes longing.

"If it doesn't work, you can ask someone to prove it to you." The wingman messenger gritted his teeth, and then answered.

"It's simple. Just ask if you want. Who doesn't know that John Deere is my son." There was a hint of contentment in the old man's face, and the soldier's son has always been his proud pride. Because the land he is now cultivating was earned by his son from the battlefield.

"I need to spend more time, confirm, you need to wait a moment, don't you mind?"

"Okay, you go to confirm, just ask." The old farmer smiled and said he didn't mind, and asked him to ask casually.

Soon I went to other farmland and asked about a dozen winged people on the farmland to fly back to the original place, and then solemnly released the package that was hung on their chest and handed it to them. Cultivated old farmer.

"Let me see what I have." The farmer couldn't wait to unpack the package, and then saw a letter and a heavy wooden box.

Lao Nong opened the wooden box for a glance, and then closed it again, all of which contained large denominations of gold notes. No doubt, this was his son's military service.

But the old peasant who has not been worried about subsistence and food does not care about these banknotes at all. His attention is all in the envelope in his hand.

那个 "Well, the long-winged babies, can I read what is written on it?" After the farmer opened the envelope, his face suddenly appeared awkward, because he didn't know any of the words on it.

"Yes, this is my duty." Waiting for the wingman messenger who did not leave nodded, this is why he has not left now, and reading letters is also a job requirement.

"Okay." The old farmer passed the letter in his hand to the wingman messenger.

"Father: You don't need to worry about it at home. I'm doing fine in the army ..." The wingman messenger read the contents of the envelope verbatim.

There is nothing special about it. A young man who left the army to join the army described all his experiences in the army. However, like most family books, the contents of the envelope are good news and good news, all of which is good.

Therefore, the old farmer heard the contents of the family book, his eyes narrowed and he looked very happy.

"... I won the first two levels of the enemy in this conflict ..." It is still a good news and no worry. The youth described to his father in the letter the process of obtaining military merit, but the process did not hear the old farmer's forehead Stop sweating.

"... Father, you must take care of your body, remember to eat well, sleep well, drink plenty of hot water."

The winger messenger slowly read the last sentence in the family book, and then looked up at the drowsy old farmer. He was still worried about his son's military service.

"I have finished reading the family book, and if you do n’t have any need, I will ..." After the Wingren messenger completed all his tasks, he was ready to leave.

"Lady, you said that there are so many battles? After my son went out to serve as a soldier, I received a total of seventeen home letters from him. Every time he said he was fighting, how could this battle not be completed? "

"..." The wingman messenger didn't say a word after hearing this, but his eyes showed envy, and then he thought slowly before saying, "Your son is a capable person."

"He has the ability to fart. When he was at home, he only knew how to fight against hatred. Today, he either fights with that, or fights with this." Hearing a message from the wingman messenger, the old farmer sneered, but his face There was an unshakable smile on it.

"Only generals above the rank of clerk and doctor can let me be a winged person. Is this the first time you have seen a messenger like me? All this shows that your son is getting better and better in the army. The safer it is in the army. "

"Is that right? But this safety is not absolute, although I am a backcountry and I am an unfamiliar farmer, but I also know that on the battlefield, even generals are likely to die."

"The battlefield has never been a safe place." The courier sighed, but his eyes did not show much fear, but he was eager to try.

"Lady, you know the battlefield is not safe, do you still want to go?"

"Think," the Wingren messenger resolutely answered.

"Why?" The old farmer's eyes appeared puzzled. "Now the country is getting stronger and stronger, no matter what you do, as long as you are willing to move, you will not be hungry. Why do you sharpen your head and join the battlefield? "

因为 "Because there is the only place where I can change my birth, my father only gave me a pair of wings, and I want to give my offspring more."

这样 "This is so strange." The old farmer scratched his head. "If you are not afraid of death, the battlefield is a good place to gain wealth."

"Well, but I'm not eligible for conscription now." The messenger's eyes showed silence.

"The pair of big wings behind you are still not eligible for conscription?" The farmer looked at the snow-white wings behind the young man who sent a letter to himself, and suddenly revealed his surprise.

"At present, if you want to be a soldier, you must at least complete the initial awakening, otherwise the army will not."

"Are you still awake?"


"Where did the pair of wings come from behind you? How can there be such a thing behind a normal person?"

"This is what I was born with. I'm a wingman." The messenger smiled a little awkwardly. This is not the first time he has had a similar conversation. He found that the residents of the former Gay State met the residents. There will be such doubts.

"Oh, that's it!" Lao Nong's face showed a sudden realization, but in turn he issued a new marvel, "Now the threshold for military recruitment is getting higher and higher, I remember it wasn't like 20 years ago Yes, as long as your limbs were healthy and your eyes were not blind but not deaf, you could basically join the army. "

"But now it is impossible. The emperor said that the army must be elite, and those who are too weak will be sent home."

"Then my son wasn't sent back?" The old man's eyes showed a gloomy color ~ www.readwn.com ~ This shows that your son's strength is strong, but if your son's current status and status are sent back, So few people in our country can serve as soldiers. "

"This country is getting stronger and stronger. Twenty years ago, I remember fighting one after another. Those officials went from door to door to collect food from us, and then gave us an IOU.

Now, if it wasn't for my son's home letter, I wouldn't know that the front line was at war. "

"Since the emperor married the empress, our country is said to have been the world's largest power." Hearing the words of the old farmers. The eyes of the messenger could not help showing pride and pride.

既然 "Since it is already the first power, why should we fight? If our country is the strongest, then no one should dare to provoke us?"

"This ..." The Wingren messenger was speechless and didn't know how to explain it.

"With the land, the house, and the money I saved at home, I ca n’t spend it in my life. I have everything in my house, but when will this fight be finished? When will my son come back?" doubt.

"... This kind of thing, only the emperor and queen will know." Wingren messenger smiled.

"Maybe our country is not strong enough?" The old farmer asked the Wingren messenger, as if talking to himself.

"I'm going to deliver the letter first, you pay attention to rest." Feeling the uncontrollable wingman messenger inciting the wings behind him, he fled and left here.

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