Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1095: Cheating 1 talent

"This is really interesting!" Muria, a sword that exhausted the exhausted King of the Windbell from the sky, saw a change in his face when he saw the king's changes.

After the beast of the wind changed by the king was cut by a sword by Muria, his body was almost divided into two by the sword, and the cut wound was sprayed with a wave of blood. Scorched quickly by high temperatures.

He was severely wounded and dying with this sword, but the king did not die because of this. After falling to the ground, his broken body merged directly into the ground.

After the king fell into the earth, in the induction of Muria, the breath of life that had been weakened and withered to the limit, was restored in an instant, like a **** resurrection.

"Arnold, don't think you won, the battle is only just beginning."

A thick voice came from below the ground, and then under the attention of Muria, centering on the place where the King of the Wind Chimes fell, the ground waved like waves.

Then a huge huge palm made of rocks stretched out from the center of this circle of ripples, that is, where it fell, and then shot on the ground, the earth shook, and the noisy battlefield was because of this palm. Quite quiet.

But this is just the beginning. Immediately after this shock, the earth trembles again, and the reason is because the other palm protrudes from the earth, and is also patted on the ground.

Then in the center of the two rock palms protruding from the ground, a huge rock skull protruded, and then stared up at the sky, looking down at Muria.

"You warn me not to spy on gathering the power of the devil, but you have mastered another."

瑞 Muriya embraced with both hands, slowly descended from the sky, and the golden red chains flew around his body, releasing the horrible high temperature that everything could not bear.

"What is this? Don't tell me that you are in control of the power you are born with."

"No one is indifferent to the mighty power. I was once enamored with the power of the Seven Plague Demon. This is not surprising, but I stopped in time because I was afraid that I would be swallowed by my own greed. "

Just a hundred meters from the ground, the giant rock giant stared at Muria, and around him, the giant rock giant similar to him slowly climbed from the ground. Some joined the surrounding war, while some gazed at Muria with their masters.

"Is this showing off your self-control?" Muria looked at the imposing rock giant, watching it gradually adjust his body structure, refine his rough body, and build a huge rock for himself. Armor, "Or sarcastic my greed?"

"This is the advice I give you as a comer, don't covet the power of the devil, otherwise, you will eventually be swallowed up."

His relationship with Muria is that the wind chime king, who is unforgivable to his enemies, speaks his own words, which is a sigh from his heart.

越 The more powerful he is now, the more frightened he is. The King of the Bells knows that all his power comes from a legendary demon who has never been seen before.

"You don't need to worry about this."

"I can feel what is contained in your body. In addition to the flame power you are now controlling, there is another power.

The greedy Demon King, you have collected two powers from the seven plagues. If you swallow me again, then you will have four. By then, the will of the devil is likely to pass from you. Recovery in your body. "

嗯 "Well, thank you for your notification and reminders."

"If you swallow my power, then you will come with me soon."

"Did you just have these words? Nothing else? If not, I'll start."

Muriya reached out her palm and grabbed at this huge, giant rock like a mountain.

"You are looking for death, Arnold." The giant saw that Muria was still determined to do something with it, and immediately became furious. He raised his palm and slammed Muria.

"I am now the son of the earth, the embodiment of the will of the earth. When I stand on the earth, I have infinite power and supreme power. You cannot defeat me."

"The more you say this, the more I feel." Muria responded with a smile when he heard that the king seemed to intend to shake his will in words.

抬 He raised his hand to catch a fist that was twice as large as his palm. The flame clung to the rock fist, and then a drop of crimson melt dripped.

Seeing how the Windbell King behaved at this time, Muria said that he was really very excited. Because he saw the uniqueness of the power of the epic in this world.

尊 This self-determined epic has many different powers and possesses an unusually rare diversity in epic. It can be said to be good or bad. The good thing is that the power of diversity allows him to face various situations calmly, but the disadvantage is that he can't specialize.

However, this epic possesses multiple powers and possesses the talent that made Muria jealous. Every form of his power is a life, which is a rather rogue talent.

Muria is extremely disgusted with the ghost form that holds the power of death, so he didn't discover the particularity of this epic in time. Of course, most importantly, in this world, almost no one can put him on the verge of death status.

现在 But now, just now, Muria saw and was maimed by him. The Windbell King, who was about to die, turned out to be full of blood after being transformed into the second power form.

The damage and negative effects suffered by his wind monster form did not give a little feedback to his earth form.

This talent is just cheating in a close fight. When someone else beats you to death for a long time, you finally managed to grind you to only blood, and you suddenly switched to another state and became full of blood. As long as the enemy has a slightly bad mentality, the fighting spirit will collapse for it.

And if epic has this talent, it is even more excessive. The epic body of all souls already has defense far beyond the gods, and it is difficult to be injured. Similarly, after an epic is injured, it takes a huge price to recover.

Epic injuries are generally in the battle with the same level, and at that time, the state of injury will only continue to decline, the opponent will basically not give the opportunity to recover.

Of course, this epic possesses a talent that can be restored by switching to a power form. Even if it is an epic, the mentality will explode.

"You can't kill me." Seeing Muria unabashedly eager for the power he possessed, the King of the Windbell responded coldly.

Then raised the other palm and smashed Muria, while at the same time, the palm crushed by Muria's palm began to repair quickly. As he said just now, the power he has now can continuously draw power from the earth.

"There is no enemy that can't be killed. The so-called undead can only indicate that its attacking force is not strong enough." Muria didn't care about the king's words at all. This goods was bragging, or bluffing.

这种 The power of manipulating the earth and building rocks that he now controls is what he has seized from others. Now that he can **** it from others, Muria can **** it from him.

Boom! boom!

With a tentative purpose, Muria fell into a fierce battle with the Windbell King who turned into a rock giant. He was testing the power he was about to have.

Suddenly the surrounding terrain, because of their extraordinary existence of the aftermath of battle, constantly climbed and subsided, or it was torn and reorganized.

Because of the presence of the King of the Wind Chimes, many of the smaller rock giants derived from the surrounding land also wanted to interfere in their master's battle with Muria, but they were all blocked.

The head of the rock giant is also the head. Although it will be turned into a pile of seemingly useless rocks after being cut down, but on the battlefield, there is the presence of an inspector, even if it is a rock, it can also be used as a battle.

So ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fengling King was beaten up by his enemy and led by the enemy king on his own land. If it wasn't for Muria's kindheartedness and he didn't have the heart to torture him so much, he might be beaten now A pile of scum.

"The weakness is still obvious. The power of the earth is almost infinite for you, but you have limited use at all times."

瑞 Muria, who almost removed the rock giant's body, looked at the wind chime king who was lacking arms and legs and was still trying to repair her body, and came to a conclusion.

He has learned the nature of this epic power related to the earth. This is the power he is about to control, and he naturally takes this opportunity to figure it out.

Otherwise wait until he is in control, and toss himself to test the strength, that would be silly, Muria would not do such a stupid thing, he has no masochistic hobby.

"It's almost there. The game is over. Don't play."

Muriya put out a punch, and the violent but perfectly controlled power instantly shattered the rock giant's torn body.

Muria stretched out a hand and grasped the heart of a stone. Then, he let go of the instinctual impulses in his body, and then the black and red gas rushed out, wrapped around the heart of the stone, and plundered frantically. With the power contained in this heart.

不 "No! The greedy Blazing Heaven King, I curse you, you will be swallowed up by the devil, you will end up with nothing, everything you will be occupied by the devil!"

The wind chime monarch, which was continuously captured by Muria, sent a hysterical curse, and a voice of despair was revealed in the voice.

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