Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1099: I need you

"Is this done?" Michelia asked, looking at Muria, who is now very similar in appearance to Hades.

"Almost, I can only do this one step now." Muria adjusted to her current body.

The former ghost has no specific form and can be changed into any shape. But now, Muria has turned into reality, so that she has this fixed body and will not change much in form.

Compared with the previous ghost form, Muria now holds the form of death force, and has been called a leap complement in melee.

The ghost before was not suitable for melee, or it was not suitable for singles alone, but this situation has been fundamentally changed.

Muriya promises to use this form to be equal to Yan Mo's form, at least not to fall behind.

"There is nothing in it." A careful look at Muria's current form, Michelangela judged.

"I just changed the nature of strength. After all, I didn't get too involved in the law of death. It's good to be able to do this now." Muria, who feels a bit lost face, justified herself.

"What you really changed was just the body of the Titan that you shaped with the power." Michelangela saw the blood, and Muria's appearance now was nothing but a useless thing.

"Almost!" Muria knows that the body of this form is actually the body of a skeleton, which does not seem to differ much from the Lich, but its essence is completely different.

As for his current form, which is similar to Hades, it is just a beautification effect he made on the basis of his own skeleton with dead gas.

"You now have four different powers of the seven plagues. You have changed two of them. What do you think of the other two?"

"All changed 呗." Muria restored human form, he did not like the form of death, he prefers living things full of vitality.

"What are you going to do?"

"The other two powers are wind and soil. Wind, needless to say, this is what I am good at. Soil is similar to death. I am a little involved and I can change."

"Well, so you still plan to toss out a new form of Giant Wind?"

"No, there is no need for this. In terms of shape, I plan to refer to the phoenix eagle of the town, and the emperor tortoise."

"Two more behemoths that are weakened and reduced in the world? Can you do that?" Michelangela did not conceal his doubts. "You just referred to yourself, so you can create a body of the Titan. , But how much do you know about Feng Wangying and Lu Huanggui? "

"I have a Phoenix King Eagle below the castle in the Erasian World Residence. Do you still know me?"

"Although the one who stayed close to you, that is, how many times have you really communicated with it? Lu Huanggui, let alone, I know you have one in the Titans, but you have a little with that one No relationship, right? "

咳 "Ah, I don't know if it doesn't matter. I know what they look like. I only need to imitate a shape now, and it's almost enough to look at it. I'll see it when the time comes."

"Then you are free, anyway, the source of power is in your hands, you don't feel bad, then I have nothing to say."

"Who says I don't feel bad? I feel bad, but I can't help it. This is a necessary investment in the early stage." Muria confided his feelings to his wife.

Wu Yuanli, the power of the world's origin, no one exists too much, because it is too convenient to use, can achieve almost everything the user conceived, if it can not be achieved, then there must be insufficient amount of source.

"This is your own choice." When looking at Muria, who was cheap and sold well, Miguel Ramen said blankly,

She knows that if Muria's premeditation is successful, what he gets will not be measurable by a drop of two drops of source power, which is a thousand times of huge profits.

"You toss yourself slowly, I will go to practice first." Regarding Muria's current experience, Michelangela said that he is not envious, it is impossible.

In the eyes of Miguelella, who almost reached the ceiling in his birth life, everything that everything desires is rather boring and meaningless.

But as a creature, Michelangela always desires, but what she wants is basically not understood by most things.

He is like the fairy in the myths and legends of Muria's previous life. In the eyes of mortals, the fairy does not eat human fireworks.

But is the fairy really wantless? I'm afraid not, it's just that what the immortal asks for is basically invisible to mortals, and mortals have no chance to touch at all.

However, there is one thing that is certain. Strength is the common pursuit of almost all living things. No one will refuse to become stronger, and Michelangela is no exception.

But unfortunately, it is impossible for Michelangela to run to collect epic power, because she has not crossed the threshold between legend and epic. Now, she runs to **** the power of an epic. She is not qualified yet. Even if the epic falls, it is epic.

Uh ...

"What the **** is going on? Why do I feel this way, it's simply upset!"

The young Eric was lying on his bed, thinking over and over again, and his mood became more and more frightened with the thinking, "No, I am not a treason, I am simply trying to die. How can I have such an idea on the King?"


The young man lay on the bed, buried his face in the dark quilt, and then made a low-pitched roar, venting his depressed mood now.

The cause of this emotional state of him is to start from ten days ago. Because he fought fiercely in the battlefield on the front line, he made great achievements, so he was promoted to rank.

This is a matter of three days and nights for any soldier in the Kingdom of Blazing Heaven. At the time, Eric was also very excited. When he learned that he could enter the emperor to see the king. He was even more excited.

He is just a small junior officer. He usually does not have the chance to meet the highest ruler of the empire, and this time he is fortunate enough to get a chance to meet, which can contain great luck. Although he met with 299 other colleagues, it was extremely rare.

The night before I saw the king, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep and was very excited, but after seeing the Supreme Commander of the Empire himself, he felt his nightmare coming.

Because when he saw the majestic king with his own eyes, he found that there were no emotions of excitement, excitement, awe, etc. in his heart. He had only one feeling, greed, and eagerness to devour everything.

After he suppressed the feeling of rising in his heart, what followed was great fear, because he didn't know why he had such feeling.

"I actually want to devour my king, why? How is that possible? Why do I feel this damn?"

The young Eric was snarling in his bed with a broken mood, because he couldn't accept the strange emotions of the king who had sworn allegiance to himself.

瑞 In the hearts of the vast majority of the new generation of males in the Blazing Empire, Muria is their idol. Among the army, there are a large number of cult fans of Muria, whose zeal is almost comparable to that of the gods.

And Eric has a Muria admirer in his identity tag. He sees Muria as a life that can pay for it, but he has this extreme idea. .

"There is no reason, it's just your body's instinct, it's nothing to do with you."

At this moment, an elegant and easy-going voice sounded in the separate room standard for this low-ranking officer. A burly and robust figure wearing gorgeous costumes ripped out a black space gap and appeared in the room.

"Jun!" The young man lying on the bed raised his head with a stunned face. Wet wet marks could still be seen on his face, but soon he reacted, and he quickly got down from the bed and knelt down. On the ground.


"Needless to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know it all." Seeing this little officer who wanted to explain to himself, Muria raised his hand to stop it, with a gentle smile on his face, "Are you Is there a feeling you want to devour me? "

"..." Eric, kneeling on the ground, lowered his head and remained silent, but his body was trembling slightly, and bean-sweat continued to leak from her skin.

Muriya didn't urge him, just stared at him with a smile, and under such gaze, Eric finally couldn't hold it, his voice trembling slightly, "Yes."

"Don't panic or feel guilty about it, because when I saw you, I felt the same way as you." Muria still had a kind smile on her face, with the majesty and calmness of a king. .

Hearing Muria's words, the little officer Eric trembled even more suddenly, because he had no idea what kind of response should be appropriate at this time.

不过 "But I want to swallow you, it's not as strong as you, it can even be said to be so weak that I can ignore it, because your strength is too weak."

Muriya whispered that his mood was actually a little complicated at this time. Because the existence of an epic power that he did not possess is his subordinate. Fortunately, he envisioned such a possibility.

所以 "So you need to become stronger as soon as possible, because I need your strength." Muria stared at the little officer kneeling on the ground and made his appeal.

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