Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1101: Feeling hollowed out

For his protagonist life in these years, Eric knew very well what was going on, which was given to him by the existence in front of him.

It is for this reason that no matter what he achieves, he has never been arrogant, because he knows that everything he has experienced is all arranged. He is like a line-up puppet on a stage show. All Everything is being manipulated.

After knowing this, he was really hard to be proud of. Everything he has now is full of doubts, including his current lover and even his son.

"You don't need to be so humble, you are too arrogant, you can achieve what you have now, and your own abilities cannot be ignored." Muria, who smiled comfortably, is fully mature, waiting for him to harvest Leek.

Although Eric can achieve the current achievements and a series of titles that can blind the eyes, basically 70% is attributed to him, but Eric himself has worked hard, which is beyond doubt of.

After all, there is a saying that mud can't help the wall. Eric is obviously able to support the wall, which is much better than those who are in the mud.

"You have been overwhelmed, I know exactly what I look like." Eric calmly replied that these years of experience have made him fully mature.

"Oh, I'm not bragging about you, but a fair evaluation. Without my intervention, there is a possibility that you can be blocked by your ability. You have the talent in this area."

Muriya did not have the majesty of the king with Eric, it is not necessary, they are willing to give everything to him.

"But if you don't step in, I will be more likely to die on the battlefield than Feng Hou."

"That's true, too." Muria agreed with this view. It will not be a matter of saying that everything will be done. Every Israeli general who has been crowned by the army in the kingdom of the sky will step on a corpse mountain. Sea of ​​blood.

"Are you ready?" After a few chats with Eric here, Muria went straight to the subject.

"I was ready when I stepped into this palace." Eric replied that he had prepared for this moment for five years.

那就 "That's good, the process may be very uncomfortable, but I will definitely not threaten your life." Muria reminded, and also assured him.

"Go up, come on!"

"Sit down."

After Muria made Erik sit cross-legged, he stretched out his hand, and the scourge of six-colored aerosols could not wait to spread out from him, like a hungry python, which would be motionless Eric swallowed.

Suddenly enraged by this seemingly self-conscious atmosphere, Eric made a painful groan. Because he felt the strength he had cultivated hard, and was constantly being pulled.


The tide is undulating, the sound of the sea tumbling comes from Eric's body, and a blue and blue ocean reflection appears behind Eric. This is his power.

When this power appeared, turquoise water poured out of Eric's body, and he wanted to fight back the power that it swallowed, but the heavy water just poured out and was immediately taken by Eric Squeeze back into your own body.

Eric is very clear about what he is doing. This is the price he must pay for all the wonderful experiences he has gained in the past five years and infinite glory.

"Very well, just cooperate with me like this." Seeing Eric's move, Muria nodded admirably, "Your will has been sharpened in these years of fighting, the next process will be very Pain, but these pains are within your tolerance. "

"I know." Eric felt that the drag around him was getting bigger and stronger, and the power in his body had begun to be lost, or he was forcibly pulled out.

This feeling of power flowing is undoubtedly uncomfortable for his present existence, but no matter how uncomfortable he must be.

With the passage of time, the blue air was drawn from Eric's body, and then consumed by the power extended from Muria's body, and the joy of rapid growth of power appeared again.

What's different from Muria's delightful face is that Eric's face is gradually twisted because he feels his body is being hollowed out.

This is not an exaggerated metaphor, but a description of the image. Eric is now suffering. The power in his body was able to fight back by instinct when faced with the engulfing power of the outside world.

But with more and more devours, his strength counterattacks became weaker and weaker. After reaching a certain limit, his power simply stopped counterattacking, and even catered to the power of the king to cooperate with the opponent's devour, In the end, he just went out and rushed out, regardless of his master's feelings.

The sound of undulating tidal waves persisted in the hall, but the shadow of the ocean behind Eric gradually faded away, because his power was rapidly fading.

与 此 At the same time, behind Muria, from the vague to the clear, there is a shadow of the ocean. He is gradually controlling the power of the sea, the last power held by the plundering seven deities.


Obviously, the time to swallow this time is not long, but for Eric, it seems like he has become extremely weak after ten thousand years. He can't even sit on the ground. He lies directly in the hall. His face was pale.

"Finally, all the power is gathered." Muria realized a little of the power of the ocean that he had never touched before, and focused on Eric, whose body had been hollowed out.

"Is this feeling of weakness very memorable?" Muria limped over to Eric, then crouched down and asked him with a smile. He knew that the little guy with the last kind of epic power was a civilian.

In the troubled world, anything can happen, and once the aristocracy of the royal palace, in an instant, may be begged on the streets because of the destruction of the country.

The beggars who beg on the streets may also instantly turn over because of an opportunity, creating a legendary great cause of national founding. This is chaos, chaos but full of opportunities.

And Eric has no doubt that his ancestors should have been broader. He may also be the Queen, but Muria is not interested in checking this kind of thing.

Because in this world, there are too many nations born and destroyed. Just go to the street to pull an ordinary civilian, and follow his bloodline to look up one hundred and eighty generations. The eight achievements are after the princely clan.

Eric estimates this is also the case. However, his veins can be reduced to such a degree, which is more unexpected than Muria's expectations, and he was destroyed so that he is the only one.

Of course, there may be someone who holds the epic power of the power of the ocean like him, but Muria has not found a second one so far.

Eric's parents are ordinary people who have not awakened, but they have just reached his generation, and they just awakened. If Eric did not awaken at the beginning, Muria would be more depressed.

"I miss it? No, I don't miss it at all, I have never been so weak." Eric, pale, smiled bitterly at Muria's teasing.

"Is that so? I have experienced this feeling without a trace of strength."

您 "You ... this?" Eric's face was wrong, because he associates Muria's words with this situation on his body, and thinking about it is just a terrible thought. The mighty kings of the kingdom of heaven were plundered of power.

"Surprised? Even me, when I was just born, had no power."

"Eh ..." Eric's surprised expression freezes on his face, making his face look a little distorted.

"Okay, no more teasing you, I will give you what I promised you."

Muria put her palm on Eric's chest, then the blue light shined between Muria's palms, and then a force that made Eric's incomparable force flood into his body.

"This is it?" Eric's face showed surprise and doubt, because he felt that he had just been drawn out of power ~ www.readwn.com ~ all back.

"Take a closer look, it's still a little different from before." Muria reminded him of Eric's expression.

"I'm weaker?" A closer look, Eric soon noticed the difference. If the power that Muria had just taken from him was solid, then what he returned was liquid. Although it was the same power, it was diluted.

弱 "Weakness is only temporary. When I break that level and finish the last step, everything will be the same, and you will even become stronger because of it."

Muriya said what made Eric unclear, then slowly stood up, turned his back to him, using body language to indicate that he should leave now.

"I ..." Although there were a lot of questions to ask, seeing the attitude of Muria at this time, Eric had to shut up and left Wang Ting with a level of strength that was directly weakened.

Although his strength has weakened, Eric is not unhappy because it is much better than he expected, and he finds that he seems to have some subtle connection with Jun Shang. In Eric's sense, he seemed to get more than he lost.

"You turned him into your family?" When Eric left, a six-winged back with a holy light of God appeared to Muria's side.

"Now he is not my dependent, he will not be counted until I have completely wiped out the consciousness of the Seven Plague Demon gods and perfectly integrated his power."

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