Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1104: Where did dad go

"No bullshit, what grave is a tree!" Muria also sat next to Abigail without any majesty, and patted his head with a smile after hearing his son's self-deprecating words.

因为 "Because you are the strongest being in the world, life span can no longer limit you, but I will die someday." Abigail said about the topic of death, but his face was extremely calm.

Except for very few existences, most of the beings are destined to die at some point in the future. This is a destined fact. Even if they are eternally immortal, they will have a day to end, but nothing can be seen.

"Yes, this world, I am the strongest, but you are my son, and you have the same blood flowing in your body. You can do what I have done, and also have the possibility to surpass me. "

"Can I become as strong as you?"

当然 "Of course, as long as you are willing to practice hard, you will become as strong as me sooner or later. This is a destined fact." Muria said with a positive tone.

"How hard is it?" Abigail became interested and becoming stronger is the instinct of every soul. Even the extraordinary Abigail has this pursuit. But his pursuit is much less motivated than someone born at the bottom.

Most ordinary people pursue strength for a better life, to find a better spouse, or to gain more rights. But these have been since Abigail was born, so the only motivation for his pursuit of strength is fun, or the mentality of comparison.

"Just take a certain amount of time to cultivate every day. Your talent is much better than me at the beginning. As long as you persist, you will become stronger at an amazing rate."

"Every day?" Abigail's face suddenly changed.

"Cultivation is a cumulative process, and you must pick out a fixed period of practice every day."

"It would be better to sleep." Abigail shook his head. Cultivation is a boring thing in his eyes. Occasionally, it is okay to practice, but if he insists on practicing every day, it seems to him a kind of torture.

Abigail, who was born on the top of the world, didn't have any sense of crisis, because he didn't know the existence of the void. In his eyes, the world is the world, and what is outside the world, he never thought about it.

In the world in his eyes, his parents are the strongest in the world, and he was born on the top of his rights. He really has no motivation to fight, because after working hard, he can't get more.

He can live a life of drunkenness, and enjoy all the best resources in the world.

"Sleep? Your time is not wasted so much. As my son, you have the responsibility you must bear." After hearing his son's answer, Muria suddenly found out that he had educated him. Seems too slack.

For the education of his son-in-law, Muria generally focuses on stocking. He does not interfere too much with their choices, and at the beginning, he points out a direction for them.

His son-in-law who interfered the most was his eldest son, Aerlos, who had almost everything in Aorous's growth process, but when Aerlos broke through the legend, he immediately let go and heeded nothing. development of.

But Muria found that he seemed to let go of Abigail too much, so that the goods were a little self-releasing. Until now, he has not developed the habit of daily cultivation.

"Isn't this you? With you, what else do I need to do?" Abigail said in disapproval.

"I?" Muria froze slightly, then understood why Abigail was so slack, and the source of the problem was him.

"I said, I won't be there all the time. Someday I need you to carry everything. By that time, then, you will bear everything, whether you do it or not."

"Father, what do you want to do?" At this time, even Abigail noticed something wrong, because today his father has told him twice to leave.

"I'm leaving." Muria looked at the dark-haired boy with a deep smile and smiled.

"Go? Where are you going?" There was a panic on the teenager's face, he was stunned by the sudden news, and he was not ready to receive this kind of explosive news.

"Cultivate well! When I leave, I hope you can bear everything I have left." Muria did not answer the question of his son, his body was in the bright sun, just like that It turned into a vapor and rose up.

"Father, where are you going?" Abigail, who didn't get an exact answer, was anxious, he got up and rushed into the palace group behind, trying to find out.

But soon, Abigail discovered a desperate fact. No matter how many people he asked and how many halls he sought, he could never see his father.

Because of his father's terrible strength, when his father did not want to see him, he could only accept the facts powerlessly.

"Mother." But soon Abigail thought of another great candidate to ask, Michelangela, but he was in the same situation, no matter how he looked, he couldn't find it.

This is a very desperate and helpless fact. He knows his parents are in this palace group, but he just can't find it.

Uh ...

"I don't care about it for so many years, and now I find something wrong, and I will be stimulated by this in a few words. You are really boring."

In a palace, Michelangela looked at Abigail in the water mirror in front of him, like a fly, and murmured at Abigail.

"It's not boring. I'm giving him some pressure. How can he become a king like he is now? I was too lax about his education." Muria justified.

"Is this too cruel for him?" Michaeliera could not help seeing Abigail, who was so distressed in the water mirror and even his eyes began to swell. In any case, this is her son.

"There is nothing cruel, if he continues to sit on the throne like this, it is cruel to the people of the country."

Uh ...

In your early teens, you suddenly learn that your parents will leave yourself someday in the future. What will happen to you? Others didn't know, but Abigail felt like he was going crazy.

He couldn't accept the fact, he wanted to ask Muria, but he never saw it.

Because of a conversation with Muria, Abigail unconsciously began to pour energy into cultivation. He realized that only after cultivation became stronger, he could see his father.

Under enough pressure, Abigail began to practice daily. After possessing the world's top talent and resource supply, his progress is a thousand miles for ordinary people.

After his practice became stronger, Abigail found that the situation was indeed as he expected. Every time he awakened, he could meet his father once, but that was all.

Every meeting ends with his regret, and he cannot decide how long to meet and talk. He can only be sure that at some point in the future, parents will leave him behind.

Why did you leave? Where to go after leaving? What to do He knew nothing of all this, because when he asked these things, his father always faced with a smile.

"I must ask everything to understand." With this conviction, Abigail began to practice hard, and he was fed up with the fact that every conversation was ended by his father with absolute strength.

比 Abigail has realized that the way to make this happen no longer is his strength. When his strength is strong enough, his father can no longer throw him away at will.

Uh ...

"Hahaha!" With the excitement of a loud laughter, in a magnificent palace, red flames swept towards Gaotian, rendering half of the sky into a sea of ​​fire.

But soon, the sea of ​​fire dissipated, and the raging winds swept from all directions. A huge hurricane visible to the naked eye formed over the palace, causing the waiters in the palace to emit an unconscious burst of exclamation. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

But not long after, the hurricane collapsed, and the earth began to shake ... The magnificent vision appeared one after another over the capitals of the Blazing Empire, shocking the Quartet, and also caused the whole world to make waves.

Here is the center of the world. No matter how small changes occur here, when he spreads, he will turn into a terrifying storm in the distance.

What will happen to the world because of his breakthrough, Abigail doesn't care, he only has one thing in his mind now,

"Father, this time we can have a good talk, I don't believe it. Ten times of awakening, you can throw me out just like last time."

The excited young man broke into his parents' dormitory, the empty palace happily, leaving him in the same place, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and then gradually silent.

"What about people?"

比 Abigail looked at the empty palace, questioning with a loss of expression. He remembers that every time he broke through before, he could find his parents here.

"Father, I broke through, you come out!"

He seemed to feel something, an inexplicable sense of emptiness appeared in his heart, and the gradual expansion of the youth's expression shouted and collapsed. What he once worried about happened today and at this moment.

"Why don't you come out and see me?"

Abigail rushed out of the palace, flew into the air, and powerful into the world, and no one can sweep the entire city with a majestic spirit ...

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