Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1110: Survival and evolution

What a weak world. "A pair of bright gold pupils opened in the baby's heart. Muria sensed his situation after he came to the world. He only felt a weak power of suppression.

"You can release the real body." Muria judged that this was a weak world like never before. Such a weak suppression shows that this world has indeed reached the brink of collapse.

Epic hostile epics are extremely powerful threats to any world. The weaker the world, the greater the threat of epics. The small world is almost intolerable for epic existence.

This small world will become like this. It can only be said that the erosion of the evil **** has reached the end, so this will happen.

Because even a small world cannot be destroyed by any evil god. If you want to destroy a world instantaneously with absolute strength, you must have power far beyond the world.

But with this kind of power, they basically look at the small world lazily. Most of them go to higher worlds to seek benefits, where the benefits are higher.

Ordinary evil gods want to destroy a world. They first send their families to invade. By killing the living creatures in the world, they weaken the defense of the world barriers. When the defense of the world weakens to a certain extent, the evil gods will tear the world barrier , Coming to the world, began the prelude to destruction.

Now the world where Muria has come is eroded to a very serious level by the evil gods. This world has reached the edible level for the evil gods.

"Let's look at the situation first." The golden pupils closed slowly. For the newly born reincarnated body, this world is quite dangerous, but for the deity, there is only a world where only the evil gods' dependents exist. Nothing can hurt him.

世界 The world barriers of this small world have not been broken, indicating that the world is still resisting and wants to survive in the void. In this case, Muria naturally will not come in person, cause more damage to the world, or arouse the world's desperate resistance.

Wandering in the void, by destroying the world, and devouring the wreckage of the world, the evil gods becoming strong are also epic. In essence, Muria is no different from it.

Without any preparations, Suddenly comes, Muria has a great chance to make the world on the verge of death a dead enemy, and even regard him as an evil **** who wants to destroy it.

This misunderstanding, Muria didn't want to cause, he was not interested in helping the evil **** who went awry to carry mines. The main purpose of his reincarnation this time was for the world to understand that he came to be the Savior.

A thin camel is larger than a horse. Even if the world is eroded by the evil **** to the point of collapse, but it is still resisting, it means that it has some power. When Muria fought the evil god, the world can help. Get busy.

There is a high probability that the main battlefield of the battle will be carried out in this world, and no matter how bad it is, it will be carried out around this world.

And before the arrival of the evil god, Muria needs to clean up all the relatives of the evil **** in this world. He cannot do this himself.

The world has been eroded to such an extent that the number of relatives of evil gods in the world will never be reduced. If Muria wants to completely remove it, the best way is to release his family of legions.

When his dependents appeared in this world, whether he received a positive gain buff or a negative deduction buff depends on his next performance.

Uh ...

Another powerful beast attacked the convoy that was heading towards the nearest base city. Human fire could hardly cause even a little damage to this beast.

In this case, the team once again separated some people and dragged the beast, and the team that was shrinking again continued to set off or fled.

Muria just watched this tragic and heroic thing happening to him again and again. He never shot because he needed to observe and it was not worth it.

现在 His current reincarnation is the highest status and most important person in this team. His life value is higher than that of everyone.

The people in this team, no matter what they think of them, they can only spare their lives to protect him, because he can end their wandering career.

There is nothing for the sake of human beings to continue, just to make their selfish desires better, so these people are working hard for themselves.

Muriyah understands this very well. The order of this world was destroyed when the relatives of the evil gods appeared. Although the race of human beings has not become extinct, civilization has actually collapsed. Now it is the end of morality.

In the absence of resources, there are eschatological deaths everywhere. This convoy can exist only because the surviving humans want to keep warm and increase their survival rate.

And he was able to be born because of that. For a team, the birth of a newborn is like drawing a lottery, and if it wins, it can change its status quo.

Otherwise, this team that can't even feed and eat will not need a newborn who can only consume resources and cannot provide any help.

婴儿 Babies born in the last days are undoubtedly very unfortunate, because only qualified babies can survive, and most of the rest will be drowned by their parents.

Because the world ’s living environment is so cruel, there is no room for ordinary babies to survive.

"Well, the patrol unit that went out today is back, this time is a bit early." On a turret protruding from a wall made of steel, a gunner saw a laser gun in front of him and saw a The armored convoy that raised the billowing smoke was suddenly surprised.

"It should be something unexpected, let me see." Another gunner heard this and immediately looked at the convoy heading towards the base through the sight of the weapon.

"Oh, I saw it. The patrol brought back some wild dogs." The gunner clearly saw through the high-powered mirror the aliens mixed in the patrol's armored forces-several rusty and rusty trucks that had undergone many transformations.

"Wild dog? Oh, see. It looks like our base is going to have another magic machine." The gunner immediately judged the unexpected situation, and he had seen similar situations several times.

人类 Wandering around the base city, humans who are struggling to survive can only approach the base in one case. In other cases, if you dare to disturb the defense and law and order of the base city, there is a high probability that you will be killed in place.

"That's not necessarily. Maybe it's the same as last time. I came to ask for help."

"In this case, the patrolling armored forces will expel them without bringing them back."

Uh ...

瑞 Muria, who was held in his arms by a woman with a somewhat sturdy temper, looked at the metal fortress in front of him, and was taken by him to flee in the wilderness for three days, and finally saw the breath of civilization in this world.

世界 The world has not yet extinguished the light of civilization that has been bred for tens of thousands of years. There are still some remnants, and it is undergoing tenacious resistance.

"This is a qualified baby?"

魁 A burly man in a white uniform approached the reception room, only glanced at the more than twenty ragged tramps, and his eyes fell on Muria.

"Yes, we have already tested." The woman holding Muria, his mother, replied with irresistible joy in her eyes.

When I arrived here, it meant that the previous three days were like a nightmare, and the escape journey that reduced their team by more than two-thirds was over.

"Detect another test, we need to confirm it." A man with a majesty on his face waved his hand, and a female officer came up to take Muria.

"But ..." The mother who gave birth to Muria's reincarnation wanted to say something, but under the gaze of the high-level eyes of the base city, she finally shut up and gave her son to someone who had never Seen woman hands.

"Sir, this child has the qualification to use the magic machine." Soon, the results of the inspection came out, and the female officer returned to the reception room holding Muria.

很好 "Very good, starting today, you are part of our glorious base city, welcome to join."

After hearing this news, a smile on the face of a serious man suddenly appeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ In front of the more than twenty people who desperately escorted Muria here, they said what they had dreamed of if.

"Let's go down first, and someone will come to arrange accommodation and food for you. From today, your wandering career will be over."

"Okay!" "Okay!" ... Murya was regarded as a human being more precious than life, including Muria's mother, all left the reception room with a smile, they had thought need.

"Am I sold?" Seeing such a scene, Muria didn't think of any emotional fluctuations, which was the result he had already predicted.

"This child will be raised by you so that he can train as soon as possible."


Uh ...

"Fenrille, stand up, don't lie in bed."

Muria, who had just been fed a dose of nutrient solution, stared blankly at the stupid woman who was trying to make him learn to walk, slowly turning over her body, facing her.

"This is not the time to rest."

But Muria, who was young, was quickly corrected by the woman, and she put her hands under his armpits, lifted him from the bed, and allowed him to practice walking.

If it wasn't for maintaining her current status, Muria would like to spray her: I'm not an animal that can jump around in a few hours and eat meat.

Of course, soon, Muria found that his body, which was just born a few days ago, could support him to walk upright.

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