Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1113: Transformation of God Machine

The disgusting blood was permeated. Muria was like walking, walking in the test field, avoiding the attack of the beast, and raising his hand to chop swords and swords, like cutting melon. Like cutting vegetables, kill various wild animals released from the base.

"Fenrir, the **** machine you are using is a seventh-generation **** machine with three forms. You are now using the melee-sword form. You can try the medium-range-gun form."

A sound from the observation room instructed Muria on how to use the magic machine. They have seen Muria's almost monster-like performance in melee.

Of course, they are not too surprised, because there are always very special existences among the eligible people from time to time, and the more they get used to them.

And strictly speaking, Muria's performance is not too outrageous, because the beasts that can be caught by them are not powerful, and the beasts that have been imprisoned for a period of time, no matter how they are fed, they will make As time passes, it gradually weakens until it dies.

"Polymorphic biological weapon? Somewhat interesting." According to the prompt, Muria activated the gun form of the **** machine in his hand, then he looked at the **** machine in his hand, and deformed extremely quickly within a short period of time. The black barrel extended out.


The blue energy light cannon with the thickness of a fist shot from the **** machine, and then blasted on a wild animal just ready to attack. The violent energy tore the bone armor of the wild animal, melted its flesh, and smashed it. Skeleton.

After a shot, the body of a beast was penetrated in an instant. Under such penetrating wound, the beast died on the spot.

But this kind of victory that is enough for ordinary gods to cheer for it makes Muria frown. Because giving is not directly proportional to gain.

From this battle force test to the present, Muria has been fighting with the magic machine, and his only effort is physical strength. The energy of each sword he cut out came from the magic machine.

When the energy in the **** machine is exhausted, it is just a cold weapon with a special shape. The God Machine itself does not have any extraordinary strength, in essence, it is a slightly special strong human.

A magic machine that drained the power of the magic machine, its lethality is not even comparable to that of an elite soldier holding a firearm. Therefore, how to use the energy in the God Machine efficiently and end the battle before it is exhausted is very important.

In the sight of Muria, the gun form of the magic machine is simply a form of death. Because its energy loss and melee sword form are not in the same grade at all.

的 The beast that was just smashed with a gun form, Muria cut out a sword mang and can also kill it. The effect is exactly the same, but the consumption is different. The loss of the gun form is more than ten times that of the sword form.

However, the gun form is not without its advantages. To achieve the level of Muria, the sword form requires at least ten years of training, and the gun form is much simpler, as long as it can hold down the trigger and assume its responsibility. A powerful reclining body is enough.

The rifle cannon is simple and rude. The only drawback is that it dies quickly. Because its energy consumption is too scary.

"Fenrille, the last taboo of using God Machine-Devouring Form."

The reminder sounded again, but this time the sound seemed very serious, "This is a taboo form that can only be used when the energy of the magic machine is about to run out, and there are still wild animals around. Do not use it unless necessary. , "

"How to use it?" Muria asked frowning. Although he was a bit disgusted with guns because of high energy consumption, he just banged a dozen guns. After all, this feeling of brainless bombardment kills everything. Still pretty good.

"I hope this is your first and last time to use this taboo form." Almost blessed, and also the words of the foolish dreamer sounded, and then Muria launched the taboo-devour form.


The low-pitched beast roared, and Muria watched the divine machine in his hand divide the lysate, and then exposed the flesh and flesh that was still in its core.

Then, the flesh glowing with scarlet light began to stretch out, forming a skull with only a mouth. When this skull condensed and formed, it did not need to be manipulated by Muria, and it directly bit into the nearest corpse of a beast. Go and swallow it in one bite.

"Yes." Just after devouring this corpse, Muria felt that the energy of the magic machine in his hand began to recover quickly at a very intuitive speed.

At the same time, he also understands why these humans call this form taboo. Because he felt that after the corpse was swallowed by the **** machine in his hand, its essence had been strengthened, and the consciousness that had just been obliterated by him was reborn, which was stronger than the beginning.

But after this consciousness of the **** machine was born, it was crouched in the **** machine honestly, and no longer dared to impact his consciousness, it seemed to retain the previous painful lessons.

But this is a situation that only appears in the face of Muria. It is completely different for others.

God machine's engulfing form, God machine will become stronger every time it is used. In theory, the **** machine can be infinitely strengthened, but the theory is only theory. No **** machine dares to let go of restrictions and has always used the **** machine's engulfing form.

神 机 This kind of biological weapon made by the relatives of evil gods, in a more mysterious way, this is a murderer who always wants to eat the Lord. The stronger the magic machine, the more dangerous its users are.

Of course, this danger does not exist for Muria. Even if it is made of real evil **** flesh, he does not counsel because he has the power to suppress it.

Uh ...

"God Machine-Pale Blue has no problems. The reason why such a smooth grasp situation can only be said is that God Machine made Fenrir's will too strong and easily suppressed God Machine."

"If the will is strong, it means that Fenril can use the taboo form multiple times without being swallowed!" The officer asked tentatively.

"This is the theory, but we never recommend using the taboo form as a regular combat form. This form can only be used desperately."

Researcher 推 pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said solemnly.

"This I know, God Machine makes each use of Devouring Form, which represents a point closer to death. But I want to know the exact data, God Machine such as Fenrir, how many times he uses the taboo form out of control?"

"I don't know, there is no detailed data." The researcher's face was abnormally cold.

"But there is always a general scope. The magic machine collected in your database makes a lot of information, and you can refer to it according to the situation of Fenrir."

"No comment."

"You are totally meaningless. There is more than one researcher in the base. If you don't answer, I can ask someone else."

"Go to someone else, I won't answer your question. The magic machine is the hero who protects human beings and allows them to continue, not consumables."

"Yes, I know that the magic machine is our human hero. No one will deny it." The officer shook his head with a smile and left the observation room. hero."

Uh ...

"What a sad world." Muria returned from the basement of the base to her apartment on the ground, and lay in bed thinking. Starting today, he is a magic machine, one of the symbols of world resistance.

"I have to get more information." Muria single-handedly picked up her magic machine and looked, as if holding a toy made of plastic, without a trace of pressure.

"It is best to contact the researcher who made the magic machine and learn how the magic machine is made. Of course, it is better to find the human who invented the magic machine."

Muriya is thinking about how to create a batch of magic machines that belong to him. As literally stated, he wants to create a batch of weapons that can completely replace the existing hidden magic machines.

Strictly speaking, the manufacturing technology of the God Machine is not so advanced, it is just a combination of civilized technology and flesh and blood with strong vitality. The core is the activated flesh of the family of evil gods.

And this is also the sadness of this small world, because there is no extraordinary power in the world ~ www.readwn.com ~, so the core material of God Machine can only be extracted from the invaders.

Because there is no extraordinary material in this world that can replace the activated flesh and blood of the evil god, not even a little worse. Although the humans in the small world want to resist, they have no choice, which is doomed to the sad end of the world.

But humans can't find other activated flesh to replace the core of the magic machine. Muria is different. The activated flesh is as much as he needs.

Therefore, the core material of Shenji is not a problem at all, and the key issue is how to make it. In addition, Muria can also guarantee that the magic machine he created has absolutely no hidden dangers and will never eat the Lord.

At that time, the God machine with his mark will replace the existing human-powered God machine created by the blood and flesh of the continued family members of the evil god, and human civilization will have hope again. In the face of the invasion of evil gods, human beings really have the power to resist.

Of course, Muria's purpose is not this. The human power that brought the replacement of the existing **** machine to conquer him is completely inconspicuous, because this cannot be played in the next battle with the evil god. Any help.

The main purpose for him to do this is to brush the favor of this small world, for the will of the world that is active because of its imminent destruction, understands that he came here as the savior without any malicious intentions.

In this way, when the evil **** comes, Muria will get the home advantage. Of course, more than that, Muria has a deeper plot, but this plot is still in the utopian stage, and there is no possibility for the time being.

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