Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1139: Can't beat, but it's dead

In the void, the ugly and rampant broken corpses are floating, almost everywhere, and even a dozen are still stacked together to form a small floating land pile.

The evil **** of thornthorn looked at his family members that had shrunk by almost a third compared to before the war. If there was no pain, it was false. It was not easy for him to train so many family members.

He left the evil **** of the wild, then he didn't feel the heartache, and even felt special value, but the problem is that the goods are too desperate, and they just slipped away.

You can't run away.

The whisper of the evil **** resounded in the void. He raised a tentacle of the evil **** who had just attacked and drawn the barren god, and then stared at the golden arc that was jumping above.

He can feel the overbearing nature contained in this weak force, because he touches the limbs of this part of the force and is destroyed by this force all the time

But because this power is too weak, the dying vitality hasn't even recovered quickly, so his tentacles don't seem to change at all.

But this does not mean that the evil **** will despise the master of this power. On the contrary, he attaches great importance to it, because it is the master of this power that let his enemies flee and ran to him, giving him a chance for revenge.

力量 This power is really unique, and its owner should not exist in the same category as me.

头 This head is shrouded in black mist and can't see the specific shape, but it can see many tentacles creeping in the lower part of the body, staying in the void, without rushing to chase.

死 The enemy he is attacking now may be another prey that exists. If he chases after it, it will inevitably conflict with it. Of course, the possibility of unity will not be ruled out, but it is unlikely.

As early as when he encountered the evil **** of the wild, he saw the unique weapon inserted on its back. When he was fighting with it, he tried to touch that weapon, but unfortunately he had not encountered it yet. One weapon was attacked.

The golden arc remaining on its tentacles is the result of this. From this point, it can be seen that the owner of this weapon is definitely incompatible with it. The possibility of encountering the two fighting is greater than cooperation.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up the pursuit of the evil **** of the wild, killing the benefits of a similar existence, so let him bear the risk of another conflict.

Big deal is to lose some family members.

The evil **** of thornthorn whispered, and then he left a group of dependents to clean up all the corpses on the battlefield, not because he was environmentally friendly, and knew to keep the emptiness and neatness.

It is because these corpses are also a resource. If the relatives are allowed to eat, they can regenerate more relatives in a short time, complete the secondary use and cycle, and reduce his loss in this war.

After arranging these things, the evil **** of thorns followed the induction of a golden arc on the tentacles.

Is this guy driving me crazy? Dark and spooky evil spirits looked around a world, seeming to be surprised by the situation in front of them.

He followed the golden thunder arc and the weapon inserted on the back of the evil **** of the wild, and the connection between the weapon and the chasing chased around this world, and then his breath was completely broken out of this world.

This shows that the enemy he is pursuing has entered this world.

The evil deity of the same kind of existence as him, all of them are destroyers who use the destruction of the world as a means of strengthening, so he knows that they are all beings that will be resisted by any world. The only thing that can accept them is their own. Motherland.

In other words, its enemy ran back to his motherland. He could understand this behavior if his enemy's motherland was a big world.

Because he can forcibly break through a large world with an annihilating evil god, he is one of the few in the void, even for him, it only exists in the legend.

So when there is a big world as a retreat, returning to the motherland is a very wise choice. On the other hand, if your motherland is not a big world, and you ran back to your motherland after you provoke your enemies, it is quite a foolish choice.

I really didn't expect you to be the least group in the void.

The evil **** of thornthorn looked at this one in terms of scale that could not be compared with the big world at all, but it can be called a world of excellence in the medium-sized world.

His kind of existence is basically born in the big world, and then harms other small and medium worlds in the void, but there is no absolute thing, not to say that the existence of beyond the peak of all things is only in the big world. appear.

一些 Under some chances and coincidences, or extremely fortunate, among the billion-seat world, the calamities and nightmares of countless worlds will also be born.

However, this kind of existence exists. It is very regrettable that they do not have a strong enough motherland to support them. Their motherland is not an absolute safe zone for them. The disaster they caused when wandering in the void was very bad. It may spread to their motherland, with consequences that they are unwilling to take.

But you made the dumbest, or the most selfish, choice.

The evil **** of thorns chuckled. He felt that he had grasped the handle of his enemies. Even if he could not kill the evil **** of the wild this time, he could use it to beat him.

There is no one who doesn't care about their motherland. This is the most instinctive attachment and dependence of life. Moreover, for their destroyers, the motherland is the only one who will open all to them and let them watch the law run the order. local.

Once the mother-in-law world is destroyed, it also means that their pace on the epic road will become more and more difficult. Or simply to say that the moment the motherland was destroyed, their epic road was cut off.

Stupid? selfish? Humph!

He has entered the evil deity of his motherland, and when he heard the whisper from outside the world, with a scornful disdain, he couldn't understand his experience during this time.

He just eroded a common small world, and encountered two second-generation ancestors with a horrific background, and then encountered the enemy who had been angered in the process of fleeing.

If you run away again, the evil **** of the wild really dare not imagine what else you will encounter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Instead, run back to your motherland and nest.

Anyway, neither the two second-generation ancestors he provoked, nor the thorny devil outside the world, could have obtained his motherland.

As long as it is long enough, even if the two second-generation ancestors chase over, if there is no way to break, there is a high probability that they will leave without calling the elders directly.

And the guy who wandered outside his motherland, after he healed his wounds, and then re-bred the army with some of his family members who remained in the world, he would still be afraid that he would not succeed. Under his support, he may even kill the evil **** of thorns.

In short, the strategy of the demon **** of the wild now is to be in his motherland, and to the end of everything, whether it is a millennium or a thousand years, he can afford it, and his life is thick enough to drag him down.

The dazzling golden light interweaves and spreads from the distant void, and then forms a brilliant and splendid golden light avenue, spreading over the world of the evil **** of the desert.

之上 On this golden boulevard, the two great shore beings stepped forward hand in hand, and then at first glance locked in the mysterious existence of the evil **** world who was spying on the wilderness.

With its terrible appearance and the black mist that is exclusive to the world-destroyer, Muria confirmed the identity of this being as soon as possible.

Then without any hesitation, Muria took out the Seven Sin Swords, and beheaded at this evil god, while next to him, Michelangela, also pulled up his sword, and the crimson swordmant tore the void.

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