Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1150: Everything is ready

Latest website: Above the sky, you can see that there are extremely amazing objects falling. Seeing its general shape, it seems to be a limb of a certain creature, but looking at its size, it is startling.

It is a larger limb than a mountain. It is not difficult to imagine how powerful and horrible its owner is. Such an existence has been severely damaged and may even be killed.

Because there are obvious signs of tearing and chopping on the limb that fell from it, this should be the loot of a certain great shore, and the most likely nature is to control the master of the entire world.

The giant looked up at the sky, and after seeing the concrete appearance that caused the sky to change color, it was difficult to conceal the disappointment in his eyes. This was not the change he wanted.

In his cognition, the savior who saved the world's surviving human beings is his current master, who has the power to change the sky and the earth, and the supreme power to restore all this barren world outside.

So the giants are waiting here every day, waiting for the barrenness in front of them to be covered by life, and it is impossible to count on the natural evolution of the world.

Because compared to the area where he is now, the barren area outside is really too large, and it has not been eroded by the barren outside, and the vitality has been swallowed in the opposite direction, all because of the shelter of the magic tree.

Therefore, he pinned his hopes of change on the master, and the Greek wing master could shoot. However, not a long wait yielded results, but the changes that took place were completely different from what he expected.

He couldn't understand why the master had to throw such a huge body into this already broken world, was he treating this deserted world as a garbage dump?

The giant slowly turned around with disappointment in the morning. He didn't want to see the impactful vision of the heavenly corpse again. In such a scene, not long ago, in the process of becoming a giant from a human, he had already I've seen it, nothing looks good.

But when he turned around, he found that his son with a long horn and a long tail behind him looked up at the sky with interest, still wondering in his mouth, and exclaimed from time to time.

"Let ’s go and go back, there is nothing to look at."

"Don't, dad, this scene is hard to come across once in a lifetime, let me take a look again." Seeing himself, the mighty giant father of Kong Kong, was pulling himself home, the Dragons were a little unwilling.

"Follow you." The giant shook his head, preparing to go home to hone his martial arts, and strive to become a qualified giant.

"Abba, you don't even see such a spectacular sight, have you ever seen anything similar?"


"Wow, Dad, it turns out you've seen this world-like scene, no wonder."

"Jingshi." The giant noticed the adjective used by his son, he turned his head sharply, and looked into the sky again.

Then, a picture of the short cut with his conjecture is displayed in front of him. It should have been in the idea, it should simply fall from the sky and bombard the corpse above the barren land, although it did fall But in the process of falling, the corpse showed, or inspired a strangeness he had never imagined.

He saw the falling corpse, and there was a strip of light that stretched in the sky and could not see the end, these lights lingering on the corpse, inexhaustible, filled the sky, and radiated around.

As the corpse fell, he could see more and more light condensing out of the sky, entangled in the corpse. These lights are increasing, but it seems to have no effect on the corpses, and the tendency of the corpses to fall to the ground has not slowed down as a result.

But when the giant turned his eyes and carefully observed the corpses that were getting closer and closer to the earth, he found that those parts of the corpses that were entangled by more and more light were being actinized, and the light was scattered from the corpses and incorporated Light band.

In other words, these seemingly brilliant lights are melting, or the fast corpse is being digested. As for the effect, it is quite obvious.

The giant can see this, and all the pollution in the sky with light is purified. The raging wind was quelled, and the dust and dust that swept the high sky were falling, and it was just for a few short breaths that the airspace where the corpses fell seemed much cleaner.

"Really pure world!"

Seeing such a scene, the giant could not help but widen his eyes, and the color of Greek wings reappeared in his eyes. This was exactly the scene he wanted to see.

So, the giant stared at the huge stump tightly, looking forward to the changes after it fell to the ground.

It didn't take long to wait, the corpse entangled by the surrounding condensed light fell to the ground, and an extremely intimate collision with the barren land.


The billowing smoke soared into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud visible to the naked eye at the end of the horizon. Before long, a violent vibration came from a distance.

"You stay here, don't run around, I'll see and come back."

Seeing that the stump fell to a place he couldn't see at all, the giant immediately felt anxious. He asked the dragon man's son beside him, and then strode forward, preparing to step out of the safe area and into the deserted area.

But he hadn't waited for his son to stop. He walked out of the grass and lived in a few steps. The giant who had stepped on the gravel at his feet was in a booth and saw his son again. He hadn't returned yet. God comes.

"How are you?" The giant just wanted to ask his son how he ran to him, but the soft touch of the grass under his feet immediately told him that he didn't leave, he just returned to the position where he had just stood.

The giant watched with a little suspicion that the barren land and the green grass underneath it were the most obvious boundary line. He rushed out again as soon as he gritted his teeth, but he just stepped into the barren land and immediately appeared next to his son, as just.

Then the man did not believe in evil, and tried again a few times, but the result was still the same. In the end, the man sat slumped on the ground, looking at the place where the body had just fallen.

There is no doubt that this anomalous scene lets the giant know that it is absolutely related to the master. At this moment, no one can step out of the security period, and it is indeed the case.

Because at this time, Muria is eager to chop off the debris of the demon evil **** beside him and throw it into his own world, because he just tasted the sweetness of the world after devouring the corpse of the evil god.

"How do you feel?" Seeing that he tried to take out a larger wreckage of the evil god, and tossed it into his own world, and observed the subsequent changes, Muria began to drop the remains of the evil god, Timos asked with a smile.

"Very good." Muria's expression was agitated. Although she had heard of it for a long time, when she really realized the benefits of the world after devouring the corpse of the evil god, she couldn't help but be surprised.

"I didn't expect that the source could be extracted from the corpse of the evil god." Muria stretched out his palm, and on his wide palm, a faint invisible source appeared.

This was what he had just acquired. Before that, there was no trace of the source of power on him. All the source of power he had gained through reincarnation had been used by him for a long time.

"Isn't it a matter of course? Every epic, even these evil gods, will use the source power on their own. Since the source power can also be used, it can naturally be refined in the opposite direction."

"Evil God!" Muria's breathing became heavy, and a dragon-like snake thundered between his mouth and nose, his eyes shone with bright light, and stormy thunder shone in it, which represented what he is now Grasp the power.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that although he only tasted a little bit, he was addicted to the taste.

"There are still some here, all of them are yours, take them! You are about to travel to the void, and you need some source of power as the basic battle reserve."

Timothy used a dead body of a sealed evil **** next to his finger. The remains of these evil gods instinctively wanted to converge and reorganize the evil gods of the wild, but they were all sealed up and could not be fused together. Only instinctual consciousness remained.

Although some of them are trying to evolve into independent living entities, each time they have just bred consciousness, they are forcibly defeated by the legal circle sealed on them.

"These are mine." Muria looked at the Roshan beside him, his eyes flashing with excitement, but then he remembered a very important thing, "Did the evil **** of the desert die?"

"Alive, but his condition is more painful than death." Timothy replied with a smile.

The golden dragon king reached out and pointed at the wreckages of the evil gods he brought to Muria. "Most of his true body is here. Only a small part is left, barely maintaining its own existence."

"Then where is he now?"

"Where else, this is the evil **** you found on Titan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course it is in the city of eternal sky!"

"Um." Muria mourned for the evil **** of the wild for a second, and then happily took some of these and added them together. It is estimated that two or three dead bodies of the evil evil **** can be formed and thrown into the incomplete world under his control.

Then Muria squinted his eyes and realized the changes after the corpse of the evil **** fell into his own world, but it didn't take long for him to experience the sound of Timothy's ear.

"Well, you have collected all the wreckages of the evil gods. Then I will bring you the final requirements you need to travel to the void."

"Huh?" Muria, who had already talked to her immediate family members, was ready to be separated from them for a long time, and looked at her grandfather of the Dragon King.


A loud and vigorous cry rang out in the void, and Muria looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately saw a white shadow of a super hero breaking through the barriers of the world and rushing towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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