Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1155: God of All Realms

The people regard food as the sky. For everything that needs to be eaten daily to sustain life, food is life. This is especially true of erect apes, who are still in the primitive tribal era, and whose sole source of food is hunting.

Each erect ape subconsciously believes that the Lord of the Sky they sacrificed will not have any response to their sacrificial behavior, as it has been in the past.

Therefore, the upright apes will generously give away all the best food they have obtained during the hunt this month, as a sacrifice to the Lord of the Sky.

After all, after the sacrifice, these foods will remain intact as food for the next ceremony, and eventually they will enter their own belly.

But this time the sacrifice is completely different from the past, there really is an existence very close to the nature of the sky sacrifice and worship, which lowered the will.

In order to be able to stay for a longer period of time, the advent of the mighty shore will plunder the spiritual material around the altar, and construct a carrier that can extend the stay time for his own will.

As a result, tens of thousands of erect apes, kneeling on the ground, centered on the altar, watched as they prepared for the carnival feast, and even the courtship food turned into fly ash.

So the feeling of resentment and dissatisfaction grew in the hearts of these erect apes and lived in the barren land. Even if the geographical environment of their tribe is safer than that of their similar tribes, that is also relatively speaking. Homo erectus has always tasted hunger in the process of growing up.

The sacrifice, in the heart of all erect apes, represents a beautiful ritual that can be full, and this is also the most anticipated by each erect ape, to be full, is already their greatest happiness.

But this coming existence has taken away their greatest happiness, and all the food has been turned to ashes, which not only means that they are not only missing the next ceremony, but also that they will be in the next few days. All go hungry.

The erect ape with a manic character wants to stand up and question the erect priest who presides over the sacrifice. Why not explain in advance that this sacrifice is different from the past.

If stated in advance, they will never move all the belongings out and place them next to the altar, they will only offer some prey symbolically.

But along with the will of the mighty shore, and the vast majestic pressure that matched it, all the erect apes were crushed to the ground, and they could only maintain the most humble kneeling posture.

When most of the upright apes felt this coercion, they could only tremble, and the grievances in their hearts disappeared at the moment when the coercion came.

And compared to the erect ape that was impressed immovably below, on the altar, a group of female erect apes dancing the sacrifice of the gods is also kneeling on the ground with a look of force.

He didn't understand that the sacrifice was good this time, how could such a sudden change happen? What went wrong? Is there a problem with the dance of God offering?

However, what is the essence of the so-called sacrifice dance, as an erect ape for sacrifice? Although each generation of sacrifices has its own dance of **** worship.

But that ’s just a good statement. In fact, there is no hard and fast rule for the sacrificial objects. Each generation of sacrifices will improvise a set of sacrificial dances according to their hobbies, and then select some female upright apes, uniform. Dancing with these practically useless dances.

And no matter what the mood is at this time, the complex erect ape sacrifices what kind of taste it is, at this time, following the sound of prayer, the will of the mighty shore that descended from the sky has already absorbed enough spiritual material and began to build its own carrier.

Soaring to a hundred meters, it seems that the spiritual flame, which is larger than the sacrifice, is swaying, turning into gold, and the flame full of the divine majesty begins to construct a complex spiritual structure.

With a vigorous dragon chant, the golden dragon king spread his wings on the altar, and the body constructed by flames did not have any heat, but exuded a faint warmth, just like the winter sun.

"What is this?" In response to the voice of prayer and sacrifice, Muria pursued the existence of her own power, and then infiltrated the consciousness into the world. Muria looked down at the upright ape.

"Oh!" The golden dragon hovered above the altar, holding the dragon head high, and using the fluctuations of the surrounding elements to perceive a world completely alien to him, collecting all the information, and after a moment, he knew In the heart.

"It's still a wild world that has just been born. Such violent elements should still be in the original era of monsters. After all, only creatures with huge bodies and strong physiques can master the extraordinary power in this world."

"But it belongs to the era of monsters. It should be ended soon. The flame of wisdom has already ignited."

The golden dragon looked at the tens of thousands of upright apes below him, and the dragon pupil made of flames was full of interest. "Interesting, these giant apes will most likely evolve and retreat in the coming years. Part of the hair, with stronger intelligence, has become the only intelligent race in the world, which is the future humanity in this world. "

This human being is not another human being. Human being is a fairly broad name, and any intelligent humanoid and intelligent race can be called human. The human races of the two worlds are two completely different human-shaped intelligent creatures.

For example, in front of these giant apes, their adult individuals have a body height of more than five meters. Even in the years to come, they have evolved in the direction of wisdom rather than strength, and their body height will not be much shorter.

For many humans in the world, the future humans in this world are simply giants, and now they are giant apes.

"Why are you unhappy?"

The golden dragon hovering above the altar sensed the emotion from the upright ape below, and was slightly puzzled. Normally, should n’t the god-seeker cheer and joy when he sees the spirit appearing? Why is this attitude now?

"Ah!" Kneeling on the altar, witnessing the upright ape sacrifice in which the flames in front of it were built into a golden dragon, was taken aback by the majestic voice that suddenly sounded in his mind.

He carefully recalled the murals engraved on the walls of the stone house where he lived, hoping to find what his ancestors did when facing the manifestation of the Lord of the Sky.

He has no experience in dealing with such incidents, but it is clear that no similar record can be found on how he collected his scrapes. After all, the so-called lords of the sky were the brains of their tribe ancestors who opened their minds and deliberately prostituted.

"The Lord of the great sky ..." After a long period of sacrifice, the erect ape sacrificed and answered.

In Muria's eyes, it is tantamount to a giant ape kneeling on the ground and screaming at him, but this does not prevent him from understanding that he communicates directly with him on a soul level.

But he also understood where the dissatisfaction of the tens of thousands of giant apes who had been forced to suppress by his coercion and knelt on the ground, bowing to him, came from. Because of the unexpected uprightness of this sacrificing giant ape, he did not have the idea of ​​covering his people.

"Because I'm going to be hungry next, it's really a simple and simple reaction to be dissatisfied with the spirit of the gods."

After understanding the reason, Muria suddenly laughed, and immediately lowered the dragon's head and stared at the sacrificial ape sacrificing below.

"I pray to me and offer a sacrifice to me, and in response to my request, I will come and collect the offerings from you. In exchange, I will fulfill my wishes."

"Ah!" The sacrifice looked blank, and he had already prepared the Lord of the Sky to prepare for his outburst, but did not expect the attitude of this great shore. It's so mild.

"So, the wish is to not starve, right?"

"Yes." Hearing the question of the Lord of the Sky, the same sacrificed sacrifice because the spirituality of the altar was drawn from the spiritual and turned into fly ash food, nodded ignorantly.

"It turns out that you don't know how to pray to the gods at all!" Muria felt a little funny when she saw the ignorant and blank sacrifices of the ape-man, "It's not like asking God."

Muria, who sees herself as a god, doesn't feel anything wrong, because the epic is, in a way, an oracle that is not bound by anything.

The **** who lives by faith and controls the laws of the world is the **** of one world. And the epic that observes the laws of the world, and then creates the world by itself, gathers its powers and wanders in the void, can be regarded as the **** of all realms.

Of course, the ancient gods bred at the beginning of the world's birth can also be regarded as the gods of all realms, but the ancient gods were born innate, and the epic was cultivated by the day after tomorrow.

"But since you have confirmed that your tribe's desire is not to go hungry ~ www.readwn.com ~, I will only achieve this."

Muria, who is fully qualified to be a guest of the gods, feels that after receiving the offerings from these upright apes, she is responsible for giving them corresponding returns.

After all, the tribe's food was spiritually extracted by him for the next few days, and this tribe prayed to the so-called Lord of the Sky to accumulate the power of faith, together with spirituality, as the temporary carrier of his coming will.

It ’s not goodness to just take advantage, not to do anything. Although seriously, he did n’t get any practical benefit from the offering of these erect apes, but anyway, it also made him spend some boring time.


But with a loud and thick dragon roar, the erect ape sacrificed to see the blue eyes in the sky made of golden flames in front of him, and then this blue color began to spread rapidly through his eyes.

Then the fresh and natural breath of life emanated from the existence of the great shore that had become a blue dragon in front of it. Then, all around, all the vegetation in the field of vision began to grow.

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