Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1163: Fire phobia

The evil spirit with a mountain-like spirit body was hit by waves of artillery, angry, sad, and growled in horror. This is the emotional change after it encountered the ghost fleet.

The staggered fusion of the two realms will wake up directly on the bottom of the ocean, and the staggered nature of the world's rules will also directly change some of the nature of the evil spirits.

The original spirit was quiet, and the evil spirits that were not moved by foreign objects became manic. It cruised between the seas. After encountering the ghost fleet, it launched an attack at the first time and wanted to expel it from its territory.

Then it was hit by the heavy artillery fire of the Ghost Fleet, and the deadly artillery bombarded with various elemental damage, one after another, like a never-ending storm.

Even if it is a legend, it has the unimaginable recovery ability of ordinary evil spirits. It also mourns in this artillery fire. It feels that its body is being bombarded and is constantly weakened. The recovery speed of the body is far less than the speed of destruction .

However, its counterattack against the fleet is so weak and weak. As a legend, it has an ultra-long line-of-sight attack capability. It can simultaneously attack dozens of ghost warships closest to it, but such an attack is meaningless.

Because it has discovered that these warships have the same characteristics as it, and the almost spiritual nature allows these warships to obtain abundant resources and recover again without being destroyed by the first time.

Although it has destroyed hundreds of undead warships in this battle, none of them were really destroyed, it just made the ghost ship lose its attack power.

When these battleships lost their combat power, they immediately withdrew from the battlefield, and then other ghost ships replaced their positions and continued to maintain a saturated attack on the legendary evil spirits.

In this case, the powerful legendary evil spirit began to think about whether to retreat temporarily, but when the idea rose, it found that it had no way back.

It's in all directions, within the scope of perception, I don't know when all of them are those disgusting ghost ships. It sees no retreat, it has no way back.

But is that really the case? The powerful evil spirit stretched out its claws to pierce the space, attempting to tear the space and leaving this sea area, but the solidity of the space in this sea area has already exceeded the strength in its memory.

Where the world overlaps, the solidity of space has risen exponentially, and its spatial structure has been changed. It is simply delusional to want to be easily torn apart as before.

What's more, when the legendary evil spirit made a torn space action, on the many ghost ships, special spell shells similar to the dimension anchor blocking the space hit one after another, making the space around the evil spirit more stable.

But just as the evil spirits struggled, mourned, and fell into ruin, about to be captured by the fleet, the supreme governor of the ghost fleet frowned.

"Your Majesty, how are you dissatisfied?"

It's just a change in mood that causes changes in the surrounding space elements to exist around it, maintaining a trembling mood, serving the left and right undead, and kneeling on the ground.

These most powerful undead born in the sea of ​​undead, have racked their brains and wondered why this existence would not be satisfied when the fleet was fighting a powerful legendary evil spirit and about to win.

"Not enough, far from enough." Staring into the water mirror in front of him, it seems that he can still support the legendary evil spirit for a period of time during the bombardment of the fleet, and most of the body is enveloped in the darkness by the ghost god. .

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, what's not enough?" Asked from the existence of ignorant low-level undead, step by step becoming the most powerful dark knight of the sea of ​​the undead, the soul waves circulating in the skull were full of respect, Worship, admiration and more.

"Fleet firepower is not enough." Looking at the evil spirit who had no idea how many shells he had eaten, Muria expressed his biggest dissatisfaction.

If there weren't enough ghost ships brought by him, Muria would doubt whether this fleet would be completely destroyed by the counter-kill of this evil spirit without the corresponding legendary town.

"This ..." Hearing the cause of Muria's dissatisfaction, the undead looked at each other, and the reason was really beyond their imagination.

Even if it is an undead, knowing your own strength is the most important thing. Of course, you do n’t pay as much attention to the development and manufacture of foreign objects as your own practice.

This also caused the ghost ship that Muria plundered from Barbosa at the beginning, and its power has hardly changed. The only difference is that the size of the ship has grown.

But what does this do? When the upper limit of attack destructive power is not changed, the volume increases, but it is easier to be attacked by the enemy.

"But it's just a legendary undead. Nearly 300 main battleships have not won the joint attack for so long. It really disappoints me!"

Muria did not hide his dissatisfaction with the ghost fleet, this firepower is too weak! Can this be tolerated? Of course not!

"In this area of ​​the sea, all the ghost ships must be rebuilt, and the firepower must be strengthened, otherwise I don't know I thought I was going to the sea to fish!"

Hearing the instructions of Muria's unshakable will, he stood by the powerful undead standing on the left and right, silently obeyed his skull, and then led in unison.

Although some undead feel that it is completely unnecessary to upgrade the undead ship, at this stage, at the early stage when they have just been given the opportunity to serve this great existence, no matter who dares to disprove the dominator's will, I am afraid Before long, he will be beaten to death by his companions.

Then Muria ignored these undead, and began to think about how to transform these undead warships. The ghost ship that once admired him and even gave birth to a sorrowful heart, at this time in his eyes has become an old antique that is behind the times and not the pace.

Of course, these ghost ships have extremely strong compatibility. In addition, Barbosa, a highly experienced multi-year-old Lich, left these battleships for each battleship in the process of making these ghost ships. may.

And when Muria, who was engraved with a lack of firepower phobia engraved deep in his soul, came up with a set of plans for rebuilding his ghost ship in a short time,

The legendary evil spirit who fought against the ghost fleet for nearly two hours was finally exhausted, and was quickly captured and sealed and sent to Muria as the first material for Muria's transformation of the warship.


"It's finally over."

Watching a powerful evil spirit that he had never seen in his life in the human world fell under the fire of the fleet, Niacchi sighed with relief.

In this region that is obviously irrelevant to the human world, he regards every powerful being he encounters as an enemy of human beings, and imagines how much harm they will cause to human beings after they conflict with them.

Therefore, when seeing a powerful monster that is enough to erode a human nation, another great group of monsters overwhelmed him. The exorcist felt heartfelt joy, which represented that humans lacked a powerful threat.

"Is it the two of you? Come with me."

At that moment, a cold voice sounded beside the two exorcists who were still immersed in the epic war just now, and then they turned around and looked at them, and immediately saw a similar but completely different one. presence.

It was a similar existence to the evil spirits they had expelled and destroyed many times in the past years, but compared with the nihilistic, entityless monsters they had destroyed, this existence has a very special uniqueness.

At the position where it is probably the chest, a tiny black-red heart is jumping, connected to a translucent substance similar to blood vessels, transporting light gray liquid, and these liquids are detaching from the heart. Soon after, it turned into a light and merged into the monster's body.

"You are ..." When he saw the evil spirit that breeds bleeding in this body, he immediately thought of Niacchi who wanted to change his body, but before he finished speaking, he was taken by this monster. Interrupted rudely.

"I am a monster that is a rival to your human beings. Do n’t doubt this. I ’m different from those of you who have benefited from the baptism of the law. Not only did my strength not increase in the slightest, but I also had a fatal weakness. . "

The monster pointed to the heart that was jumping in his chest, showing the highly developed wisdom that left both exorcists stunned.

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now is not the time to chat. The leader of this fleet will see you and come with me."

Seeing these two former rivals, but now more appropriately called the same type of exorcist, monsters with active flesh turned their heads and exposed their backs in front of them without any fear of being attacked.

Because the exorcist glanced at each other, and did not make a move into the brain, but followed this obviously different monster and entered the interior of this huge battleship, ready to see the existence of a great shore beyond the world, And these two fortunate humans have yet to realize this.


And just when Muria ’s **** of meditation was at the junction of the two worlds, when he met two alienated bodies eroded by the rules of the world, he sat cross-legged and opened his mourn with his eyes closed outside the world to meditate. He closed his eyes and looked into the darkness of the void.

"Although I know that the fluctuations in the laws emanating from the fusion of the two realms can't be masked and may cause some special existence, I didn't expect that it would be so fast, so early."

The giant **** wrapped in a golden thunder like a dragon and snake sighed and exhaled a hurricane that stretched for thousands of miles in the void, then his blood gradually boiled ...

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