Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1172: Do you know who this is?

In the past, the bustling, prosperous, and crowded city was crowded with traffic. At this time, it has become a **** full of sorrow, scolding, screaming and crying. The flames ignited throughout the city, and there were explosions from time to time. Ringing.

This is the scene that Carroll saw when she arrived, and then her eyes fell on the big eyes waving tentacles raging in the city.

These are monsters that are extremely shocking in form, making people feel sick, disgusted and fearful, and the shapes of these monsters are very different from those of evil spirits seen by humans today.

It can be very clearly judged that these monsters that are raging in the city and destroying and destroying are not from the same ecosystem or even the world.

However, Carroll realized what the essence of these big eyes was, but the other exorcians who followed her had no such awareness at all, and they had no related concepts at all.

Among these exorcists' consciousness, the evil spirits that are raging in the world may be what is wrong with their world and the world ’s environment has changed, so these monsters that harm humanity have been born.

"Family of evil gods!" Carroll uttered the concept learned from the great being that gave him strength.

"What?" The exorcist standing next to her looked at her in confusion.

"Nothing." At this point, explaining the origin of these monsters to her companions is meaningless. The only thing she can do at this time is to remind, "Be careful of these monsters, they are very strong no matter which end, and we will drive away those evils that are suppressed. The spirit is different. "

"You don't need to say this, we also noticed it."

The families of the evil gods raging in human cities and harvesting human flesh and soul did not have to condense themselves at all, so the exorcists who arrived at this time were extremely dignified and even gloomy.

"As much as possible to rescue the remaining humans in the city and avoid confrontation with these monsters, we are not their opponents, we are unable to expel so many monsters."

The exorcist associations led by many exorcists will look a little unsightly. They are a group of people who can represent the peak of human individual strength.

But it is the elite among a group of humans who are unable to compete with a group of monsters that slaughter humans and can only choose to rescue the remaining humans.


"Grandpa, I'm afraid." It was completely sealed, only a hint of light in the narrow space, a deliberately low and tender voice sounded.

"Don't be afraid, we'll hide for a while, and soon there will be exorcists who will expel all these monsters, and we will be safe by then." The old voice that seemed to compel calmly responded, soothing the children.

"But when will they come!" The child asked timidly, but with a touch of expectation.

"It's coming, it's coming soon, beloved, don't speak again."

The child closed his mouth abnormally and did not make any more noise, but the surrounding environment did not quiet down because of this. There was a snoring sound, as if there were any abnormally thick objects spreading on the surrounding wall and floor.

Listening to this voice, the old and the young hiding in a small space, although they saw nothing, shivered involuntarily. This is due to the fear in the body's instinct.

It can be seen that in a two-story building that looks dilapidated and vicissitudes of life, an omen monster with a large body and a size comparable to the small building is peering into the small building. Five of them pass through connective tissue. The flesh and blood of the eyeballs connected together were full of jokes.

Even if living in the same world, the world seen by different creatures is different, and in the extraordinary, the world in different eyes is different.

Simply hiding physically and obstructing the line of sight can't obscure the monster's vision at all, so when this huge eye-monitor probed its tentacles into the house, after searching for a while, one old, one young, and two were connected. Panic human.

"What a fragile, tiny creature!"

Although it is a monster that assists the evil **** to destroy the world, it is not simple. It only knows the biological weapons that kill and destroy. It is also intelligent. Therefore, it knows how to play with creatures weaker than itself and have some fun for itself.

"Don't you try to pray to me? Maybe this will keep your descendants alive."

The obscure voice of the soul sounded in the old man's mind, and then the old man with a wrinkled face raised his head and looked at the huge monster in shock.

"Why look at me with this weird look? Don't you think we are just wise beasts with no power?"

Maybe it was dissatisfaction, maybe just for venting. The deformed and distorted monster stretched out a tiny tentacle, and then ripped the old man's thigh rough. Dark red blood spewed from the old man's irregular fracture.

"Ah-" The old man who had never experienced pain in this life screamed loudly, but gradually, the old man gradually suppressed the physical pain by virtue of the will that he has sharpened out in life, because there is his grandson.

"Oh!" The monster threw the thigh torn from the old man into the mouthpiece. During the chewing process, flesh and blood spewed and was abnormally bloody. After swallowing, the monster spoke its evaluation.

"The fleshy flesh has no value in tasting, maybe your soul deserves my taste."

When the old man watched and continued to reach him, trying to tear the tentacles of his body, a smile appeared on his face. He knew it was useless to pray for such a monster that was inhuman.

The monster is willing to continue to eat his flesh, which means that it has this need. The monster takes the lead in it, so his grandson can survive for a while, maybe it can be dragged to the exorcist.

铮 ~

The tentacles of the old man's thigh were not to be torn off. A red-red razor flashed through the air. The tentacles were cut cleanly and the thick black blood spewed.

In the old man's surprised look, he saw the warrior with long hair flying in the flames waving his weapon, cut off another tentacle, and rescued his grandson.

"It's finally here, the strong individual in the weak race!" The ogre lord who had severed the two tentacles did not scream. Such an injury is nothing to it.

Five eyeballs of different sizes and colors also stared together in the air, standing on the flames of a foot, holding a knife and holding a weak female of the same family cub.

"However, it's still too weak!" The Eye Demon Lord did not conceal his disappointment, although compared to these little people who slaughtered with no power, the one in front of him controlled the power of fire, and his breath was also special The female, although very powerful, is of little value.

"Leave it! Leave me alone."

Although this female exorcist looks very powerful, and you can often see related stories of this female exorcist in the newspaper, but the giant monster with two floors in front of him is clearly visible. So, the old man caught by the monster with his tentacles shouted very resolutely.

"Grandpa!" The child who had been suppressing her fear for a long time finally cried at this time. He looked helplessly and sadly, looking at the exorcist who was hugging him, and made a request.

"Please, my elder sister, save my grandfather. I can't live without my grandfather. I just have a grandfather."

Hearing the boy's crying request, Carroll's hand holding the long knife was tightened tighter, and the scale-like spirit pattern on his face appeared brighter.

Reason tells her that she should turn around and leave at this time, quickly get away and shake off the monster, but her emotions make her hesitate at this time and let her wave the sword again.

"Hum, tiny creature, courageous."

Seeing the female holding a fellow cub rushing towards it, the ogre lord smiled strangely, the tentacles hanging from the bottom of the main torso lifted up and drew towards Carroll, the powerful force sent out harsh in the air Sonic boom ...


In just a few rounds of fighting, Carlo, the brave and exquisite exorcist, was drawn by a tentacle and fell to the ground, arousing a little smoke.


A painful cough sounded, thick blood was flowing from the throat, flowing from the corner of the mouth, and then dripped to the ground. Carroll was lying on the ground with his blood flesh blurred behind him. He estimated that all the bones in this area should be broken. Already.

But even though she was so badly hit, the children she rescued were well protected by her and were not harmed.

"Your behavior is so stupid that I don't know how to evaluate."

Hearing that familiarity without the slightest emotion in her ears ~ www.readwn.com ~ But she really devalued her voice, Carroll could not help but smile, "Are you doing nothing else? Watching my whereabouts every day ? "

"Oh!" Wei An's existence sneered in return. "I don't know if you should pay attention to your current situation first. You have successfully attracted the eyes of the monsters in the city."

"Aren't you going to help me? The owner of everything, is it going to watch me eaten by such an ugly monster with a leash? It doesn't matter if I die, but your face will be lost."

Carol stood up from the ground, looking at the approaching monster, without any tension in her heart. However, she did not get any response from her radical words.

"The hero's indomitable spirit shouldn't taste too bad." The monster who had regarded Carroll as the food of his mouth once again extended her tentacles to her.

Just as the girl was gritting her teeth, biting her scalp and preparing to continue fighting with monsters she was not in the same grade at all, the hot breath permeated, and then, the sound of pride echoed over the endangered city,

"Which idiot's family do you know whose territory it is? Those who dared to come here to harvest their lives are impatient?"

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