Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1175: 憨 batch and unlucky eggs

Hundred-eyed evil gods became more and more terrible the more they thought about it, and the eyes looking at Muria also became more dignified, and at the same time they thought about how much they would pay for it.

Although he did not destroy the civilization cultivated by this dragon god. But he did kill a lot of human beings. For a civilization that has not yet left his own world, such casualties can be said to be injurious.

The more I thought about the more evil spirits, the more suddenly I thought of some unreasonable places. I was reasonable and willing to spend such a long time cultivating a civilization, and then harvesting the fruits of civilization should be calm and patient.

But the dragon **** he saw was an extremely belligerent **** who was slightly offended and fisted. He was really patient to graze civilization and wait for the moment of harvest?

"Maybe it's just an external camouflage?" A hundred-eye evil **** quickly thought of a very reasonable explanation. "He wants to show a strong and belligerent image of the **** of heaven, and then drive away those gods we are attracted to. So that we don't interfere with the fruits of civilization he planted? "

"What kind of eyes?" At this time, Muria did not know what was in the minds of the hundred-eyed evil gods whose thoughts had become divine. He just wondered why this evil **** looked more and more strangely at him.

"Dragon God, I'm willing to give you all of my high-ranking dependents as compensation for the loss I have caused you."

After thinking for a moment, the evil **** carefully opened his mouth to Muria, grazing the civilization fruit that the civilization can finally bloom out, and no one can be sure until the result appears. It is this kind of unknownness that makes this This time-consuming and terrifying plan has some fun.

And it is precisely because of this, if a plan for grazing civilization by a **** is destroyed, how to compensate is a problem that is not easy to measure, no matter how much it is inappropriate.

"Higher relatives?" Muria was surprised when she saw the evil **** admit it, and the letter opened his mouth, ready to beat him.

"It's these guys with similar shapes to you. I found them in a world. They are the strongest and most edible fighting race in that world, so I turned them all into mine. Dependents. "

Hundred-eyed evil **** pointed to the less than one-hundred Cyclops beneath him, "You should have seen their fighting power just now, which is quite good."

After listening to these brief introductions, Muria refused decisively, was ugly and unbeatable, and could eat in particular. What was this waste to do, so he stared at the incarnation of the evil **** with extremely bad eyes. This junk is fooling me. "

他们 "They're not bad, except they eat more."

"I don't lack family members." Muria, holding the double-edged tomahawk in her hand, has a tendency to wave it again.

"The coordinates of a big world? This is always okay!" Xue Shen incarnation suddenly thought of a thing that was basically useless to him, but had something of great value to the existence before him,

"Even if you don't have the ability now, there is no way to explore it, but you will always be able to use it in the future."

"Yes." Muria thought for a moment, then nodded, the preciousness of the world coordinates is self-evident.

In a world community, the number of large worlds is quite limited. Among the world communities where Erasia is located, he has only seen Erasia, and there are two worlds like twins without borders, and there is no I've seen the third big world.

This situation is of course extremely abnormal, but Muria is not too surprised, because he knows that the world of Elasia he was born has been promoted twice.

What is his motherland ’s promotion through? Muria has some guesses, so it ’s not surprising that there is no third world in the community where the Elacian world is located. If there is, then That's strange.

"But it ’s not enough. It ’s not difficult to search the world and get the coordinates. This is not enough to make up for the loss you have caused me."

Except for his own motherland, Muria has not seen the third big world nonsense, but he is not messy, after all, the quality of the big world is there, and its traction in time and space fluctuates. You can feel it from a long distance.

"I can give you another ten tons of the essence of the earth's veins. This is an unexpected harvest when I devour the world."

"It's less, twenty tons." After hearing this extraordinary item that can reshape the earth's veins, Muria's eyes lighted up, and she immediately became interested. This essence has the purpose of condensing the earth after millions of years. Very extensive.

"No, I ..."

"Don't bargain with me, give me twenty tons of the essence of the earth's veins, and then I will explore the coordinates of that big world for you, and I can forgive you for offending me."

"Yes, but the essence of earth veins is with my deity."

"That's a coincidence, my deity is right next to your deity." Muria said with a smile.

Alas ... Titan sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes outside the world, looked at the evil eyes of a hundred eyes surrounded by the cursed mist of the world, and stretched out his hand to him, "Fetch it."

"..." Hundred eyes of evil spirits stared at the Titan who did not leave him a face, and actually extorted him in the face of the other two gods.

"What? I just talked about it now, and now I want to repent." I didn't realize that Muria, who had an epic face, was aggressive, and seemed to intend to start immediately when the evil **** did not fulfill the agreement. .

"Here you are." The evil spirit of the hundred eyes was desperately corrupted, and she was helplessly throwing a khaki crystal nucleus to Muria. She was very skeptical of the conjectures she had just made, and there was a leak in the fire.

龙 The gesture shown by this dragon **** is totally inconsistent with the old-fashioned ingenuity he thought of, the existence of a grazing civilization with horror and patience.

"It's not bad." Muria caught a nucleus that weighed comparable to a continuous mountain, and then stuffed it into his own world. This is a good thing that can be used to evolve the world.

Seeing this scene, the weapon warrior and the whale **** immediately sent out the voice of the soul. After a little contact, they exchanged their opinions, and then they separated again, maintaining the former static posture.

"Oh, good harvest." Muria regained meditation, focusing most of her consciousness on the incarnation that has entered the world. Unlike the other three epics, he sent two incarnations.

One avatar was placed on the bright side, and the other avatar was a native indigenous person disguised as a world of evil spirits, and was ready to start again with the family of the hundred-eye evil gods.

Uh ...

"It's a slap!"

I saw the incarnation of the evil **** with his family members in the sky, and the Titan giant standing among the unknown mountains gave a heartfelt sigh.

He was ready to fight a battle with this evil **** incarnation, forcing him to give in and bow his head. Thinking of this evil **** didn't know what he thought, it was so easy to admit it, it was really beyond his expectation.

不过 "But humans in this world are really deadly."

After sighing, Muria looked at the human world far behind. Although the relatives of the evil gods raged on the human realm for less than two days, the trauma caused by these monsters to human civilization was always in the course of human development. Unforgettable pain.

Of course, such a huge damage is not without its benefits. The weakness and humiliation in the face of monsters will spur the entire human civilization to let go of all struggles and conflicts within the ethnic group, and then unite all the forces to make progress together.

Uh ...

"Dragon God is really an unlucky guy. He is so violent and aggressive, probably because he has suffered too much."

I do n’t know that he has become a stunned incarnation of others in the eyes of others. He has experienced a slaughter with Muria ’s legion and suffered a downsizing. At this time, he is still premising that Muria is a civilized herder Out of conjecture,

"The human beings should be the seeds of civilization he grazed, but he did not expect the potted plants of his civilization seeds, that is, this world, would actually collide with and merge with another special world.

And the arrival of three other gods including me ~ www.readwn.com ~ made many things out of his control. Will the civilization he planted be destroyed or become stronger, completely unknown? That's why he becomes irritable and impulsive. He needs to fight to vent his anger. "

Then, while the incarnation of the evil **** was thinking, the army of the family he led had entered the area where the human world and the evil spirit world merged and merged, and then he began to reap all the intelligent creatures that he could encounter.

Although he came in to look for a **** that can quickly improve his strength, this kind of strange things born in the rules of interwoven collisions is too rare, so nowhere is comparable to the creatures that can be seen everywhere, so harvesting the indigenous souls is one This is a very good choice.

"Spiritual creatures without flesh and blood, and lower-level species are incomplete at all, which is really boring. On the whole, it is not as good as flesh-and-blood creatures slaughtered by my servants before."

He watched his family members capture extinct killing spirits wandering in the earth, suspended in the sky, spreading dark evil incarnations watching everything, sending out their own sensory evaluation.


亮 A bright blue beam of light blasted from the far sky, like a sharp sword, ripped open the darkness of the incarnation of the evil **** coupon, and straightly cut the deformed body of the evil **** incarnation.

"Presumptuous!" Just after the injury was restored, the evil incarnation that was attacked again issued a furious roar. It waved its tentacles, more than thirty eyes turned, and then blasted out the rays together with the blue beam of light.

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