Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1179: Beiming has fish


A muscular dragon with long and strong fingers that pierced the void through its slender fingers. Above its claws, there are scales comparable to **** gold. The mysterious light flows on it, dazzling.

After the dragon claw appeared, he gently touched the void voids around the steel planet controlled by the weapon warrior, and all the cracks healed, and even stronger than before.

The claw of the dragon did not stop. She put out a dragon finger that was almost negligible compared with the volume of the steel planet, and poked lightly at the steel planet.


Engraved with mosquito-like dense rune spirit steel twisted and built in the void, scattered and scattered across the golden red fire marks, forming a gorgeous flower.

The formation of such a shocking scene is because one side of the steel planet was blasted by the finger of the Dragon King. Almost half of this star-shaped artificial extraordinary object was broken by the finger of the Dragon King. The surging flames broke from the broken The dense cracks of the metal earth gushed out.

Along with these gushing flames was the sorrowful sigh of pain in the steel planets in the steel planet. One finger of the dragon king hurt him through the heavy metal crust.

And seeing that the steel fortress that he relied on walking in the void was destroyed to such a degree, after the sorrow of the weapon Wushen, there was no movement.

He honestly stayed in place with the broken steel planet, waiting to fall, because he had already seen that this finger blasted the existence of his planet, and in his other claw was a large piece of blood pits. Huge pieces of meat.

The familiar power on this huge piece of meat, as well as the remaining breath on it, tells the Wu Wu Shen clearly and unambiguously that this is still alive, who has no resistance anymore.

"They want to leave, and I want to keep them." Maria also answered briefly when marveling at the incredible physique of her grandmother.

"Leave?" In the void, the Dragon King, who appeared with a broken body of an evil god, glanced at the big blue fish, and then looked at the silent broken metal planet in front of her.

"Let's run away. Have you ever had a conflict with my grandson before?" The Dragon King echoed in the void poem without any emotional voices. She was kind to her grandson and amiable, which did not mean the same to the epic wandering in the void.

"No, I haven't had any conflicts or battles with your grandson before." The blue void beast wandering in the void immediately denied it.

"It's the guy in front of you, who is hiding under the metal ball, but has fought with your grandson. If you take a closer look, you should still feel the remaining breath on it."

In order to protect his own whale god, he sold the weapon warrior who has nothing to do with himself without hesitation. The dead Taoist is not dead, and this is a common biological instinct.

"Really?" The bad look of Dragon King Arista looked at the huge steel planet that was slowly being repaired.

"God of the whale, I have no resentment with the dragon god. It was only a normal battle communication before, and I also paid the dragon **** enough after the event."

Seeing this big blue fish, he sold it without hesitation, and the weapon warrior suddenly became angry. How could there be such a jerk, he actually pitted him so.

"Muriya, have you ever had a conflict with this guy before?" The Dragon King did not care about these two guys, and her pair of glittering dragon pupils looked at Muria.

"There was a skirmish." Muria replied truthfully, and he did not cover the weapon warrior, and they were unfamiliar.

"Since there has been a conflict, let's do it." At the hearing, Yalista was relieved. A horrible demon in the realm of merging sources can't satisfy her yet.

She also wanted to fight a few more battles to adjust to the surge in power. But she is a golden dragon, and even if she breaks into the epic realm, that is also a golden dragon, and her nature will not change.

So in the face of the evil **** of the cursed mist surrounding the world, she can shoot without fear, but in the face of the rest of the epic, she did n’t provoke her, and she needed a suitable reason for it.

"You thought I would be afraid ... no !!!"

When it was determined that he could not avoid this distress, the weapon warrior acted stiff. After all, this being has defeated a god, and it will definitely be lost, and he may have a chance to escape.

It was in the next moment that the epic screamed sadly because the steel planet exploded because of his car, and the reason was simply because the Dragon King extended his paw and took a blow.

Huge planet steel fragments exploded, and the light from the explosion was dazzling to the extreme, illuminating all the surrounding airspace, so that everything was temporarily enveloped in light.

And when the light was a little dim, Muria saw a huge steel giant fighting his grandmother, that is, the true weapon samurai who has never appeared.

There is no doubt that this is an unequal battle. The most important dependency of the weapon Wushen is the star-level super strong fortress that he did not know how much energy to complete. He has not yet carried two blows and was knocked out.

For the weapon samurai, the destruction of the planetary fortress is more psychologically shocking than material. After all, he is an epic in the name of the weapon. As a result, his highest achievement is against the powerful enemy, but it is so unbearable.

Of course, the current weapon warrior has no time to be sad. He must find a way to survive without being caught, because his body is being dismantled.

"Well, it's a mechanical body! It's rare." Muria couldn't help but admire the steel giant who was fighting his grandmother, which was a rare life form.

Because it is a mechanical body, its volume has become its biggest advantage, even if compared with his maternal grandmother, the true body of the weapon Wushen does not appear small.

But sometimes it ’s big, and it ’s not very useful. It ’s like the planetary fortress that the weapon warrior just had. With such a huge volume, when facing the dragon king Yalista, it will be destroyed with only two strikes and the broken wreckage. It is turning into a long belt of steel planets.

The large body of the weapon warrior at this time is like a large toy to the dragon king Arista. Every Star Cannon he fired that could destroy the ecology of the mainland fell on the scales of the Dragon King Yalista, only to splash the light of the starting point.

Dragon King Yalista has used the power to strengthen her body to the extreme she can now achieve. Its powerful defense is enough to crush the epic epithelium and let it feel what it is like to be unable to break the defense.

"Now, Dragon God, we are friends, right?"

While Yalista was showing Muria how to dismantle a very large three-headed, six-arm humanoid steel toy, the big blue fish sneaked up to Muria, and then whispered to Muria.

"Oh? I don't remember when we became friends?" Muria looked at the very big-faced fish, looking at the other person's huge body, and thought of a few sentences that he could not forget.

There is a fish in Beiming. Its name is 鲲, 鲲 is big, and it can't be stewed in a pot ... 呸, Muria shook his head, he can't always think about eating, although he once sent this big fish to the barbecue. Thoughts, but others are also epic.

"Oh, your memory is not very good, but it doesn't matter. If you forget, we can start again and become friends again." The big blue fish doesn't blush. In order to survive, even the epic can break through its own offline .

"Friend? No, I don't lack friends." Muria's eyes turned on the wide back of the whale god. "I lack a proper mount."

"..." The big blue fish fell into silence. Although in order to survive, it can break through its own lower limit, but it is too unlicensed to be a mount for a peer of its kind, which makes it in the future. Looked up in front of his subjects.

"Reluctant? Then forget it." Muria sighed pretending to be regretful, and watched his grandmother rip out an arm of the Valkyrie, sparks splattered.

The metal warrior who built his real body with metal machinery has no characteristics of the epic body of all souls. As long as the energy has not been exhausted, he can continue to regenerate, but also has its special features.

As long as there is metal around, he can draw on the surrounding metal and rebuild his true body. At this time, the weapon warrior is surrounded by the wreckage of the steel planet he owns. In theory, he can regenerate infinitely in this way.

But in fact, he was beaten by the Dragon King on the opposite side and could not take care of himself. The strong recovery ability he had now was just to extend the time of his suffering.

So, when his mechanical real body was torn again by Alista ~ www.readwn.com ~, he gave up the resistance and let his steel body float.

"You still have the power, why not resist?" Yalista looked at the metal garbage floating in front of him strangely.

"What do you want to do with me? Seal, or kill and suppress me and integrate into your world."

"Why should I kill you?" Arista looked at the Warrior strangely. "You are just in conflict with my grandson. I'll teach you enough."

"That's it?" The weapon warrior reorganized his three-headed, eight-armed upper body, with obvious faults on the metal face. "You fill my body into your world, you can perfect your world, and even master it The law I have. "

"No need." Yalista didn't hide her disdain. She now had as much power as she could use. What epic body she wanted was a metal puppet.

"Dragon God, I don't think it's appropriate for me to be your mount. We are good friends, do you think?" After the big blue fish found that the Dragon King had not killed the weapon Valkyrie, he was relieved and changed his thinking You have to escape, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

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