Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1184: Good afternoon, professor!

"How is this possible?" The mentor with flowing dragon blood looked at the black dragon below with incredible expression, "My wind was taken away!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Muria opened his mouth, and the light and manic wind condensed between his jaws, a fist-sized wind ball appeared, and then a blue arc appeared on it.


Without giving too much reaction time to the human tutor who rescued his students, the dragon-breathing dragon breath spewed out of Muria's mouth, and was then easily avoided.

"Although the bloodline ranks are high, such an attack wants to hit me, delusion!"

The mentor who avoided the attack looked at Muria. Although he was unwilling, he was relieved. "It is okay for you to reverse my attack. We humans never fight against dragons. We never rely on the strength we get from you."

"Aren't you looking behind?"

"What?" Without waiting for the instructor's response, the wind-thunder mixed dragon's breath fell on his back and shot him directly from the sky.

"I obviously dodged!" The raging dragon's breath raged, destroying the surface defenses of his body, blasting his body with five injuries and seven injuries, and the human teacher who fell from the sky couldn't understand.

"Did you turn the dragon's breath, haven't you seen it?" Muria stepped forward and came to the surface with the wind and thunder mixed with the dragon's breath and flesh and blood rolled, beside the black teacher.

"You dragon, don't be proud. Even if you defeat us, there will be stronger humans hunting you with more terrible weapons."

I thought it was just a simple and easy training task, but I didn't expect the instructor who overturned to be resigned.

As he said before, humans hunting dragons have never relied on the power they got from dragons, but on weapons made by their wisdom.

But this time because the target of the hunt was only young dragons, they just carried the corresponding miniaturized weapons, and more powerful weapons were not brought over.

"You don't have to count on this. The news of your mission failure will not be transmitted in a short period of time, or for a long time, you will not fail this mission."

Muria looked at the equipment on these humans, perhaps because the instructor was too confident, and the equipment on him was not as good as that of his students.

"what did you say?"

"The transmission of information and the carrier requires a medium, but this area has been closed to the outside world. If you are looking for external support, I think you can give up."

"Domain?" The face of the mentor suddenly changed. He looked at the young dragon with a torn body in front of him, and his face gradually showed the color of fear. "You are not an ancient dragon, you are simply an ancient dragon. Use the dragon egg to complete the nirvana regeneration Gulong! "

"I see. Your consciousness was still asleep when you reborn with the help of dragon eggs, but my students’ hunting of your rebirth awakened your consciousness, so when you were dying, before and after The performance gap is so wide. "

"It's a wonderful guess, but I'm sorry to tell you that you only guessed part of it."

Muria looked at this human being with a divine mind. His inference is very close to the truth. The reason why it is incomplete is that knowledge restricts him and it is a matter of ability.

"That's almost the same, so how are you going to deal with us? His Royal Highness Gulong!"

The mentor who thought he had guessed Muria's identity and understood the reason was ready to accept death.

The moment he became a dragon slayer, he was ready for death, but he did not expect that today, although sudden, was not bad.

Isn't it normal for most of my life to hunt dragon-slayers and die under dragons? Not to mention this is a resurrection ancient dragon.

"I interrogate it before I make a decision." Muria looked at the apprentice dragon hunters on the messy gravel.

"Don't kill us? You should now need food to recover from your injuries."

"I have to find out what happened and then think about how to maximize the benefits of things. If it would be the most appropriate choice for me to swallow you, I would."

Muria answered the polite and experienced dragon hunter very politely.


"Law: Silence!"

The black dragon, whose eyes had grown back, looked at the dragon hunter and spit out two words. The silent power descended on the dragon hunter. No matter how hard he tried, he could not make a trace of sound.

"Compared to the experienced old hunter, I believe that the fledgling rookie is more likely to reveal the information I want." Muria opened his mouth and looked at the probationary dragon hunters who had been beaten by him.

"Gu Long, no matter what you ask me, I won't answer."

When Muria stretched out her claws and picked up a dragon hunter, forcibly pulling away her helmet with her overbearing and dexterous brute force, the blond girl shouted at him with a gesture of generosity Road.

"Human, I admire your integrity." Muria looked at the girl with an inspired expression on her face, and the words suddenly turned. "Although I really want to say this, do you know what you are like? With eyes closed trembling, there is really no way for me to say such things against my heart. "

"Ah!" The girl opened her eyes with a grimace, never thinking that Gu Long, who only existed in the legend, would actually tease her like this.

"I ask you to answer, as long as you cooperate honestly, you will see your parents and friends completely again."

Muria looked at the stupid human in his hand. "Don't doubt whether my promise is false. Every word I say, I will do it."

The blonde girl was held in her hands by the dragon. She looked blankly towards her companions. She could not see the expressions of her friends, but she saw her mentor shouting at her and shouting her head constantly, making All kinds of gestures, but no matter how he tossed, he didn't make the slightest sound, which looked rather ridiculous.

In the end, the young girl's eyes fell on her companion. It was a boy with the same hair color as her. His name was Irving, and his life had just ended in the hands of the ancient dragon before him.

Just when she wanted to say something, Gu Long in front of her said, "Are you sure you want to end your life for something that doesn't matter, or even a well-known news?"

"..." The girl just opened her mouth and closed her mouth to say something, and she found that the ancient dragon seemed to have insight into all her thoughts.

"Listen to me first before deciding whether to be heroic!"

"..." The blonde girl was silent.

"your name?"

"Pavla Hamakova." The girl hesitated, then answered.

"How old? Are you an adult?"

"Seventeen years old and not yet an adult."

"Oh, I'm still a minor!" Muria nodded thoughtfully, and continued to ask, "When did you start to learn dragon hunting? From an early age?"

"No, I'm from ..."

"Pavla, are you going to be an adulterer?" Just as the blonde girl was about to answer, a righteous scolding sounded.

This made the girl who was about to answer her mouth and hesitated, so Muria put down the girl, then lifted the vocal dragon hunter, and pulled off his helmet in the same way. His face was revealed.

Muria stared at him with a golden dragon pupil with extreme pressure, "Since you shut up the little girl, then you answer my question and tell me when did you start hunting? of?"

"Dragon, you don't want to get anything from me about humans."

"Hard gas, but what about this?" Muria raised the other claw, and then extended a dragon's finger slightly towards his forehead, and the blue-white arc rushed out, instantly covering the whole body of the dragon-slayer. .

what! !! !!

The intense tingling sensation came from all parts of the body, and it became more and more painful over time. There was no meaning to reduce it. It was just that I had just completed most of the courses and had just had the first practical training for the dragon hunter. Yelling, and then the sound gradually became hoarse.

"Will you answer my question now?" Muria stopped the electric shock.

"Hoo! Hey!" The young man gasped in a big mouth, the extreme pain just now was something he had never experienced before, just stuck on the edge of his tolerance for pain.

"Reluctant to answer, then go on, let me see how firm you are as a human being." Muria raised her finger and continued.

"I was selected seven years ago and entered Kassel College to learn about dragon slaughter ..."

"Mr. Moral!" Muria smiled at the young man who had revealed for a long time that he had become a dragon-slayer.

"Why were you chosen?"

"I awakened the dragon's blood ~ www.readwn.com ~ The young man answered weakly, his will had collapsed because of physical pain.


... Next, Muria interrogated other apprentice dragon-slayers one after another. Basically, there were no students who were as firm as iron. They were quite honest. Even if they wanted to express their loyalty, they were very shrouded in thunder. I'm about to yield.

Then, under the attention of the mentor who could not speak at all, the black dragon changed into a clear eyebrow, a demon who was not as beautiful as a human, raised his hand and lifted the law covering him.

"The dignified ancient dragon will actually become a human, which is really funny." There was a stiff smile on the instructor's face, and he already knew what the dragon wanted to do.

"It's ridiculous to change a form and experience a whole new way of life."

Muria smiled slightly, the shape continued to change, and turned into a young man with a clear eyebrow. With a familiar face of the dragon slayer around him, he slightly twitched at the middle-aged man.

"Good afternoon, Professor Hafez Ibrahim!"

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