Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1192: The man of the bell

"Isn't it what we imagined?" The headmaster Baifa was still confused. He couldn't understand what the dragon said to resist the damage of the sage's stone, but it didn't prevent him from increasing alertness to the dragon.

Since the most lethal creation of the extraordinary alchemy system cannot harm this dragon, then you can try the most destructive creation on the technology side. He really doesn't believe that this dragon can resist the damage of the nuclear explosion.

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, your knowledge will stop there, it's too much trouble to explain."

The thunder shone in the flames. In the thunder fire, the slender figure and well-balanced limbs showed the perfect appearance of a black dragon without losing strength.

The golden pupil that gave birth to the thunderfire overlooked all human beings, high above it, without any trace of emotion, just like a human being seeing a group of ants.

boom! boom! boom!

So in the next moment, the cursive bullets fell like a storm, and they seemed to want to blast them into pieces.

But no matter how large the caliber of the bullets are, they are engraved with a lot of complicated magic spell patterns. They all end up the same, hit the thunder net on the surface of the black dragon body, and then fall weakly to the ground and make a crisp sound.

For a moment, the library, which had become messy, became even more broken. When the library was restored to peace, the black dragon squatted there unscathed, and the thunder net above his body shone with a dazzling light.

The next instant, a thunderbolt erupted, just like a reservoir that opened the gate. The dazzling thunder and burning flames instantly flooded the library, and when the thunderfire dissipated, the completely crowded library suddenly became much wider.

On the ground, one set after another became scorched and distorted, and flashed red, and the armor that had already begun to melt was smoky, and in addition, it was some ashes.

"These people ..." The black-haired teenager Lu Tianming standing opposite the black dragon put down his hand covering the glare, and when he saw such a thrilling scene, he sat on the ground with a buttock, and his face became paler.

"People always pay the price for their actions, don't they?" The black dragon tone that wiped out most of the humans present was flat. "When attacking, they should also be prepared to take the counterattack."

"So that's why I'm still alive?" Like Lu Tianming, the headless white-haired principal looked ugly at the huge creature in front of him.

"Yes, you should be fortunate that you haven't just acted like you did these students."

The black dragon stretched out its claws and gently scratched forward, because the stature was tall and straight, and the blond young man who was perfect among human beings was swept by the wind and fell into the hands of the black dragon.

"one left."

"I know, I shouldn't take on such a task." The youth shrouded in death shadow looked helpless. He looked up at the majestic dragon in front of him, then tilted his head and looked at a loss, wondering what to do. What Lu Tianming,

"But why do you do it to me first? He hurts you the most."

"From the moment you investigated, everything was under my watch. You gave this bullet to the kid and convinced him to shoot at me. Do you think I didn't see it?"

"Principal, did you hear that? No matter what we do, everyone sees it. We still have a fart."

The youth held by the dragon looked free and easy, and smiled at the white-haired principal.

"You don't need to say it, I heard it." The old man looked up and looked up at Muria. "So do you want to level this academy created for the dragon slaughter now?"

"Not interested." Muria lowered her head, and the golden dragon pupil stared at the dragon descendant in her hand. "However, I am very interested in what you call the alien creature."

"Are you interested in these?" Caesar's face was surprised, and then he nodded. "Also, as a dragon, it's normal for us to be more interested in alien creatures than we humans."

"Tell me in detail, I can consider giving you a life." Muria lowered her head, and the hot Mars spewed on the youth's head, lighting his blond hair.

"Wait a minute, stay away from me," Caesar quickly smashed Mars in his hair, distressed. "Then you ask what, I say."

"Say, what are so-called aliens?"

"What else can be, of course, creatures that cannot be born in the ecology of our world, but like dragons, they possess special creatures of extraordinary power."

In Caesar's understanding, all creatures possessing extraordinary powers must be related to the dragon, but the alien creatures he dealt with could not find the trace of dragon blood anyway.

"So the alien creature you deal with is an extraordinary creature from another world, right."

"That's right. I don't know what happened during this time. A large number of alien creatures appeared randomly around the world without any symptoms, which caused us a lot of trouble."

"Have there been similar incidents before?"

"According to my family's records, yes, but not so often this time, I don't know what happened."

"So what!" Muria nodded thoughtfully. The world in these human eyes is completely different from the world in his eyes. Part of the big world is the whole world in these human eyes.

"Take me to where the aliens you dealt with recently appeared."

"Yes, but you can no longer destroy and kill."

"It's been said long ago that I'm not a dragon who likes destruction and killing."

Muria glanced at the principal and Lu Tianming, who was sitting on the ground paralyzed. The wings spread behind him, the huge dragon body broke the library ceiling, smashed a huge cave, and came under the sky.

"Ha ~ This is how it feels to fly." Caesar, who was caught by the dragon and came into the sky, looked down at the earth that was gradually expanding in his eyes, and his eyes showed excitement. Novelty excitement.

"No, this is the feeling of being abducted by a dragon. As long as I release you [], you can experience the feeling of quickly approaching death."

"But you have lost the best guide, haven't you? No one in this world is more familiar with aliens than I am." Caesar said confidently.

"Less nonsense, give me directions."


"Is this right?"

A child as young as six or seven looks at the messy and broken street in front of which there is a huge palm print that is startling. Next to him was Caesar, whose hair was scorched and looked a little embarrassed.

"That's right, here, more than a month ago, a group of four or five-meter-high giant apes appeared where they shouldn't have appeared at the time. I spent a lot of money with people before suppressing them all.

"Well, it really did the same as I thought." Muria's eyes glowed, reflecting a scene completely different from the street scene in front of him. He reached out his hand and gently pressed forward.

In the empty air in Caesar's eyes, ripples rippled around the palm of the young child shaped by a black dragon around him, and then, a vast expanse of forest appeared, in the original dense forest. The fresh breath came.

"What is this?" The young man who thought he was well-informed looked at the strange scene in front of him, and was very surprised. "Mirage? But why is there a smell?"

"You don't already have the answer, why tempt?"

"Is it really a different world?" The youth like the angry lion was shining with luster.

"What? Want to go?" Muria looked at the young man with thin dragon blood in his body and asked with a smile.

"If it really is a different world, I want to see it," replied the young man who was already standing at the top of the human pyramid when he was born.

He has tried all the interesting things in the world, including the most dangerous dragon-slaying, and now living in his eyes, it is really boring and even dull.

The reason why he took over the task of dealing with alien creatures was to use it to enter a different world from his current world. Now, the door to the alien world has been opened.

"Really? Before you go in, you have to think clearly. After entering this door, there is no return."

Muria stepped towards the door of the other world in the eyes of others. He is now going to another area of ​​the large world of the cluster. "If you have this awareness, follow it."

After speaking, Muria didn't care about this guy. To him, this dragon is just a way to guide. He walked through the penetrated space nodes and came to another area of ​​the cluster world.

"I don't know if there are any other epics in this area?" After passing through the space node, Muria appeared in a vast forest at sea ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then fell into meditation.

The big world of the cluster didn't just come to him. His family came in, and Titan, Blazing Sky, and the Dragons all had epic entrances. More importantly, there was also the Ten Lords who dominated this existence. It was no accident that this living ancestor Come in too.


At this moment, a scream sounded, Muria lowered her head, and immediately saw a young man with a part of his hair burnt down in the air.

"Surely followed, eh, do you like to find excitement so much?" Seeing the young man falling from the air to the ground, Muria had no desire to shoot at such a height, this guy can't fall.

"Fate is uncertain, and the future is up to him." Muria did not control the young man who followed him, and turned into a black dragon with a length of nearly ten meters in the air, then chose a direction at will and hurried.

Not long before flying, Muria heard the sound of tidal waves, a slightly moist sea smell, and then he saw the endless blue sea, and a gold giant unconscious on the sea.

"Huh! The victims?" The black dragon flew across the sky and flew towards the conspicuous humanoid float in the sea.

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