Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1194: Totem Rite

"But I want to take a look at your place of faith. I want to know what kind of place can make such a guy like you become the **** of earth without knowing it."

Muria made a new request to the giant, "Presumably you will not reject your reasonable request made by your life-saving benefactor!"

"Um," Jiuli wanted to refuse, but he looked at the creature that looked "kind" on the opposite side. If he refused, he couldn't say anything. He didn't want to try to refuse again. Visible bone scars have shown how powerful the creature opposite him is.

"But I drifted here from a coma, and I don't know where I am now."

"This is not a big problem. As long as you feel it carefully, you will be able to perceive the call to you from somewhere, that is where your faith is, and the beginning of your deity. Want to find it, It's simple. "

"Is that so?" The giant closed his eyes with a dumb look, before long, he opened with a little surprise, "I felt it, I found my way home."

"That being the case, let's go!"

"This ... if you want to go back with me, you have to be prepared to be attacked."

Seeing that Muria has always insisted on going to his place to take a look, the Golden Giant reluctantly said, trying to dispel his thoughts.

"Attack? Little thing, if they dare to show hostility to me and attack me, I will fight back. Not many people in this world can bear the consequences that anger me."

"By the way, how do I call you?" The giant asked cautiously.

"You can call me Mr. Mu!" Muria looked down at the giant in front of her. "What's your name?"

"My name is Jiuli."

"So Jiuli, can we go now?"

"Well, Mr. Mu, can you wait a moment, I need to eat to recover my injury." Jiuli pointed to the scar on his body.

"Yes, but faster."

"Just right away, the island's resources are still very rich." The giant smiled awkwardly at the black dragon, stepped out of the small pond, and rushed into the dense forest beside the pond.

"Don't think about running away. I have left a mark on you. I can find you whenever I want."

Seeing the golden giant was about to disappear into his sight, the black dragon reminded him.

"I won't run." Jiuli's body stiffened slightly, and then he continued to move forward. He did have the idea of ​​throwing away the black dragon behind him. Now, this idea is gone.


"Hell, I'm so impulsive, I didn't bring my weapon case." The blonde young man in a ragged suit with a few scars on his body slumped on an old wooden branch,

"It's too exciting to survive in a different world without knowing any information."

Caesar tore off his clothes, dealt with the wound, and grinned in pain. Anyway, no one was around. He didn't have to hold on to a tough guy. Whatever happened.

"But what about those green-skinned dwarfs? Why is it that such a small body can explode so powerfully? Are the indigenous peoples of other worlds so strong? I still have dragon blood in my body."

Caesar recalled not long ago that he had just had a conflict with a group of green-skinned indigenous people dressed like primitive people, and felt that the wounds on his body were tingling.

Because when they first met the natives with original wooden weapons, because they were only one and a half meters short, they couldn't help contempt, and then there was no then.

Caesar felt that if he hadn't taken the initiative and slipped fast, he might have been cold.

"If I brought my weapon box ..." Caesar had never gritted his teeth so much, but then he could not help but be discouraged because he recognized the fact

"You have to bring all the officers of the Student Union Executive Department, otherwise, there would be no way to confront the indigenous people."

Huh! !!

Just then, a terrible scream came from not far away, with a thick voice and deep despair, Caesar looked up and looked in the direction of the voice.

With a strong heart of death, the wolf man stood up and jumped flexibly on the canopy. He was originally looking for excitement, and then followed a dragon to enter another world. Now he naturally wants to continue to seek excitement.

In terms of saving his life, he is very confident, because the talent given to him by the dragon descent is about detection, and cannot directly improve his combat effectiveness.

"What the **** is this?" Caesar lay on a large branch, hidden in a dense canopy, looking down at the golden giant that was swallowing a boar-like creature below.

In the jungle, a wild boar who was regarded as a little overlord was blasted, covered with thick soil, peeled with shrub branches, and then the blood was torn off by the wild giant and devoured.

Caesar just glanced at it, and found that the barbarian giant who was eating turned his eyes and looked at the hidden crown of the tree.

"Damn it, found it." Caesar, who had discovered his whereabouts, had no idea, turned his head away, and started extreme parkour in the upper layer of the dense forest canopy.

Fortunately for Caesar, although the giant found him, he did not catch up with him, and seemed to treat him like a wild monkey.

"Hoo ~" Feeling that he had escaped from the dead, Caesar picked up a life and breathed a long breath, then laughed wildly. Dancing on the verge of death in this way, wondering what the stimulating life would happen in the next second was exactly what he wanted.


"This kind of physical quality should not be a human on my side." The giant who was drinking blood and lowered his eyes and continued to eat fresh blood, such a way of eating was naturally unacceptable when he remained normal, but he Shape, but raw meat does not have a taste.

"Almost." When there were only a pile of bones left around him, Jiuli looked down at the falling black blood chestnut, wiped the corner of his mouth still dripping with blood, and turned to the place where he came. Go on.

"Let's go, Mr. Mu." The giant said very respectfully to the Black Dragon. He searched for a long time on himself and couldn't find the mark that the Black Dragon said.

"Do you have the ability to fly?" Muria looked at the giant, and he saw the essence of the giant, so he asked.

"Flying, but unhappy." Jiuli smiled a little embarrassed.

"Just fly, you can show me first."

"Okay." The giant covered with gold scales, under Muria's gaze, the scales turned blue, and the shape of the scales changed from the original semicircle to a rhombus.

The changes in the scales are not the most amazing. The change in Jiuli's shape is the biggest. His originally strong legs merged into a thick meandering snaketail.

The facial features have become more anthropomorphic. There were originally two hollow positions for breathing. There were also towering noses, and fin-like living structures appeared on the sides of the head. The hands changed from the original three fingers to five fingers.

"It's interesting!" Jiuli, who had completely transformed into another biological form in front of him, showed a sense of interest in Muria's eyes.

When he was young, he could easily change form, but his form change was based on blood, and this guy in front of him is completely different from him, "This is not your true nature, this is used for fighting How many types do you have? "

"There are only two of them now." The snake-tailed monster looked a little bit stingy.

"Look at what you mean, can you have more forms in the future?"

"If I can keep getting stronger, that's it."

"Hmm." Muria's interest is even greater, but this little guy is too alert and doesn't want to show him his practice, and as an epic, he won't try to rob such a little boy without a card. Guy's practice.


The black dragon opened its wings, and the strong wind breeded. His body was upwind because of this, but he reached the altitude of a few kilometers. He looked down, and slowly climbed up in the clouds and fog. Jiuli, suddenly dissatisfied, "Too slow."

Then, in a burst of exclamation, the black dragon set off a more violent wind under the sky, wrapped in a green monster, and galloped in the direction he directed.

Over the boundless sea, the islands, large and small, are dotted with stars. With the extraordinary vision of dragons, he sees a kind of green-skinned intelligent creatures on these islands ~ www.readwn.com ~ Residents have formed tribes, large and small, and their development has remained at the most primitive stage.

The totem pole which stands in the middle of the tribe and carved all kinds of graphics is the best proof. On these totems, Muria felt the power of faith. Therefore, he probably understood how the little guy behind him became the **** of earth.

"Mr. Mu, please be careful. You are close to the land of my faith. It is the sea area connected to my hometown. The guards are very strict. If you can, can you hide your figure so that you can Avoid a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings. "

Shocked by the wind, experiencing Jiuli who has never experienced the speed in this life, shouted a bit hard. He thought that his speed would be ignored, but the next moment, he was taken up to the clouds, so he was relieved.

"What a spectacular view!" Muria exclaimed suddenly, because he saw a permanent natural space passage.

The heavenly light is permeated between the sea and the sky, reflecting another completely different world. This is the place where the two realms meet. It is divided with the creatures of the two places, so it can communicate with each other. At this time, a steel ship The ship passed through the door of space and traveled between the two realms ...

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