Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1198: Brother Mu!

"Yes, is there any problem?" Jiuli hugged his half-sister, and his expression suddenly became tense.

"You," Muria stared at Rory the blonde, who was hugged by Jiuli, and wanted to say something, but for a moment, he shook his head. "Forget it, nothing."

"No, teacher ..." Muria's performance made Jiuli even more nervous. Even an idiot could see what was wrong with his sister.

"Don't ask again, I don't want to answer you, no matter how you are, you can't ask." Muria waved his hand and walked towards the villa door where the little girl ran out.

"Wait a moment." Jiuli watched Muria's unmanned gesture and quickly hugged his sister to catch up. He hasn't figured out how to explain Muria's identity to his family.

After all, the human form of his teacher is a young child, and there is no way to hide it as a classmate or a friend.

"Good-looking boy, who are you from? How did you get here?" Jiu Li heard his mother's voice just now when he was still worried about how to explain this to his family.

"I came back with him." As soon as he entered the house, Jiuli saw his teacher very irresponsibly reaching for his finger.

"What's going on?" Unsurprisingly, Jiuli saw his mother. A very ordinary middle-aged woman looked at him with a little surprise. "My boy, where did you turn back from such a handsome kid?" ? "

"He ..." Jiuli just wanted to explain something, but Muria rushed to answer. "I'm a poor child who was lost with his parents and homeless. Fortunately, I have your son to keep it. Stay with him for a few days. "

"Is this true?" The woman named Windsor looked at her son with a smile, and apparently did not take Muria's words seriously.

"Well, ma'am, I'm your son's teacher. This time I'm just going back with your son to see what his living environment is and how he has grown to this point."

Muria once again stated the true facts, the reason why he appeared here, but apparently, this ordinary woman did not take his words seriously.

Sometimes the truth cannot be trusted, but the logical falsehood can. For example, Jiuli has finally come up with a statement that can explain the current situation.

"Mom, this is the child of my mentor. He has something these days and needs my help to take care of it for him, so he will live with us these days. His words will be a little strange, but this is normal. , So you do n’t care too much. "

"Tutor's child? He can't ask someone to take care of himself. You are a student learning from him, not a nanny." Windsor said with dissatisfaction when he heard what his child said.

"It's okay. My tutor has paid me. It's more profitable than working outside the school."

When the first lie is spoken, the first lie is missed, so a second and third lie are needed to make up for the loophole in the first lie.

"And he is very intelligent, you can treat him as an adult, and it will not cause us any trouble."

Muria squinted at Jiuli, watching the student cover up his identity without speaking. Therefore, for the time being, he can live in the home of this seemingly low-key student with a fair name.

Then, after simply meeting and meeting with family members who are mostly unrelated to Jiuli, Muria was put into Jiulia's room.

"Teacher, please tell me, what is wrong with my sister?" Jiuli stared earnestly at the child in front of her.

"No problem, she's fine." Muria looked at the simply furnished room. At first glance, the room was very ordinary and nothing special.

But in the eyes of Muria, he could see a light gray light shining in a wooden box under the bed in this room, which was very attractive.

"But when you saw my sister just now, your complexion changed." With such a shirk, how could Jiuli give up asking.

"That's because your sister's condition is really good. She's better than you. You don't have to worry about her." Muria pouted and pointed at the bottom of his bed. "Then you hide under the bed Can you let me see it? "

"If you want to see it, it's nothing to you, anyway, it's just some incomplete inheritance."

When he heard Muria's words, the young man frowned and was still somewhat resistant, but then he thought of the gold scales on his body and the existence of the person who transformed into the sun, and he let go of it. It looks very small.

"That's ridiculous." Muria reached out a move, a rattan box flew from under the youth's bed, and then lifelike statues of monsters flew out, floating around Muria's body.

"Is this what you have inherited?" Muria reached out, pointed towards the sculpture like a giant frog in front of him, and then an influx of information could not put any pressure on him.


It didn't take long for Muria to read all the inheritance contained in the twelve beast sculptures before him, and then make an evaluation.

"It can be seen that this is a pretty good heritage, but unfortunately only a part of it. According to your current progress, it won't be long before your path to cultivation is broken."

Muria looked at Jiuli, "I just found a new world with rich resources, but my practice is incomplete. You shouldn't be in a wonderful mood right now! What do you plan to do in the future?"

"Take a step and look at it. Try to find a new practice before I can't do anything." Jiuli said helplessly, this is his biggest trouble now.

When he was talking, he stared at Muria, expecting that his teacher could give him some surprises.

"See what I do? I don't have a practice for you."

"I know." The young man whose attention was successfully diverted dropped his head down slightly. In the extraordinary quiet world, looking for a deep inheritance is no doubt finding a needle in a haystack.

"However, I can push the rest out of your broken practice."

But it wasn't long before the youth's mood was low, and he heard a sound like nature sounds. He raised his head and looked at Muria with a look of surprise.

"Can you deduce my practice? Can this work?"

"Most of them don't work, but I can," Muria said with a smile. "With my experience, this won't take long."

"It's great." Jiu Li's face showed a bright smile, fists against each other, overjoyed.

When the youth was happy, a pleasant ringtone rang. This year, after taking out the mobile terminal and looking at the contacts above, the smile on his face became brighter, and the hormonal breath began to radiate.

"Teacher, I'm going out, you ..."

"I know." Muria looked at the young people who were full of spring, and suddenly knew that it would make a young man with extraordinary abilities more happy than getting a full practice, except for the opposite sex.

"I'll stay in your house without disturbing what you are going to do and be a good kid."

"No, teacher, I mean, you go with me."

"No, I'm not interested, and I don't want to disturb you."

"Teacher, if I remember correctly, you are coming to my hometown. At first, you said you would follow me, but now you say you want to stay in my home. What can my home attract you?"

"Also, of course, your sister."

"So, my sister, what exactly is on her?"

"She has no trace of blood relationship with you. What do you care about her so much?"

"She is my sister." Jiuli said solemnly.

"So, if I want to do anything to her, do you risk me and stop me?"

Muria stared at the youth. The air in the room began to freeze, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely heavy. Jiuli felt it was difficult to breathe.

"Of course." Jiuli felt the coercion that seemed to suffocate, and spoke hard, then said it word by word.

"Yes." Muria smiled when she heard the young man's reply, and the heavy coercion that filled the room disappeared. "You can rest assured that I have no malicious intentions towards your sister, she is just special . "

"What is special in the end?" Jiuli asked rather unwillingly.

"This is not the level you can relate to now. It's no use talking to you. It only adds to your troubles."

"I'm too weak?"


"Okay, you go to a date first, and then think about how you can practice hard."

Finally, under some entanglement, the youth went out to the appointment with a complicated mood. Under the stimulation of hormones, the temptation of the girl is unparalleled ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the **** of earth is no exception.

And Muria took it for granted that while the young man was out, he ran downstairs to find his younger sister, the beautiful blonde Roli.

Although the young parents saw Muria ’s behavior, because Muria ’s age was not stopped, after all, they were all children and could not be the same as adults.

"What's your name?" Muria teased the little girl. With the knowledge of the mystery of the magic of the demon and the blood of her family, he found the existence sleeping in the little loli.

"My name is Kesi, what's your name?" The little ignorant little Lolly looked at the dark-haired boy and asked a little slyly.

"My name is Mu, you can call me Brother Mu." Muria, who has identified who is sleeping in the little girl's body, pulled her smooth face and sat on the sofa, pretending to be quiet and read the newspaper The man's eyelids jumped.

"Brother Mu!" Blonde Loli tilted her head and called this a little awkward title.

"Oh, good sister." Muria responded to the claim with a calm heart, because he had confirmed that the existence of sleeping in Luo's body was his childhood practice heroine.

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