Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1202: Son of God pretended to be dead

Under the dark cloud vortex, in the horrified eyes of mankind, a tall eagle-headed giant stood in the city. His body was so large that the tallest building in the city could only reach his waist.

For creatures with such a huge body, for the surface civilization, there is simply no god-level existence to cope with. Just looking at it raises awe and fear.

As a result, fifteen armed helicopters, the city's armed forces that were attracted because of the blood-sacrifice of the old man who stole the gods, began to retreat after seeing the son of the golden eagle who had already towered into the sky.

However, the act they just attacked has attracted the attention of the demigod, which is not broad-minded. The body is shrouded in a layer of golden light, and the sacred existence opens its mouth and blows gently.

The violent wind blew across the dense urban building complex. Wherever it passed, the steel jungle became fragmented and broken in an instant. Then, the dozen or so helicopters trying to escape were tangled into iron dust.

Such a scene suddenly made the city that was silent and shocked by the appearance of the demigod into an unprecedented panic. The crowd was surging, and everyone was desperately away from the position of the demigod.

The turbulent crowd was crowded together, and in the absence of order, countless chaos occurred, exclaiming, screaming, and crying all over the streets of the city.

Facing the existence that can destroy it, the civilized order disappears instantly, and the instinct of survival defeats the intellect of every individual.

No need to think or hesitate. When you see a god-like presence and destroy the city, everyone starts to flee. No one wants to attack a behemoth that is nearly three hundred meters high.

The demigod who created this tens of millions of chaos expressed his marvel at the population living in the city, then he didn't care. His attention was always on Muria.

"Everything, how?" The demigod Giovanni proudly showed Muria his demigod body, which is the most powerful body that a **** can have, "You still bow down to me Opportunity."

"Since I was born, you are the first guy who dares to say such things to me."

The black dragon looked at the demigods who were walking towards him. Groups of skyscrapers collapsed under his feet, and the symbol of civilization was instantly broken in front of powerful power.

"Oh, interesting. It sounds like you have a distinguished identity?" The Golden Eagle's son showed a joke, "Speak out and listen, maybe your identity can make you qualified to be my mount."

"You don't deserve to know!"

Muria's tone was offended one after another, and he was ready to respond to such provocations.

However, his deity did not intend to intervene. A son of a deity was not worthy of being forced to take the risk of being expelled from the will of the great world to kill demigods.

"All you need to know is that you have angered me!"

Under the gaze of demigod Giovanni, the black dragon stretched out his claws, and then withdrew it lightly. Then, a sword inscribed with its quaint texture was slowly pulled out of the space by him.

With the emergence of this sword, the vortex condensed and shaped by the emergence of the demigods suddenly showed signs of collapse, and the black and gray clouds were dyed a faint red.

The terrible evil spirit permeated from this sword, the blood of the gods and the sorrowful vision of the demon reflected in the sky, instantly dissipating the power of the demigod.

Watching Black Dragon take out the demigod Giovanni, the expression on his face changed from playfulness to dullness, he looked dumbly at the dragon holding the sword, and then his face showed ecstasy.

"I didn't expect a strange alien from the outside world to actually possess the device of the true god, hahaha, I did not expect that I would have such an unexpected gain." Demigod Giovanni was ecstatic.

"It seems that your origin is very unusual. You actually have a real artifact and don't offer it to me!"

铮 ~

Regarding the words of the Golden Eagle's son, Muria turned a blind eye. He held the sword with one claw, and then split it down forcefully. A red-gold sword awn flew out, and the sword awn was only a few meters away from the sword. When it approached the demigod, it spread. To the point of hundreds of meters.


Seeing the attack coming, the demigod Giovanni with a disdainful smile, held the war spear in front of him, intending to block this attack, and then took away the real artifact in the hand of the dragon. But the crisp sound of metal breaking interrupted his illusions, and he watched with a stupid look at the swordman cutting his war spear without any stasis.

Then he stared at the swordman's eyes, immersed into his chest without attenuation, and the blood of pale golden demigods wafted in the sky.

"how is this possible?"

The pain of the body being cut and the root wound of the torn soul caused the golden eagle's son, Giovanni, to make an incredible scream. How could he never think that he would be seriously injured by such a weak existence.

Even the supreme real artifact held in the hands of this young existence should not be so. How could the artifact be so useful, he could not figure it out.

"But that's it. You can hurt me for the first time with this real artifact, but I haven't noticed. Now you can't hurt me again for the second time."

The demigod, whose body was cut off, inherited his father's divine power, forcibly glued his body together, and then stared at the dragon holding the sword with a sense of anger.

The true God, whose life level completely surpasses mortal things, has not forbidden the sorrows and desires of mortals. Instead, they have more passionate emotions and desires than mortals. Vanney's eyes were full of annoyance, and even a substantial flame formed over his head, which was his anger.


Under the attention of panic-stricken humans in the city, a sword hit the demigod's black dragon waving its claws, and the **** of Canruo Xinghe locked in the air and danced like a star-eating snake.

"One more artifact! What a joke?"

When the Nebula Chain just appeared, the son of the Golden Eagle felt that the space around him had been banned. He could not break through the space to avoid it, only fanning the wings behind him to dodge.

However, he is so spiritual that he has almost bred the nebula chain of his own wisdom, but the shadow follows, blocking every inch of space he can avoid.

"Damn reptile, you die for me!"

The demigod, who was surrounded by a spherical metal chain constructed by the nebula chain, could not accept that he had fallen to such a short time. With indignation, he threw at Muria only half of the war spear in his hand.

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