Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1208: Aunty aristocratic girl

"Arena, don't forget that you are a member of the Frankel family. No one, including your father, was born in this family. You can decide your own destiny. Everything is family-oriented."

Seeing the cousin with bright eyes in her eyes, the envious woman in her heart did not show a trace, but showed a bitter and mean color,

"You want to decide everything for yourself? Look at your brother, known as the best member of the family for a century, the dazzling morning star of the empire, relying on his own ability to obtain his own fiefdom on the battlefield. But even then how can it be He still cannot decide his marriage. "

"Sister Lucia will definitely marry my brother. You can't stop it."

When she heard that her name was useless and her private life was extremely chaotic, her cousin mentioned her elder brother. The young girl frowned suddenly. What she admired most was her brother. Of course, her brother was also the only person in the family who really cared about her.

"Don't you understand yet? Arena, the entire Frankel family, no, is an aristocratic class of the empire. No one except you is in favour of this engagement. The marriage of nobles and civilians has never been in the empire for thousands of years Something happened. "

Dressed in a flowery manner, she even showed a mocking expression on the face of the deep and ditched **** her chest.

"Then my brother and sister Lucia will be the first case of the combination of the imperial nobility and the civilians. There is nothing to stop them, whether you agree or disagree." Arena's tone was firm, and she believed in her brother's ability.

"It seems you don't understand yet, Arena, if your brother forcibly held a wedding with the commoner despite the opposition of everyone, then no aristocrat would be present, and even your father would not send a blessing. Because it's a shame to our Frankel family. "

Because of envy, the jealous woman who breeds madly in her heart told the true truth, "How embarrassing your brother will be then, do you know?

And once this wedding is successfully held, how many nobles will become rivals with your brother, do you know? "

The girl was silent. Why didn't she know the pressure her brother was facing now? That's why she became even more admired, because her brother never gave up even against the noble class of the whole empire.

"To be honest, I really don't know what your elder brother thinks. Among the empires, the noble girls who have a prominent background, a perfect face, and a distinguished bloodline missed all of them. As a result, they saw a rural village woman. Oh, are your eyes blind? "


A palm wrapped in silver knight gloves pressed a delicate face, and then smashed it into the marble wall next to it. And a twisted face.

"Arena, wanton, I'm your sister, you dare to hit me."

Suddenly, her cousin grabbed her face and smashed her head into the wall. The noble girl was angry and she raised her palms. She wanted to pull her cousin's cheek and take what she had just suffered. The humiliation was returned.

But before her palms fell, her well-groomed hands were caught, and "click!" A crisp, cracked bone sounded.

The girl who crushed the bones of her cousin's palm with her strength did not stop because her anger had not yet been vented. She raised her leg and pinched her cousin's soft belly.


A prominent lady, flew up with her gorgeous aristocratic long dress, deliberately modified the slender figure that had been trained and bent into a V shape. After flying over the nearly 100-meter corridor, she smashed a statue, and finally Submerged into the wall.

With such a movement, the nobles in this banquet hall were suddenly shocked, and some nobles came in search of the sound, and immediately saw the noble lady crawling out of the wall of the wolverine.

"Arena, you!"

This embarrassing gesture was so angry that so many noble ladies saw so many nobles. She looked at her cousin. If it weren't for so many people, she would have rushed by now.

Reason tells her that she must now hold back and retain her last dignity.

"What? Disagree? Let's continue if you don't agree!" Even with such a big stir, the girl's face didn't show the slightest confusion, "I'll stop until you serve."

"Ms. Arena, although it seems to be an internal conflict between your families, as the host here, I still want to remind you that this is not a combat arena, please exercise restraint."

A personable, middle-aged aristocrat who had to take care of himself stood up and said with a smile.

"It was she who provoked me maliciously and tried to fight by herself." At the moment, Arena did not show any retreat, and he didn't feel anything wrong with his behavior just now.

The cousin just exist on blood relations, a series of humiliating her brother and her brother's lover, really spanking.

"Please give me a face, so what do you think?"

"Anyway, I'm going to go back anyway. This banquet is really boring. It's just a lot of self-proclaimed waste, not even a guy who can see you."

After speaking, the girl did not care how many nobles her words made her secretly angry and left.


"For the 32nd time, Arena, since you turned 14, I left it to your choice, but you have offended 57 nobles one after another, humiliating them so that they cut off their relations with our Frankel family To the family ’s loss. "

The man who handles family housework ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked up from his desk and looked at the girl standing at his desk looking away,

"My patience is limited. You must find a nobleman who is satisfied with you before the age of 15, otherwise, I will arrange it directly for you. At that time, you have no right to refuse."

"Did you come to me to say such a thing? The point of today's conversation is that the family has suffered losses, otherwise you have time to meet me?"

"Watch your attitude, I'm your father."


"To answer my question, what kind of partner do you want to find, do you want to be like your brother? Looking for a civilian?"

"If the civilian is as good as Sister Lucia, that's not bad." The girl thought for a moment, then gave an answer that made her father tremble with anger.

"Can't you save my mind?"

"No way, I also want to find a partner, but you asked me to attend the banquet, and the nobles I met were too wasteful, none of them could be seen."

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