Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1219: Savage Lord

In the shattered temple, a armor was broken, his limbs were twisted, and an astonished fighter in his chest raised his head, looking up at the holy light sky above the temple, and sighed weakly.

"My lord, I have done my best."

The depression in his chest is faintly visible as a fist. Even after such a serious injury, he did not die, because his level of life has surpassed the ordinary, such a state is only to let him in a short time There is only a loss of combat effectiveness within the country, and the impact is not great.

He was defeated like him, but he did not lose his life, but there were not many temple fighters who lost their combat power. At this time, they were lying on the ground with complex faces, looking up at the sky.

今天 Today, in the temple guarded by them, they are all overturned by a young boy with a single gun. Such a record will be laughed by the world.

But there is no shame in the hearts of these temple fighters, and they do not think it is a shame.

"The man who can challenge God, I insisted on three tricks under his hands. If he can defeat God, then this will not be enough to be my shame, but it is still the glory I can use to show off."

A fighter leaning on a gigantic pillar full of rifts, looking at the dazzling sky, the darker thoughts inside.

He is the guardian of the gods, but he is also the fighter of the gods for entertainment. Although he had received a very complete temple education as a child, this did not prevent him from breeding some malicious ideas in the heart of the **** he believed in.

After all, he is very devout most of the time. God only needs this. It is enough. For some delusions in their mortal hearts, sometimes they do not care.

"Archmond, I hope you can succeed, this land has been bleeding for a long time because of God's desire."

Beneath the sacred mountain, in a broken temple, a armored but still good fighter, looking up at the sky, silently sent his blessing, he had seen everything.

希望 "Hope everything ends today."

The original sacred and majestic sacred mountain was broken by a challenger's invasion at this time. A cloud of smoke rose from the temples scattered around the main points of the sacred mountain, on top of the sacred mountain. A dark-haired young man stood in the largest temple and looked up at the majestic tall statue in front of him.

"Is this the **** of this world? I have already come here, but I haven't even shown up yet?"

The young man with dark hair and black pupils was indifferent in his eyes, he didn't care about what he had done before, and he didn't have any respect for the gods in his eyes.

"Archmond, you are too arrogant. This is a holy mountain, not a place where you can arbitrarily."

Behind the idol that is hundreds of meters high, a man wearing a golden mask on his face and wearing a variety of costumes turned around at the foot of the idol, a pair of eyes shining with divinity, watching this name although young, but has nearly God majestic boy.

"But you can come here, and you have proven your ability to surpass all fighters. If you are willing to confess your sins on your knees, I can forgive your sins. In place of my Lord, I will give you the strongest fighter title. "

The young boy's black eyes had a bright golden light shining in his heart, which was leaping fast. The existence of Wei'an had already recovered. He stared at the pope, who was said to be the closest to the gods, and then fisted out.

Face the enemy and bring it down without talking. The battle erupted at one instant and ended at the next. The pope whose golden mask was shattered fell suddenly at the feet of the deities, and behind him, the towering idols were roaring, slowly broken and collapsed.

Archimonde stood still and waited for a while. After discovering that there was no new movement, he looked up and stared at the brilliant sky. The peaceful and peaceful continent was reflected in his eyes. Immediately, he met with a pair of bright majestic eyes. On.

This pair of eyes is high above, indifferent to the eyes of all living things, and the master of the eyes is held high in his own kingdom of God, sitting on his own seat, watching the core of his religion indifferently.

And when he saw that his pope was also knocked down by the inmates, he saw an emotional fluctuation similar to ordinary things in his eyes, which was similar to a joy with appreciation.



The admiration of the sacred **** just exited. The golden fist rushed up from the rise of the earth, traversed the sky, and went straight to the sun in the sky, as if he wanted to knock the sun out of the sky.

But did not wait for this fist to knock the sun down from the sky, and the sky was broken in this power that was comparable to the blow of the gods. Only the gods who could safely travel to the kingdom of the gods revealed in the sky.

Such a vision, let the quiet masses living in the earth make a sound full of surprise praise, but the boy who knocked the kingdom of the gods out of the sky did not show surprise.

He has seen the kingdom of the gods of the soul after the death of the devout believer. He has seen too many and commanded his family members to attack a lot.

But in a different world, with a legendary body, step into the kingdom of the gods and attack the gods. This is the first time he has experienced such a thing. For him, it is also a difficult challenge. But he was fearless.

"Another deity with war priesthood, I don't know how the combat power is better than the deity in Erasia? Hope not to let me down." The boy whispered to himself, then walked towards the kingdom of gods in the sky.

The empty sky at his feet is no different from the solid earth. He walks in the air, but has the majesty that is enough to be compared with the gods on the shoulders.

The sky seemed extremely peaceful because the kingdom of God was revealed. At this time, the sky suddenly changed color. Endless clouds and sky appeared in the sky, and a winding thunder roamed in the clouds.

The world is discolored because one is gradually revealing its own warfare, so the condemnation is born in the sky.

He sits on the seat of the god, and the deity that is not moving like a mountain is discolored. He stood up and stared at the existence that changed the color of the heavens and the earth. The face that had originally played with drama suddenly became serious.


The dark-haired boy stepped into the kingdom of God, his mouth slightly raised, and he felt a sense of relaxation.

The kingdom of God is semi-independent from the world and is only under the control of the owner of the kingdom of God, which will also shield the will of the big world. The dark clouds and thunder in the sky did not show up in the kingdom of God.

"I thought you were just a talented mortal, and I also thought about whether to subdue you. It seems that I don't need it now."

"The only thing you need to think about now is how to live under my hands."

He stepped behind the young man of the kingdom of God, and the shadow of the Titan dressed in battle armor and holding an axe appeared, and the sorrowful vision of the demon appeared, and the land of the kingdom of God began to crack at the young man's feet.

"Defend my master, kill the invaders!"

There was a sound of killings, and in the sight of the boy, the spirits wearing armor were full of spirits in all directions, including the sky, and they rushed towards him with a look of death.


之中 In the kingdom of God, if you want to fight against the gods, you must first cope with the army of prayers owned by the gods. This is common sense. For another deity, this is not natural and not much. But this is an insurmountable abyss for mortals who want to slay God.

But this deity, who is in charge of the war priesthood, is facing another epic that loves fighting. Then, the shadow of the world appeared behind the boy.

The fierce birds with black feathers and blue eyes sent out one after another fierce howls, and rushed out from behind the boy, like a hurricane that swept through all.

There was a great earthquake, and the tyrannosaurus beasts with unicorns and tail blades were arranged in a neat charge formation, forming a black tide, sweeping the oncoming legion of prayers.

Alas ... A legion of war beasts exuding a violent atmosphere emerged from the world exuding a wild atmosphere, making the gods no longer calm.

"What the **** are you?"

The dazzling golden light rises from the place where the boy stands, forming a golden pillar connecting the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The dazzling Thunder Dragon and Snake is entangled on it, enough to make the demon's fear terrified. ,

"Titans, Lord of the Wild, Archimonde!"

Uh ...

"Patriarch, what happened?"

Among the giant tribes who did not know how many years had been born because of their powerful power, a giant with pale skin rushed into the tribe's dwelling, and what he saw along the road made him angry, and when he When he broke into the patriarch's stone hall, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Roldan, you're back, come, sit." The old giant sitting on the animal hide couch smiled and beckoned at the young giant who broke in, smiling.

"Patriarch, it's already this time, why are you still so slow? Tell me, where are the enemies? I will go to them, and I will let them know the cost of daring to hurt my people."

"Roldan, your temperament should be calmer, and force cannot solve all problems."

"But force can solve the guy who created the problem." Without thinking, Roldan responded subconsciously.

"But your current force is not enough to do what you say, you are not strong enough." The old giant stood up from the stone couch, straightened his body stiffly.

"I may not be strong enough now, but I am still young and I will become stronger and stronger in the future." The young and vigorous giant said with confidence. .

"Okay, I know what you said, I'll come to you this time, as long as I discuss with you about the tribe's migration."

"Tribe migration? Why?"

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